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20 January 2025

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pmid10019354 Measurement of J/ psi and psi ’ production in 800 GeV/c proton-gold collisions
pmid10019355 Inclusive spectra of charged particles in pp and p-barp interactions at 32 GeV/c
pmid10019356 Experimental search for the neutrino decay nu 3--> nu j+e++e- and limits on neutrino mixing
pmid10019357 O( alpha s) longitudinal spin polarization in heavy-quark production
pmid10019358 Radiative gluon effects in massive quark-antiquark production in collisions of positrons and polarized electrons at the Z0 resonance
pmid10019359 Z-peak subtracted representation of four-fermion processes at future e+e- colliders
pmid10019360 Coulomb effects in W+W- production
pmid10019361 WW gamma and WWZ production in e-e- collisions in the left-right model
pmid10019362 Observing the techni- eta at a photon linear collider
pmid10019363 QCD corrections to scalar quark pair production in e+e- annihilation
pmid10019364 Testing supersymmetry at the Next Linear Collider
pmid10019365 Confinement and scaling in deep inelastic scattering
pmid10019366 Gluon distribution at small x obtained from a unified evolution equation
pmid10019367 Hard diffraction in hadron-hadron interactions and in photoproduction
pmid10019368 Study of the color string configuration in a multiparton system
pmid10019369 Two-gluon exchange model predictions for double Pomeron jet production
pmid10019370 Inclusive two jet triply differential cross section
pmid10019371 Real-time description of parton-hadron conversion and confinement dynamics
pmid10019372 Equivalence of the Parke-Taylor and the Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov amplitudes in the high-energy limit
pmid10019373 Prompt photon plus charm quark production at pp-bar colliders
pmid10019374 Supersymmetric electroweak corrections to top quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron
pmid10019375 Top quarks and flavor physics
pmid10019376 Charged Higgs boson search at the Fermilab Tevatron upgrade using tau polarization
pmid10019377 Supersymmetry reach of an upgraded Fermilab Tevatron collider
pmid10019378 Structure effects in P-->l nu, P-->l nu gamma, and pi 0--> gamma gamma decays
pmid10019379 tau polarization in Lambda b-->Xc tau nu -bar and B-->Xc tau nu -bar
pmid10019380 Factorization and SU(2) heavy flavor symmetry for B-meson decays producing charmonium
pmid10019381 CP violation in tau -->3 pi nu tau
pmid10019382 Heavy-meson electromagnetic mass differences from QCD
pmid10019383 Runaway quarks
pmid10019384 Neutrino oscillations from discrete non-Abelian family symmetries
pmid10019385 Anomalous structure of weak intermediate bosons
pmid10019386 Eliminating the hadronic uncertainty
pmid10019387 Strong-CP question in SU(3)c x SU(3)L x U(1)N models
pmid10019388 Quark singlets: Implications and constraints
pmid10019389 Electroweak symmetry breaking by vectorlike fermion condensation with small S and T parameters
pmid10019390 Naturalness and superpartner masses or when to give up on weak scale supersymmetry
pmid10019391 Baryon and lepton number assignment in E6 models
pmid10019392 Photoproduction of hybrid mesons from CEBAF to DESY HERA
pmid10019393 Search for eta c’ and hc(P11) states in e+e- annihilation
pmid10019394 Flavor-changing top quark decay within the minimal supersymmetric standard model
pmid10019395 Weak decays of B- and B-bar0 mesons to a pseudoscalar meson and a tensor meson involving a b-->c transition
pmid10019396 Neutrinoless double beta decay and CP violation
pmid10019397 Predicting the masses of baryons containing one or two heavy quarks
pmid10019398 Quarkonium wave functions at the origin
pmid10019399 Fermions on the lattice by means of Mandelstam-Wilson phase factors
pmid10019400 Ferrimagnetic phases in chiral Yukawa models
pmid10019401 Parallel beam interferometric detectors of gravitational waves
pmid10019402 Light spinless particle coupled to photons
pmid10019403 Neutrino decoupling in the early Universe
pmid10019404 Solar neutrinos and the principle of equivalence
pmid10019405 Self-consistent approach to neutral-current processes in supernova cores
pmid10019406 Domain wall spacetimes: Instability of cosmological event and Cauchy horizons
pmid10019407 Scattering of massless scalar waves by a Schwarzschild black hole: A phase-integral study
pmid10019408 Geocentrism reexamined
pmid10019409 Bounds on very heavy relic neutrinos by their annihilation in the Galactic halo
pmid10019410 Inflation in an open universe
pmid10019411 Inflatonless inflation
pmid10019412 CBR anisotropy from inflation-induced gravitational waves in mixed radiation and dust cosmology
pmid10019413 Oscillons: Resonant configurations during bubble collapse
pmid10019414 Defect production in slow first-order phase transitions
pmid10019415 Scattering off an SO(10) cosmic string
pmid10019416 Primordial magnetic fields in string cosmology
pmid10019417 Extrinsic time in quantum cosmology
pmid10019418 Perturbations of an anisotropic spacetime: Formulation
pmid10019419 Self-adjoint Wheeler-DeWitt operators, the problem of time, and the wave function of the Universe
pmid10019420 Quasilocal energy conditions
pmid10019421 Long wavelength iteration of Einstein’s equations near a spacetime singularity
pmid10019422 Gauge fixing of one Killing field reductions of canonical gravity: The case of asymptotically flat induced two-geometry
pmid10019423 Restricted class of traversable wormholes with traceless matter
pmid10019424 Strings in a wormhole background
pmid10019425 Head-on collision of two equal mass black holes
pmid10019426 Three-dimensional numerical relativity: The evolution of black holes
pmid10019427 Exact calculation of the energy density of cosmological gravitational waves
pmid10019428 Estimation of the post-Newtonian parameters in the gravitational-wave emission of a coalescing binary
pmid10019429 Cosmological evolution of scale-invariant gravity waves
pmid10019430 Wave propagation in gravitational systems: Late time behavior
pmid10019431 Description of the Riemannian geometry in the presence of conical defects
pmid10019432 Static four-dimensional Abelian black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory
pmid10019433 Signature change induces compactification
pmid10019434 One-loop renormalization of the four-dimensional theory for quantum dilaton gravity
pmid10019435 Evolution laws taking pure states to mixed states in quantum field theory
pmid10019436 Relativistic gauge conditions in quantum cosmology
pmid10019437 Two-dimensional gravitation and sine-Gordon solitons
pmid10019438 GUT’s in curved spacetime: Running gravitational constants, Newtonian potential, and the quantum-corrected gravitational equations
pmid10019439 Two-dimensional black hole in the three-dimensional black string
pmid10019440 Decoherence and recoherence in an analogue of the black hole information paradox
pmid10019441 Hawking radiation and energy conservation in an evaporating black hole
pmid10019442 Entropy in the Russo-Susskind-Thorlacius model
pmid10019443 Black hole entropy without brick walls
pmid10019444 Cosmological production of charged black hole pairs
pmid10019445 Gravitational instantons and black plane solutions in four-dimensional string theory
pmid10019446 No N=4 strings on Wolf spaces
pmid10019447 Conformal field theory of a rotating dyon
pmid10019448 Duality-invariant superstring actions
pmid10019449 Stochastic tachyon fluctuations, marginal deformations, and shock waves in string theory
pmid10019450 Effective action for high-energy scattering in gravity
pmid10019451 Fluctuations of the Casimir pressure at finite temperature
pmid10019452 Gauge-invariant three-boson vertices and their Ward identities in the standard model
pmid10019453 Composite gauge fields and broken symmetries
pmid10019454 Gauge-invariant variables for spontaneously broken SU(2) gauge theory in the spherical ansatz
pmid10019455 Wave packet dynamics in Yang-Mills theory
pmid10019456 Self-dual anyons in uniform background fields
pmid10019457 Extending the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian to some nonperturbative and inhomogeneous field configurations
pmid10019458 Six-body light-front Tamm-Dancoff approximation and wave functions for the massive Schwinger model
pmid10019459 Finite nonperturbative solutions of Dyson-Schwinger equations in QED in the infrared domain
pmid10019460 Mass spectra of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in 1+1 dimensions
pmid10019461 Vertex operators in 2K dimensions
pmid10019462 Perturbation theory and the Aharonov-Bohm effect
pmid10019463 Topological excitations in a condensate of nonrelativistic bosons coupled to Maxwell and Chern-Simons fields
pmid10019464 Quantum electrodynamics at large distances. I. Extracting the correspondence-principle part
pmid10019465 Quantum electrodynamics at large distances. II. Nature of the dominant singularities
pmid10019466 Quantum electrodynamics at large distances. III. Verification of pole factorization and the correspondence principle
pmid10019467 Polarization of a QED plasma in a strong magnetic field
pmid10019468 Screening of static electromagnetic fields in hot QED plasmas
pmid10019469 Effective Lagrangians and chiral random matrix theory
pmid10019470 Kaluza-Klein black holes within heterotic string theory on a torus
pmid10019471 Heat kernel and scaling of gravitational constants
pmid10019472 Screening of long-range leptonic forces by cosmic background neutrinos
pmid10019473 Instability of the R3 x S1 vacuum in low-energy effective string theory
pmid10019474 Renormalization-group-invariant partial sum of Feynman diagrams and its application to phase transitions
pmid10019475 Mutual fractional statistics of relativistic Chern-Simons solitons
pmid10019476 Magnetic moment and perturbation theory with singular magnetic fields
pmid10019477 Error in a calculation of the Casimir effect for a spherical boundary
pmid10019478 Erratum: Static charged black holes in (2+1)-dimensional dilaton gravity
pmid10019479 CBR anisotropy and the running of the scalar spectral index
pmid10019480 Supersonic string models for Witten vortices
pmid10060179 Stability of matter in magnetic fields
pmid10060180 Long-time evolution of semiclassical states in anharmonic potentials
pmid10060181 Renormalized coupling constant for the three-dimensional ising model
pmid10060182 Fermions destabilize electroweak strings
pmid10060183 Finite width effects and gauge invariance in radiative W production and decay
pmid10060184 Measurement of charged and neutral current e-p deep inelastic scattering cross sections at high Q2
pmid10060185 Search for second generation leptoquarks in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10060186 Limits on WWZ and WW gamma couplings from WW and WZ production in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8TeV
pmid10060187 Search for W boson pair production in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10060188 Limits on the anomalous ZZ gamma and Z gamma gamma couplings in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10060189 Measurement of the WW gamma gauge boson couplings in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10060190 Probing the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition
pmid10060191 Temperature fluctuations in multiparticle production
pmid10060192 pi NN coupling from high precision np charge exchange at 162 MeV
pmid10060193 Contrasting behavior in octupole structures observed at high spin in 220Ra and 222Th
pmid10060194 Observation of direct ionization of He by highly charged ions at low velocity
pmid10060195 Novel time of flight instrument for doppler free kinetic energy release spectroscopy
pmid10060196 Large angle elastic scattering of electrons from Ar+
pmid10060197 Dissociative recombination of HD+ with an ultracold electron beam in a cooler ring
pmid10060198 Chaoticlike behavior in a quantum system without classical counterpart
pmid10060199 Efficient soft X-ray lasing at 6 to 8 nm with nickel-like lanthanide ions
pmid10060200 Influence of spatial and temporal laser beam smoothing on stimulated brillouin scattering in filamentary laser light
pmid10060201 Time-dependent channel formation in a laser-produced plasma
pmid10060202 Effect of collisionality and diamagnetism on the plasma dynamo
pmid10060203 Internal magnetic turbulence measurement in plasma by cross polarization scattering
pmid10060204 Nonlinear dynamics of stiff polymers
pmid10060205 Anomalous ion diffusion in dense dipolar liquids
pmid10060206 Scattering of second sound waves by quantum vorticity
pmid10060207 Superfluid-insulator transition in 4He films adsorbed in vycor glass
pmid10060208 Relaxation kinetics of nonlinear systems coupled to a nonequilibrium bath
pmid10060209 Monte Carlo studies of ternary semiconductor alloys: Application to the Si1-x-yGexCy system
pmid10060210 Chemistry and structure of CdO/Ag{222} heterophase interfaces
pmid10060211 Real time spectroellipsometry study of the evolution of bonding in diamond thin films during nucleation and growth
pmid10060212 Band theory for ground-state properties and excitation spectra of perovskite LaMO3 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)
pmid10060213 Size dependence of excitons in silicon nanocrystals
pmid10060214 Bulk lattice instability in II-VI semiconductors and its effect on impurity compensation
pmid10060215 Resonant optical second harmonic generation at the steps of vicinal Si(001)
pmid10060216 Manifestations of classical chaos in the energy level spectrum of a quantum well
pmid10060217 Direct creation of quantum well excitons by electron resonant tunneling
pmid10060218 Energy gap induced by impurity scattering: New phase transition in anisotropic superconductors
pmid10060219 Parity fluctuations between Coulomb blockaded superconducting islands
pmid10060220 Nonadiabatic superconductivity: Electron-phonon interaction beyond Migdal’s theorem
pmid10060221 Microwave-induced "Somersault effect" in flow of Josephson current through a quantum constriction
pmid10060222 Separation of the irreversibility and melting lines in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 crystals
pmid10060223 Energy barriers to motion of flux lines in random media
pmid10060224 Antiferromagnetic ordering and spin structure in the organic conductor, kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu
pmid10060225 Antiferromagnetism and its relation to the superconducting phases of UPt3
pmid10060226 Surface states and angle-resolved photoemission spectra from Nd2-xCexCuO4 superconductor
pmid10060227 Broken symmetry of two-component nu =1/2 quantum Hall states
pmid10060228 Glassiness in a Model without Energy Barriers
pmid10060229 Low-energy excitations and the electronic specific heat of YbBiPt
pmid10060230 X-ray and neutron scattering, magnetization, and heat capacity study of the 3D random field ising model
pmid10060231 Neutron scattering studies of Y1-xUxPd3 compounds
pmid10060232 Interference of crossing trigger waves in multilayer reaction-diffusion systems
pmid10060233 Solitary waves of molecular distributions in liquids generated by electrophoresis and optical fields
pmid10060234 Efficient conversion of the energy of intense relativistic electron beams into rf waves
pmid10060235 Interaction of multipactor discharge and rf circuit
pmid10060236 Earthquake cycles and neural reverberations: Collective oscillations in systems with pulse-coupled threshold elements
pmid10060237 Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles
pmid10060238 Evidence for determinism in ventricular fibrillation
pmid10060239 Comment on "Direct observation of transition from delayed ionization to direct ionization for free C60 and C70: Thermionic emission?"
pmid10060240 Stuke and Zhang reply
pmid10060243 Quantum cryptography based on orthogonal states
pmid10060244 Invariant Tori and Heisenberg matrix mechanics: A new window on the quantum-classical correspondence
pmid10060245 Confirmation of the asymptotic Bethe Ansatz
pmid10060246 Young’s double-slit interferometry within an atom
pmid10060247 Black hole singularities: A numerical approach
pmid10060248 Thermodynamics of spacetime: The Einstein equation of state
pmid10060249 Field ordering and energy density in texture cosmology
pmid10060250 In search for signs of chaos in branching processes
pmid10060251 Enhanced production of low-mass electron pairs in 200 GeV/nucleon S-Au collisions at the CERN super proton synchrotron
pmid10060252 Effects of pair correlations in statistical gamma -decay spectra
pmid10060253 Anharmonic vibrator description of yrast states of rotational and vibrational nuclei
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