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Articles rated:
05 December 2024
Articles index
2024, 1992
12, 8.1992
astro-ph/9208001 The Angular Dependence of the Three-Point Correlation Function of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation as Predicted by Inflationary Cosmologies
astro-ph/9208002 Dependence of Density Perturbations on the Coupling Constant in a Simple Model of Inflation
astro-ph/9208003 The Probability for Formation of Collapsing Textures and Texture Knots
astro-ph/9208004 Constraints on radiative decay of the 17-keV neutrino from COBE Measurements
astro-ph/9208005 The Last Three Minutes: Issues in Gravitational Wave Measurements of Coalescing Compact Binaries
astro-ph/9208006 Binary Black Holes in Stationary Orbits
astro-ph/9208007 COBE, Gravitational Waves, Inflation and Extended Inflation
cond-mat/9207028 Crystallography Without Periodicity
cond-mat/9208001 Pressure Dependence of the Elastic Moduli in Aluminum Rich Al-Li Compounds
cond-mat/9208002 Transport Properties of the Infinite Dimensional Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9208003 Complexity and criticality in Laplacian growth models
cond-mat/9208004 The Electronic Spectrum of Fullerenes from the Dirac Equation
cond-mat/9208005 Topological Aspects of Spin and Statistics in Nonlinear Sigma Models
cond-mat/9208006 The Hubbard Model at Infinite Dimensions: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties
cond-mat/9208007 Selection Rules for Two Channel Kondo Models of U and Ce ions in Metals
cond-mat/9208008 Multiple jumps and vacancy diffusion in a face-centered cubic metal
cond-mat/9208009 Band Structure of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9208009 Band Structure of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9208011 Destructive quantum interference in spin tunneling problems
cond-mat/9208012 Suppression of tunneling by interference in half-integer--spin particles
cond-mat/9208013 Effect of Matrix Elements on the Pairing Kernel in Exchange Mediated Superconductors
cond-mat/9208014 Electron focusing, mode spectroscopy and mass enhancement in small GaAs/AlGaAs rings
cond-mat/9208015 Number of solutions of the TAP equations for p--spin interaction spin glasses
cond-mat/9208016 Invariants of the Haldane-Shastry $SU(N)$ Chain
cond-mat/9208017 Non-Gaussian distribution in Random advection dynamics
cond-mat/9208018 Homogeneous Isotropic Fluid Turbulence Simulated with the Lattice Vortex Tube Model
cond-mat/9208019 Dimerization and Energy-Level Structures in Fullerene Tubules Investigated with an Electron-Phonon Model
cond-mat/9208020 Frequency dependent conductivity of vortex cores in type II superconductors
cond-mat/9208021 Mott Transition in the Hubbard model
cond-mat/9208022 Electronic and structural properties of GaN by the full-potential LMTO method : the role of the $d$ electrons
cond-mat/9208023 Self-Consistent Theory of Polymerized Membranes
cond-mat/9208024 Localized Electrons on a Lattice with Incommensurate Magnetic Flux
cond-mat/9208025 Interfacial adsorption phenomena of the three-dimensional three-state Potts model
cond-mat/9208026 Electromagnetic response of a static vortex line in a type-II superconductor : a microscopic study
cond-mat/9208027 Persistent spin and mass currents and Aharonov-Casher effect
cond-mat/9209001 The Constraint for the Lowest Landau Level and the Effective Field Theory Approach for the Fractional Quantum Hall System
gr-qc/9208001 The Interpretation of Quantum Cosmological Models
gr-qc/9208002 Thermodynamics of Two-Dimensional Black-Holes
gr-qc/9208003 Generation of seed perturbations from Quantum Cosmology
gr-qc/9208004 The $D o 2$ Limit of General Relativity
gr-qc/9208005 Nonlinear Noise in Cosmology
gr-qc/9208006 Stochastic Inflation:The Quantum Phase Space Approach
gr-qc/9208007 There is no $R^3 X S^1$ vacuum gravitational instanton
gr-qc/9208008 Trapped surfaces and spherical closed cosmologies
gr-qc/9208009 The Entropy of the Gravitational Field
gr-qc/9208009 The Entropy of the Gravitational Field
gr-qc/9208010 Massive Analogue of Ashtekar-CJD Action
gr-qc/9208011 Comparison of the Sachs-Wolfe Effect for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Fluctuations
hep-lat/9207035 The Phase Diagram of the $N=2$ Kazakov-Migdal Model
hep-lat/9208001 Non-Exponential Relaxation Time Scales in Disordered Systems: an Application to Protein Dynamics
hep-lat/9208002 Chern-Simons term in the 4-dimensional SU(2) Higgs model
hep-lat/9208003 A Parallel Cluster Labeling Method for Monte Carlo Dynamics
hep-lat/9208004 A Rigourous Treatment of the Lattice Renormalization Problem of F_B
hep-lat/9208005 Comparison of Lattice Coulomb Gauge Wave Functions in Quenched Approximation and with Dynamical Fermions
hep-lat/9208006 Continuum Gauge Fields from Lattice Gauge Fields
hep-lat/9208007 Introduction to Lattice Gaugefixing and Effective Quark and Gluon Masses
hep-lat/9208008 Phase Transitions in Induced QCD
hep-lat/9208009 A New Technique for Measuring the Strangemess Content of the Proton on the Lattice
hep-lat/9208009 A New Technique for Measuring the Strangemess Content of the Proton on the Lattice
hep-lat/9208010 Gribov Copies and Smeared Correlation Functions in Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9208011 An Improved Acceptance Procedure for the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm
hep-lat/9208012 Scaling and Asymptotic Scaling in the SU(2) Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9208013 Gauge invariant extremization on the lattice
hep-lat/9208014 Noncomputability Arising In Dynamical Triangulation Model Of Four-Dimensional Quantum Gravity
hep-lat/9208015 Duality in Long-Range Ising Ferromagnets
hep-lat/9208016 Embedding Z(3) in SU(3)
hep-lat/9208017 The triviality bound on the Higgs mass; its value and what it means
hep-lat/9208018 The Hyperfine Splitting in Charmonium: Lattice Computations Using the Wilson and Clover Fermion Actions
hep-lat/9208019 Fast vectorized algorithm for the Monte Carlo Simulation of the Random Field Ising Model
hep-lat/9208020 The confined-deconfined Interface Tension and the Spectrum of the Transfer Matrix
hep-lat/9208021 Spectroscopy, Equation Of State And Monopole Percolation In Lattice QED With Two Flavors
hep-lat/9208022 Four - Fermi Theories in Fewer Than Four Dimensions
hep-lat/9208026 Numerical Study of Finite Size Scaling for First Order Phase Transitions
hep-lat/9208027 Non-perturbative analysis, Gribov horizons and the boundary of the fundamental domain
hep-lat/9208028 Running Coupling and the Lambda-Parameter from SU(3) Lattice Simulations
hep-lat/9208029 A Study of the $N=2$ Kazakov-Migdal Model
hep-lat/9208030 Lattice Calculation of QCD Vacuum Correlation Functions
hep-th/9205100 A note on the 3D Ising model as a string theory
hep-th/9207118 Heterotic String Models in Curved Spacetime
hep-th/9208001 $SL(2,R)xSU(2)/R^2$ string model in curved spacetime and exact conformal results
hep-th/9208002 Some Remarks About Induced QCD
hep-th/9208003 Lagrangians for the W-Algebra Models
hep-th/9208005 Quantum Random Walks and Time Reversal
hep-th/9208006 Quantum and Braided Linear Algebra
hep-th/9208007 Quantum group gauge theory on quantum spaces
hep-th/9208008 Braided Matrix Structure of the Sklyanin Algebra and of the Quantum Lorentz Group
hep-th/9208009 A Geometrical Approach to Time-Dependent Gauge-Fixing
hep-th/9208009 A Geometrical Approach to Time-Dependent Gauge-Fixing
hep-th/9208010 A Class of Bicovariant Differential Calculi on Hopf Algebras
hep-th/9208011 Exact resonance A-D-E S-matrices and their renormalization group trajectories
hep-th/9208012 Area Law and Continuum Limit in "Induced QCD"
hep-th/9208013 On the quantum KP hierarchy and its relation to the non-linear Schrödinger equation
hep-th/9208014 Quantization of systems with time-dependent constraints. Example of relativistic particle in plane wave
hep-th/9208015 One-loop Vilkovisky-DeWitt Counterterms for 2D Gravity plus Scalar Field Theory
hep-th/9208016 SL(2,R) Chern-Simons Theories with Rational Charges and Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9208017 Coherent States of the SU(N) groups
hep-th/9208018 Gravity Theories with Lightlike Sources in D=3
hep-th/9208019 2D Quantum Gravity and The Miura Map
hep-th/9208020 The Problem of Large-N Phase Transition in Kazakov-Migdal Model of Induced QCD
hep-th/9208021 Models with Quantum Symmetry and their Spectra
hep-th/9208022 On string field theory for $C leq 1$
hep-th/9208023 Aspects of Nonrenormalizable Terms in a Superstring Derived Standard--like Model
hep-th/9208024 Construction of Realistic Standard--like Models in the Free Fermionic Superstring Formulation
hep-th/9208025 A Closed Bianchi I Universe in String Theory
hep-th/9208026 A Proposal for Strings at D>1
hep-th/9208027 On Background Independent Open-String Field Theory
hep-th/9208028 Area Preserving Diffeomorphisms and $W_{infty}$ Symmetry in a $2+1$ Chern-Simons Theory
hep-th/9208029 Twisted N=2 Supergravity as Topological Gravity in Four Dimensions
hep-th/9208030 Matter fields with c > 1 coupled to 2d gravity
hep-th/9208031 The partition function of 2d string theory
hep-th/9208032 Quantum Gravity, Dynamical Triangulation and Higer Derivative Regularization
hep-th/9208033 A Hierarchical Array of Integrable Models
hep-th/9208034 Einstein Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions from a Gauge Model with Symmetry Breaking
hep-th/9208035 Calculation of Green-Schwarz Superstring Amplitudes Using the N=2 Twistor-String Formalism
hep-th/9208036 Gravitationally Collapsing Dust in $(2+1)$ Dimensions
hep-th/9208037 Bicovariant differential geometry of the quantum group GL_q(3)
hep-th/9208038 Modular Groups for Twisted Narain Models
hep-th/9208039 Trivial Spectrum of Free 1+1 Light-Cone Strings
hep-th/9208040 On the twisted G/H topological models
hep-th/9208041 String fine tuning
hep-th/9208042 Strings in Discrete and Continuous Target Spaces: A Comparison
hep-th/9208043 Diffeomorphism group and conformal fields
hep-th/9208044 Conformal Matrix Models as an Alternative to Conventional Multi-Matrix Models
hep-th/9208045 Large-N Reduction, Master Field and Loop Equations in Kazakov-Migdal Model
hep-th/9208046 Landau-Ginzburg Topological Theories in the Framework of GKM and Equivalent Hierarchies
hep-th/9208047 Renormalization and finiteness of topological BF theories
hep-th/9208048 Superconformal Affine Liouville Theory
hep-th/9208049 Pseudoclassical Model of Spinning Particle with Anomalous Magnetic Momentum
hep-th/9208050 Remarks Concerning Polyakov’s Conjecture for the 3D Ising Model and the Hierarchical Approximation
hep-th/9208051 Differential Equations in Special Kahler Geometry
hep-th/9208052 The Functional Integral for a Free Particle on a Half-Plane
hep-th/9208053 Gauge Invariant Matrix Model for the ^A-^D-^E Closed Strings
hep-th/9208054 Continuum Limits of ``Induced QCD": Lessons of the Gaussian Model at d=1 and Beyond
hep-th/9208055 Putting String/Fivebrane Duality to the Test
hep-th/9208056 Semiclassical Quantization of Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9208057 Affine Toda Solitons and Automorphisms of Dynkin Diagrams
hep-th/9208058 Tau-Functions and Generalized Integrable Hierarchies
hep-th/9208059 Trace Anomalies from Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9208060 Naked Singularities as Possible Candidates for Gamma-ray Bursters
hep-th/9208061 On an algebraic approach to higher dimensional statistical mechanics
hep-th/9208062 Duality, Quantum Vortices and Anyons in Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs Theories
hep-th/9208063 Excitation Scattering in Integrable Models and Hall-Littlewood-Kerov Polynomials
hep-th/9208064 Genus Zero Correlation Functions in c<1 String Theory
hep-th/9208065 The Lax Operator Approach for the Virasoro and the W-Constraints in the Generalized KdV Hierarchy
hep-th/9208066 Quantum affine symmetry in vertex models
hep-th/9208067 Structure of the space of states in RSOS models
hep-th/9208068 Dual formulation of classical W-algebras
hep-th/9208069 N=2 supersymmetric W-algebras
hep-th/9208070 Statistical Mechanics of Extended Black Objects
hep-th/9208071 Adjoint Fermions Induce QCD
hep-th/9208072 Superconformally covariant operators and super W algebras
hep-th/9208073 Deformation of Supersymmetric and Conformal Quantum Mechanics Through Affine Transformations
hep-th/9208074 Locally supersymmetric D=3 non-linear sigma models
hep-th/9208075 Canonical Quantization of the Liouville Theory, Quantum Group Structures, and Correlation Functions
hep-th/9208076 On Cosmological String Backgrounds with Toroidal Isometries
hep-th/9208077 The Topography of $W_infty$-Type Algebras
hep-th/9208078 Electric-Magnetic Duality and Supersymmetry in Stringy Black Holes
hep-th/9208079 Free Field Representation of Quantum Affine Algebra U_q(hat{sl}_2)
hep-th/9308022 Particles, Superparticles and Super Yang--Mills
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