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20 January 2025

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Results 1 to 200 of 698.   [ 1 2 3 4 ]   Next next

pmid11056606 Creating macroscopic atomic Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states from Bose-Einstein condensates
pmid11056607 Squeezing and entanglemëent of atomic beams
pmid11056608 Energy transduction in periodically driven non-hermitian systems
pmid11056609 Tau neutrinos favored over sterile neutrinos in atmospheric muon neutrino oscillations
pmid11056610 Grand unified theories without the desert
pmid11056611 Phenomenological evidence for gluon depletion in pA collisions
pmid11056612 Transverse energy fluctuations and the pattern of J/psi suppression in Pb-Pb collisions
pmid11056613 Geometric chaoticity leads to ordered spectra for randomly interacting fermions
pmid11056614 Minimization methods for the one-particle dirac equation
pmid11056615 Slow photoelectron imaging
pmid11056616 High-resolution vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy of an electron-cooled D- beam
pmid11056617 Pondermotive forces with slow light
pmid11056618 Incremental approach to strongly correlated many-body finite systems
pmid11056619 Angular momentum partitioning and hexacontatetrapole moments in impulsively excited argon ions
pmid11056620 Frequency modulation in the transmittivity of wave guides in elastic-wave band-gap materials
pmid11056621 Inversion symmetry and exact critical exponents of dissipating waves in the sandpile model
pmid11056622 Experimental dynamics of a vortex within a vortex
pmid11056623 Solitary coherent structures in viscoelastic shear flow: computation and mechanism
pmid11056624 Nonlinear vertical oscillations of a particle in a sheath of a rf discharge
pmid11056625 Three-dimensional strongly coupled plasma crystal under gravity conditions
pmid11056626 Stimulated raman scattering of rapidly amplified short laser pulses
pmid11056627 Reversible thermal gelation in soft spheres
pmid11056628 Evidence of two viscous relaxation processes in the collective dynamics of liquid lithium
pmid11056629 Surface plasmon resonance study of the spreading of a liquid-crystal smectic- a droplet on a gold substrate
pmid11056630 Solving the crystallographic phase problem in i(AlPdMn)
pmid11056631 Dislocated epitaxial islands
pmid11056632 Laser-induced graphitization on a diamond (111) surface
pmid11056633 Critical dynamics of burst instabilities in the Portevin-Le Ch atelier effect
pmid11056634 Crystal-like high frequency phonons in the amorphous phases of solid water
pmid11056635 Efficient Monte Carlo algorithm and high-precision results for percolation
pmid11056636 Local functional models of critical correlations in thin films
pmid11056637 Optical field-induced mass transport in As2S3 chalcogenide glasses
pmid11056638 Roughness evolution of ion sputtered rotating InP surfaces: pattern formation and scaling laws
pmid11056639 Atomic transport and chemical stability during annealing of ultrathin Al2O3 films on Si
pmid11056640 Signature of atomic structure in the quantum conductance of gold nanowires
pmid11056641 Adsorption on carbon nanotubes: quantum spin tubes, magnetization plateaus, and conformal symmetry
pmid11056642 Tunneling between two luttinger liquids induced by a driving field
pmid11056643 Analytic environment-dependent tight-binding bond integrals: application to MoSi2
pmid11056644 Absence of residual quasiparticle conductivity in the underdoped cuprate YBa2Cu4O8
pmid11056645 Nonlinear voltage dependence of the shot noise in mesoscopic degenerate conductors with strong electron-electron scattering
pmid11056646 Current switch by coherent trapping of electrons in quantum dots
pmid11056647 Enhancement of persistent currents due to confinement in metallic samples
pmid11056648 Stability of the smectic quantum hall state: a quantitative study
pmid11056649 Weak charge quantization as an instanton of the interacting sigma model
pmid11056650 Meissner-London currents in superconductors with rectangular cross section
pmid11056651 Effects of interlayer coupling on the irreversibility lines of NbN/AlN superconducting multilayers
pmid11056652 Ferromagnetism and colossal magnetoresistance from phase competition
pmid11056653 Experimental observation of disorder-driven hysteresis-loop criticality
pmid11056654 Electric field gradient effects in raman spectroscopy
pmid11056655 Cooper minima in the photoemission spectra of solids
pmid11056656 Must thin-thick transitions precede long-range critical wetting?
pmid11056657 Bertrand, bonn, and meunier reply:
pmid11056658 Comment on "Direct measurement of the ’Giant’ adiabatic temperature change in Gd5Si2Ge2"
pmid11056659 Comment on "Direct measurement of the ’Giant’ adiabatic temperature change in Gd5Si2Ge2"
pmid11056660 Foldeaki et al. reply:
pmid11060597 Strong confinement and oscillations in two-component bose-einstein condensates
pmid11060598 Effect of noise on a quantum bound state
pmid11060599 New constraints on neutrino physics from BOOMERANG data
pmid11060600 Meron pairs and fermion zero modes
pmid11060601 Renormalons as dilatation modes in the functional space
pmid11060602 Dijet production by double pomeron exchange at the fermilab tevatron
pmid11060603 Neutron-proton differential flow as a probe of isospin-dependence of the nuclear equation of state
pmid11060604 Amplification of light and atoms in a bose-einstein condensate
pmid11060605 Proper treatment of symmetries and excited states in a computationally tractable kohn-sham method
pmid11060606 Relative phase measurement of a stark wave packet in the vicinity of the saddle point
pmid11060607 Spin relaxation resonances due to the spin-axis interaction in dense rubidium and cesium vapor
pmid11060608 Selective excitation of vibrational states by shaping of light-induced potentials
pmid11060609 Collisions between metastable hydrogen atoms at thermal energies
pmid11060610 Suppression of recoil heating by an optical lattice
pmid11060611 Three-wave mixing in chiral liquids
pmid11060612 Experimental evidence of third-order nonlinear dichroism in a liquid of chiral molecules
pmid11060613 Triangle map: A model of quantum chaos
pmid11060614 Testing whether two chaotic one dimensional processes are dynamically identical
pmid11060615 Multiple scattering of light by atoms in the weak localization regime
pmid11060616 From avalanches to fluid flow: A continuous picture of grain dynamics down a heap
pmid11060617 Wave attractors in rotating fluids: A paradigm for ill-posed cauchy problems
pmid11060618 Superlattice patterns in vertically oscillated rayleigh-Benard convection
pmid11060619 Multiscale coherent structures and broadband waves due to parallel inhomogeneous flows
pmid11060620 Extended X-Ray absorption fine structure from hydrogen atoms in water
pmid11060621 Dynamic heterogeneity of relaxations in glasses and liquids
pmid11060622 Diffusion coefficients in a lamellar lyotropic phase: evidence for defects connecting the surfactant structure
pmid11060623 Anisotropic nonlinear elastic properties of an icosahedral quasicrystal
pmid11060624 Conformations of random polyampholytes
pmid11060625 A discotic disguised as a smectic: A hybrid columnar bragg glass
pmid11060626 Critical behavior of the de gennes elastic constants near the nematic-smectic- A transition of TBBA
pmid11060627 Supercooled confined water and the mode coupling crossover temperature
pmid11060628 Primary and secondary nucleation of the transition between the A and B phases of superfluid 3He
pmid11060629 High-frequency acoustics of 3He in aerogel
pmid11060630 Meniscus instability in a thin elastic film
pmid11060631 Theoretical analysis of the growth mode for thin metallic films on oxide substrates
pmid11060632 Exploiting the difference in lattice structures for formation of self-assembled PbS dots on InP(110)
pmid11060633 Direct observation of vibrational energy delocalization on surfaces: CO on Ru(001)
pmid11060634 Spontaneous deformation of the fermi surface due to strong correlation in the two-dimensional t- J model
pmid11060635 X-Ray anomalous scattering study of a charge-ordered state in NaV2O5
pmid11060636 Independent freezing of charge and spin dynamics in La1.5Sr0.5CoO4
pmid11060637 Analysis of the metallic phase of two-dimensional holes in SiGe in terms of temperature dependent screening
pmid11060638 Is the intrinsic thermoelectric power of carbon nanotubes positive?
pmid11060639 Detecting electronic states at stacking faults in magnetic thin films by tunneling spectroscopy
pmid11060640 Anomalous thermopower in the metalliclike phase of a 2D hole system
pmid11060641 Strong-coupling expansions for multiparticle excitations: continuum and bound states
pmid11060642 Observation of quantum coherence in mesoscopic molecular magnets
pmid11060643 Optical anisotropy of the SiC((001))- (3x2) surface: evidence for the two-adlayer asymmetric-dimer model
pmid11060644 First observation of nonreciprocal X-Ray gyrotropy
pmid11060645 Salt-induced DNA-histone complexation
pmid11060646 Fluctuation-facilitated charge migration along DNA
pmid11060647 Dilution wave and negative-order crystallization kinetics of chain molecules
pmid11060648 Universal aspects of the chemomechanical coupling for molecular motors
pmid11060649 Comment on "Astrophysical jets as exact plasma equilibria"
pmid11060650 Bogoyavlenskij replies:
pmid11060651 Comment on "Hydrodynamic coarsening of binary fluids"
pmid11060652 Solis, olvera de la cruz, and smith reply:
pmid11060653 Comment on "Degenerate wannier theory for multiple ionization"
pmid11060654 Pattard and rost reply:
pmid11060655 Comment on "New approach in equilibrium theory for strained layer relaxation"
pmid11060656 Fischer replies:
pmid11062120 Discovery of a transient absorption edge in the X-ray spectrum of GRB 990705
pmid11062121 Observation of X-ray lines from a gamma-ray burst (GRB991216): evidence of moving ejecta from the progenitor
pmid11062122 Mode-specific energy disposal in the four-atom reaction OH + D2 --> HOD + D
pmid11062123 First-principles theory for the H + H2O, D2O reactions
pmid11062124 A light-emitting field-effect transistor
pmid11062125 Emissions of methyl halides and methane from rice paddies
pmid11062126 Early Permian bipedal reptile
pmid11062127 A kingdom-level phylogeny of eukaryotes based on combined protein data
pmid11062128 Recovery and management options for spring/summer chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin
pmid11062129 VirB/D4-dependent protein translocation from Agrobacterium into plant cells
pmid11062130 A basal transcription factor that activates or represses transcription
pmid11062131 Oxidative damage linked to neurodegeneration by selective alpha-synuclein nitration in synucleinopathy lesions
pmid11062132 Role of BAX in the apoptotic response to anticancer agents
pmid11062133 A PEST-like sequence in listeriolysin O essential for Listeria monocytogenes pathogenicity
pmid11062134 Role of Bacillus subtilis SpoIIIE in DNA transport across the mother cell-prespore division septum
pmid11073444 Allosteric effects of Pit-1 DNA sites on long-term repression in cell type specification
pmid11073445 Spin-dependent tunneling in self-assembled cobalt-nanocrystal superlattices
pmid11073446 The role of Mg2+ as an impurity in calcite growth
pmid11073447 African hot spot volcanism: small-scale convection in the upper mantle beneath cratons
pmid11073448 Direct condensation of carboxylic acids with alcohols catalyzed by Hafnium(IV) salts
pmid11073449 Solar wind record on the moon: deciphering presolar from planetary nitrogen
pmid11073450 Decadal sea surface temperature variability in the subtropical South Pacific from 1726 to 1997 A.D
pmid11073451 Contributions of land-use history to carbon accumulation in U.S. forests
pmid11073452 The evolutionary fate and consequences of duplicate genes
pmid11073453 The genetic legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in extant Europeans: a Y chromosome perspective
pmid11073454 Transgene and transposon silencing in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by a DEAH-box RNA helicase
pmid11073455 Aureusidin synthase: a polyphenol oxidase homolog responsible for flower coloration
pmid11073456 Survival for immunity: the price of immune system activation for bumblebee workers
pmid11073457 Promiscuity and the primate immune system
pmid11073458 NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic reinforcement as a crucial process for memory consolidation
pmid11081471 Following through on Phillips
pmid11081472 Total eclipse unlikely
pmid11081473 Inquiry blames missed warnings for scale of Britain’s BSE crisis
pmid11081474 Were some CJD victims infected by vaccines?
pmid11081475 Scientific turf war ’delayed potentially vital research’
pmid11081476 Kenyans protest at being left off AIDS patent
pmid11081477 Puffer fish joins genome stampede
pmid11081478 US fusion community ’must end isolation’, says panel
pmid11081479 Whitehead enters into array deal
pmid11081480 Aquarium group fights ’cyanide fishing’..
pmid11081481 As scientists raise alarm over coral reefs
pmid11081482 Optical telescopes. Does size matter?
pmid11081483 Genes should not be patentable, but if they are, we all have to do it
pmid11081484 Results may not fit well with current theories..
pmid11081485 But yeast prion offers clues about evolution
pmid11081486 In defence of Spanish R&D spending
pmid11081487 Don’t ignore the risk of vaccine contamination
pmid11081488 Is Russian science recovering?
pmid11081489 What’s in a name?
pmid11081490 The stars my incarnation
pmid11081491 Evolutionary biology. Small but mighty timekeepers
pmid11081492 Surprising movements in solids
pmid11081493 Turning fields into grains
pmid11081494 An auroral signature decoded
pmid11081495 Developmental biology. One cell, two fates
pmid11081496 Nanotechnology. Flipping a molecular switch
pmid11081497 Transcription. Regulation of the regulators
pmid11081498 Cosmic discord
pmid11081499 Global spread of microorganisms by ships
pmid11081500 The smallest carbon nanotube
pmid11081501 Single-walled 4 A carbon nanotube arrays
pmid11081502 Hydrodynamic stimuli and the fish lateral line
pmid11081503 Telomere states and cell fates
pmid11081504 Interleukin 21 and its receptor are involved in NK cell expansion and regulation of lymphocyte function
pmid11081505 A photorefractive organically modified silica glass with high optical gain
pmid11081506 A nanometre-scale electronic switch consisting of a metal cluster and redox-addressable groups
pmid11081507 Large disparity between gallium and antimony self-diffusion in gallium antimonide
pmid11081508 Early onset and tropical forcing of 100,000-year Pleistocene glacial cycles
pmid11081509 Accelerated hydration of the Earth’s deep crust induced by stress perturbations
pmid11081510 Elevated CO2 increases productivity and invasive species success in an arid ecosystem
pmid11081511 Evolutionary origins of vertebrate appendicular muscle
pmid11081512 Conservation of the sequence and temporal expression of let-7 heterochronic regulatory RNA
pmid11081513 Polarization of the anterior-posterior axis of C. elegans is a microtubule-directed process
pmid11081514 Flk1-positive cells derived from embryonic stem cells serve as vascular progenitors
pmid11081515 Bidirectional control of airway responsiveness by endogenous cannabinoids
pmid11081516 Identification of genes that modify ataxin-1-induced neurodegeneration
pmid11081517 Signal-dependent nuclear export of a histone deacetylase regulates muscle differentiation
pmid11081518 Structural basis for signal transduction by the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domains
pmid11081519 Structural basis for the activation of 20S proteasomes by 11S regulators
pmid11082053 Early development of ocular dominance columns
pmid11082054 Hot plasma and black hole binaries in starburst galaxy M82
pmid11082055 Defect-induced phase separation in dipolar fluids
pmid11082056 Macroscopic fibers and ribbons of oriented carbon nanotubes
pmid11082057 Change in the probability for earthquakes in Southern California due to the Landers magnitude 7.3 earthquake
pmid11082058 Sediments at the top of Earth’s core
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