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20 January 2025

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pmid10968779 The osteoblast: a sophisticated fibroblast under central surveillance
pmid10968780 Bone resorption by osteoclasts
pmid10968781 Therapeutic approaches to bone diseases
pmid10968782 Coseismic and Postseismic Fault Slip for the 17 August 1999, M = 7.5, Izmit, Turkey Earthquake
pmid10968783 Regulation of absorption and ABC1-mediated efflux of cholesterol by RXR heterodimers
pmid10968784 Enhanced Room-Temperature Geometric Magnetoresistance in Inhomogeneous Narrow-Gap Semiconductors
pmid10968785 Evidence for Superfluidity in Para-Hydrogen Clusters Inside Helium-4 Droplets at 0.15 Kelvin
pmid10968786 A Quantum State-Resolved Insertion Reaction: O((1)D) + H(2)(J = 0) --> OH((2) product operator product operator product operator, v, N) + H((2)S)
pmid10968787 92Nb-(92)Zr and the Early Differentiation History of Planetary Bodies
pmid10968788 A 22,000-Year Record of Monsoonal Precipitation from Northern Chile’s Atacama Desert
pmid10968789 Structural evidence for evolution of the beta/alpha barrel scaffold by gene duplication and fusion
pmid10968790 Selective inhibition of NF-kappaB activation by a peptide that blocks the interaction of NEMO with the IkappaB kinase complex
pmid10968791 Predictions of biodiversity response to genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops
pmid10968792 Relation between population density and body size in stream communities
pmid10968793 Prokaryotic regulation of epithelial responses by inhibition of IkappaB-alpha ubiquitination
pmid10968794 Generation of G-to-A and C-to-U changes in HIV-1 transcripts by RNA editing
pmid10968795 Extension of life-span with superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics
pmid10968796 Responses of vomeronasal neurons to natural stimuli
pmid10970457 Proposal for the measurement of bell-type correlations from continuous variables
pmid10970458 Imaging the phase of an evolving bose-einstein condensate wave function
pmid10970459 Gravitational waves from mesoscopic dynamics of the extra dimensions
pmid10970460 Prospects of detecting baryon and quark superfluidity from cooling neutron stars
pmid10970461 Complementarity of the maldacena and randall-sundrum pictures
pmid10970462 Search for second and third generation leptoquarks including production via technicolor interactions in p&pmacr; collisions at radicals = 1.8 TeV
pmid10970463 Search for new particles decaying to t&tmacr; in p&pmacr; collisions at radicals = 1.8 TeV
pmid10970464 Fermions obstruct dimensional reduction in hot QCD
pmid10970465 Fluctuation probes of quark deconfinement
pmid10970466 Charged particle ratio fluctuation as a signal for quark-gluon plasma
pmid10970467 Nonsaturation of the J/psi suppression at large transverse energy in the comovers approach
pmid10970468 Are crossings of energy levels and charge exchange really quantum phenomena?
pmid10970469 Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation via alignment-to-orientation conversion
pmid10970470 Stable, strongly attractive, two-state mixture of lithium fermions in an optical trap
pmid10970471 Direct observation of a breit-wigner phase of a wave function
pmid10970472 Fluctuations and the energy-optimal control of chaos
pmid10970473 Creation of localized optical waves that Do not obey the radiation condition at infinity
pmid10970474 Three-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of thin liquid films
pmid10970475 Stability considerations associated with the meniscoid particle band at advancing interfaces in hele-shaw suspension flows
pmid10970476 Surface spiral waves in a filamentary vortex
pmid10970477 Control of density fluctuations and electron transport in the reversed-field pinch
pmid10970478 Mutual attraction of laser beams in plasmas: braided light
pmid10970479 Collective stopping and ion heating in relativistic-electron-beam transport for fast ignition
pmid10970480 Chemical shift resolved photoionization cross sections of amorphous carbon nitride
pmid10970481 Nature of the short wavelength excitations in vitreous silica: An X-Ray brillouin scattering study
pmid10970482 Temperature and pressure scaling of the alpha relaxation process in fragile glass formers: A dynamic light scattering study
pmid10970483 Direct absorption of gas-phase atomic hydrogen by si(100): A narrow temperature window
pmid10970484 Observation of a superfluid He-3 A- B phase transition in silica aerogel
pmid10970485 Thermal roughening of a thin film: A new type of roughening transition
pmid10970486 Quenching of giant hysteresis effects in La(1-z)Y(z)Hx switchable mirrors
pmid10970487 Quantum theory of the smectic metal state in stripe phases
pmid10970488 Small-angle shubnikov-de haas measurements in a 2D electron system: the effect of a strong In-plane magnetic field
pmid10970489 Excitonic effects in core-excitation spectra of semiconductors
pmid10970490 Quasiparticle bound states around impurities in d(x(2)-y(2))-wave superconductors
pmid10970491 Thermodynamic fingerprints of disorder in flux line lattices and other glassy mesoscopic systems
pmid10970492 Pressure dependence of T(c) in Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors
pmid10970493 Ultrashort microwave pulses generated due to three magnon interactions
pmid10970494 Magnetic-octupole order in neptunium dioxide?
pmid10970495 Phenomenological model of dynamic nonlinear response of relaxor ferroelectrics
pmid10970496 Ultrafast spectroscopy of even-parity states in pi-conjugated polymers
pmid10970497 Size-dependent electron-electron interactions in metal nanoparticles
pmid10970498 Ultrafast optical nonlinearity in the quasi-one-dimensional mott insulator Sr2CuO3
pmid10970499 Fast quantum gates for neutral atoms
pmid10970500 Spontaneous symmetry breaking turing-type pattern formation in a confined Dictyostelium cell mass
pmid10970501 Two dimensional mechanism for insect hovering
pmid10976060 Climate impact of late quaternary equatorial pacific sea surface temperature variations
pmid10976061 Molecular evidence for the early evolution of photosynthesis
pmid10976062 Quantized phonon spectrum of single-wall carbon nanotubes
pmid10976063 Locally resonant sonic materials
pmid10976064 Nonlinear simulations of Jupiter’s 5-micron hot spots
pmid10976065 Altered river morphology in south africa related to the permian-triassic extinction
pmid10976066 Historical trends in lake and river ice cover in the northern hemisphere
pmid10976067 Northridge earthquake damage caused by geologic focusing of seismic waves
pmid10976068 Subgroup of reproductive functions of progesterone mediated by progesterone receptor-B isoform
pmid10976069 Oligodendrocyte precursor cells reprogrammed to become multipotential CNS stem cells
pmid10976070 Scanometric DNA array detection with nanoparticle probes
pmid10976071 Printing proteins as microarrays for high-throughput function determination
pmid10976072 The global spread of malaria in a future, warmer world
pmid10976073 Cholera dynamics and El Niño-Southern Oscillation
pmid10976074 Myotonic dystrophy in transgenic mice expressing an expanded CUG repeat
pmid10976075 Fairness versus reason in the ultimatum game
pmid10977977 Measurement of the angular momentum of a rotating bose-einstein condensate
pmid10977978 Observation of superfluid flow in a bose-einstein condensed Gas
pmid10977979 Nonstationarity induced by long-time noise correlations in the langevin equation
pmid10977980 Reconstruction of a scalar-tensor theory of gravity in an accelerating universe
pmid10977981 New microwave background constraints on the cosmic matter budget: trouble for nucleosynthesis?
pmid10977982 New constraints from haverah park data on the photon and iron fluxes of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
pmid10977983 Logarithms of alpha in QED bound states from the renormalization group
pmid10977984 Stochastic field theory for a dirac particle propagating in gauge field disorder
pmid10977985 Measurement of structure-dependent K+ --> &mgr;(+)nu(&mgr;)gamma decay
pmid10977986 Response function technique for calculating the random-phase approximation correlation energy
pmid10977987 Optical frequency synthesizer for precision spectroscopy
pmid10977988 Charge-state resolved above threshold ionization
pmid10977989 Suppression of magnetic state decoherence using ultrafast optical pulses
pmid10977990 Multielectron effects on single-electron strong field ionization
pmid10977991 Suppressed molecular ionization for a class of diatomics in intense femtosecond laser fields
pmid10977992 Determination of the bond length and binding energy of the helium dimer by diffraction from a transmission grating
pmid10977993 Hydrodynamic description of laser-induced coulomb explosion for small molecules
pmid10977994 Photoassociation of cold Ca atoms
pmid10977995 Impact of ionic motion on ionization of metal clusters under intense laser pulses
pmid10977996 Forecasting confined spatiotemporal chaos with genetic algorithms
pmid10977997 Chaotic transition of random dynamical systems and chaos synchronization by common noises
pmid10977998 Gain in phase sensitive parametric image amplification
pmid10977999 Complex dynamic behavior of fluctuating smectic- A films as studied by scattering with coherent X-rays
pmid10978000 Untwisting of a cholesteric elastomer by a mechanical field
pmid10978001 Fast diffusion of H and creation of dangling bonds in hydrogenated amorphous silicon studied by in situ ESR
pmid10978002 New superhard phases for three-dimensional C60-based fullerites
pmid10978003 Elastic instability of grain boundaries and the physical origin of superplasticity
pmid10978004 Experimental evidence for crossover to mean-field tricritical behavior in a concentrated salt solution
pmid10978005 Shear modulation force microscopy study of near surface glass transition temperatures
pmid10978006 Dimers in two-dimensional 3He- 4He mixtures
pmid10978007 Zero-temperature equation of state of quasi-one-dimensional H2
pmid10978008 Observation of "Ghost" islands and surfactant effect of surface gallium atoms during GaN growth by molecular beam epitaxy
pmid10978009 Localization in artificial disorder: two coupled quantum dots
pmid10978010 Correlations due to localization in quantum eigenfunctions of disordered microwave cavities
pmid10978011 Metal-insulator oscillations in a two-dimensional electron-hole system
pmid10978012 Hausdorff dimension of critical fluctuations in abelian gauge theories
pmid10978013 Collective multivortex states in periodic arrays of traps
pmid10978014 Anomalously large oxygen-ordering contribution to the thermal expansion of untwinned YBa2Cu3O6.95 single crystals: A glasslike transition near room temperature
pmid10978015 Thermodynamics of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-One heisenberg chain
pmid10978016 Phase diagram of diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells
pmid10978017 Geometry-dependent electronic properties of highly fluorescent conjugated molecules
pmid10978018 Efficient scheme for two-atom entanglement and quantum information processing in cavity QED
pmid10978019 Phylogenetic study of the spatial distribution of protein-coding and control segments in DNA chains
pmid10978020 Sequence dependent rigidity of single stranded DNA
pmid10978021 Thermal fluctuations of elastic filaments with spontaneous curvature and torsion
pmid10978022 Comment on "Ion larmour radius effect on rf ponderomotive forces and induced poloidal flow in tokamak plasmas"
pmid10978023 Elfimov and Galvao reply:
pmid10978024 Comment on "Why is the bandwidth of sodium observed to be narrower in photoemission Experiments?"
pmid10978025 Yasuhara, yoshinaga, and higuchi reply:
pmid10978069 Quasistationary high confinement discharges with trans-greenwald density on TEXTOR-94
pmid10978070 Collective oscillations of two colliding bose-einstein condensates
pmid10978071 Influence of induced interactions on the superfluid transition in dilute fermi gases
pmid10978072 Fick’s law, green-kubo formula, and Heisenberg’s equation of motion
pmid10978073 Growth and form of planetary seedlings: results from a microgravity aggregation experiment
pmid10978074 Monopole-antimonopole solutions of einstein-yang-mills-higgs theory
pmid10978075 Evaporation of near-extremal Reissner-Nordström black holes
pmid10978076 Do semiclassical zero temperature black holes exist?
pmid10978077 Very high Q measurements on a fused silica monolithic pendulum for use in enhanced gravity wave detectors
pmid10978078 Resummation of QED perturbation series by sequence transformations and the prediction of perturbative coefficients
pmid10978079 Improved limit on the rate of the decay K+ --> pi(+)&mgr;(+)e(-)
pmid10978080 Signature inversion caused by triaxiality and unpaired band crossings in 72Br
pmid10978081 Creation of polar and nonpolar ultra-long-range rydberg molecules
pmid10978082 Sub-dekahertz ultraviolet spectroscopy of 199Hg+
pmid10978083 Observation of power-Law scaling for phase transitions in linear trapped ion crystals
pmid10978084 Three dimensional alignment of molecules using elliptically polarized laser fields
pmid10978085 Sideband generation using strongly driven raman coherence in solid hydrogen
pmid10978086 Observation of resonance trapping in an open microwave cavity
pmid10978087 Measurement of wave chaotic eigenfunctions in the time-reversal symmetry-breaking crossover regime
pmid10978088 Spectral statistics of chaotic systems with a pointlike scatterer
pmid10978089 Mechanisms for the development of unstable dimension variability and the breakdown of shadowing in coupled chaotic systems
pmid10978090 Spectral features and modeling of high-order harmonics generated by sub-10-fs pulses
pmid10978091 All optical quasi-steady-state photorefractive spatial solitons
pmid10978092 Energy localization in photonic crystals of a purely nonlinear origin
pmid10978093 Growth rates of the buoyancy-driven instability of an autocatalytic reaction front in a narrow cell
pmid10978094 Two regimes of asymmetry-induced transport in non-neutral plasmas
pmid10978095 Critical wave vectors for transverse modes in strongly coupled dusty plasmas
pmid10978096 Parabolic plasma sheath potentials and their implications for the charge on levitated dust particles
pmid10978097 Can polymer coils Be modeled as "Soft colloids"?
pmid10978098 Induced antiferroelectric smectic- C(*)(A) phase by doping ferroelectric- C* phase with bent-shaped molecules
pmid10978099 Solid clusters above the bulk melting point
pmid10978100 Entropic elasticity of two-dimensional self-avoiding percolation systems
pmid10978101 Direct measurement of the energy gap of superfluid 3He-B in the low-temperature limit
pmid10978102 Orientation dependence of surface critical phenomena in antiferromagnets: exact results in two dimensions
pmid10978103 Shocks and curvature dynamics: A test of global kinetic faceting in crystals
pmid10978104 Electronic structure of Sr2FeMoO6
pmid10978105 Short-range polaron correlations in the ferromagnetic La1-xCaxMnO3
pmid10978106 Theory of the fano resonance in the STM tunneling density of states due to a single kondo impurity
pmid10978107 One-dimensional spin-polarized quantum-wire states in Au on Ni(110)
pmid10978108 Towards an explanation of the mesoscopic double-slit experiment: A new model for charging of a quantum Dot
pmid10978109 Nodal quasiparticle lifetime in the superconducting state of Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta)
pmid10978110 Relaxation of polarized nuclei in superconducting rhodium
pmid10978111 Possible tricritical point in phase diagrams of interlayer josephson-vortex systems in high- T(c) superconductors
pmid10978112 Evidence for an energy scale for quasiparticle dispersion in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
pmid10978113 Stripes in doped antiferromagnets: single-particle spectral weight
pmid10978114 From second to first order transitions in a disordered quantum magnet
pmid10978115 Impurity spin magnetization of thin Fe doped Au films
pmid10978116 Spiraling spin structure in an exchange-coupled antiferromagnetic layer
pmid10978117 Longitudinal magnetic excitations in classical spin systems
pmid10978118 Collective singlet excitations and evolution of raman spectral weights in the 2D spin dimer compound SrCu2(BO3)(2)
pmid10978119 Nature of ergodicity breaking in ising spin glasses as revealed by correlation function spectral properties
pmid10978120 Excitons and optical properties of alpha-quartz
pmid10978121 Polarized raman study of single-wall semiconducting carbon nanotubes
pmid10978122 Surface topography dependent desorption of alkali halides
pmid10978123 Entanglement of formation for isotropic states
pmid10978124 Exploiting the natural redundancy of chaotic signals in communication systems
pmid10978125 Saturated behavior of the gyrotron backward-wave oscillator
pmid10978126 Conformational diffusion and helix formation kinetics
pmid10978127 Predictions of gene family distributions in microbial genomes: evolution by gene duplication and modification
pmid10978128 Comment on "Experimental evidence for dynamical decay of finite nuclear matter"
pmid10978129 Yanez et al. reply:
pmid10978130 What can Be inferred from surrogate data testing?
pmid10978131 Palus and Novotna reply:
pmid10978132 Comment on "Carbon atomic chain formation on the beta-SiC(100) surface by controlled sp-->sp(3) Transformation"
pmid10978133 Derycke et al. reply:
pmid10978134 Comment on "Structure and phase transition of josephson vortices in anisotropic high- T(c) superconductors"
pmid10978135 Hu and tachiki reply:
pmid10978136 Comment on "Identifying molecular orientation of individual C60 on a Si(111)-(7x7) Surface"
pmid10978137 Hou et al. reply:
pmid10988063 The 100,000-year ice-Age cycle identified and found to lag temperature, carbon dioxide, and orbital eccentricity
pmid10988064 Bacterial rhodopsin: evidence for a new type of phototrophy in the sea
pmid10988065 Optically induced entanglement of excitons in a single quantum Dot
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