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26 January 2025

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pmid10698731 The catalytic pathway of cytochrome p450cam at atomic resolution
pmid10698732 Mid-Pleistocene Acheulean-like stone technology of the Bose basin, South China
pmid10698733 Isotope fractionation and atmospheric oxygen: implications for phanerozoic O(2) evolution
pmid10698734 Natural NaAlSi(3)O(8)-hollandite in the shocked sixiangkou meteorite
pmid10698735 Green, catalytic oxidation of alcohols in water
pmid10698736 Translation of the edited mRNA for cytochrome b in trypanosome mitochondria
pmid10698737 A potassium channel protein encoded by chlorella virus PBCV-1
pmid10698738 Requirement of the prolyl isomerase Pin1 for the replication checkpoint
pmid10698739 Requirement of the inositol trisphosphate receptor for activation of store-operated Ca2+ channels
pmid10698740 An ultrasensitive bacterial motor revealed by monitoring signaling proteins in single cells
pmid10698741 Salmonella pathogenicity island 2-dependent evasion of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase
pmid10698742 Resonant formation of DNA strand breaks by low-energy (3 to 20 eV) electrons
pmid10698743 Dual signaling regulated by calcyon, a D1 dopamine receptor interacting protein
pmid10698744 Epitopes involved in antibody-mediated protection from Ebola virus
pmid10710299 Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100
pmid10710300 Lunar impact history from (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating of glass spherules
pmid10710301 Internal structure and early thermal evolution of Mars from Mars Global Surveyor topography and gravity
pmid10710302 Suppression of rain and snow by urban and industrial air pollution
pmid10710303 An archaeal iron-oxidizing extreme acidophile important in acid mine drainage
pmid10710304 Seismic images of the far side of the Sun
pmid10710305 Extreme oxygen sensitivity of electronic properties of carbon nanotubes
pmid10710306 Hematopoietic stem cell quiescence maintained by p21cip1/waf1
pmid10710307 Complete genome sequence of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain MC58
pmid10710308 Identification of vaccine candidates against serogroup B meningococcus by whole-genome sequencing
pmid10710309 gridlock, an HLH gene required for assembly of the aorta in zebrafish
pmid10710310 DNA damage-induced activation of p53 by the checkpoint kinase Chk2
pmid10710311 Identification of a cellular cofactor required for infection by feline leukemia virus
pmid10710312 Candidate taste receptors in Drosophila
pmid10710313 Correlates of sleep and waking in Drosophila melanogaster
pmid10710314 Genetic suppression of polyglutamine toxicity in Drosophila
pmid10716409 Albright’s last scientific stand
pmid10716410 A critical nuclear appointment
pmid10716411 Germany challenges human stem cell patent awarded ’by mistake’
pmid10716412 NIH tightens up monitoring of gene-therapy mishaps
pmid10716413 Culling plans put future of red deer study in jeopardy
pmid10716414 Young, worldly and unhelpful all miss out on data sharing
pmid10716415 Promega and Roche take up battle over PCR patents
pmid10716416 Funding woes spell doom for US radio dish
pmid10716417 Post-cold war needs ’new forms of scientific linkage’
pmid10716418 Analysis of polio vaccine could end dispute over how AIDS originated
pmid10716419 Japanese officials found guilty in HIV blood case
pmid10716420 Crowded universities cramp more than just students’ style
pmid10716421 Patent confusion in law on new plant varieties
pmid10716422 Reversing Rorschach
pmid10716423 Danger--hard hack area
pmid10716424 Of ice and elephants
pmid10716425 p53 sends nucleotides to repair DNA
pmid10716426 Circadian clocks. Heartfelt enlightenment
pmid10716427 Physics. Brane new worlds
pmid10716428 Imaging in the fourth dimension
pmid10716429 Brimstone on mars
pmid10716430 Errors in judging ’offside’ in football
pmid10716431 Finding genes in Plasmodium falciparum
pmid10716432 Fish do not avoid survey vessels
pmid10716433 Migration and speciation
pmid10716434 The importance of repairing stalled replication forks
pmid10716435 A ribonucleotide reductase gene involved in a p53-dependent cell-cycle checkpoint for DNA damage
pmid10716436 Evidence of atmospheric sulphur in the martian regolith from sulphur isotopes in meteorites
pmid10716437 Fabrication of photonic crystals for the visible spectrum by holographic lithography
pmid10716438 Electrophoretic assembly of colloidal crystals with optically tunable micropatterns
pmid10716439 Shape control of CdSe nanocrystals
pmid10716440 Evidence from U-Th dating against Northern Hemisphere forcing of the penultimate deglaciation
pmid10716441 Stable sulphate clusters as a source of new atmospheric particles
pmid10716442 Geodetic evidence for a low slip rate in the Altyn Tagh fault system
pmid10716443 Tree species impoverishment and the future flora of the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil
pmid10716444 Egg investment is influenced by male attractiveness in the mallard
pmid10716445 Macaque monkeys categorize images by their ordinal number
pmid10716446 Temporal patterns of human cortical activity reflect tone sequence structure
pmid10716447 Cannabinoids control spasticity and tremor in a multiple sclerosis model
pmid10716448 Light acts directly on organs and cells in culture to set the vertebrate circadian clock
pmid10716449 Delayed activation of the paternal genome during seed development
pmid10716450 Eomesodermin is required for mouse trophoblast development and mesoderm formation
pmid10716451 p73-deficient mice have neurological, pheromonal and inflammatory defects but lack spontaneous tumours
pmid10716452 Single-molecule studies of the effect of template tension on T7 DNA polymerase activity
pmid10720314 Drug discovery: a historical perspective
pmid10720315 Target-oriented and diversity-oriented organic synthesis in drug discovery
pmid10720316 Mechanism-based target identification and drug discovery in cancer research
pmid10720317 Harnessing the power of the genome in the search for new antibiotics
pmid10720318 Monodisperse FePt nanoparticles and ferromagnetic FePt nanocrystal superlattices
pmid10720319 Efficient activation of aromatic C-H bonds for addition to C-C multiple bonds
pmid10720320 Thermal, catalytic, regiospecific functionalization of alkanes
pmid10720321 Detection of SO in Io’s exosphere
pmid10720322 Secular variation of iron isotopes in north atlantic deep water
pmid10720323 Modulation of hurricane activity in the gulf of mexico by the madden-julian oscillation
pmid10720324 Contribution of increasing CO2 and climate to carbon storage by ecosystems in the United States
pmid10720325 Cell surface engineering by a modified Staudinger reaction
pmid10720326 A fossil snake with limbs
pmid10720327 Prostaglandin D2 as a mediator of allergic asthma
pmid10720328 Facile detection of mitochondrial DNA mutations in tumors and bodily fluids
pmid10720329 Reversal of antipsychotic-induced working memory deficits by short-term dopamine D1 receptor stimulation
pmid10720330 Start sites of bidirectional DNA synthesis at the human lamin B2 origin
pmid10720331 A role for nuclear inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate kinase in transcriptional control
pmid10720332 Rapid extragranular plasticity in the absence of thalamocortical plasticity in the developing primary visual cortex
pmid10720333 Retinal stem cells in the adult mammalian eye
pmid10720334 Motion integration and postdiction in visual awareness
pmid10724131 International panel for GM food?
pmid10724132 Re-reforming Unesco
pmid10724133 Genome leaders told to keep their eyes on the main prize
pmid10724134 GM debate must go global, says meeting..
pmid10724135 Unesco ’worse than I imagined,’ says new director
pmid10724136 Expensive space crystal programme has produced little of scientific value, says panel
pmid10724137 Geneticists oppose consent ruling
pmid10724138 Panel will seek ’appropriate’ AIDS goals for South Africa
pmid10724139 $350m gift boosts MIT brain power
pmid10724140 Indian research budget favours defence
pmid10724141 Rival demands sink genome alliance plans
pmid10724142 Why private institutions alone will not do enough to protect biodiversity
pmid10724143 Alzheimer’s research is vital in work on ageing
pmid10724144 Opportunism knocks?
pmid10724145 A century of cognitive decline
pmid10724146 The song of the Neanderthal
pmid10724147 Life’s downs and ups
pmid10724148 Quantum cloning. Schrödinger’s sheep
pmid10724149 Neurobiology. A chorus line
pmid10724150 Too hot to melt
pmid10724151 Cell biology. Moving in mysterious ways
pmid10724152 Pushing electrons around
pmid10724153 Plate tectonics. The Antarctic connection
pmid10724154 Urban benzene and population exposure
pmid10724155 Climate variability and North Sea cod
pmid10724156 Bleaching patterns in reef corals
pmid10724157 Myopia and ambient night-time lighting. CLEERE Study Group. Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicity and Refractive Error
pmid10724158 Myopia and ambient night-time lighting
pmid10724159 Cenozoic motion between East and West Antarctica
pmid10724160 Autoinhibition and activation mechanisms of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
pmid10724161 Discovery of calcium in Mercury’s atmosphere
pmid10724162 North-south geological differences between the residual polar caps on Mars
pmid10724163 Impossibility of deleting an unknown quantum state
pmid10724164 Molecular control over Au/GaAs diodes
pmid10724165 Sintering dense nanocrystalline ceramics without final-stage grain growth
pmid10724166 The influence of Antarctic sea ice on glacial-interglacial CO2 variations
pmid10724167 Interferometric radar measurements of water level changes on the Amazon flood plain
pmid10724168 Delayed biological recovery from extinctions throughout the fossil record
pmid10724169 Simple rules yield complex food webs
pmid10724170 Inhibitory threshold for critical-period activation in primary visual cortex
pmid10724171 Attention modulates synchronized neuronal firing in primate somatosensory cortex
pmid10724172 Growth patterns in the developing brain detected by using continuum mechanical tensor maps
pmid10724173 A clonogenic common myeloid progenitor that gives rise to all myeloid lineages
pmid10724174 Regulation of intracellular calcium by a signalling complex of IRAG, IP3 receptor and cGMP kinase Ibeta
pmid10724175 hCds1-mediated phosphorylation of BRCA1 regulates the DNA damage response
pmid10724176 Ligand binding and conformational motions in myoglobin
pmid10731132 The genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster
pmid10731133 A whole-genome assembly of Drosophila
pmid10731134 Comparative genomics of the eukaryotes
pmid10731135 A brief history of Drosophila’s contributions to genome research
pmid10731136 The Drosophila genome sequence: implications for biology and medicine
pmid10731137 From sequence to chromosome: the tip of the X chromosome of D. melanogaster
pmid10731138 A Drosophila complementary DNA resource
pmid10731139 Spontaneous ordering of oxide nanostructures
pmid10731140 Generation of femtosecond pulses of synchrotron radiation
pmid10731141 A class of microstructured particles through colloidal crystallization
pmid10731142 Resonant oscillations between the solid earth and the atmosphere
pmid10731143 Simulation of early 20th century global warming
pmid10731144 Rapid extinction of the moas (Aves: Dinornithiformes): model, test, and implications
pmid10731145 The initial domestication of goats (Capra hircus) in the Zagros mountains 10,000 years ago
pmid10731146 Molecular linkage underlying microtubule orientation toward cortical sites in yeast
pmid10731147 Positioning of the mitotic spindle by a cortical-microtubule capture mechanism
pmid10731148 Driving AMPA receptors into synapses by LTP and CaMKII: requirement for GluR1 and PDZ domain interaction
pmid10731149 Response of Schwann cells to action potentials in development
pmid10731150 A BAC-based physical map of the major autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster
pmid10731151 Rapid progression to AIDS in HIV+ individuals with a structural variant of the chemokine receptor CX3CR1
pmid10733410 Hepatitis C virus, the E2 envelope protein, and alpha-interferon resistance
pmid10733411 Chinese stone tools reveal high-tech Homo erectus
pmid10733412 AIDS research. Novel protein delivers HIV to target cells
pmid10733413 Stem cells. Protest leads Europeans to confess patent error
pmid10733414 Global health. Group urges action on Third World drugs
pmid10733415 Research facilities. Glittering future for Yale Medical School
pmid10733416 Microbial genomics. Culling genes early yields rich harvest
pmid10733417 Conflict of interest. NEJM admits breaking its own tough rules
pmid10733418 Magnetic resonance imaging. Detecting enzyme activity in live animals
pmid10733419 Evolution. In search of vertebrate origins: beyond brain and bone
pmid10733420 Findings from undersea to outer space. Going deep for an unearthly microbe
pmid10733421 Findings from undersea to outer space. Power from pond scum
pmid10733422 Findings from undersea to outer space. The brains behind the face
pmid10733423 Managing the Rhesus supply
pmid10733424 Statistics of ancestral roots
pmid10733425 A question of permanence
pmid10733426 Clinical research
pmid10733427 Essays on science and society: the spirit of discovery
pmid10733428 Molecular biology. A sting in the tail of electron tracks
pmid10733429 Signal transduction. The calcium entry pas de deux
pmid10733430 Wnt signaling in oncogenesis and embryogenesis--a look outside the nucleus
pmid10741958 Giant birefringent optics in multilayer polymer mirrors
pmid10741959 Dynamic variations at the base of the solar convection zone
pmid10741960 Isolating the spectroscopic signature of a hydration shell with the use of clusters: superoxide tetrahydrate
pmid10741961 Hot and dry deep crustal xenoliths from tibet
pmid10741962 Global carbon sinks and their variability inferred from atmospheric O2 and delta13C
pmid10741963 On the presence of liquid in Earth’s inner core
pmid10741964 Insect population control using a dominant, repressible, lethal genetic system
pmid10741965 Bicoid-independent formation of thoracic segments in Drosophila
pmid10741966 Necessity for afferent activity to maintain eye-specific segregation in ferret lateral geniculate nucleus
pmid10741967 Structure of the RNA polymerase domain of E. coli primase
pmid10741968 Mitotic misregulation and human aging
pmid10741969 Similar requirements of a plant symbiont and a mammalian pathogen for prolonged intracellular survival
pmid10741970 Genetic requirements for inheritance of RNAi in C. elegans
pmid10741971 Single-molecule study of transcriptional pausing and arrest by E. coli RNA polymerase
pmid10741972 T cell-independent rescue of B lymphocytes from peripheral immune tolerance
pmid10744525 How a bland statement sent stocks sprawling
pmid10744526 New York’s deadly virus may stage a comeback
pmid10744527 Hominid ancestors may have knuckle walked
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