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astro-ph/9605136 Detection of Strong Evolution in the Population of Early-Type Galaxies
astro-ph/9605188 Impact of medium effects on the cooling of non-superfluid and superfluid neutron stars
astro-ph/9609204 Gravitational Lensing Statistics in a Flat Universe
astro-ph/9610001 Accretion in Gravitationally Contracting Clouds
astro-ph/9610002 Testing the X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei with the nonlinear prediction method
astro-ph/9610003 Galaxy Structure, Dark Matter, and Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9610004 Is RXJ1856.5-3754 an old neutron star?
astro-ph/9610005 On the Origin of Cusps in Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/9610006 The clustering properties of the Lyman-alpha clouds
astro-ph/9610007 An Intense Gamma-Ray Flare of PKS1622-297
astro-ph/9610008 Detection of Compact Nuclear X-Ray Emission in NGC 4736
astro-ph/9610009 The Bar-Halo Interaction in SB Galaxies
astro-ph/9610009 The Bar-Halo Interaction in SB Galaxies
astro-ph/9610010 AGAPE: a Microlensing Search for Dark Matter by Monitoring Pixels
astro-ph/9610011 Illumination in binaries
astro-ph/9610012 A Study of the Large-Scale Distribution of Galaxies in the South Galactic Pole Region: II. Further Evidence for a Preferential Clustering Scale?
astro-ph/9610013 On the Evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9610014 Advection-Dominated Accretion Model of the Black Hole V404 Cyg in Quiescence
astro-ph/9610015 Acceleration of Solar Wind Ions by Nearby Interplanetary Shocks: Comparison of Monte Carlo Simulations with Ulysses Observations
astro-ph/9610016 First LIGO events: binary black holes mergings
astro-ph/9610017 The QSO evolution derived from the HBQS and other complete QSO surveys
astro-ph/9610018 Detailed Analysis of the Cross-Correlation Function between the X-Ray Background and Foreground Galaxies
astro-ph/9610019 The dichotomy of early-type galaxies from their globular cluster systems
astro-ph/9610020 Circumstellar H-alpha from SN 1994D and future Type Ia supernovae: an observational test of progenitor models
astro-ph/9610021 The evolution of ultraviolet emission lines from the circumstellar material surrounding SN 1987A
astro-ph/9610022 Supernova progenitor constraints from circumstellar interaction: Type Ia
astro-ph/9610023 Supernova progenitor constraints from circumstellar interaction: Type II
astro-ph/9610024 Cepheids in the LMC: Results from the MACHO Project
astro-ph/9610025 RR Lyrae Stars in the MACHO Database
astro-ph/9610026 Dynamics of Broad-Emission Line Region in NGC 5548: Hydromagnetic Wind Model versus Observations
astro-ph/9610027 Photometric Redshifts in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9610028 Angular Broadening of Nearby Pulsars
astro-ph/9610029 Polarization of the Microwave Background: theoretical framework
astro-ph/9610030 New theoretical yields of intermediate mass stars
astro-ph/9610031 Baryonic dark matter
astro-ph/9610032 The Large-Scale Velocity Field
astro-ph/9610033 Recent Advances in Redshift Surveys of the Local Universe
astro-ph/9610034 Testing the Hubble Law with the IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9610035 Scaling properties of the Lyman--$alpha$ forest
astro-ph/9610036 Autofib Redshift Survey: II -- The Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function by Spectral Type
astro-ph/9610037 The X-Ray Background as a Probe of Density Fluctuations at High Redshift
astro-ph/9610038 Reconstruction of the bubble nucleating potential
astro-ph/9610039 Low Mass Stars and the He3 Problem
astro-ph/9610040 Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in the Core of the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/9610041 The accuracy of parameters determined with the core-sampling method: application to Voronoi tessellations
astro-ph/9610042 Roles of a coherent scalar field on the evolution of cosmic structures
astro-ph/9610043 Resolving the C IV and Mg II Absorption in NGC 4151
astro-ph/9610044 Theories of the Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/9610045 On Formation of Disk Galaxies from Spherical Primordial Fluctuations
astro-ph/9610046 The Building up and Evolution of Galactic Disks
astro-ph/9610047 Superclustering at Redshift Z=0.54
astro-ph/9610048 Effect of Gravitational Lensing on Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect
astro-ph/9610049 EVN+MERLIN Observations of Radio-Intermediate Quasars: Evidence for Boosted Radio-Weak Quasars
astro-ph/9610050 Baryonic Density from Primordial Li
astro-ph/9610051 Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps. An all-sky survey of $C(0)$
astro-ph/9610052 Substructure effects on the collapse of density perturbations
astro-ph/9610053 HI velocity fields and the shapes of dark matter halos
astro-ph/9610054 On Turbulent Pressure Confinement of Ultra-Compact HII Regions
astro-ph/9610055 The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST. IV. Central Parameter Relations
astro-ph/9610056 Revealing Galaxy Associations in Abell 119
astro-ph/9610057 Neutrino Astronomy: A New Window to the Universe
astro-ph/9610058 Variability in the synchrotron self-Compton model of blazar emission
astro-ph/9610059 Galaxy evolution: the effect of dark matter on the chemical evolution of ellipticals and galaxy clusters
astro-ph/9610060 On neutralino stars as microlensing objects
astro-ph/9610061 Hydrodynamic and N-body Schemes On An Unstructured, Adaptive Mesh with Applications to Cosmological Simulations
astro-ph/9610062 RXTE observations of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9610063 Circumstellar C2, CN, and CH+ in the optical spectra of post-AGB stars
astro-ph/9610064 Impact of Relativistic Fireballs on External Matter : Numerical Models of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9610065 Results from a Survey of Gravitational Microlensing towards M31
astro-ph/9610066 Expanding the Realm of Microlensing Surveys with Difference Image Photometry
astro-ph/9610067 VATT/Columbia Microlensing Survey of M31 and the Galaxy
astro-ph/9610068 Disc instabilities and "soft" X-ray transients
astro-ph/9610069 Mass constraints from multiphase cooling flow models
astro-ph/9610070 Zero-metallicity very low mass stars as halo dark matter
astro-ph/9610071 RXTE Observation of Cygnus X-1 In Its High State
astro-ph/9610072 X-ray Variability of Cygnus X-1 In Its Soft State
astro-ph/9610073 Neutral Hydrogen 21cm Absorption at Redshift 0.673 towards 1504+377
astro-ph/9610074 Luminosity variation in (de)focusing microlensing
astro-ph/9610075 Wolf-Rayet Stars in Very Young Starburst Galaxies
astro-ph/9610076 Internal Dynamics of Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9610077 Prospects of Inflationary Cosmology
astro-ph/9610078 The Best Theory of Cosmic Structure Formation is Cold + Hot Dark Matter (CHDM)
astro-ph/9610079 Optical/Near-Infrared Observations of GRO J1744-28
astro-ph/9610080 Re-examination of the Hubble Constant from the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect: Implication for Cosmological Parameters
astro-ph/9610081 Spallation of Iron in Black Hole Accretion Flows
astro-ph/9610082 The Relative Distance between the Clusters of Galaxies A2634 and Coma
astro-ph/9610083 The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: WFPC2 Observations of Andromeda I
astro-ph/9610084 The Hawaii K-Band Galaxy Survey. II. Bright K-band Imaging
astro-ph/9610085 The Structure of Isothermal, Self-gravitating Gas Spheres for Softened Gravity
astro-ph/9610086 Quasar Proper Motions and Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves
astro-ph/9610087 A warped disk model for M33 and the 21-cm line width in spiral galaxies
astro-ph/9610088 The Supercluster-Void Network I. The Supercluster Catalogue and Large-Scale Distribution
astro-ph/9610089 Physics, Cosmology and Experimental Signatures of a Possible New Class of Superluminal Particles
astro-ph/9610090 The Universal Deceleration and Angular Diameter Distances to Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9610091 Cosmic Parameter Estimation Combining Sub-Degree CMB Experiments with COBE
astro-ph/9610092 On the significance of population II Li6 abundances
astro-ph/9610093 Are the X-ray Spectra of Flat-spectrum Radio Quasars and BL Lacertae Objects Different?
astro-ph/9610094 An icosahedron-based method for pixelizing the celestial sphere
astro-ph/9610095 Release of data from cosmological N-body simulations
astro-ph/9610096 Testing Cosmological Models by Gravitational Lensing: I. Method and First Applications
astro-ph/9610097 The `quiescent’ black hole in M87
astro-ph/9610098 Compact Radio Cores in the Galactic Center and Elsewhere
astro-ph/9610099 Variational Principles for Stellar Structure
astro-ph/9610099 Variational Principles for Stellar Structure
astro-ph/9610100 Evolution of the Galaxy Population Based on Photometric Redshifts in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9610101 Fragmentation of the Primordial Gas Clouds and the Lower Limit on the Mass of the First Stars
astro-ph/9610102 Dense Gas in the Milky Way
astro-ph/9610103 Synthesis Imaging of Dense Gas in Nearby Galaxies
astro-ph/9610104 A photometric study of NGC 458
astro-ph/9610105 Ideal scales for weighing the Universe
astro-ph/9610106 Pulsars Tracing Black Holes in Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9610107 The X-ray Warm Absorber in NGC3516
astro-ph/9610108 The optical variability of QSOs. II. The wavelength dependence
astro-ph/9610109 Associated Absorption at Low and High Redshift
astro-ph/9610110 Evidence from quasi-periodic oscillations for a millisecond pulsar in the low mass x-ray binary 4U 0614+091
astro-ph/9610111 The Nuclear Region of M51 Imaged with the HST Planetary Camera
astro-ph/9610112 The Stellar Dynamics of M87
astro-ph/9610113 Primordial Deuterium and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: A Tale of Two Abundances
astro-ph/9610114 Searching for the Kinematical Signature of a Black Hole in M87
astro-ph/9610115 Neutrino Scattering in a Newly Born Neutron Star
astro-ph/9610116 The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation and the Hubble Constant
astro-ph/9610117 The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation for Cluster Galaxies: Data Presentation
astro-ph/9610118 The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation for Cluster Galaxies: a Template Relation, its Scatter and Bias Corrections
astro-ph/9610119 The Theoretical Agenda in CMB Research
astro-ph/9610120 Weak Lensing and Cosmology
astro-ph/9610121 The Minimum Total Mass of MACHOs and Halo Models of the Galaxy
astro-ph/9610122 Physical Properties of 90 AU to 250 AU Pre-Main-Sequence Binaries
astro-ph/9610123 Planet Parameters in Microlensing Events
astro-ph/9610124 X-ray QSO evolution from a very deep ROSAT survey
astro-ph/9610125 Cosmic Defects
astro-ph/9610126 Cross Wavelength Comparison of Images and Catalogs
astro-ph/9610127 An X-ray spectral study of 24 type-1 AGN
astro-ph/9610128 The Planet Collaboration: Probing Lensing Anomalies
astro-ph/9610129 Deviations from Hubble Flow in the Local Universe
astro-ph/9610130 A Test of the Lauer--Postman Bulk Flow
astro-ph/9610131 Heating of a Star by Disk Accretion
astro-ph/9610132 From Local Velocities to Microwave Background
astro-ph/9610133 Constraints on Hubble’s Constant, Omega_baryon and Lambda from Cosmic Microwave Background Observations
astro-ph/9610134 An Axisymmetric, Radiative Bow Shock Model with a Realistic Treatment of Ionization and Cooling
astro-ph/9610135 A Narrowband Imaging Survey for High Redshift Galaxies in the Near Infrared
astro-ph/9610136 The V R I colours of HII galaxies
astro-ph/9610137 Discordant Redshifts in Compact Groups
astro-ph/9610138 The Surface Density Profiles and Lensing Characteristics of Hickson’s Compact Groups of Galaxies
astro-ph/9610139 The discovery of 13s X-ray pulsations from the hydrogen depleted subdwarf O6 star binary HD49798
astro-ph/9610140 Accurate Hydrogen Spectral Simulations with a Compact Model Atom
astro-ph/9610141 The absorbers towards Q0836+113
astro-ph/9610142 Testing the Dipole and Quadrupole Moments of Galactic Models
astro-ph/9610143 A Comprehensive Search for Low-Energy Lines in BATSE GRBs
astro-ph/9610144 Low-Energy Spectral Features in GRBs
astro-ph/9610145 Radio Pulsar Timing
astro-ph/9610146 Jets from Radio Pulsars
astro-ph/9610147 Normalizing the Temperature Function of Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9610148 Stochastic Acceleration of Low Energy Electrons in Cold Plasmas
astro-ph/9610149 Is the Universe Homogeneous on Large Scales?
astro-ph/9610150 Kuiper Belt searches from the Palomar 5-m telescope
astro-ph/9610151 Another Collision for the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/9610152 Testing the effect of geodesic mixing with COBE data to Reveal the Curvature of the Universe
astro-ph/9610153 Dynamical Models Of S0 And Sa Galaxies
astro-ph/9610154 On inverse Cascades and Primordial Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9610155 Towards a Better Understanding of Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9610156 Simultaneous X-ray and gamma-ray observations of Cyg X-1 in the hard state by Ginga and OSSE
astro-ph/9610157 Radio Continuum Imaging of High Redshift Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/9610158 Big-bang Nucleosynthesis: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
astro-ph/9610159 The ejection of T Tauri stars from molecular clouds and the fate of circumstellar discs
astro-ph/9610160 Search for correlations between COBE DMR and ROSAT PSPC All-Sky survey data
astro-ph/9610161 Defocusing gravitational microlensing
astro-ph/9610162 A Robust Determination of the Time Delay in 0957+561A,B and a Measurement of the Global Value of Hubble’s Constant
astro-ph/9610163 Shear and Ellipticity in Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/9610164 The creation of multiple images by a gravitational wave
astro-ph/9610165 Some Integrated Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9610166 The Molecular Interstellar Medium in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/9610167 The galactic dynamo effect due to Parker-shearing instability of magnetic flux tubes. I. General formalism and the linear approximation
astro-ph/9610168 The ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey. III. Distribution and Kinematics of Emission-Line Galaxies
astro-ph/9610169 The rich cluster of galaxies ABCG 85.I. X-ray analysis
astro-ph/9610170 A search for molecular gas in high redshift radio galaxies
astro-ph/9610171 On the Evolution of the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function: The Differences
astro-ph/9610172 Non-Diffusive Propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9610173 Modified Cold-Dark-Matter models in light of 53W091 an old galaxy at high z
astro-ph/9610174 Non-Gaussian Spectra
astro-ph/9610175 Integrated Near-Infrared Colors of Star Clusters: Analysis of the Stochastic Effects on the IMF
astro-ph/9610176 Constraints on the VHE Emissivity of the Universe from the Diffuse GeV Gamma-Ray Background
astro-ph/9610177 Magnetized Iron Atmospheres for Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9610178 A dynamical and kinematical model of the Galactic stellar halo and possible implications for galaxy formation scenarios
astro-ph/9610179 The Core of the Great Attractor; Is it behind the Southern Milky Way?
astro-ph/9610180 Spectral Variability and iron line emission in the ASCA Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC4051
astro-ph/9610181 Substructure in the Globular Cluster System of the Milky Way
astro-ph/9610182 Magnetic fields in the disk and halo of M51
astro-ph/9610183 Complete power spectrum for an induced gravity open inflation model
astro-ph/9610184 Reddening and Star Formation in Starburst Galaxies
astro-ph/9610185 Nonlinear Evolution of the Genus Statistics with Zel’dovich Approximation
astro-ph/9610186 An Interstellar Conduction Front Within a Wolf-Rayet Ring Nebula Observed with the GHRS
astro-ph/9610187 The Cores of Dwarf Galaxy Halos
astro-ph/9610188 Cosmological Constraints from Rotation Curves of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9610189 Cosmic Ray Acceleration at Relativistic Shock Waves
astro-ph/9610190 Acceleration of UHE Cosmic Ray Particles at Relativistic Jets in Extragalactic Radio Sources
astro-ph/9610191 Fast Cooling of Neutron Stars: Superfluidity vs. Heating and Accreted Envelope
astro-ph/9610192 Do dwarf spheroidal galaxies contain dark matter?
astro-ph/9610193 Reduction of Weak Interaction Rates in Neutron Stars by Nucleon Spin Fluctuations: Degenerate Case
astro-ph/9610194 Velocity Dispersions and Mass-to-Light Ratios for 9 Globular Clusters in M31
astro-ph/9610195 The influence of dynamical friction on the collapse of spherical density pertubation
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