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12 February 2025

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pmid10058525 Universal conductivity at the quantum Hall liquid to insulator transition
pmid10058526 Oscillatory behavior of the transport properties in Ni/Co multilayers: A superlattice effect
pmid10058527 Mesoscopic superconducting analogs of the Aharonov-Bohm-Casher effect
pmid10058528 Experimental proof of a time-reversal-invariant order parameter with a pi shift in YBa2Cu3O7- delta
pmid10058529 Noncyclotronic vortex mode in clean type II superconductors
pmid10058530 Site-specific Mössbauer evidence of structure-induced magnetic phase transition in fcc Fe(100) thin films
pmid10058531 Fluid dynamics of colloidal magnetic and electric liquid
pmid10058532 Soliton contribution to the electron paramagnetic resonance linewidth in the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic
pmid10058533 Identification of the mechanism for kinetic emission in keV proton Cu(110) collisions
pmid10058534 Fluctuations and fracture
pmid10058535 Dynamics of the Eley-Rideal reaction of D atoms with H atoms adsorbed on Cu(111): Vibrational and rotational state distributions of the HD product
pmid10058536 Freezing transition for colloids with adjustable charge: A test of charge renormalization
pmid10058537 Markov processes: Linguistics and Zipf’s law
pmid10058538 Comment on "Radial structure of high-mode-number toroidal modes in general equilibrium profiles"
pmid10058539 Comment on "Nanosecond-gated detection of room-temperature fluorescence of C60 in solution"
pmid10058540 Comment on "Inverted order of acceptor and donor levels of monatomic hydrogen in silicon"
pmid10058541 Johnson, Herring, and Van de Walle reply
pmid11644750 NIH to review gene therapy program
pmid17774206 Renewable Liquid Fuels
pmid17774207 "Future Shock"
pmid17774208 "Future Shock"
pmid17774209 "Future Shock"
pmid17774210 "Future Shock"
pmid17774211 "Future Shock"
pmid17774212 Response
pmid17774213 Corrections and Clarifications
pmid17774214 SCIENCESCOPE
pmid17774215 GOP Plans Would Reshuffle Science
pmid17774216 ... As O’Leary Struggles to Preserve Energy Department
pmid17774217 Japan Agrees to Help Build the LHC
pmid17774218 Wetlands Reform Bill Is All Wet, Say Scientists
pmid17774219 COBE Seeks Universe’s First Blush
pmid17774220 Ancient Mollusk Fossil Sparks Debate
pmid17774221 Massachusetts Labs on Red Alert
pmid17774222 Pollution-Eating Cars
pmid17774223 U.S., Russia to Provide Crucial Aid to Scientists
pmid17774224 On-Road Vehicle Emissions: Regulations, Costs, and Benefits
pmid17774225 Environmentail Iplications of Electric Cars
pmid17774226 The Heliospheric Magnetic Field Over the South Polar Region of the Sun
pmid17774227 Dust Measurements at High Ecliptic Latitudes
pmid17774228 Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle Investigations Over the South Polar Regions of the Sun
pmid17774229 Corotating Variations of Cosmic Rays Near the South Heliospheric Pole
pmid17774230 Ulysses Radio and Plasma Wave Observations at High Southern Heliographic Latitudes
pmid17774231 Ulysses Solar Wind Plasma Observations at High Southerly Latitudes
pmid17774232 Criteria for Testing Character Displacement
pmid17774233 Criteria for Testing Character Displacement
pmid17774234 Response
pmid17774235 Vignettes: The Demand for Books
pmid17792158 Degrees of Uncertainty
pmid17792159 Response
pmid17792160 SCIENCESCOPE
pmid17792161 O’Leary Takes Swipe at Bureaucracy
pmid17792162 U.K. Tries to Set Priorities With the Benefit of Foresight
pmid17792163 Russian Arctic Battles Pipeline Leak
pmid17792164 Battle Is Joined Over Gamma Bursts
pmid17792165 Study Unveils Climate Cooling Caused by Pollutant Haze
pmid17792166 Keeping the Kilo From Gaining Weight
pmid17792167 Dueling Over Dinos
pmid17792168 Long Voyage for Loggerheads
pmid17792169 Sex and the Granular Layer
pmid17792170 The Mosquito and the Marigold
pmid17792171 Major Undersea Volcano Chain Sighted
pmid17792172 Paleoclimate Workers Honored by Crafoord
pmid17792173 EMF Suit Runs Out of Power
pmid17792174 The World’s Forests: Need For a Policy Appraisal
pmid17792175 A Fixation with Fixation
pmid17792176 From Microwave Anisotropies to Cosmology
pmid17792177 Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films: Production and Optical and Electronic Properties
pmid17792178 Phonons Localized at Step Edges: A Route to Understanding Forces at Extended Surface Defects
pmid17792179 Seismic Evidence for an Earthquake Nucleation Phase
pmid17792180 Late Triassic Turtles from South America
pmid17792181 Serpentine Stability to Mantle Depths and Subduction-Related Magmatism
pmid17792182 Dinitrogen Cleavage by a Three-Coordinate Molybdenum(III) Complex
pmid17792183 Response
pmid17792184 Evaluating Turnover in Tropical Forests
pmid17792185 Vignettes: Sportstech
pmid17832359 Response
pmid17832360 Corrections and Clarifications
pmid17832361 Regulating Cyberspace
pmid17832362 Topnotch, Targeted Research Propels National University
pmid17832363 NAS Elects New Members
pmid17832364 How Far Did the West Wander?
pmid17832365 Throwing a Switch on a Nanoscale Sieve
pmid17832366 A Clearer View of Why Plants Make Haze
pmid17832367 EROS, MACHO, And OGLE Net A Haul of Data
pmid17832368 New Superconductor Stands Up to Magnetic Fields
pmid17832369 Canopy Open for Business
pmid17832370 Diesel Dosing
pmid17832371 Researchers as Targets
pmid17832372 Scientists Triumph in Beijing Court
pmid17832373 Environmental Knowledge Gap
pmid17832374 Happy Birthday for Hubble
pmid17832375 Making use of Natural Gas
pmid17832376 Waterman, Bush Awards
pmid17832377 Will Plants Profit From High CO2?
pmid17832378 Sweeping Patents Put Biotech Companies on the Warpath
pmid17832379 Modification of Plant Lipid Synthesis
pmid17832380 Cosuppression, Flower Color Patterns, and Metastable Gene Expression States
pmid17832381 Science in Russia Is Already in a Coma
pmid17832382 Regulation by Redox Poise in Chloroplasts
pmid17832383 Metal Nanotubule Membranes with Electrochemically Switchable Ion-Transport Selectivity
pmid17832384 A Reevaluation of the Ozone Budget with HALOE UARS Data: No Evidence for the Ozone Deficit
pmid17832385 Global Mean Sea Level Variations from TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimeter Data
pmid17832386 Interannual and Interdecadal Variability in 335 Years of Central England Temperatures
pmid17832387 Other Books of Interest
pmid17832388 Vignettes: American Hospitality
pmid17840610 A Department of Science (and Technology)?
pmid17840611 Environmental Concerns and the Third World
pmid17840612 Endangered Species Legislation
pmid17840613 Response
pmid17840614 Corrections and Clarifications
pmid17840615 Scientists Mobilize to Fight Cuts
pmid17840616 NASA Plans Major Science Overhaul
pmid17840617 Academy Panel Favors Gravity Probe-B
pmid17840618 U.K. Spells Out New Research Priorities
pmid17840619 Catching the Atom Wave
pmid17840620 Light Guides May Help Optical Circuits Turn the Corner
pmid17840621 Masters and Slaves in an Iron Age Cave?
pmid17840622 Princeton Mathematician Looks Back on Fermat Proof
pmid17840623 The Coolest Atoms
pmid17840624 An Emerging Internet Virus
pmid17840625 Popper Library To Go Public
pmid17840626 Poor Face Mental Health Woes
pmid17840627 Chinese Scientists Urge Political Tolerance
pmid17840628 Abundance and Distribution of Iron on the Moon
pmid17840629 Interlayer Tunneling Mechanism for High-Tc Superconductivity: Comparison with c Axis Infrared Experiments
pmid17840630 Crack-Like Sources of Dislocation Nucleation and Multiplication in Thin Films
pmid17840631 Efficient Oxidative Dechlorination and Aromatic Ring Cleavage of Chlorinated Phenols Catalyzed by Iron Sulfophthalocyanine
pmid17840632 Response
pmid17840633 Magnificence Lost
pmid17840634 The V-2 Enterprise
pmid17840635 Studying the Defeated
pmid17840636 Vignette: V-2 Episode
pmid17840637 Private Writings
pmid17840638 Vignettes: Field Experiences
pmid17840639 An Unlikely Naturalist
pmid17840640 Life from the Beginning
pmid17840641 A Famous Dredge Haul
pmid17840642 Metazoan Transitions
pmid17840643 The Symbiotic Perspective
pmid17840644 Botanical Illustration Through the Centuries
pmid17840645 The Dressed-Atom Approach
pmid17840646 Millennia of Star Study
pmid17840647 Galaxies
pmid17840648 Rites of Revitalization
pmid17840649 Part of North America
pmid17840650 Fears and Dreams
pmid17840651 Vignette
pmid7536896 Motor-neuron diseases. Interfering with the runners
pmid7536897 Disruption of imprinting caused by deletion of the H19 gene region in mice
pmid7536898 Defective axonal transport in a transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
pmid7536899 Nitric oxide triggers a switch to growth arrest during differentiation of neuronal cells
pmid7536900 Involvement of an ICE-like protease in Fas-mediated apoptosis
pmid7536901 Requirement of an ICE/CED-3 protease for Fas/APO-1-mediated apoptosis
pmid7537388 Generation of memory B cells and plasma cells in vitro
pmid7538696 Umbilical cords: turning garbage into clinical gold
pmid7538697 CD1 recognition by mouse NK1+ T lymphocytes
pmid7538698 Ribosomal RNA precursor processing by a eukaryotic U3 small nucleolar RNA-like molecule in an archaeon
pmid7538699 Revival and identification of bacterial spores in 25- to 40-million-year-old Dominican amber
pmid7539154 The biophysics of sickle cell hydroxyurea therapy
pmid7539155 PTB domain binding to signaling proteins through a sequence motif containing phosphotyrosine
pmid7605485 HIV results in the frame. HIV an illusion
pmid7605493 Reading disability, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the immune system
pmid7605504 Detecting dinosaur DNA
pmid7619153 RERF scientific agenda and DOE
pmid7632227 Mismatch repair deficiency in phenotypically normal human cells
pmid7677838 Australopithecus ramidus, a new species of early hominid from Aramis, Ethiopia
pmid7677841 As France risks being left behind
pmid7723830 The case for a great many journals
pmid7723831 Solar system formation. Timing is everything
pmid7723832 Genomic imprinting. Action at a distance
pmid7723833 Locomotion. Freeloading women
pmid7723834 Harold M. Weintraub (1945-95)
pmid7723835 Good manners win out
pmid7723836 Allometry. Big flies have bigger cells
pmid7723837 Cancer risk and electromagnetic fields
pmid7723838 Cancer risk and electromagnetic fields
pmid7723839 Anomaly admitted in ’first’ AIDS case
pmid7723840 MRC agrees terms of access to gene sequence databank
pmid7723841 Energy-saving gait mechanics with head-supported loads
pmid7723842 Use of implicit motor imagery for visual shape discrimination as revealed by PET
pmid7723843 Homeotic genes and the regulation and evolution of insect wing number
pmid7723844 Tumorigenesis and metastasis of neoplastic Kaposi’s sarcoma cell line in immunodeficient mice blocked by a human pregnancy hormone
pmid7723845 Swedish council is dismissed amid claims of malpractice
pmid7723846 A calcium-channel homologue required for adaptation to dopamine and serotonin in Caenorhabditis elegans
pmid7723847 Chiron expands gene therapy efforts
pmid7723848 Questionnaire row returns to the courts
pmid7723849 Allosteric transition intermediates modelled by crosslinked haemoglobins
pmid7732359 The Koshland years--a decade of progress
pmid7732360 Musical ability
pmid7732361 World Wide Web and molecular biology
pmid7732362 Darwin in the headlines
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