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21 September 2024
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2024, 1996
12, 9.1996
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astro-ph/9306021 Late reionization by supernova-driven winds
astro-ph/9405042 Reionization in an open cdm universe: implications for cosmic microwave background fluctuations
astro-ph/9511089 ASCA and ROSAT observations of the QSF3 field: the X-ray background in the 0.1--7 keV band
astro-ph/9605057 Cold dark matter models with high baryon content
astro-ph/9609008 Lensing by galaxy halos in clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/9609009 Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of Coalescing Neutron Star-Black Hole Binary --- Generalized Pseudo-Newtonian Potential Approach ---
astro-ph/9609009 Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of Coalescing Neutron Star-Black Hole Binary --- Generalized Pseudo-Newtonian Potential Approach ---
astro-ph/9609010 Anisotropic diffusion and shear instabilities
astro-ph/9609011 Kicked neutron stars and microlensing
astro-ph/9609012 Applicability Of The Hauser-Feshbach Approach For The Determination of Astrophysical Reaction Rates
astro-ph/9609013 High-Redshift Superclustering of QSO Absorption Line Systems on 100 Mpc Scales
astro-ph/9609014 Omega_0 and lambda_0 from galaxy and quasar clustering: cosmic virial theorem and cosmological redshift-space distortion
astro-ph/9609015 The finite size effect of galaxies on the cosmic virial theorem and the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions
astro-ph/9609016 Microlensing implications for halo dark matter
astro-ph/9609017 Metallicities and kinematics of G and K dwarfs
astro-ph/9609018 COBE Constraints on a Local group X-ray Halo
astro-ph/9609019 The Parkes Half-Jansky Flat-Spectrum Sample
astro-ph/9609020 Clustering around the radio-galaxy MRC0316-257 at z=3.14
astro-ph/9609021 Two--body heating in numerical galaxy formation experiments
astro-ph/9609022 The secondary infall model of galactic halo formation and the spectrum of cold dark matter particles on Earth
astro-ph/9609023 An Overview of Blazar Variability
astro-ph/9609024 Asteroseismological Observations of the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 1501
astro-ph/9609025 Fokker-Planck Models of Star Clusters with Anisotropic Velocity Distributions. II. Post-Collapse Evolution
astro-ph/9609026 On the relationship between the periodic and aperiodic variability of accreting X-ray pulsars
astro-ph/9609027 The Omega dependence of the velocity divergence distribution
astro-ph/9609028 Magnetospheric interactions of binary pulsars as a model for gamma ray bursts
astro-ph/9609029 Evolution of the two-point correlation function in the Zel’dovich approximation
astro-ph/9609030 Lines of Circumstellar C2, CN, and CH+ in the Optical Spectra of Post-Agb Stars
astro-ph/9609031 The Evolution of a Primordial Galactic Magnetic Field
astro-ph/9609032 On the Difference Between Radio Quiet and Radio Loud AGN
astro-ph/9609033 Comparing Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and Ly$alpha$ Absorbers
astro-ph/9609034 The CMB Dipole: The Most Recent Measurement And Some History
astro-ph/9609035 Resonant Spin-Flavor Conversion of Supernova Neutrinos and Deformation of the Electron Antineutrino Spectrum
astro-ph/9609036 Newtonian Cosmology in Lagrangian Formulation: Foundations and Perturbation Theory
astro-ph/9609037 CPPA -- a New Hydrodynamical Code for Cosmological Large-Scale Structure Simulations
astro-ph/9609038 Large Angular Scale CMB Anisotropy Induced by Cosmic Strings
astro-ph/9609039 Spectra of Unsteady Wind Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9609040 The Distribution of Dark Matter in a Ringed Galaxy
astro-ph/9609041 Morphology of Cold Bars in Early and Late Type Galaxies
astro-ph/9609042 Discovery of a Boxy Peanut Shaped Bulge in the Near Infrared
astro-ph/9609043 Bending of Light by Gravity Waves
astro-ph/9609044 Gamma-ray production in supernova remnants
astro-ph/9609045 Some Key Issues Confronting Inflationary Cosmology
astro-ph/9609046 The Iron Discrepancy in Elliptical Galaxies after ASCA
astro-ph/9609047 Infrared spectroscopy of cataclysmic variables - II. Intermediate polars
astro-ph/9609048 Clusters of Galaxies as a Storage Room for Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9609049 Distribution functions for clusters of galaxies from N-body simulations
astro-ph/9609050 X-ray variability and correlations in the two phase disk-corona model for Seyfert galaxies
astro-ph/9609051 Sensitivity of Galaxy Cluster Morphologies to Omega_0 and P(k)
astro-ph/9609052 AGN variability: from Seyfert nuclei to QSOs
astro-ph/9609053 The Gunn Peterson effect: a test for a black holes induced photoionization of the intergalactic medium
astro-ph/9609054 The State of the Gas Around Young Stellar Groups
astro-ph/9609055 QSO variability: probing the Starburst model
astro-ph/9609056 ASCA observations of the galactic bulge hard x-ray source GRS 1758--258
astro-ph/9609057 The instrinsic UV/soft x-ray spectrum of quasars
astro-ph/9609058 Variability and nature of the binary in the Red Rectangle Nebula
astro-ph/9609059 The Absolute Luminosities of the Calan/Tololo Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/9609060 Analysis of the Lyman-alpha Forest in Cosmological Simulations Using Voigt-Profile Decomposition
astro-ph/9609061 Dense Gas and Star Formation: Characteristics of Cloud Cores Associated with Water Masers
astro-ph/9609062 The Hubble Diagram of the Calan/Tololo Type Ia Supernovae and the value of Ho
astro-ph/9609063 The Morphology of Type Ia Supernovae Light Curves
astro-ph/9609064 BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/9609065 Poynting Jets from Black Holes and Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9609066 The photometric structure of the inner Galaxy
astro-ph/9609067 From Quark Matter to Strange Machos
astro-ph/9609068 Neutrinos and dark matter in galactic halos
astro-ph/9609069 Double-peaked Balmer line emission in the radio-quiet AGN RX J1042+1212
astro-ph/9609070 Maximum Brightness and Post-Maximum Decline of Light Curves of SN~Ia: A Comparison of Theory and Observations
astro-ph/9609071 Primordial Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9609072 The Population of Damped Lyman-alpha and Lyman Limit Systems in the Cold Dark Matter Model
astro-ph/9609073 The future of massive variability searches
astro-ph/9609074 Dense Stellar Matter and Structure of Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9609075 Quantitative Morphology of Moderate Redshift Galaxies : How Many Peculiars are There ?
astro-ph/9609076 Intergalactic stars in the Fornax Cluster
astro-ph/9609077 Discovery of a Galaxy Responsible for a DLA System at z=3.15 and a Near-Infrared Search for Primeval Galaxies
astro-ph/9609078 SNeIa: on the binary progenitors and expected statistics
astro-ph/9609079 The Damping Tail of CMB Anisotropies
astro-ph/9609080 Gravitational Collapse and Star Formation in Logotropic and Non-Isothermal Spheres
astro-ph/9609081 Decays of Long Lived Lightest Supersymmetric Particles in the Galactic Halo
astro-ph/9609082 VLBI Imaging of Water Maser Emission from the Nuclear Torus of NGC 1068
astro-ph/9609083 QSO Metal Absorption Systems at High Redshift and the Signature of Hierarchical Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9609084 Skewness of the Large-Scale Velocity Divergence from Non-Gaussian Initial Conditions
astro-ph/9609085 Hot HB stars in globular clusters - physical parameters and consequences for theory. IV. sdB candidates in M 15
astro-ph/9609086 Theory of high-energy emission from the pulsar/Be-star system PSR 1259$-$63 I: radiation mechanisms and interaction geometry
astro-ph/9609087 Second Overtone Pulsators Among Delta Scuti Stars
astro-ph/9609088 Double-mode RR Lyrae Variables: Pulsational Masses Revisited
astro-ph/9609089 The Peculiar Motions of Early-Type Galaxies in Two Distant Regions. IV. The Photometric Fitting Procedure
astro-ph/9609090 Evidence for Galaxy Interactions/Mergers from Meduim-Deep Survey WFPC2 Data
astro-ph/9609091 Are Low Surface Brightness Discs Young?
astro-ph/9609092 Introduction to Interferometry
astro-ph/9609093 Spin-Down of Neutron Stars and Compositional Transitions in the Cold Crustal Matter
astro-ph/9609094 The Vertical Structure and Ultraviolet Spectrum of X-Ray Irradiated Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9609095 Mergers of Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9609096 Interpretation of UV Absorption Lines in SN1006
astro-ph/9609097 Multiwavelength observations of isolated neutron stars as a tool to probe the properties of their surfaces
astro-ph/9609098 The MAX and MAXIMA Experiments
astro-ph/9609099 X-Ray Observations of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9609099 X-Ray Observations of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9609100 Evolution of the Ionizing Background at High Redshifts
astro-ph/9609101 The Ultraviolet Morphology of Galaxies
astro-ph/9609102 Predicted Extragalactic TeV Gamma-Ray Sources
astro-ph/9609103 Is Deuterium in High Redshift Lyman Limit Systems Primordial?
astro-ph/9609104 Multifrequncy Radio Observations of the Gravitational Lens System MG0414+0534
astro-ph/9609105 The Sachs-Wolfe Effect
astro-ph/9609106 The Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri system
astro-ph/9609107 Scaling Laws for Advection Dominated Flows: Applications to Low Luminosity Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9609108 Results from the First Flight of BAM
astro-ph/9609109 The Evolution of Embedded Small Clusters
astro-ph/9609110 Cosmic Ray Interactions and the Abundances of the Chemical Elements
astro-ph/9609111 Contact Stars in Microlensing Surveys
astro-ph/9609112 Infrared emission around Cyg X-3
astro-ph/9609113 The SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances. I. Sample Selection, Photometric Calibration, and the Hubble Constant
astro-ph/9609114 Comments on the superluminal motion in Cygnus X-3
astro-ph/9609115 Voigt-Profile Analysis of the Lyman-alpha Forest in a Cold Dark Matter Universe
astro-ph/9609116 Relativistic Precessing Jets and Cosmological Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9609117 PKS 1830-211: A Possible Compound Gravitational Lens
astro-ph/9609118 Wide-field CCD imaging at CFHT: the MOCAM example
astro-ph/9609119 Causal Thermodynamics in Relativity
astro-ph/9609120 A robust method for investigating galactic evolution in the submillimetre waveband: II the submillimetre background and source counts
astro-ph/9609121 Galaxy Formation at High Redshift
astro-ph/9609122 Weak Lensing Statistics as a Probe of Omega and Power Spectrum
astro-ph/9609123 The origin of large scale magnetic fields
astro-ph/9609124 The BBN Manifesto
astro-ph/9609125 The Spectacular Ionized Interstellar Medium of NGC55
astro-ph/9609126 Spatial distribution of accreting isolated neutron stars
astro-ph/9609127 Ultraviolet Imagery of NGC 6752: A Test of Extreme Horizontal Branch Models
astro-ph/9609128 An Absolute Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Temperature at 10.7 GHz
astro-ph/9609129 Fractal Dimensions and Scaling Laws in the Interstellar Medium: a new Field Theory approach
astro-ph/9609130 Geometrical Effects of Baryon Density Inhomogeneities on Primordial Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9609131 The large scale structure of the soft X-ray background. II: Galaxies
astro-ph/9609132 A Probe of Primordial Gravity Waves and Vorticity
astro-ph/9609133 Local Mixing near the Solar Core, Neutrino Fluxes and Helioseismology
astro-ph/9609134 Field #3 of the Palomar-Groningen Survey I. Variable stars at the edge of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
astro-ph/9609135 Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope Observations of OB Stars in the N 11 Region of the LMC
astro-ph/9609136 Resolving the Helium Lyman-$alpha$ Forest: Mapping Intergalactic Gas and Ionizing Radiation at $zapprox 3$
astro-ph/9609137 Formation of the Galaxy
astro-ph/9609138 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Observed Abundances of Light Elements
astro-ph/9609139 An Ultraviolet-Excess Optical Candidate for the Luminous Globular Cluster X-ray Source in NGC1851
astro-ph/9609140 Interactions of Massive Stars with Their Parental Clouds
astro-ph/9609141 The effect of Hall drift on the evolution of magnetic fields in the crusts of neutron stars
astro-ph/9609142 `Comparing the Predicted Abell/ACO Cluster & the MarkIII Galaxy Density and Velocity Fields’, Contribution to the Wide Field Spectroscopy Meeting held in Athens, 20-24 May 1996
astro-ph/9609143 Measuring the Atmospheric Influence on Differential Astrometry: a Simple Method Applied to Wide Field CCD Frames
astro-ph/9609144 Molecular Hydrogen in the Direction of zeta Ori A
astro-ph/9609145 The hydrodynamical response of a tilted circumbinary disc: linear theory and non-linear numerical simulations
astro-ph/9609146 Cosmological Evolution of Quasars
astro-ph/9609147 Ultraviolet Emission Line Ratios of Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/9609148 Spectroscopic Analyses of the Planetary System Candidates: 55 Cnc, 51 Peg, 47 UMa, 70 Vir, and HD 114762
astro-ph/9609149 Weak Lensing On the Celestial Sphere
astro-ph/9609150 A Conjecture Concerning the Rieger and Quasi-Biennial Solar Periodicities
astro-ph/9609151 An Apparent Periodicity in the Gallex, Homestake and Kamiokande Neutrino Data
astro-ph/9609152 Demonstrating Discreteness and Collision Error in Cosmological N-body Simulations of Dark Matter Gravitational Clustering
astro-ph/9609153 Metal Rich RR Lyrae Variables: I. The Evolutionary Scenario
astro-ph/9609154 CMB anisotropy at degree angular scales and the thermal history of the Universe
astro-ph/9609155 Thermonuclear Burning on the Accreting X-Ray Pulsar GRO J1744-28
astro-ph/9609156 Gravitational Dynamics of Cold Matter using the Deformation Tensor
astro-ph/9609157 Sonic-Point Model of Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Brightness Oscillations in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/9609158 Constraints on Galaxy Formation from Deep Galaxy Redshift Surveys and Quasar Absorption Line Studies
astro-ph/9609159 Colors and K-Band Counts of Extremely Faint Field Galaxies
astro-ph/9609160 Origin of the colour-magnitude relation of elliptical galaxies
astro-ph/9609161 The HST Spectrum of I Zw 1: Implications of the C III^* lambda 1176 Emission Line
astro-ph/9609162 Complex Mg II absorption in the outer disk of M61
astro-ph/9609163 Lyman $alpha$ Absorption as a Sensitive Probe of the H I Column in Cooling Flows
astro-ph/9609164 The Soft X-Ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Optically Selected Quasars II. Final Results
astro-ph/9609165 Lensing of unresolved stars towards the Galactic Bulge
astro-ph/9609166 RX J0719.2+6557: A New Eclipsing Polar
astro-ph/9609167 Photon Splitting Cascades in Gamma-Ray Pulsars and the Spectrum of PSR1509-58
astro-ph/9609168 "Listening" To Cluster Cooling Flows: Radio Emission and the Cluster Environment
astro-ph/9609169 Signature of Gravity Waves in Polarization of the Microwave Background
astro-ph/9609170 An All-Sky Analysis of Polarization in the Microwave Background
astro-ph/9609171 Self-similarity and the Pair Velocity Dispersion
astro-ph/9609172 Composition Mixing during Blue Straggler Formation and Evolution
astro-ph/9609173 Comparison of stars and decaying neutrinos as additional sources of Intergalactic UV background
astro-ph/9609174 Reverberation Mapping and Broad-Line Region Models
astro-ph/9609175 Models of optical/UV continuum in AGN. Constraints from NGC 5548 monitoring campaign
astro-ph/9609176 Kinematics and Metallicities of Globular Clusters in M104
astro-ph/9609177 Multi-Wavelength Variability of the Synchrotron Self-Compton Model for Blazar Emission
astro-ph/9609178 Polarimetry of the Type Ia Supernova SN 1996X
astro-ph/9609179 Filament and Shape Statistics: A Quantitative Comparison of Cold + Hot and Cold Dark Matter Cosmologies vs. CfA1 Data
astro-ph/9609180 Luminosity to the Eddington luminosity ratio in AGN
astro-ph/9609181 Time Evolution and the Nature of the Near-Infrared Jets in GRS1915+105
astro-ph/9609182 Non-linear Particle Acceleration in Oblique Shocks
astro-ph/9609183 Large Scale QSO-galaxy correlations for radio loud and optically selected QSO samples
astro-ph/9609184 3He in Planetary Nebulae: A Challenge to Stellar Evolution Models
astro-ph/9609185 Spin and its evolution for isolated neutron stars and X-ray binaries: the determination of the ’Diffusion coefficients’ and Spindown Theorem
astro-ph/9609186 Millimetric Ground-based Observations of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy
astro-ph/9609187 Microlensing, structure of the galactic halo and determination of dark objects’ mass function
astro-ph/9609188 Galaxies at z>4.5
astro-ph/9609189 The large-scale structure of the diffuse radio halo of the Coma cluster at 1.4 GHz
astro-ph/9609190 Cosmic Ray Protons and Magnetic Fields in Clusters of Galaxies and their Cosmological Consequences
astro-ph/9609191 ASCA PV observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388: the obscured nucleus and its X-ray emission
astro-ph/9609192 WR Populations in Starbursts: WN and WC Subtypes and the Role of Binaries
astro-ph/9609193 Ultraviolet Sky Surveys
astro-ph/9609194 Spectral Analysis of the Lyman Alpha Forest in a Cold Dark Matter Cosmology
astro-ph/9609195 The TAUVEX UV Imager
astro-ph/9609196 On the metallicity distribution in the nuclei of elliptical galaxies
astro-ph/9609197 Recent Advances in Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/9609198 Linearisation instability of gravity waves?
astro-ph/9609199 The Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy: the two-infall model
astro-ph/9609200 Photon-graviton conversion in a primordial magnetic field and the cosmic microwave background
astro-ph/9609201 ASCA and ROSAT observations of distant massive cooling flows
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