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12 February 2025

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pmid7732363 Darwin in the headlines
pmid7732364 An ominous blooding?
pmid7732365 FDA puts the brakes on xenotransplants
pmid7732366 Rockefeller strikes fat deal with Amgen
pmid7732367 NIH names behavioral research czar
pmid7732368 NIMH: caught in the line of fire without a general
pmid7732369 Envisioning an artificial retina
pmid7732370 Dioxin receptor knocked out
pmid7732371 Portrait of a lung
pmid7732372 The emerging world of plant science
pmid7732373 Exploring transgenic plants as a new vaccine source
pmid7732374 Molecular genetics of plant disease resistance
pmid7732375 The ethylene signal transduction pathway in plants
pmid7732376 Phytochromes: photosensory perception and signal transduction
pmid7732377 Loss of atmosphere from Mars due to solar wind-induced sputtering
pmid7732378 Prebiotic synthesis of 5-substituted uracils: a bridge between the RNA world and the DNA-protein world
pmid7732379 Oral immunization with a recombinant bacterial antigen produced in transgenic plants
pmid7732380 Generation and assembly of secretory antibodies in plants
pmid7732381 Immune system impairment and hepatic fibrosis in mice lacking the dioxin-binding Ah receptor
pmid7732382 Inhibition of proteasome activities and subunit-specific amino-terminal threonine modification by lactacystin
pmid7732383 Translational suppression by trinucleotide repeat expansion at FMR1
pmid7732384 Release of Ca2+ from individual plant vacuoles by both InsP3 and cyclic ADP-ribose
pmid7746301 AIDS pathology unknown
pmid7746302 NIH loses long-standing protection from impact of heavy budget cuts
pmid7746303 US campaign to target patenting on life
pmid7746304 Agency halts HIV survey in dispute over newborn data
pmid7746305 Even excellence is no longer good enough for the NSF
pmid7746306 Indian project will safeguard genetic value of plants
pmid7746307 Germany to launch new gene programme..
pmid7746308 Sounds right
pmid7746309 The sensational discovery of X-rays
pmid7746310 Nuclear receptors. How to finger DNA
pmid7746311 HIV results in the frame. Results confirmed
pmid7746312 HIV results in the frame. CD4+ cell turnover
pmid7746313 HIV results in the frame. CD4+ cell turnover
pmid7746314 HIV results in the frame. CD4+ cell turnover
pmid7746315 HIV results in the frame. Antiviral therapy
pmid7746316 HIV results in the frame. Other approaches
pmid7746317 HIV results in the frame. Paradox remains
pmid7746318 HIV results in the frame. Paradox remains
pmid7746319 HIV results in the frame. HIV an illusion
pmid7746320 HIV results in the frame. Toxic shock
pmid7746321 HIV results in the frame. Cyclosporin A
pmid7746322 Structural determinants of nuclear receptor assembly on DNA direct repeats
pmid7746323 Head position signals used by parietal neurons to encode locations of visual stimuli
pmid7746324 Neuronal deficits, not involving motor neurons, in mice lacking BDNF and/or NT4
pmid7746325 Sensory but not motor neuron deficits in mice lacking NT4 and BDNF
pmid7746326 Spontaneous resistance to acute T-cell leukaemias in TCRV gamma 1.1J gamma 4C gamma 4 transgenic mice
pmid7746327 Furin-dependent intracellular activation of the human stromelysin-3 zymogen
pmid7746328 Direct stimulation of Jak/STAT pathway by the angiotensin II AT1 receptor
pmid7746329 Specificity in chaperonin-mediated protein folding
pmid7746330 Fluorescence polarization--a new tool for cell and molecular biology
pmid7746331 Genetics -- employment review
pmid7753158 Necessary brain
pmid7753159 The s(p)elling of apo(p)tosis
pmid7753160 Towards the synthetic dragonfly
pmid7753161 T-cell receptors. Serial engagement proposed
pmid7753162 Transcription. Dichotomous regulators
pmid7753163 Consciousness. Knowing how, knowing where
pmid7753164 How long is a giant sperm?
pmid7753165 A coral mitochondrial mutS gene
pmid7753166 Are we aware of neural activity in primary visual cortex?
pmid7753167 Visualization of fast energy flow and solvent caging in unimolecular dynamics
pmid7753168 Visual motion aftereffect in human cortical area MT revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging
pmid7753169 Sequential signalling during Caenorhabditis elegans vulval induction
pmid7753170 Male-female differences in fertility and blood pressure in ACE-deficient mice
pmid7753171 Serial triggering of many T-cell receptors by a few peptide-MHC complexes
pmid7753172 The receptor DEC-205 expressed by dendritic cells and thymic epithelial cells is involved in antigen processing
pmid7753173 Natural and synthetic non-peptide antigens recognized by human gamma delta T cells
pmid7753174 Cell-cycle inhibition by independent CDK and PCNA binding domains in p21Cip1
pmid7753175 Control of transcription by Krüppel through interactions with TFIIB and TFIIE beta
pmid7753176 Project to sequence human genome moves on to the starting blocks
pmid7753177 US court rules discovery of gene sequence ’not obvious’
pmid7753178 Questions of collaboration
pmid7753179 NIH will reallocate research funding to support DNA sequencing work, says director
pmid7753180 NIH backers pledge last-ditch stand
pmid7753181 Review proposes shift in US cancer funding
pmid7753182 Coalition plans challenge to genetic patenting in the US
pmid7753183 Ruling brings cash windfall in US fraud case
pmid7753184 Evaluating research proposals
pmid7753185 Virology. When it’s better to lie low
pmid7753186 Neuroscience. Growth through learning
pmid7753187 Developmental biology. Patterning goes sonic
pmid7753188 B cells. Avoiding autoreactivity
pmid7753189 The selfish pursuit of sex
pmid7753190 Neanderthal computer skulls
pmid7753191 Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer’s
pmid7753192 Hypermutation in T cells questioned
pmid7753193 The envelope glycoprotein from tick-borne encephalitis virus at 2 A resolution
pmid7753194 Defective haematopoiesis in fetal liver resulting from inactivation of the EKLF gene
pmid7753195 Lethal beta-thalassaemia in mice lacking the erythroid CACCC-transcription factor EKLF
pmid7753196 Requirement of 19K form of Sonic hedgehog for induction of distinct ventral cell types in CNS explants
pmid7753197 A critical period for long-term potentiation at thalamocortical synapses
pmid7753198 Co-regulation of long-term potentiation and experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in visual cortex by age and experience
pmid7753199 Soluble antigen can cause enhanced apoptosis of germinal-centre B cells
pmid7753200 Antigen-induced B-cell death and elimination during germinal-centre immune responses
pmid7753201 A role for Rac in Tiam1-induced membrane ruffling and invasion
pmid7754358 Authorship criteria
pmid7754359 EPA and biotechnology regulation
pmid7754360 Amorphous stability and trehalose
pmid7754361 Noncoding DNA, Zipf’s law, and language
pmid7754362 Dispute splits schizophrenia study
pmid7754363 Chiba’s heavy-ion accelerator battles cancer and critics
pmid7754364 New clue to prostate cancer spread
pmid7754365 Researchers get a sharper image of the human brain
pmid7754366 New compounds make light of pests
pmid7754367 Neuropeptides, adenylyl cyclase, and memory storage
pmid7754368 Conversion of Xenopus ectoderm into neurons by NeuroD, a basic helix-loop-helix protein
pmid7754369 Identification and characterization of a prostaglandin transporter
pmid7754370 A neuropeptide gene defined by the Drosophila memory mutant amnesiac
pmid7754371 Control of proton sensitivity of the NMDA receptor by RNA splicing and polyamines
pmid7754372 Gene trap tagging of PROLIFERA, an essential MCM2-3-5-like gene in Arabidopsis
pmid7754373 Role of the chaperone protein Hsp104 in propagation of the yeast prion-like factor [psi+]
pmid7754374 KAI1, a metastasis suppressor gene for prostate cancer on human chromosome 11p11.2
pmid7754375 Long-range motional restrictions in a multidomain zinc-finger protein from anisotropic tumbling
pmid7754376 Borders of multiple visual areas in humans revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging
pmid7754377 Ulysses above the sun’s south pole: an introduction
pmid7754378 Over the southern solar pole: low-energy interplanetary charged particles
pmid7754379 Observations of energetic particles with EPAC on Ulysses in polar latitudes of the heliosphere
pmid7754380 The southern high-speed stream: results from the SWICS instrument on Ulysses
pmid7754381 Requirement of a small cytoplasmic RNA for the establishment of thermotolerance
pmid7754382 Structure of a complex of two plasma proteins: transthyretin and retinol-binding protein
pmid7754383 Local calcium transients triggered by single L-type calcium channel currents in cardiac cells
pmid7754384 The control of calcium release in heart muscle
pmid7754385 Identification of hSRP1 alpha as a functional receptor for nuclear localization sequences
pmid7754386 Photovoltage of rods and cones in the macaque retina
pmid7754387 RERF scientific agenda and DOE
pmid7754388 Models of protein folding
pmid7754389 Bill threatens child survey research
pmid7754390 Can risky mergers save hospital-based research?
pmid7754391 Helping neurons find their way
pmid7754392 Chimpanzee outbreak heats up search for Ebola origin
pmid7754393 Have 25-million-year-old bacteria returned to life?
pmid7754394 At last--the crystal structure of urease
pmid7754395 The crystal structure of urease from Klebsiella aerogenes
pmid7761820 Fossil collecting
pmid7761821 Telomeres, telomerase, and cancer
pmid7761822 Gallo to relocate
pmid7761823 Panel offers radical therapy for National Cancer Institute
pmid7761824 Panel slams EPA’s dioxin analysis
pmid7761825 Religious leaders oppose patenting genes and animals
pmid7761826 Texaco offers to settle copyright case
pmid7761827 Genome mappers have a hot time at Cold Spring Harbor
pmid7761828 The Y chromosome and the origin of all of us (men)
pmid7761829 Classical electrostatics in biology and chemistry
pmid7761830 Water on the sun
pmid7761831 The "wake-sleep" algorithm for unsupervised neural networks
pmid7761832 A region of adenylyl cyclase 2 critical for regulation by G protein beta gamma subunits
pmid7761833 Crystal structure of the T4 regA translational regulator protein at 1.9 A resolution
pmid7761834 Distinct binding specificities and functions of higher eukaryotic polypyrimidine tract-binding proteins
pmid7761835 Inducible gene expression in trypanosomes mediated by a prokaryotic repressor
pmid7761836 Absence of polymorphism at the ZFY locus on the human Y chromosome
pmid7761837 T helper cell subsets in insulin-dependent diabetes
pmid7761838 Requirement for phosphatidylinositol transfer protein in epidermal growth factor signaling
pmid7761839 Detecting dinosaur DNA
pmid7761840 Detecting dinosaur DNA
pmid7761841 Detecting dinosaur DNA
pmid7794410 Plagiarism suit wins; experts hope it won’t set a trend
pmid9912123 Tunneling solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for multidimensional semiclassical theory
pmid9912124 Integration of the Heisenberg equations of motion for quartic potentials
pmid9912125 Pre- and postselected quantum systems, counterfactual measurements, and consistent histories
pmid9912126 Reliability of one-dimensional Dirichlet wave functions
pmid9912127 Quantum inverse problem for an unstable nonlinear Schrödinger equation: A functional Bethe ansatz
pmid9912128 Violations of locality in polarization-correlation measurements with phase shifters
pmid9912129 Quantum jumps as an objective process of nature
pmid9912130 Berry phase and nonstationarity of a quantum state
pmid9912131 Semirelativistic Hamiltonians of apparently nonrelativistic form
pmid9912132 Geometry of one-dimensional wave propagation
pmid9912133 Dependence of the rate of convergence of the Rayleigh-Ritz method on a nonlinear parameter
pmid9912134 Thermalization of velocity-selected excited-state populations by resonance exchange collisions and radiation trapping
pmid9912135 Isotope-shift measurement of the 6 (2)S1/2-5 (2)D5/2 transition in Ba+
pmid9912136 Relativistic modifications of charge expansion theory
pmid9912137 Electron-impact study in valence and autoionization resonance regions of argon
pmid9912138 Energy differences between Kohn-Sham and Hartree-Fock wave functions yielding the same electron density
pmid9912139 (e-,e+)-pair annihilation in the positronium molecule Ps2
pmid9912140 O( alpha 2) corrections to the orthopositronium decay rate
pmid9912141 Resonances of the hydrogen atom in strong parallel magnetic and electric fields
pmid9912142 Escaping the symmetry dilemma through a pair-density interpretation of spin-density functional theory
pmid9912143 Electronic bond structure of the H2+ ion in a strong magnetic field: A study of the parallel configuration
pmid9912144 Scaled-energy spectra and closed classical orbits of the hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields
pmid9912145 Asymmetry parameters for CO2 around the C K and O K ionization edges from the anisotropy of the ion distributions
pmid9912146 Measurements and data-based predictions for Delta n=1 resonance and intercombination transitions in the Be and Ne sequences
pmid9912147 Impact of the choice of model spaces and basis sets on the performance of the valence-universal coupled-cluster method: Energies for Be and C2+
pmid9912148 Dynamic proton model for the hyperfine structure of the hydrogenlike ion 83209Bi82+
pmid9912149 Large-scale multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations of hyperfine interaction constants for nd2 levels of Sc+ and Y+
pmid9912150 Multiconfiguration-Hartree-Fock calculations for the electron affinity of boron
pmid9912151 Master equation for sympathetic cooling of trapped particles
pmid9912152 Measurements of atomic form factors at 4.283-Å-1 photon-momentum transfer
pmid9912153 Ionization cross sections of gases for protons at kinetic energies between 20 MeV and 385 GeV, and applications to vacuum gauges in superconducting accelerators
pmid9912154 Effects of positive-ion resonances in photoionization of neutral atoms
pmid9912155 Auger decay of Na-like Si3+(2p53lnl’) states formed in slow Si5+-->He and Ar ion-atom collisions
pmid9912156 Theory of double internal bremsstrahlung during electron-capture decay
pmid9912157 Off-shell effect in Rydberg-atom-alkali-metal-atom scattering
pmid9912158 Relationship between the ratios of double to single ionization of helium by photons and charged particles
pmid9912159 Resonances in photodetachment of H-(2p2 3Pe)
pmid9912160 Ionization of excited hydrogenlike ions by collisions with bare ions
pmid9912161 Time-dependent solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation for Bose-condensed trapped neutral atoms
pmid9912162 Quantum field theory of atoms interacting with photons. II. Scattering of short laser pulses from trapped bosonic atoms
pmid9912163 Recurrences in driven quantum systems
pmid9912164 Pulsed NMR in terms of the statistical tensor formalism
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