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26 January 2025
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2025, 2001
12, 8.2001
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astro-ph/0108001 Exploratory Chandra Observations of the Highest-Redshift Quasars: X-rays from the Dawn of the Modern Universe
astro-ph/0108002 Testing The Friedmann Equation: The Expansion of the Universe During Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0108003 Cosmic-Ray Rejection by Laplacian Edge Detection
astro-ph/0108004 Observations of Gamma-ray Bursts with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
astro-ph/0108005 Molecular Gas Properties in the Central Kiloparsec of Barred and Unbarred Spirals
astro-ph/0108006 MAXIMUS: Exploiting the Full Power of OzPoz
astro-ph/0108007 Populations of Dwarfs in Clusters of Galaxies: Environmental Connections
astro-ph/0108008 Clustering Properties of Galaxies at z~4 in the Subaru/XMM Deep Survey Field
astro-ph/0108009 Hydrostatic Expansion and Spin Changes During Type I X-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0108009 Hydrostatic Expansion and Spin Changes During Type I X-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0108011 Possibility of Direct Measurement of the Acceleration of the Universe Using 0.1 Hz Band Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Antenna in Space
astro-ph/0108012 The deeply embedded starburst in SBS 0335-052
astro-ph/0108013 Galaxy Mass and Luminosity Scaling Laws Determined by Weak Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/0108014 Structure of Dark Matter Halos From Hierarchical Clustering: II. Universality and Self-Similarity in Cluster-Sized Halos
astro-ph/0108015 Diffuse gamma-ray line emission from multiple OB Associations in Cygnus
astro-ph/0108016 Scattered light models of the dust shell around HD 179821
astro-ph/0108017 ASCA X-ray observations of the disk wind in the dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis
astro-ph/0108018 The Quiescent Spectrum of the AM CVn star CP Eri
astro-ph/0108019 On the Nature of the NGC 1275 System
astro-ph/0108020 COSMOSOMAS: A Circular Scanning Instrument to Map the Sky at Centimetric Wavelengths
astro-ph/0108021 Cooling Flows of Self-Gravitating, Rotating, Viscous Systems
astro-ph/0108022 Infall, Outflow, Rotation, and Turbulent Motions of Dense Gas within NGC 1333 IRAS 4
astro-ph/0108023 Rapid Formation of Molecular Clouds and Stars in the Solar Neighborhood
astro-ph/0108024 Variable Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0108025 Weighing nearby stars with GAIA ?
astro-ph/0108026 Uncertainties in Dielectronic Recombination Rate Coefficients: Effects on Solar and Stellar Upper Atmosphere Abundance Determinations
astro-ph/0108027 The Shape of Spectral Breaks in GRB Afterglows
astro-ph/0108028 A Practical Theorem on Gravitational Wave Backgrounds
astro-ph/0108029 Nested and Single Bars in Seyfert and Non-Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/0108030 The QMAP and MAT/TOCO Experiments for Measuring Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/0108031 Study of the TeV gamma-ray spectrum of SN 1006 around the NE Rim
astro-ph/0108032 The Future of Fe-K Line Diagnostics for Probing Strong Gravity
astro-ph/0108033 The Energy Distribution of Long Duration GRBS
astro-ph/0108034 Do globular clusters time the Universe?
astro-ph/0108035 MHD Instability in cylindric Taylor-Couette flow
astro-ph/0108036 NGC 4151: an intrinsically average Seyfert 1
astro-ph/0108037 A natural explanation for periodic X-ray outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0108038 Chaos, ergodicity, and the thermodynamics of lower-dimensional Hamiltonian systems
astro-ph/0108039 Near-infrared Spectroscopy and HST Imaging of a Dusty Starburst ERO
astro-ph/0108040 Flash Mixing on the White Dwarf Cooling Curve: Understanding Hot Horizontal Branch Anomalies in NGC 2808
astro-ph/0108041 Influence of irradiation on the space-time structure of shock waves
astro-ph/0108042 Stability and chaos around multipolar deformed bodies: A general relativistic approach
astro-ph/0108043 Initial magnetic field configurations for 3-dimensional simulations of astrophysical jets
astro-ph/0108044 Recent Chandra Results on AGNs & Future Prospects
astro-ph/0108045 Fundamental Physical Parameters of Collimated Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
astro-ph/0108046 Detection of a Large Arc of Ionized Hydrogen Far Above the Cas OB6 Association: A Superbubble Blowout into the Galactic Halo?
astro-ph/0108047 Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Intergalactic and Interstellar Absorption Toward 3C 273
astro-ph/0108048 Dielectronic Recombination (via N=2 --> N’=2 Core Excitations) and Radiative Recombination of Fe XX: Laboratory Measurements and Theoretical Calculations
astro-ph/0108049 Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of a Supernova Remnant in the Line of Sight to HD 5980 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0108050 The Density Profile of the Dark Matter Halo of NGC 4605
astro-ph/0108051 Quasi-Steady State Cosmology
astro-ph/0108052 The first world atlas of the artificial night sky brightness
astro-ph/0108053 High-Energy Neutrinos from Photomeson Processes in Blazars
astro-ph/0108054 Symmetry properties of the large-scale solar magnetic field
astro-ph/0108055 X-ray Desorption of Molecules from Grains in Protoplanetary Disks
astro-ph/0108056 Large-scale star formation in the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0108057 The central region of M31 observed with XMM-Newton. II. Variability of the individual sources
astro-ph/0108058 Atomic Data Needs for Modeling Photoionized Plasmas
astro-ph/0108059 First Simultaneous Optical and EUV Observations of the Quasi-Coherent Oscillations of SS Cygni
astro-ph/0108060 WIMPS Are Stronger When They Stick Together
astro-ph/0108061 The 2MASS Color-Magnitude Diagram of the Center of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: Photometric Measurements of a Surprisingly High Mean Metallicity
astro-ph/0108062 High-Redshift Superwinds as the Source of the Strongest Mg II Absorbers: A Feasibility Analysis
astro-ph/0108063 A Survey of z>5.8 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Discovery of Three New Quasars and the Spatial Density of Luminous Quasars at z~6
astro-ph/0108064 Toward a Measurement of the Cosmological Geometry at z~2: Predicting Lyman-alpha Forest Correlation in Three Dimensions, and the Potential of Future Data Sets
astro-ph/0108065 Observations of O (1S) and O (1D) in Spectra of C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
astro-ph/0108066 Keck NIRC Observations of Planetary-mass Candidate Members in the sigma Orionis Open Cluster
astro-ph/0108067 Laboratory Astrophysics and Collimated Stellar Outflows: The Production of Radiatively Cooled Hypersonic Plasma Jets
astro-ph/0108068 Properties of a Chemically Enriched Lya Absorption System at z=0.167 and Implications for the Total Baryons in Extended Gaseous Envelopes Around Galaxies
astro-ph/0108069 On the Threshold of the Reionization Epoch
astro-ph/0108070 Million solar mass black holes at high redshift
astro-ph/0108071 Second-Generation Objects in the Universe: Radiative Cooling and Collapse of Halos with Virial Temperatures Above 10^4 Kelvin
astro-ph/0108072 HI Shells Behind the Coalsack
astro-ph/0108073 Planetary-Mass Dark Matter?
astro-ph/0108074 Propagation of thermonuclear flames on rapidly rotating neutron stars: extreme weather during type I X-ray bursts
astro-ph/0108075 Far-infrared mapping of the starburst galaxy NGC 253 with ISOPHOT
astro-ph/0108076 Evolution of active galactic nuclei broad-line region clouds: low- and high-ionization lines
astro-ph/0108077 A chemical evolution model for galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0108078 X-ray Detection from Bona-fide and Candidate Brown Dwarfs in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud with Chandra
astro-ph/0108079 $eta$--Radioactive Cosmic Rays in a diffusion model: test for a local bubble?
astro-ph/0108080 Ellipsoidal collapse and previrialization
astro-ph/0108081 Isocurvature Fluctuations in Tracker Quintessence Models
astro-ph/0108082 Superbursts and long bursts as surface phenomenon of compact objects
astro-ph/0108083 Gas properties in the Medusa minor merger - comparing with ULIRGs
astro-ph/0108084 Low and High Angular Momentum Accretion Flows in BHCs: Case Study of XTE J1550-564
astro-ph/0108085 Large zenith angle observations with the high-resolution GRANITE III camera
astro-ph/0108086 Equilibrium sequences of synchronized and irrotational binary systems composed of different mass stars in Newtonian gravity
astro-ph/0108087 Far infrared mapping of three Galactic star forming regions : W3(OH), S 209 & S 187
astro-ph/0108088 O VI High Velocity Clouds: Where and What are They?
astro-ph/0108089 Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds II. Gayley-Owocki heating in multitemperature winds of OB stars
astro-ph/0108090 Dark Synergy: Gravitational Lensing and the CMB
astro-ph/0108091 Inhomogeneous Metallicities and Cluster Cooling Flows
astro-ph/0108092 Very high-energy observations of the Crab nebula with the GRAAL experiment
astro-ph/0108093 Natural Magnetogenesis from Inflation
astro-ph/0108094 A Multi-Wavelength, Multi-Epoch Study of the Soft X-Ray Transient Prototype, V616 Mon (A0620-00)
astro-ph/0108095 A Simple Family of Models for Eccentric Keplerian Fluid Disks
astro-ph/0108096 A 12-day ASCA Observation of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Ton S180: Time-Selected Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0108097 Evidence for Reionization at z ~ 6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson Trough in a z=6.28 Quasar
astro-ph/0108098 Metallicity gradients in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0108099 Gamma-Ray Bursts as a Probe of Cosmology
astro-ph/0108099 Gamma-Ray Bursts as a Probe of Cosmology
astro-ph/0108101 On the relation between high-redshift starburst galaxies and damped Ly-alpha systems
astro-ph/0108102 Ultracompact X-Ray Binaries with Neon-Rich Degenerate Donors
astro-ph/0108103 Dark Energy and the New Cosmology
astro-ph/0108104 Dynamics and Origin of the 2:1 Orbital Resonances of the GJ 876 Planets
astro-ph/0108105 Hot Outflowing Gas from the X-ray Binary Hercules X-1
astro-ph/0108106 Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics with Laser Guide Stars
astro-ph/0108107 The Age of the Galactic Bulge
astro-ph/0108108 Maximum Feedback and Dark Matter Profiles of Dwarf Galaxies
astro-ph/0108109 X-Ray Observations on the Galactic Center Region
astro-ph/0108110 Sub-parsec to Mega-parsec jet emission and power
astro-ph/0108111 Long-term Multi-wavelength Observations of GRS 1758-258 and the ADAF Model
astro-ph/0108112 Monitoring Variability of the Sky
astro-ph/0108113 Supernova SN1987A Bound on Neutrino Spectra for R-Process Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0108114 Chandra Observations of NGC 4636 - An Elliptical Galaxy in Turmoil
astro-ph/0108115 Toward a National Virtual Observatory: Science Goals, Technical Challanges, and Implementation Plan
astro-ph/0108116 Constraints on Galaxy Formation from Stars in the Far Outer Disk of M31
astro-ph/0108117 Was the Cosmic Web of Protogalactic Material Permeated by Lobes of Radio Galaxies During the Quasar Era?
astro-ph/0108118 Consequences on some dark energy-candidates from the type Ia supernova SN 1997ff
astro-ph/0108119 Heavy Element Diffusion in Metal Poor Stars
astro-ph/0108120 Chandra localization of KS1731--260
astro-ph/0108121 DDO Photometry of M71: Carbon and Nitrogen Patterns Among Evolving Giants
astro-ph/0108122 Coupled spheroid and black-hole formation, and the multifrequency detectability of active galactic nuclei and submillimetre sources
astro-ph/0108123 Density Variations over Subparsec Scales in Diffuse Molecular Gas
astro-ph/0108124 Polarimetric variations of binary stars. II. Numerical simulations for circular and eccentric binaries in Mie scattering envelopes
astro-ph/0108125 Crustal Emission and the Quiescent Spectrum of the Neutron Star in KS 1731-260
astro-ph/0108126 A Shock-Induced Pair of Superbubbles in the High-Redshift Powerful Radio Galaxy MRC 0406-244
astro-ph/0108127 Resonant Conversion of Photon Modes Due to Vacuum Polarization in a Magnetized Plasma: Implications for X-Ray Emission from Magnetars
astro-ph/0108128 Cluster X-ray Luminosity Evolution
astro-ph/0108129 Low Redshift Lyman Alpha absorbers and their Connection with Galaxies
astro-ph/0108130 A Million Element Integral Field Unit (MEIFU)
astro-ph/0108131 The extended counterpart of submm source Lockman850.1
astro-ph/0108132 Observational Prospects for Afterglows of Short Duration Gamma-ray Bursts
astro-ph/0108133 Angular Momentum Transfer in Protolunar Disk
astro-ph/0108134 On high proper motion white dwarfs from photographic surveys
astro-ph/0108135 The origin of the ionization of the diffuse interstellar medium in spiral galaxies. II. Modelling the distribution of ionizing radiation in NGC 157
astro-ph/0108136 Physical vs. Observational Properties of Clouds in Turbulent Molecular Cloud Models
astro-ph/0108137 Relation between $M_{BH}$ and $M_{bulge}$: A simulation study
astro-ph/0108138 High redshift ellipticals: prospects for the VLT
astro-ph/0108139 BeppoSAX survey of Be/X-ray binary candidates
astro-ph/0108140 Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in NGC 1399 - A Progress Report
astro-ph/0108141 The Evolution of Neutral Gas in the Universe as Traced by Damped Lyman Alpha Systems
astro-ph/0108142 A Comparative Study of Damped Lyman Alpha Galaxies
astro-ph/0108143 Stationary dark energy with a baryon-dominated era: solving the coincidence problem with a linear coupling
astro-ph/0108144 Are the hotspots of radio galaxies the sites of in-situ acceleration of relativistic particles?
astro-ph/0108145 Hyper Extremely Red Objects in the Subaru Deep Field: Evidence for Primordial Elliptical Galaxies in the Dusty Starburst Phase
astro-ph/0108146 Properties of Low-Redshift Damped Lyman Alpha Galaxies
astro-ph/0108147 ZEPLIN IV: A 1-Ton Very Sensitive ZEPLIN II Extension for SUSY Dark Matter
astro-ph/0108148 Precision Neutrino Counting
astro-ph/0108149 Optical and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of SN 1995N: Evidence for Strong Circumstellar Interaction
astro-ph/0108150 The compact central source in the RX J0852-4622 supernova remnant
astro-ph/0108151 Concentrations of Dark Halos from their Assembly Histories
astro-ph/0108152 Brightest Cluster Galaxies and the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey
astro-ph/0108153 Spectroscopic Target Selection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: The Luminous Red Galaxy Sample
astro-ph/0108154 Are Simulations of CDM Consistent with Galactic-Scale Observations at High Redshift?
astro-ph/0108155 A Tunable Lyot Filter at Prime Focus: a Method for Tracing Supercluster Scales at z ~ 1
astro-ph/0108156 Strong Evidence for a Buried AGN in UGC 5101: Implications for LINER-Type Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/0108157 Properties of Planet-induced Deviations in the Astrometric Microlensing Centroid Shift Trajectory
astro-ph/0108158 On the dispersion in lithium and potassium among late-type stars in young clusters: IC 2602
astro-ph/0108159 The Star Formation History and the Morphological Evolution of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0108160 Dynamical Probes of The Halo Mass Function
astro-ph/0108161 Probing the evolution of galaxies using redshifted H-alpha emission
astro-ph/0108162 Rapid Calculation of Equatorial Rotation Curves
astro-ph/0108163 UBV stellar photometry of bright stars in GC M5. II. Physical parameters of HB stars
astro-ph/0108164 Dependence of kHz QPO Properties on Normal-Branch Oscillation Phase in Scorpius X-1
astro-ph/0108165 Optical and radio variability of the BL Lac object AO 0235+16: a possible 5-6 year periodicity
astro-ph/0108166 Chandra X-ray Observation of NGC 4151
astro-ph/0108167 Neutrinos in a vacuum dominated cosmology
astro-ph/0108168 Heating and Ionization of the Intergalactic Medium by an Early X-Ray Background
astro-ph/0108169 Resolving the Structure of Ionized Helium in the Intergalactic Medium with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
astro-ph/0108170 The Las Campanas IR Survey: Early Type Galaxy Progenitors Beyond Redshift One
astro-ph/0108171 The Las Campanas Infrared Survey. III. The H-band Imaging Survey and the Near-Infrared and Optical Photometric Catalogs
astro-ph/0108172 Gravitino Warm Dark Matter with Entropy Production
astro-ph/0108173 Molecular and Ionic shocks in the Supernova Remnant 3C391
astro-ph/0108174 Detection of X-ray Emission from the Arches Cluster Near the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0108175 Optical second harmonic generation near a black hole horizon as possible source of experimental information on quantum gravitational effects
astro-ph/0108176 Reionization of an Inhomogeneous Universe
astro-ph/0108177 Cosmic Reionization and Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0108178 Resolving gravitational microlensing events with long-baseline optical interferometry. Prospects for the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer
astro-ph/0108179 Dark energy and cosmic microwave background bispectrum
astro-ph/0108180 Time is Life
astro-ph/0108181 A Catalogue and Analysis of X-ray luminosities of Early-type galaxies
astro-ph/0108182 The Las Campanas IR Survey. II. Photometric redshifts, comparison with models and clustering evolution
astro-ph/0108183 Interferometric array design: optimizing the locations of the antenna pads
astro-ph/0108184 Warm Ionized Gas on the Outskirts of Active and Star-Forming Galaxies
astro-ph/0108185 VLBA observations of GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio sources at 15 GHz
astro-ph/0108186 The Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies in X-Ray Selected Clusters
astro-ph/0108187 Comet Hazard to the Earth
astro-ph/0108188 Further evidences for a generic Universe
astro-ph/0108189 Disk Diffusion Propagation Model for the Outburst of XTE J1118+480
astro-ph/0108190 Luminosity Function of GRBs
astro-ph/0108191 The solar neighbourhood age-metallicity relation - does it exist?
astro-ph/0108192 Direct multi-wavelength limb-darkening measurements of three late-type giants with the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer
astro-ph/0108193 Hubble Space Telescope WFPC-2 Imaging of Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0108194 A Synthesis of Data from Fundamental Plane and Surface Brightness Fluctuation Surveys
astro-ph/0108195 Precise Chandra Localization of the Soft Gamma-ray Repeater SGR 1806-20
astro-ph/0108196 Neutrino Annihilation between Binary Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0108197 Quintessential perturbations during scaling regime
astro-ph/0108198 Broad-band photometric evolution of star clusters
astro-ph/0108199 Correlated msec X-ray and optical emission from XTE J1118+480
astro-ph/0108200 Cosmological Aspects of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Luminosity Evolution and an Estimate of the Star Formation Rate at High Redshifts
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