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14 October 2024

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astro-ph/9304001 Do Observations Exclude Gamma-ray Bursts Originating In the Oort Cloud Of Comets?
astro-ph/9304002 Higher Order Moments of the Matter Distribution in Scale--Free Cosmological Simulations with Large Dynamic Range
astro-ph/9304003 Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304 I. The IUE Campaign
astro-ph/9304004 Deep Kinematics and Dynamics of Edge-on S0 Galaxies. I. NGC 3115
astro-ph/9304005 Element Diffusion in the Solar Interior
astro-ph/9304006 M51 Stripped To Its Bones
astro-ph/9304007 The Neutrino Ball Model of a Quasar
astro-ph/9304008 The 9 Aurigae System
astro-ph/9304009 The Mass Function of Nearby Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9304009 The Mass Function of Nearby Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9304010 Errata in Binney and Tremaine, "Galactic Dynamics"
astro-ph/9304011 Mass Loss In M67 Giants: Evidence From Isochrone Fitting
astro-ph/9304012 Inflation After COBE: Lectures on Inflationary Cosmology
astro-ph/9304013 A Green Function for Metric Perturbations due to Cosmological Density Fluctuations
astro-ph/9304014 The First Data from the MACHO Experiment
astro-ph/9304015 Indications for Gamma-Ray Bursts Originating within an Extended Galactic Halo ?
astro-ph/9304016 On the Bimodal Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9304017 Inflation and Mixed Dark Matter Models
astro-ph/9304018 The Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9304019 Quark Stars in Chiral Colour Dielectric Model
astro-ph/9304020 Neutrino Emissivity of Degenerate Quark Matter
astro-ph/9304021 Quark Neutron Layer Stars
astro-ph/9304022 Power Spectrum Analysis of Three-Dimensional Redshift Surveys
astro-ph/9304023 MACHOs in a Flattened Halo
astro-ph/9304024 Eigenfrequencies of Radial Pulsations of Strange Quark Stars
astro-ph/9304025 Lensing of Invisible Stars by Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/9304026 Kinematic Signature of a Rotating Bar Near a Resonance
astro-ph/9304027 Hydrodynamic Instability and Coalescence of Binary Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9304028 Mass Spectrum and Velocity Dispersions During Planetesimals Accumulation - II - Fragmentation
astro-ph/9304029 Tidally Induced Elongation and Alignments of Galaxy Clusters
cond-mat/9304001 Two-dimensional Bose gas at low density
cond-mat/9304002 Coulomb drag between disordered two-dimensional electron gas layers
cond-mat/9304003 Dynamical Correlation Theory for an Escape Process
cond-mat/9304004 Flory Exponents from a Self-Consistent Renormalization Group
cond-mat/9304005 On the Lattice Corrections to the Free Energy of Kink-Bearing Nonlinear One-Dimensional Scalar Systems
cond-mat/9304006 Statistical Laws and Mechanics of Voronoi Random Lattices
cond-mat/9304007 Spin-Charge Separation in Two Dimensions - A Numerical Study
cond-mat/9304008 Cluster vs Single-Spin Algorithms -- Which are More Efficient?
cond-mat/9304009 Thermodynamics and Excitations of the Supersymmetric $t-J$ Model
cond-mat/9304009 Thermodynamics and Excitations of the Supersymmetric $t-J$ Model
cond-mat/9304010 Resonant Tunneling Between Quantum Hall Edge States
cond-mat/9304011 Slave Particle Studies of the Electron Momentum Distribution in the Low Dimensional $t-J$ Model
cond-mat/9304012 Coulomb Gaps in a Strong Magnetic Field, S.-R
cond-mat/9304013 Collective Transport in Arrays of Quantum Dots
cond-mat/9304014 Bosonization of the Low Energy Excitations of Fermi Liquids
cond-mat/9304015 Uniform Density Theorem for the Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9304016 Disordered Boson Systems: A Perturbative Study
cond-mat/9304017 Critical Exponents for Three-Dimensional Superfluid--Bose-Glass Phase Transition
cond-mat/9304018 Superconductivity in the Two-Band Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions
cond-mat/9304019 Intrinsic quasiparticle’s spin and fractional quantum Hall effect on Riemann surfaces
cond-mat/9304020 Dissociative Adsorption: A Solvable Model
cond-mat/9304021 Spontaneous Spin-Polarization of Ballistic Electrons in Single Mode Quantum Wires due to Spin-Splitting
cond-mat/9304022 Pairing on Small Clusters in the Peierls-Hubbard Model: Implications for C$_{60}$
cond-mat/9304023 Products of Random Matrices for Disordered Systems
cond-mat/9304024 Variance Calculations and the Bessel Kernel
cond-mat/9304025 Lack of self-average in weakly disordered one dimensional systems
cond-mat/9304026 Transition from regular to complex behaviour in a discrete deterministic asymmetric neural network model
cond-mat/9304027 Conductance statistics in small GaAs:Si wires at low temperatures. I. Theoretical analysis: truncated quantum fluctuations in insulating wires
cond-mat/9304028 Quantum transmission in disordered insulators: random matrix theory and transverse localization
cond-mat/9304029 Conductance statistics in small insulating GaAs:Si wires at low temperature. II. Experimental study
cond-mat/9304031 Kinks in the Kondo problem
cond-mat/9304032 Subharmonic Generation in Quantum Systems
cond-mat/9304033 Exiton, Spinon and Spin Wave Modes in an Exactly Soluble One-Dimensional Quantum Many-Body System
cond-mat/9304034 Solitons and 1/f Noise in Molecular Chains
cond-mat/9304035 Introduction to Conformal Invariance and its Applications to Critical Phenomena
cond-mat/9304036 Self-Consistent Electron Subbands of Gaas/Algaas Heterostructure in Magnetic Fields Parallel to the Interface
cond-mat/9304037 Haldane fractional statistics in the fractional quantum Hall effect
cond-mat/9304038 Correlation Effects on Transport Through Few-Electrons Systems
cond-mat/9304039 Phase Separation of Edge States in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime
cond-mat/9304040 Impurity-Bond Effect on the Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain
cond-mat/9304041 Magnetic Field Behaviour of a Haldane Gap Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9304042 Polaron Excitations in Doped C60: Effects of Disorders
cond-mat/9304044 Bound states of holes in an antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9304045 Mode-Matching Technique for Transmission Calculations in Electron Waveguides at High Magnetic Fields
cond-mat/9304046 Theory of Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets with a Nearly Critical Ground State
cond-mat/9304048 Instantaneous Configurations of the Bloch Walls in a Two-Dimensional and s=1/2 Model
cond-mat/9304050 Impurity systems fluctuating between two magnetic configurations: candidates for non Fermi-liquid behavior
gr-qc/9304001 Cosmological Perturbations of Quantum-Mechanical Origin and Anisotropy of the Microwave Background
gr-qc/9304002 Bianchi Cosmological Models in the Minimum Quadratic Poincare Gauge Theory of Gravity
gr-qc/9304003 Gravity-Wave Watching
gr-qc/9304004 Proof of the Thin Sandwich Conjecture
gr-qc/9304005 A New Discretization of Classical and Quantum General Relativity
gr-qc/9304006 Spacetime Quantum Mechanics and the Quantum Mechanics of Spacetime
gr-qc/9304007 Global Structure of a Black-Hole Cosmos and its Extremes
gr-qc/9304008 Semiclassical Gravity Theory and Quantum Fluctuations
gr-qc/9304009 Maximal Hypersurfaces in Asymptotically Stationary Space-Times
gr-qc/9304009 Maximal Hypersurfaces in Asymptotically Stationary Space-Times
gr-qc/9304010 General covariance, loops and matter
gr-qc/9304011 Can quantum wormholes set $Lam$ 0
gr-qc/9304012 Canonical Quantum Gravity
gr-qc/9304013 Gurses’ Type (b) Transformations are Neighborhood-Isometries
gr-qc/9304014 The Fourth Root of Gravity
gr-qc/9304015 Stationary Universe
gr-qc/9304016 Unique family of consistent histories in the Caldeira-Leggett model
gr-qc/9304017 Condensation of Matter and Trapped Surfaces in Quasi-Polar Gauge
gr-qc/9304018 Relic Gravitational Waves and Limits on Inflation
gr-qc/9304019 On ``hyperboloidal’’ Cauchy data for vacuum Einstein equations and obstructions to smoothness of ``null infinity’’
gr-qc/9304020 Gravitational Radiation, Inspiraling Binaries, and Cosmology
gr-qc/9304021 Nonlinear evolution of density perturbations using approximate constancy of gravitational potential
gr-qc/9304022 Scaling properties of the gravitational clustering in the nonlinear regime
gr-qc/9304023 Time Symmetry and Asymmetry in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Cosmology
gr-qc/9304024 Operative Time Definition and Principal Uncertainity
gr-qc/9304025 An Information-Theoretic Measure of Uncertainty due to Quantum and Thermal Fluctuations
gr-qc/9304026 Action functionals for relativistic perfect fluids
gr-qc/9304027 No Time Asymmetry from Quantum Mechanics
gr-qc/9304028 Static solutions of the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system
gr-qc/9304029 On completeness of orbits of Killing vector fields
gr-qc/9304030 On the limits of Brans-Dicke spacetimes: a coordinate-free approach
gr-qc/9304031 Environment--Induced Decoherence, Classicality and Consistency of Quantum Histories
gr-qc/9304032 Covariant perturbations of domain walls in curved spacetime
gr-qc/9304033 Perturbations of a topological defect as a theory of scalar fields interacting with an external vector potential
gr-qc/9304034 Trapped Surfaces in Vacuum Spacetimes
gr-qc/9304035 Non-standard phase space variables, quantization, and path integrals, or little ado about much
gr-qc/9304036 The Cayley-Hamilton theorem for supermatrices
gr-qc/9304037 Calculation of X-Ray Signals from Karolyhazy Hazy Space-Time
gr-qc/9304038 Comment on Consistent Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Using Quantum Trajectories
gr-qc/9304039 Quantum-Mechanical Histories and the Uncertainty Principle: I.Information-Theoretic Inequalities
gr-qc/9304040 Saddle points of stringy action
gr-qc/9304041 Non-Perturbative Canonical Quantization of Minisuperspace Models: Bianchi Types I and II
gr-qc/9304042 On the Definition of Averagely Trapped Surfaces
gr-qc/9304043 An algebraic approach to the quantization of cosntrained systems: finite dimensional examples
gr-qc/9304044 Completeness of Wilson loop functionals on the moduli space of $SL(2,C)$ and $SU(1,1)$-connections
gr-qc/9304045 Functional Change of Variables in the Wheeler--De Witt Equation
gr-qc/9304046 Unique Quantum Paths by Continuous Diagonalization of the Density Operator
hep-lat/9304001 Heavy Dynamical Fermions in Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9304002 Comment on ``Antiferromagnetic Potts Models’’
hep-lat/9304003 Charged fermion states in the quenched U(1) chiral Wilson-Yukawa model
hep-lat/9304004 Idealized Multigrid Algorithm for Staggered Fermions
hep-lat/9304005 Analytic Variational Investigation of Euclidean SU(3) Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9304006 Computing Masses from Effective Transfer Matrices
hep-lat/9304007 Critical Exponents of the Three Dimensional Random Field Ising Model
hep-lat/9304008 A Comparative Study of Some Pseudorandom Number Generators
hep-lat/9304009 Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes and Density Correlations for Mesons with Wilson Fermions
hep-lat/9304009 Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes and Density Correlations for Mesons with Wilson Fermions
hep-lat/9304011 Lattice Calculation of Glueball Matrix Elements
hep-lat/9304012 A comprehensive lattice study of SU(3) glueballs
hep-lat/9304013 O(a) Perturbative improvement for Wilson fermions
hep-lat/9304014 Coloured Polymers
hep-lat/9304015 The XY Model on a Dynamical Random Lattice
hep-lat/9304016 Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity Coupled to Gauge Fields
hep-th/9304001 Condensation of handles in the interface of 3D Ising model
hep-th/9304002 The Two-Dimensional Stringy Black-Hole: A New Approach and a Pathology
hep-th/9304003 Discrete Strings and Deterministic Cellular Strings
hep-th/9304004 The Space-Time Manifold as a Critical Solid
hep-th/9304005 Higgs Mass and Noncommutative Geometry
hep-th/9304006 Contact Terms and Duality Symmetry in The Critical Dissipative Hofstadter Model
hep-th/9304007 Algebraic Characterization of the Lorentz and Diffeomorphism Anomalies
hep-th/9304008 Normalization of Scattering States, Scattering Phase Shifts and Levinson’s Theorem
hep-th/9304009 Intertwiners and ade Lattice Models
hep-th/9304009 Intertwiners and ade Lattice Models
hep-th/9304010 Macroscopic Loop Amplitudes in Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9304011 Lectures on 2D gravity and 2D string theory (TASI 1992)
hep-th/9304012 General Form of Dilaton Gravity and Nonlinear Gauge Theory
hep-th/9304013 Naked Singularities in Four-Dimensional String Backgrounds
hep-th/9304014 1-Loop Analysis of the Photon Self-Energy due to 3D-Gravity
hep-th/9304015 Two dimensional QCD is a one dimensional Kazakov-Migdal model
hep-th/9304016 The Partition Function for Topological Field Theories
hep-th/9304017 Charged Particle with Magnetic Moment in the Aharonov-Bohm Potential
hep-th/9304018 Finite-Temperature and -Density QED: Schwinger-Dyson Equation in the Real-Time Formalism
hep-th/9304019 $C_2$ Toda theory in the reduced WZNW framework
hep-th/9304020 The Relation between Linear and Non-Linear $N=3,4$ Supergravity Theories
hep-th/9304021 Matter-ghost mixing and the exact 2d black hole metric
hep-th/9304022 The Geodesic Motion on Generalized Taub-Nut Gravitational Instantons
hep-th/9304023 SO(10) Unification in Non-Commutative Geometry
hep-th/9304024 Nilpotent Gauging of SL(2,R)$WZNW$ models, and Liouville Field
hep-th/9304025 Schwinger--Dyson BRST symmetry and the Batalin--Vilkovisky Lagrangian Quantisation of Gauge Theories with Open or Reducible Gauge Algebras
hep-th/9304026 On the Landau-Ginzburg Description of $N=2$ Minimal Models
hep-th/9304027 Constraints on Black Hole Remnants
hep-th/9304028 Energy--Level Statistics of Model Quantum Systems: Universality and Scaling in a Lattice--Point Problem
hep-th/9304029 Instanton and Spectral Flow in Topological Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9304030 A Global Analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect
hep-th/9304031 On Functional Determinants of Laplacians in Polygons and Simplices
hep-th/9304032 Current Algebra and Conformal Field Theory on a Figure Eight
hep-th/9304033 The Electromagnetic Interactions of Electrons in the Lowest Landau Level
hep-th/9304034 Mirror Maps and Instanton Sums for Complete Intersections in Weighted Projective Space
hep-th/9304035 BRS Cohomology of the Supertranslations in D=4
hep-th/9304036 Quantum Phase and Quantum Phase Operators: Some Physics and Some History
hep-th/9304037 The Light Cone in String Theory
hep-th/9304038 Free Superfield Realization of N=2 Quantum Super W_{3} Algebra
hep-th/9304039 c=1 String as a Topological Model
hep-th/9304040 Classical $N=1$ and $N=2$ super W-algebras from a zero-curvature condition
hep-th/9304041 Affine Strings
hep-th/9304042 Poisson Lie Groups, Quantum Duality Principle, and the Quantum Double
hep-th/9304043 Towards complete integrability of two dimensional Poincaré gauge gravity
hep-th/9304044 Chronology Protection in Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9304045 Generalized Calabi-Yau Manifolds and the Mirror of a Rigid Manifold
hep-th/9304046 A Twistor Formulation of the Non-Heterotic Superstring with Manifest Worldsheet Supersymmetry
hep-th/9304047 Hamiltonian systems of Calogero type and two dimensional Yang-Mills theory
hep-th/9304048 Tachyon Condensates and String Theoretic Inflation
hep-th/9304049 The hamiltonian reduction of the BRST complex and N=2 SUSY
hep-th/9304050 Massless Flows I: the sine-Gordon and O(n) models
hep-th/9304051 Massless Flows II: the exact S-matrix approach
hep-th/9304052 Continued Fraction as a Discrete Nonlinear Transform
hep-th/9304053 Connections on the State-Space over Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9304054 Global Aspects of p-Branes
hep-th/9304055 Dilaton, Antisymmetric Tensor and Gauge Fields in String Effective Theories at the One--loop Level
hep-th/9304056 The sums of Rogers, Schur and Ramanujan and the Bose-Fermi correspondence in $1+1$-dimensional quantum field theory
hep-th/9304057 Consistent couplings between fields with a gauge freedom and deformations of the master equation
hep-th/9304058 Superfield Formalism of Stochastic Quantization Method with Field-Dependent Kernels
hep-th/9304059 Dissipation of the String Embedding Dimension in the Singlet Sector of a Matrix Model at Large $alpha^prime$
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