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14 October 2024
  » arxiv » cond-mat/0208545

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Condensation Energy and High Tc Superconductivity
D. van der Marel ; A.J. Leggett ; J.W. Loram ; J.R. Kirtley ;
Rating Members: 1.75/5 (1 reader) | Visitors: 1.5/5 (2 visitors)
Date 28 Aug 2002
Journal Physical Review B 66, Rapid Communications, 140501R (2002)
Subject Strongly Correlated Electrons | cond-mat.str-el
AbstractFrom an analysis of the specific heat of one of the cuprate superconductors it is shown, that even if a large part of the experimental specific heat associated with the superconducting phase transition is due to fluctuations, this part must be counted when one tries to extract the condensation energy from the data. Previous work by Chakravarty, Kee and Abrahams, where the fluctuation part was subtracted, has resulted in an incorrect estimation of the condensation energy.
Source arXiv, cond-mat/0208545
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1. review 05090031 (1 reader)    * Rate this comment.
Review title: On the contributions to high Tc specific heat
Reviewer: reviewer20
Date: 29 September 2005 at 15:27 GMT.
Comment: The authors extract the critical or singular contribution from the specific heat by substracting a BCS like contribution to the measured specific heat. There is a strong assumption behind this choice: the non-critical state of TI2201 is BCS like. This means that there is something, for example a gap Delta(T), that goes to zero at the critical temperature Tc with a discontinuity in the derivative with respect to temperature T.

This would mean that at Tc, there are two phase transitions: the first is due to this gap Delta(T) and produces the BCS like contribution to the specific heat. The second transition must be then related to an order parameter producing the singular contribution, for example an XY like order parameter.

The authors seem to be aware of this problem: \"The main source of this huge difference is the difficulty in determining the normal thermodynamic quantities.\"

I think that everyone would agree that there is only one phase transition at Tc. Hence, to me, this analysis should be taken with great care.

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