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26 January 2025

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Results 1 to 200 of 579.   [ 1 2 3 ]   Next next

pmid11099404 Autophagy as a regulated pathway of cellular degradation
pmid11099405 How cells handle cholesterol
pmid11099406 Self-mode-locking of quantum cascade lasers with giant ultrafast optical nonlinearities
pmid11099407 Tunable resistance of a carbon nanotube-graphite interface
pmid11099408 Formation of sphalerite (ZnS) deposits in natural biofilms of sulfate-reducing bacteria
pmid11099409 Tropical climate at the last glacial maximum inferred from glacier mass-balance modeling
pmid11099410 The formation of chondrules at high gas pressures in the solar nebula
pmid11099411 Support for the lunar cataclysm hypothesis from lunar meteorite impact melt ages
pmid11099412 Nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) in polar stratospheric clouds
pmid11099413 Reinterpreting space, time lags, and functional responses in ecological models
pmid11099414 Posttranslational N-myristoylation of BID as a molecular switch for targeting mitochondria and apoptosis
pmid11099415 Requirement of the RNA editing deaminase ADAR1 gene for embryonic erythropoiesis
pmid11099416 Down-regulation of the macrophage lineage through interaction with OX2 (CD200)
pmid11099417 Accumulation of dietary cholesterol in sitosterolemia caused by mutations in adjacent ABC transporters
pmid11099418 From marrow to brain: expression of neuronal phenotypes in adult mice
pmid11099419 Turning blood into brain: cells bearing neuronal antigens generated in vivo from bone marrow
pmid11099420 Coding the location of the arm by sight
pmid11099421 Neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex that track past or predict future performance
pmid11102131 Quantum-mechanical nonperturbative response of driven chaotic mesoscopic systems
pmid11102132 Second order theory of excitations in trapped bose condensates at finite temperatures
pmid11102133 Discretized diffusion processes
pmid11102134 Continuous quantum measurement and the emergence of classical chaos
pmid11102135 Measurement of direct photon emission in K+-->pi(+)pi(0)gamma decay
pmid11102136 Search for direct CP violation in nonleptonic decays of charged Xi and lambda hyperons
pmid11102137 Transverse momentum distributions and their forward-backward correlations in the percolating color string approach
pmid11102138 Semi-inclusive lambda and K(S) production in p-Au collisions at 17.5 GeV/c
pmid11102139 Vacuum-stimulated raman scattering based on adiabatic passage in a high-finesse optical cavity
pmid11102140 Dissociation dynamics of H+2 in intense laser fields: investigation of photofragments from single vibrational levels
pmid11102141 Classical stark mixing at ultralow collision energies
pmid11102142 Ripple formation through an interface instability from moving growth and erosion sources
pmid11102143 Eliminating the transverse instabilities of kerr solitons
pmid11102144 Nondiffusive transport in tokamaks: three-dimensional structure of bursts and the role of zonal flows
pmid11102145 Ba-IV-type incommensurate crystal structure in group-V metals
pmid11102146 Out-diffusion and precipitation of copper in silicon: An electrostatic model
pmid11102147 Instabilities in diamond under high shear stress
pmid11102148 Frost heave in argon
pmid11102149 Glass transition and relaxation following PhotoPerturbation in thin polymeric films
pmid11102150 Low-temperature structure of indium quantum chains on silicon
pmid11102151 Bloch electron in a magnetic field and the ising model
pmid11102152 New classes of quasicrystals and marginal critical states
pmid11102153 Coulomb drag between one-dimensional conductors
pmid11102154 Low-frequency crossover of the fractional power-Law conductivity in SrRuO3
pmid11102155 Controlled modification of individual adsorbate electronic structure
pmid11102156 Quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors
pmid11102157 Quasiparticle localization in disordered d-wave superconductors
pmid11102158 Theory of plastic vortex creep
pmid11102159 Ultrahigh-resolution photoemission spectroscopy of Ni borocarbides: direct observation of the superconducting gap and a change in gap anisotropy by impurity
pmid11102160 Exact and numerical results for a dimerized coupled spin- 1/2 chain
pmid11102161 Spin-driven jahn-teller distortion in a pyrochlore system
pmid11102162 Quantification of magnetic domain disorder and correlations in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers by neutron reflectometry
pmid11102163 Nanoparticle ejection from Au induced by single Xe ion impacts
pmid11102164 Local distinguishability of multipartite orthogonal quantum states
pmid11102165 Like-charge attraction and hydrodynamic interaction
pmid11102166 Sol-Gel transition of concentrated colloidal suspensions
pmid11102167 Random replicators with high-order interactions
pmid11102168 Why is the DNA denaturation transition first order?
pmid11102169 Absence of dc-conductivity in lambda-DNA
pmid11102170 Instabilities due to charge-density-curvature coupling in charged membranes
pmid11102171 Frustrations in polymer conformation in gels and their minimization through molecular imprinting
pmid11102172 Low cloud properties influenced by cosmic rays
pmid11102173 Comment on "Thermal model for adaptive competition in a market"
pmid11102174 Cavagna et al. reply:
pmid11102175 Experimental demonstration of three mutually orthogonal polarization states of entangled photons
pmid11102176 Proposal for measurement of harmonic oscillator berry phase in ion traps
pmid11102177 Time evolution of quantum fractals
pmid11102178 Generating entangled atom-photon pairs from bose-einstein condensates
pmid11102179 Eliminating the mean-field shift in two-component bose-einstein condensates
pmid11102180 Edwards’ measures for powders and glasses
pmid11102181 Limit on lorentz and CPT violation of the neutron using a two-species noble-Gas maser
pmid11102182 Hawking radiation As tunneling
pmid11102183 First search for gravitational wave bursts with a network of detectors
pmid11102184 Chiral symmetry, quark mass, and scaling of the overlap fermions
pmid11102185 CPT-Odd resonances in neutrino oscillations
pmid11102186 First direct measurement of the parity-violating coupling of the Z0 to the s quark
pmid11102187 Enhanced electric dipole moment of the muon in the presence of large neutrino mixing
pmid11102188 Cross section for b-Jet production in &pmacr;p collisions at radicals = 1.8 TeV
pmid11102189 Sudden interchannel interaction in the Tl 6p ionization above the 5d threshold
pmid11102190 Observation of inner electron ionization from radial rydberg wave packets in two-electron atoms
pmid11102191 High harmonic generation beyond the electric dipole approximation
pmid11102192 Boundary-free propagation with the time-dependent Schrodinger equation
pmid11102193 X-Ray emission following low-energy charge exchange collisions of highly charged ions
pmid11102194 Order alpha(7)ln(1/alpha) contribution to positronium hyperfine splitting
pmid11102195 Optimal states and almost optimal adaptive measurements for quantum interferometry
pmid11102196 Segregation transitions in wet granular matter
pmid11102197 Stability of water bells generated by jet impacts on a disk
pmid11102198 Stable laser-pulse propagation in plasma channels for GeV electron acceleration
pmid11102199 Ion heating in the field-reversed configuration by rotating magnetic fields near the ion-cyclotron resonance
pmid11102200 Diffusion-reorganized aggregates: attractors in diffusion processes?
pmid11102201 Structural properties of lanthanide and actinide compounds within the plane wave pseudopotential approach
pmid11102202 Picometer accuracy in measuring lattice displacements across planar faults by interferometry in coherent electron diffraction
pmid11102203 Phonon anomaly in high-pressure Zn
pmid11102204 Angular structure of lacunarity, and the renormalization group
pmid11102205 Freezing by monte carlo phase switch
pmid11102206 Slippage of nonsuperfluid helium films
pmid11102207 Low-temperature magnetization of submonolayer 3He adsorbed on HD preplated graphite
pmid11102208 New phase and surface melting of Si(111) at high temperature above the (7x7)-(1x1) phase transition
pmid11102209 X-Ray waveguiding studies of ordering phenomena in confined fluids
pmid11102210 Role of the Metal/Semiconductor interface in quantum size effects: Pb /Si(111)
pmid11102211 d-wave superconductivity and pomeranchuk instability in the two-dimensional hubbard model
pmid11102212 Magnetic stress as a driving force of structural distortions: the case of CrN
pmid11102213 Observation of charge stripes in cupric oxide
pmid11102214 Photoemission spectra of LaMnO3 controlled by orbital excitations
pmid11102215 Franck-condon-broadened angle-resolved photoemission spectra predicted in LaMnO3
pmid11102216 Negative spin-polarization of SrRuO3
pmid11102217 Intertube coupling in ropes of single-wall carbon nanotubes
pmid11102218 Topological phases in graphitic cones
pmid11102219 Fermi surface, surface states, and surface reconstruction in Sr2RuO4
pmid11102220 Evidence for large gap anisotropy in superconducting Pb from phonon imaging
pmid11102221 Gd(0001): A semi-infinite three-dimensional heisenberg ferromagnet with ordinary surface transition
pmid11102222 Macroscopic quantum coherence in a magnetic nanoparticle above the surface of a superconductor
pmid11102223 Neutral-ionic phase separation and one-dimensional ferroelectricity in organic relaxors
pmid11102224 Double resonant raman scattering in graphite
pmid11102225 High harmonic generation of soft X-rays by carbon nanotubes
pmid11102226 Phonon density of states of single-wall carbon nanotubes
pmid11102227 New paradoxical games based on brownian ratchets
pmid11102228 Optimal strategies for sending information through A quantum channel
pmid11102229 Topology of evolving networks: local events and universality
pmid11102230 Scaling law of resistance fluctuations in stationary random resistor networks
pmid11102231 Multiple-sequence information provides protection against mis-specified potential energy functions in the lattice model of proteins
pmid11102232 Elasticity of the rod-shaped gram-negative eubacteria
pmid11102233 Do thiols merely passivate gold nanoclusters?
pmid11102234 Comment on "Relativistic effects of light in moving media with extremely low group velocity"
pmid11102235 Leonhardt and piwnicki reply:
pmid11102236 Comment on "Canonical and microcanonical calculations for fermi systems"
pmid11102237 Comment on "Potts model with long-range interactions in one dimension"
pmid11102238 Bayong et al. reply:
pmid11102239 Andreev reflection at point contacts with heavy-fermion UBe13?
pmid11102240 Walti et al. reply
pmid11102241 Spin tunneling in Mn12 cannot Be assisted by phonons at millikelvin temperatures
pmid11102242 Bellessa et al. reply:
pmid11110653 Subduction and slab detachment in the Mediterranean-Carpathian region
pmid11110654 Sedimentary rocks of early Mars
pmid11110655 Planar hexacoordinate carbon: a viable possibility
pmid11110656 Geodynamic evidence for a chemically depleted continental tectosphere
pmid11110657 Teleconvection: remotely driven thermal convection in rotating stratified spherical layers
pmid11110658 Rapid changes in the hydrologic cycle of the tropical Atlantic during the last glacial
pmid11110659 Synchronous radiocarbon and climate shifts during the last deglaciation
pmid11110660 A primitive enantiornithine bird and the origin of feathers
pmid11110661 Glucose-dependent insulin release from genetically engineered K cells
pmid11110662 Response to RAG-mediated VDJ cleavage by NBS1 and gamma-H2AX
pmid11110663 Identification of synergistic signals initiating inner ear development
pmid11110664 The contribution of noise to contrast invariance of orientation tuning in cat visual cortex
pmid11110665 Efficient initiation of HCV RNA replication in cell culture
pmid11110666 Multigenerational cortical inheritance of the Rax2 protein in orienting polarity and division in yeast
pmid11110667 Rescue of photoreceptor degeneration in rhodopsin-null Drosophila mutants by activated Rac1
pmid11118136 The ecological risks and benefits of genetically engineered plants
pmid11118137 Arabidopsis transcription factors: genome-wide comparative analysis among eukaryotes
pmid11118138 Orchestrated transcription of key pathways in Arabidopsis by the circadian clock
pmid11118139 The origins of genomic duplications in Arabidopsis
pmid11118140 Strange magnetism and the anapole structure of the proton
pmid11118141 Molybdenum nanowires by electrodeposition
pmid11118142 High-resolution inkjet printing of all-polymer transistor circuits
pmid11118143 Ultrahigh-density nanowire arrays grown in self-assembled diblock copolymer templates
pmid11118144 Creating long-lived superhydrophobic polymer surfaces through mechanically assembled monolayers
pmid11118145 External control of 20th century temperature by natural and anthropogenic forcings
pmid11118146 Extended life-span conferred by cotransporter gene mutations in Drosophila
pmid11118147 Docosahexaenoic acid, a ligand for the retinoid X receptor in mouse brain
pmid11118148 Global analysis of the genetic network controlling a bacterial cell cycle
pmid11118149 The bacterial flagellar cap as the rotary promoter of flagellin self-assembly
pmid11118150 Development of CD8alpha-positive dendritic cells from a common myeloid progenitor
pmid11118151 Functional requirement for class I MHC in CNS development and plasticity
pmid11125134 Intersubband electroluminescence from silicon-based quantum cascade structures
pmid11125135 Element-selective single atom imaging
pmid11125136 A quantum dot single-photon turnstile device
pmid11125137 Reconstruction of the Amazon Basin effective moisture availability over the past 14,000 years
pmid11125138 Upwelling intensification as part of the Pliocene-Pleistocene climate transition
pmid11125139 Millennial-scale dynamics of southern Amazonian rain forests
pmid11125140 Transmembrane molecular pump activity of Niemann-Pick C1 protein
pmid11125141 Identification of HE1 as the second gene of Niemann-Pick C disease
pmid11125142 Evidence for genetic linkage of Alzheimer’s disease to chromosome 10q
pmid11125143 Linkage of plasma Abeta42 to a quantitative locus on chromosome 10 in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease pedigrees
pmid11125144 Susceptibility locus for Alzheimer’s disease on chromosome 10
pmid11125145 Genome-wide location and function of DNA binding proteins
pmid11125146 Inhibition of eukaryotic DNA replication by geminin binding to Cdt1
pmid11125147 Distinct roles for TBP and TBP-like factor in early embryonic gene transcription in Xenopus
pmid11125148 Cholinergic enhancement and increased selectivity of perceptual processing during working memory
pmid11125149 A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction
pmid11125150 Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding
pmid11130030 Rays of hope in eastern Europe
pmid11130031 Successes in fight to save ozone layer could close holes by 2050
pmid11130032 Gridlock stalls NIH budget rise
pmid11130033 US puts global collaboration at heart of AIDS effort
pmid11130034 Scientists win vote of confidence from French public
pmid11130035 Mars images may be legacy of lakeside view
pmid11130036 NIH cash tied to compulsory training in good behaviour
pmid11130037 France opens door to use of embryos in stem-cell research
pmid11130038 Medical schools in concert on research ethics
pmid11130039 Xenotransplantation opponents take FDA to court
pmid11130040 Japan makes polluters pay after landmark court ruling
pmid11130041 Academics bid to transcend the Arab-Israeli conflict
pmid11130042 HIV-positive men offered hope of healthy children
pmid11130043 Climate change: the great ice mystery
pmid11130044 Island-hopping invaders hitch a ride with tourists in South Georgia
pmid11130045 Status of Japanese monkeys under debate
pmid11130046 Call for a fairer deal on grant applications
pmid11130047 The quantum centennial
pmid11130048 A chair of one’s own
pmid11130049 Murphy’s cat
pmid11130050 What drives climate?
pmid11130051 Human evolution. A start for population genomics
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