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26 January 2025

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Results 1 to 200 of 630.   [ 1 2 3 4 ]   Next next

pmid10926528 Crystal structure of rhodopsin: A G protein-coupled receptor
pmid10926529 Ferromagnetism stabilized by lattice distortion at the surface of the p-wave superconductor Sr(2)RuO(4)
pmid10926530 Radiation tolerance of complex oxides
pmid10926531 Aggregation-based crystal growth and microstructure development in natural iron oxyhydroxide biomineralization products
pmid10926532 A cyclic carbanionic valence isomer of a carbocation: diphosphino analogs of diaminocarbocations
pmid10926533 Atmospheric influence of Earth’s earliest sulfur cycle
pmid10926534 Phosphate depletion in the western North Atlantic Ocean
pmid10926535 The response of two contrasting limestone grasslands to simulated climate change
pmid10926536 CikA, a bacteriophytochrome that resets the cyanobacterial circadian clock
pmid10926537 Cloning of the Arabidopsis clock gene TOC1, an autoregulatory response regulator homolog
pmid10926538 Pif1p helicase, a catalytic inhibitor of telomerase in yeast
pmid10926539 Pol kappa: A DNA polymerase required for sister chromatid cohesion
pmid10926540 Cell-cell signaling and movement by the floral transcription factors LEAFY and APETALA1
pmid10926541 Role of adenine nucleotide translocator 1 in mtDNA maintenance
pmid10926542 Involvement of cellular caveolae in bacterial entry into mast cells
pmid10937989 The complete atomic structure of the large ribosomal subunit at 2.4 A resolution
pmid10937990 The structural basis of ribosome activity in peptide bond synthesis
pmid10937991 Magnetic vortex core observation in circular dots of permalloy
pmid10937992 High-gain harmonic-generation free-electron laser
pmid10937993 Ultrafast electron localization dynamics following photo-induced charge transfer
pmid10937994 O2 activation by nonheme iron complexes: A monomeric Fe(III)-Oxo complex derived from O2
pmid10937995 Folds on Europa: implications for crustal cycling and accommodation of extension
pmid10937996 Pleistocene milestones on the out-of-Africa corridor at Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, israel
pmid10937997 A single adenosine with a neutral pKa in the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center
pmid10937998 Inhibition of adipogenesis by Wnt signaling
pmid10937999 Calcium sensitivity of glutamate release in a calyx-type terminal
pmid10938000 Uptake of glutamate into synaptic vesicles by an inorganic phosphate transporter
pmid10947977 Cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by mitochondrial targeting of nuclear orphan receptor TR3
pmid10947978 Formation, stability, and breakup of nanojets
pmid10947979 Forming electrical networks in three dimensions by self-assembly
pmid10947980 A
pmid10947981 Isotopic evidence for variations in the marine calcium cycle over the Cenozoic
pmid10947982 Earthquake potential along the northern hayward fault, california
pmid10947983 Remobilization in the cratonic lithosphere recorded in polycrystalline diamond
pmid10947984 Degradation of outer membrane protein A in Escherichia coli killing by neutrophil elastase
pmid10947985 Pig cloning by microinjection of fetal fibroblast nuclei
pmid10947986 Twists in catalysis: alternating conformations of Escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase
pmid10947987 Asef, a link between the tumor suppressor APC and G-protein signaling
pmid10947988 Genes expressed in human tumor endothelium
pmid10947989 Inflammation dampened by gelatinase A cleavage of monocyte chemoattractant protein-3
pmid10947990 Modulation of human visual cortex by crossmodal spatial attention
pmid10949261 Victory for political scientists
pmid10949262 Tobacco industry vs science
pmid10949263 United States backs soil strategy in fight against global warming
pmid10949264 Royalty-free rice arrives on the web
pmid10949265 Spanish biomedical centres face funding uncertainty
pmid10949266 Strong sterling hits European researchers
pmid10949267 Microsoft moguls back search for ET intelligence
pmid10949268 Kansas scientists help to oust creationists
pmid10949269 From cell phones to brain cells
pmid10949270 German scientists pledge to fight growing xenophobia
pmid10949271 Internet is the new key for restructured film institute
pmid10949272 Antihydrogen: through the looking glass
pmid10949273 A mutant mouse menagerie
pmid10949274 Hawaiian legal action can’t save leatherbacks: tackle driftnets instead
pmid10949275 Wise fool left Hussars for career in science admin
pmid10949276 Environment regulations hinder biotech industry
pmid10949277 Boundary disputes
pmid10949278 An end to violence
pmid10949279 Bacteriorhodopsin--the movie
pmid10949280 Quasicrystals. Electrons in a strange sea
pmid10949281 Benefits of bad telomeres
pmid10949282 Oceanography. The giant diatom dump
pmid10949283 Making membranes in bacteria
pmid10949284 Seafloor spreading. Portrait of a magma chamber
pmid10949285 Chromatin regulation. Formatting genetic text
pmid10949286 Superconductivity. On the verge of magnetism
pmid10949287 W. David Kingery (1926-2000)
pmid10949288 Predicted vCJD mortality in Great Britain
pmid10949289 Scrapie in Britain during the BSE years
pmid10949290 Exercise and reduced muscle mass in starlings
pmid10949291 Peeling and sharpening multiwall nanotubes
pmid10949292 Superconductivity on the border of itinerant-electron ferromagnetism in UGe2
pmid10949293 Regulation of chromatin structure by site-specific histone H3 methyltransferases
pmid10949294 Evaporation in the young solar nebula as the origin of ’just-right’ melting of chondrules
pmid10949295 Quasicrystalline valence bands in decagonal AlNiCo
pmid10949296 A DNA-fuelled molecular machine made of DNA
pmid10949297 Influencing intramolecular motion with an alternating electric field
pmid10949298 Water activity as the determinant for homogeneous ice nucleation in aqueous solutions
pmid10949299 Evidence from three-dimensional seismic reflectivity images for enhanced melt supply beneath mid-ocean-ridge discontinuities
pmid10949300 Fine structure of bone in dinosaurs, birds and mammals
pmid10949301 Unexpectedly similar rates of nucleotide substitution found in male and female hominids
pmid10949302 Evolvability of an RNA virus is determined by its mutational neighbourhood
pmid10949303 Behaviourally driven gene expression reveals song nuclei in hummingbird brain
pmid10949304 NO is necessary and sufficient for egg activation at fertilization
pmid10949305 YidC mediates membrane protein insertion in bacteria
pmid10949306 Telomere dysfunction promotes non-reciprocal translocations and epithelial cancers in mice
pmid10949307 Helix deformation is coupled to vectorial proton transport in the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin
pmid10949308 Structural alterations for proton translocation in the M state of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin
pmid10949309 Molecular mechanism of vectorial proton translocation by bacteriorhodopsin
pmid10950707 Clinical research. Flawed cancer study leads to shake-up at University of Oklahoma
pmid10950708 NASA life sciences. An improvement in vital signs
pmid10950709 Biotechnology. USDA to commercialize ’terminator’ technology
pmid10950710 Air pollution. Panel backs EPA and ’six cities’ study
pmid10950711 A wetter, younger Mars emerging
pmid10950712 Ecology. Can science rescue salmon?
pmid10950713 Epidemiology. Duke study faults overuse of stimulants for children
pmid10950714 Preservation of DNA from endangered species
pmid10950715 Preservation of DNA from endangered species
pmid10950716 Cell biology. Bacterial spelunkers
pmid10950717 Structure. Rhodopsin sees the light
pmid10950718 Cell cycle. Replication meets cohesion.
pmid10950719 Biomineralization. Naturally aligned nanocrystals
pmid10952273 Whose scans are they, anyway?
pmid10952274 Britain’s science bounties
pmid10952275 Prospect of data sharing gives brain mappers a headache
pmid10952276 Canada selects health institutes
pmid10952277 UK hopes that big-money deals will attract top talent
pmid10952278 Science may lose out from sale of ’flying reptile’ fossil
pmid10952279 Researchers criticize response to killer algae
pmid10952280 France may bid for fusion reactor
pmid10952281 Astronomers silenced in star-name wars
pmid10952282 Berlin genome centre to go ahead
pmid10952283 Ocean researchers dive to deep-sea stations
pmid10952284 Ecology goes underground
pmid10952285 How can the developing world protect itself from biotech patent-holders?
pmid10952286 Cost of institute was small change to Roche
pmid10952287 How neptunium led to the birth of plutonium
pmid10952288 Start making sense
pmid10952289 Taking control
pmid10952290 Biodiversity’s ups and downs
pmid10952291 Phase transitions. Catching crystals at birth
pmid10952292 Molecular switches in metastasis
pmid10952293 High-temperature superconductors. Some vortices like it hot
pmid10952294 Global change. Iron uncertainty
pmid10952295 Treasure trove for cholera research
pmid10952296 Taking the Earth’s temperature
pmid10952297 Seymour S. Kety (1915-2000)
pmid10952298 Oncogene inactivation in a mouse model
pmid10952299 Home-site fidelity in migratory honeybees
pmid10952300 Giant honeybees return to their nest sites
pmid10952301 DNA sequence of both chromosomes of the cholera pathogen Vibrio cholerae
pmid10952302 Evidence for free precession in a pulsar
pmid10952303 Vortex-like excitations and the onset of superconducting phase fluctuation in underdoped La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4
pmid10952304 Pixel switching of epitaxial Pd/YHx/CaF2 switchable mirrors
pmid10952305 Electrostatic trapping of ammonia molecules
pmid10952306 Quasi-planar nucleus structure in apoferritin crystallization
pmid10952307 Marine control of biological production in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
pmid10952308 Annual modulation of triggered seismicity following the 1992 Landers earthquake in California
pmid10952309 Ocean circulation off east Antarctica affects ecosystem structure and sea-ice extent
pmid10952310 Diversity peaks at intermediate productivity in a laboratory microcosm
pmid10952311 Herbivory-induced volatiles elicit defence genes in lima bean leaves
pmid10952312 Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms contribute to motor neuron pathfinding
pmid10952313 An intrinsic but cell-nonautonomous defect in GATA-1-overexpressing mouse erythroid cells
pmid10952314 Different initiation of pre-TCR and gammadeltaTCR signalling
pmid10952315 Distinct beta-catenins mediate adhesion and signalling functions in C. elegans
pmid10952316 Genomic analysis of metastasis reveals an essential role for RhoC
pmid10952317 Molecular classification of cutaneous malignant melanoma by gene expression profiling
pmid10952318 A chromatin remodelling complex involved in transcription and DNA processing
pmid10952319 Collaborations prepare to untangle the circuitry of the brain
pmid10952320 Mahoney centre set to tackle brain cancer head on
pmid10958771 Nucleated conformational conversion and the replication of conformational information by a prion determinant
pmid10958772 Hydrological impact of heinrich events in the subtropical northeast atlantic
pmid10958773 Discrete atom imaging of one-dimensional crystals formed within single-walled carbon nanotubes
pmid10958774 Unmasking electronic energy transfer of conjugated polymers by suppression of O(2) quenching
pmid10958775 Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from enstatite chondrites: indigenous or foreign?
pmid10958776 Incorporation of short-lived (10)Be in a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion from the allende meteorite
pmid10958777 Primordial carbonylated iron-sulfur compounds and the synthesis of pyruvate
pmid10958778 Galileo magnetometer measurements: a stronger case for a subsurface ocean at Europa
pmid10958779 Molecular analysis of plant migration and refugia in the Arctic
pmid10958780 Structure of yeast poly(A) polymerase alone and in complex with 3’-dATP
pmid10958781 Differential clustering of CD4 and CD3zeta during T cell recognition
pmid10958782 Treatment of murine colitis by Lactococcus lactis secreting interleukin-10
pmid10958783 Whistle matching in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
pmid10958784 PAX8-PPARgamma1 fusion oncogene in human thyroid carcinoma [corrected]
pmid10958785 Regulated cleavage of a contact-mediated axon repellent
pmid10958786 Function of an axonal chemoattractant modulated by metalloprotease activity
pmid10960307 Emerging diseases. New arenavirus blamed for recent deaths in California
pmid10960308 Agricultural biotechnology. Monsanto donates its share of golden rice
pmid10960309 Public health. Gates Foundation on big funding spree
pmid10960310 Neurobiology. Long-sought protein packages glutamate
pmid10960311 Emerging diseases. Hunt for mad cow in sheep reassuring
pmid10960312 New tools. A new breed of high-tech detectives
pmid10960313 Body chemistry. Where dead men really do tell tales
pmid10960314 Balancing biomedicine’s postdoc exchange rate
pmid10960315 Biological control of invading species
pmid10960316 Weighing the benefits of new Alzheimer’s treatments
pmid10960317 Educators have hard choices; nationally, not just in Kansas
pmid10960318 Intellectual property. Coauthorship and coinventorship
pmid10960319 Structural biology. The ribosome is a ribozyme
pmid10960320 Immunology. Lymphocyte survival--ignorance is BLys
pmid10963558 The trials of xenotransplantation
pmid10963559 Seeing the wood for the trees
pmid10963560 German scientists left in the cold as Berlin rejects rescue plan
pmid10963561 Roslin backs off pig organ work
pmid10963562 German government takes a narrow view of gene patents
pmid10963563 Deal on reprints could mean royalties for scientists
pmid10963564 Japan seeks to unify ethics rules on genomics research
pmid10963565 The sky’s the limit as radio telescope array is approved
pmid10963566 NASA pins hopes on bigger, costlier mission to Mars
pmid10963567 Science champion joins US election race
pmid10963568 Chemist tipped for top UK science post
pmid10963569 US dispute over definition of animal distress
pmid10963570 New fronts in an old war
pmid10963571 Though HIV is the main cause of AIDS, other factors play a role
pmid10963572 Responsible aquaculture can aid food problems
pmid10963573 Will we ever know what the Chinese knew?
pmid10963574 Powerful reactions
pmid10963575 Worlds of IIF
pmid10963576 Crop strength through diversity
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