Articles are rated using a scale from 0 to 5 where 0 is the worst and 5 is the best. For each point
the article is awarded by one Earth
important: Does the article report substantial research? Is the conclusion
very important to the field to which it pertains? Will the work have a
significant impact on future research?
new: are the findings of this article really new compared to what has been done previously?
correct: did you find any scientific mistakes in the text, experiments or calculations.
0 means that all results are wrong and 5 that everything is correct.
of broad interest Papers are of broad interest if they have significant implications
across subfield boundaries.
readable: is this article readable by a person who is not an expert in the field?
global: give your personal global appreciation of this work.
After one year, a reviewer can post a second review for the same article if a correction is needed.
The final rating of all his/her ratings will be averaged with the first article.