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26 January 2025

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pmid10019481 Measurement of the ratio sigma B(pp-bar-->W-->e nu )/ sigma B(pp-bar-->Z0-->ee) in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s =1800 GeV
pmid10019482 Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(D0--> pi -e+ nu e)/B(D0-->K-e+ nu e)
pmid10019483 Inclusive decays of B mesons to charmonium
pmid10019484 Observation of electromagnetic interactions of high energy muons deep underground
pmid10019485 Helicity-flip bremsstrahlung and the measurement of CP-violating form factors in polarized e+e- collisions
pmid10019486 Structure of the scalar mesons f0(980) and a0(980)
pmid10019487 SU(2)f violation in the nucleon’s light sea within the framework of the effective chiral quark theory
pmid10019488 Model for the Q2 dependence of polarized structure functions
pmid10019489 Looking for CP violation in W production and decay
pmid10019490 Studying anomalous WW gamma and WWZ couplings with polarized pp-bar collisions
pmid10019491 Profile of a nonstandard Higgs boson at the CERN LHC
pmid10019492 Signals for minimal supergravity at the CERN Large Hadron Collider: Multijet plus missing energy channel
pmid10019493 Ultrahigh energy cosmic ray composition from surface air shower and underground muon measurements at Soudan 2
pmid10019494 Alignment in gamma -hadron families of cosmic rays
pmid10019495 Atmospheric neutrino anomaly and its statistical significance
pmid10019496 Semileptonic meson decays in the quark model: An update
pmid10019497 Factorization versus duality in nonleptonic decays: A quark model approach
pmid10019498 Three-step two-body decay of J/ psi and the generalized moment analysis
pmid10019499 Spin effects in the radiative b-->s gamma g decay of a polarized b quark
pmid10019500 Tensor interactions and tau decays
pmid10019501 Pion and quark electromagnetic self-masses in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
pmid10019502 Pion mass effects in the large N limit of chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019503 From effective Lagrangians, to chiral bags, to Skyrmions with the large-Nc renormalization group
pmid10019504 Light-front heavy-quark effective theory and heavy-meson bound states
pmid10019505 Comparison of potential models through heavy quark effective theory
pmid10019506 Gluon propagator in non-Abelian Weizsäcker-Williams fields
pmid10019507 QCD phase transition at finite temperature in the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory
pmid10019508 Quark masses and chiral symmetry
pmid10019509 Tensor charge of the nucleon
pmid10019510 Baryon QCD sum rules in an external isovector-scalar field and baryon isospin mass splittings
pmid10019511 Baryon-antibaryon production by disordered chiral condensates
pmid10019512 Interference and isospin of disoriented chiral condensates
pmid10019513 Damping rate of a fermion in a medium
pmid10019514 Infrared sensitivity of screening and damping in a quark-gluon plasma
pmid10019515 Hadron scattering lengths in lattice QCD
pmid10019516 Effective action for finite temperature lattice gauge theories with dynamical fermions
pmid10019517 Disappearance of the Abrikosov vortex above the deconfining phase transition in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
pmid10019518 Gauge invariance and dimensional regularization with gamma 5 in flavor-changing neutral processes
pmid10019519 Bs-B-bars mixing, CP violation, and extraction of CKM phases from untagged Bs data samples
pmid10019520 Top quark and Higgs boson masses in dynamical symmetry breaking
pmid10019521 Left-right symmetric and vectorlike models through P invariance of the Lagrangian
pmid10019522 Possible candidates for a supersymmetric SO(10) model with an intermediate scale
pmid10019523 Strong coupling, unification, and recent data
pmid10019524 Natural R parity conservation with horizontal symmetries: A four generation model
pmid10019525 Explicit CP violation of the Higgs sector in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model
pmid10019526 Estimates of chi cJ(2P) production rates in B and Upsilon (1S) decays
pmid10019527 Improved perturbative QCD analysis of the pion-photon transition form factor
pmid10019528 Unitarity and anomalous top-quark Yukawa couplings
pmid10019529 Nature of the decay cphi(1020)--> rho (770) pi
pmid10019530 Remark on the experimental determination of ||Vts/Vtd||2
pmid10019531 Light neutralinos in B decays
pmid10019532 tau polarimetry with multimeson states
pmid10019533 New standard parametrization of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
pmid10019534 Axion-photon couplings in invisible axion models
pmid10019535 Charged leptons with nanosecond lifetimes
pmid10019536 Comment on "Negative delta rho with four families in the standard model"
pmid10019537 Comment on "Current correlators in QCD at finite temperature"
pmid10019538 Reply to "Comment on ’Current correlators in QCD at finite temperature’ "
pmid10019539 Erratum: Exact string potential and heavy quarkonia
pmid10019540 Erratum: Operator product expansion sum rules for heavy flavor transitions and the determination of ||Vcb||
pmid10019541 Identification of top quarks using kinematic variables
pmid10019542 Isospin coherence and final-state scattering of a disoriented chiral condensate
pmid10019543 Evidence for hard chiral logarithms in quenched lattice QCD
pmid10019544 Electroweak fermion-loop contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
pmid10019545 New test of the Einstein equivalence principle and the isotropy of space
pmid10019546 Geometry of chaos in the two-center problem in general relativity
pmid10019547 Neutrino oscillations in the early Universe with nonequilibrium neutrino distributions
pmid10019548 Evaporation of quark drops during the cosmological quark-hadron transition
pmid10019549 Theoretical possibilities and observational constraints for radiatively decaying neutrinos with a mass near 30 eV
pmid10019550 Stimulated radiation from axion cluster evolution
pmid10019551 Neutrinos from primordial black holes
pmid10019552 No very large scale structure in an open universe
pmid10019553 Electrons and positrons in the galactic cosmic rays
pmid10019554 Analytic approach to the polarization of the cosmic microwave background in flat and open universes
pmid10019555 Cosmological perturbations in exact-Noether background solutions
pmid10019556 Evolution of fields in a second order phase transition
pmid10019557 Open universe from inflation
pmid10019558 Large scale perturbations in the open universe
pmid10019559 Exact inflationary cosmologies with exit
pmid10019560 Making predictions in an eternally inflating universe
pmid10019561 Relevance of induced gauge interactions in decoherence
pmid10019562 New asymptotic expansion method for the Wheeler-DeWitt equation
pmid10019563 Time-symmetric initial data sets in four-dimensional dilaton gravity
pmid10019564 Integrability conditions for irrotational dust with a purely electric Weyl tensor: A tetrad analysis
pmid10019565 Isotropization of Bianchi-type cosmological solutions in Brans-Dicke theory
pmid10019566 Quantum tunneling effect in oscillating Friedmann cosmology
pmid10019567 Hidden symmetries in dilaton gravity
pmid10019568 Static black hole solutions without rotational symmetry
pmid10019569 One-loop amplitudes in Euclidean quantum gravity
pmid10019570 Background thermal contributions in testing the Unruh effect
pmid10019571 Long range forces in quantum gravity
pmid10019572 Self-dual variables, positive-semidefinite action, and discrete transformations in four-dimensional quantum gravity
pmid10019573 Two-dimensional dilaton gravity coupled to an Abelian gauge field
pmid10019574 Classical moduli O( alpha ’) hair
pmid10019575 Semi-infinite throat as the end-state geometry of two-dimensional black hole evaporation
pmid10019576 Increase of black hole entropy in higher curvature gravity
pmid10019577 Thermodynamics of quantum fields in black hole backgrounds
pmid10019578 Constructing new rotating dilaton black holes
pmid10019579 Modular cosmology
pmid10019580 Subcritical superstrings
pmid10019581 Stringy evidence for D=11 structure in a strongly coupled type-IIA superstring
pmid10019582 Can a particle interacting with a scalar field reach the speed of light?
pmid10019583 Casimir effect for soft boundaries
pmid10019584 Hydrodynamic transport coefficients in relativistic scalar field theory
pmid10019585 Non-Abelian soliton operators
pmid10019586 Renormalization group approach to field theory at finite temperature
pmid10019587 Finite temperature formalism for non-Abelian gauge theories in the physical phase space
pmid10019588 Exponentiation of multiparticle amplitudes in scalar theories. II. Universality of the exponent
pmid10019589 Propagation of sound with massivelike modes in relativistic Bose condensates
pmid10019590 Chaotic versus regular behavior in Yang-Mills theories
pmid10019591 Convergence of the optimized delta expansion for the connected vacuum amplitude: Anharmonic oscillator
pmid10019592 Multi-instanton ladders in baryon-number-violating processes
pmid10019593 Variational approach to the QCD wave functional: Dynamical mass generation and confinement
pmid10019594 Proposed gravitational wave observatory based on solid elastic spheres
pmid10019595 Neutrino emission from dense matter containing meson condensates
pmid10019596 Creation of spin-1/2 particles by an electric field in de Sitter space
pmid10019597 Dimensional reduction and quantum-to-classical reduction at high temperatures
pmid10019598 Equivalence of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and a self-dual model
pmid10019599 Erratum: Energy-momentum conservation in gravity theories
pmid10019600 Effect of gravitational radiation reaction on circular orbits around a spinning black hole
pmid10019601 Effective energy for (2+1)-dimensional QED with semilocalized static magnetic fields: A solvable model
pmid10019602 pt and xF dependence of the polarization of Sigma + hyperons produced by 800 GeV/c protons
pmid10019603 Direct measurement of the Ds branching fraction to phi pi
pmid10019604 New laboratory bounds on the stability of the electron
pmid10019605 Vertical muon intensity measured with MACRO at the Gran Sasso laboratory
pmid10019606 Probing Higgs sector CP violation with top quarks at a photon linear collider
pmid10019607 Gluon production at high transverse momentum in the McLerran-Venugopalan model of nuclear structure functions
pmid10019608 Probing strongly interacting electroweak dynamics through W+W-/ZZ ratios at future e+e- colliders
pmid10019609 Probing anomalous triple boson vertices at future e+e- colliders
pmid10019610 Anomalous g5Z coupling at gamma gamma colliders
pmid10019611 Possible violation of sum rules for higher-twist parton distributions
pmid10019612 Light meson production at the Fermilab Tevatron to next-to-leading order
pmid10019613 Spin content of constituent quarks and one-spin asymmetries in inclusive processes
pmid10019614 Hadroproduction of charmonium at large xF
pmid10019615 CERN LHC analysis of the strongly interacting WW system: Gold-plated modes
pmid10019616 Particle production in very-high-energy cosmic-ray emulsion chamber events: Usual and unusual events
pmid10019617 Angular correlations and light gluinos in multijet photoproduction at DESY HERA
pmid10019618 Neutralino production as a SUSY discovery process at CERN LEP 2
pmid10019619 Higgs-boson-photon associated production at ee-bar colliders
pmid10019620 Resummation of running coupling effects in semileptonic B meson decays and extraction of ||Vcb||
pmid10019621 A note on limits on new interactions from the pi -->e nu / pi --> micro nu branching ratio
pmid10019622 Applicability of perturbative QCD to B-->D decays
pmid10019623 Weak decays in the light-front quark model
pmid10019624 Recalculation of QCD corrections to b-->s gamma decay
pmid10019625 Decays of excited charmed Lambda -type and Sigma -type baryons in heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019626 Semileptonic lepton-number- and/or lepton-flavor-violating tau decays in Majorana neutrino models
pmid10019627 Constraining new interactions with leptonic tau decays
pmid10019628 b-->s gamma decay and right-handed top-bottom charged current
pmid10019629 Atomic alchemy: Weak decays of muonic and pionic atoms into other atoms
pmid10019630 Light-cone view on the applicability of perturbative QCD for exclusive processes
pmid10019631 Finite ma corrections for sea quark matrix elements on the lattice
pmid10019632 Noncompact lattice formulation of gauge theories
pmid10019633 Matching QCD and heavy-quark effective theory heavy-light currents at two loops and beyond
pmid10019634 Magnetic moments and charge radii of decuplet baryons in a field-theoretic quark model
pmid10019635 Fine-tuning problem in minimal SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified theories
pmid10019636 Rb in supersymmetric models
pmid10019637 Intermediate scales in SUSY SO(10), b- tau unification, and hot dark matter neutrinos
pmid10019638 Fermion masses, mixing angles, and supersymmetric SO(10) unification
pmid10019639 Dynamical generation of CKM mixings by broken horizontal gauge interactions
pmid10019640 Finite supersymmetric threshold corrections to CKM matrix elements in the large tan beta regime
pmid10019641 Third-family flavor physics in an SU(3)3 x SU(2)L x U(1)Y model
pmid10019642 Landau pole effects and the parameter space of the minimal supergravity model
pmid10019643 String no-scale supergravity model and its experimental consequences
pmid10019644 Resolving the constrained minimal and next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard models
pmid10019645 D0-D-bar 0 mixing in the presence of isosinglet quarks
pmid10019646 Theory, phenomenology, and prospects for detection of supersymmetric dark matter
pmid10019647 Comparison of a new calculation of energy-energy correlations with e+e---> hadrons data at the Z0 resonance
pmid10019648 (B+L)-conserving nucleon decays in supersymmetric models
pmid10019649 Charmonium in a weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma
pmid10019650 Nuclear dependence of J/ psi production by 800 GeV/c protons near xF=0
pmid10019651 Erratum: Isospin violation in QCD sum rules for baryons
pmid10019652 Possible revelation of a seesaw mass pattern in solar and atmospheric neutrino data
pmid10019653 Spontaneous CP violation in supersymmetric models with four Higgs doublets
pmid10019654 Where does the rho go? Chirally symmetric vector mesons in the quark-gluon plasma
pmid10021675 Erratum: Spin-dependent effects in the roughened string model for heavy quarkonia
pmid10021676 Erratum: Global properties of static spherically symmetric charged dilaton spacetimes with a Liouville potential
pmid10059151 Continuum Description for Nonequilibrium Competing Dynamic Models
pmid10059152 New Limits on Local Lorentz Invariance from Hg and Cs Magnetometers
pmid10059153 Continuum Limit, Galilean Invariance, and Solitons in the Quantum Equivalent of the Noisy Burgers Equation
pmid10059154 Potential Dark Matter Detector? The Detection of Low Energy Neutrons by Superfluid 3He
pmid10059155 Asymptotic Scaling in the Two-Dimensional O(3) sigma Model at Correlation Length 10(5)
pmid10059156 Nucleation of Weakly Driven Kinks
pmid10059157 Dilepton Production in High Luminosity Multi-GeV Electron Scattering
pmid10059158 New Nuclide 267108 Produced by the 238U+34S Reaction
pmid10059159 Rotating Polarization-Induced Resonance in Atoms and Molecules
pmid10059160 Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy of Ba-: Metastable and Stable Ions
pmid10059161 Observation of Angle Dependent Postcollision Interaction in the Electron Impact Ionization of Xe 4d5/2
pmid10059162 3He Spin Echo: New Atomic Beam Technique for Probing Phenomena in the neV Range
pmid10059163 Universal Properties of Multimode Laser Power Spectra
pmid10059164 Spectrum of Light Scattered from a Degenerate Bose Gas
pmid10059165 Observation of a Second-Order Spin-Depolarizing Resonance
pmid10059166 Onset and Stability of Convection in Porous Media: Visualization by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
pmid10059167 Onset of Surface-Tension-Driven Bénard Convection
pmid10059168 Scaling Exponents near the Onset of Turbulence
pmid10059169 Computation of Maps for Particle and Light Optics by Scaling, Splitting, and Squaring
pmid10059170 An Accurate Measurement of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal Effect
pmid10059171 Target Plasma Formation for Magnetic Compression/Magnetized Target Fusion
pmid10059172 Momentum Distribution of 4He across the Melting Transition
pmid10059173 Biphase Ordering of Iron Oxide Surfaces
pmid10059174 Tunneling States in Crystals with Large Random Strains
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