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astro-ph/0403008 The soft X-ray excess AGN RE J2248-511
astro-ph/0403016 Markov Chain Monte Carlo joint analysis of Chandra X-ray imaging spectroscopy and Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect data
astro-ph/0403017 High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Post-T Tauri Star PZ Tel
astro-ph/0403018 Spectral Evolution of weak bursts from SGR 1806-20 observed with INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0403019 Skewness as a test of the equivalence principle
astro-ph/0403020 Two-body relaxation in modified Newtonian dynamics
astro-ph/0403021 Anisotropic convection in rotating proto-neutron stars
astro-ph/0403022 Simulation of air shower image in fluorescence light based on energy deposits derived from CORSIKA
astro-ph/0403023 The growth of supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies: absorption of stars and activity of galactic nuclei
astro-ph/0403024 On coordinate distances to type Ia supernovae and radio galaxies
astro-ph/0403025 ISAAC/VLT observations of a lensed galaxy at z=10.0
astro-ph/0403026 An XMM-Newton study of the RGH 80 galaxy group
astro-ph/0403027 Density waves in the shearing sheet IV. Interaction with a live dark halo
astro-ph/0403028 An explanation for the unusual IMF in Taurus
astro-ph/0403029 WMAP constraints on inflationary models with global defects
astro-ph/0403030 Strong QPOs and High Energy Tail in Simultaneous RXTE/INTEGRAL Observations of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0403031 The evolution of density perturbations in two quintessence models
astro-ph/0403032 A General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of Jet Formation
astro-ph/0403033 Oxygen and Magnesium Abundance in the Ultra-Metal-Poor Giants CS22949-037 and CS29498-043: Challenges in Models of Atmospheres
astro-ph/0403034 Tracing Accretion onto Herbig Ae/Be Stars using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0403035 p-mode frequencies in solar-like stars : I. Procyon A
astro-ph/0403036 Missing Lorenz-boosted Circles-in-the-sky
astro-ph/0403037 The multifrequency monitoring of microquasars. SS433
astro-ph/0403038 Neutrino Processes in Supernovae and Neutrons Stars in Their Infancy and Old Age
astro-ph/0403039 Identifying young gamma-ray burst fossils
astro-ph/0403040 The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XII. The spectroscopic catalogue and luminosity function
astro-ph/0403041 The Munich Near--Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS) -- VI. The stellar masses of K-band selected field galaxies to z ~ 1.2
astro-ph/0403042 Discovery of a Dwarf Post-Starburst Galaxy Near a High Column Density Ly-alpha Absorber
astro-ph/0403043 Exploring the mirror matter interpretation of the DAMA experiment: Has the dark matter problem been solved?
astro-ph/0403044 Introducing Enzo, an AMR Cosmology Application
astro-ph/0403045 Nonlinear electrodynamics and the gravitational redshift of highly magnetised neutron stars
astro-ph/0403046 Conservation of both current and helicity in a quadrupolar model for solar flares
astro-ph/0403047 Multiverse cosmological models
astro-ph/0403048 Tachyonic dark matter
astro-ph/0403049 Does life’s rapid appearance imply a Martian origin?
astro-ph/0403050 How bio-friendly is the universe
astro-ph/0403051 Abundance differences between components of wide binaries
astro-ph/0403052 The Status of the H.E.S.S. Project
astro-ph/0403053 The structure of cool accretion disc in semidetached binaries
astro-ph/0403054 Radio continuum observations of the Virgo cluster spiral NGC 4522 The signature of ram pressure
astro-ph/0403055 Running spectral index and mode-mode correlation of inflationary perturbations from off-equilibrium effects
astro-ph/0403056 Extragalactic Globular Clusters in the Near Infrared: IV. Quantifying the Age Structure using Monte-Carlo Simulations
astro-ph/0403057 A model of superoutbursts in binaries of SU UMa type
astro-ph/0403058 The elemental abundances in the intracluster medium as observed with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0403059 Hyperfine Structure in H^{13}CO^{+} and ^{13}CO: measurement, analysis, and consequences for the study of dark clouds
astro-ph/0403060 The second US Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC2)
astro-ph/0403061 ISO spectroscopy of gas and dust: from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks
astro-ph/0403062 The Coronal X-ray Spectrum of the Multiple Weak-Lined T Tauri Star System HD 98800
astro-ph/0403063 Constraining the X-ray Luminosities of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: TX Cam and T Cas
astro-ph/0403064 Introduction to Non-Baryonic Dark Matter
astro-ph/0403065 200 Mpc Sized Structure in the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0403066 Multiresolution approach for period determination on unevenly sampled data
astro-ph/0403067 The Nuclei of Late-type Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0403068 Taking measure of the Andromeda halo: a kinematic analysis of the giant stream surrounding M31
astro-ph/0403069 Two Years of Observations of the X-ray Pulsar SMC X-1 with the ART-P Telescope onboard the Granat Observatory
astro-ph/0403070 Different kinds of long-term variability from Cygnus X-1
astro-ph/0403071 The bottleneck of the CNO burning and the age of the Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0403072 On the Geometry of Dark Energy
astro-ph/0403073 Exact likelihood evaluations and foreground marginalization in low resolution WMAP data
astro-ph/0403074 Relativistic Calculations of Coalescing Binary Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0403075 Weak Lensing of the CMB by Large-Scale Structure
astro-ph/0403076 On the nature of eclipses in binary pulsar J0737-3039
astro-ph/0403077 Circular velocity profiles of dark matter haloes
astro-ph/0403078 A Limit from the X-ray Background on the Contribution of Quasars to Reionization
astro-ph/0403079 Cosmological Simulations of X-ray Clusters: The Quest for Higher Resolution and Essential Physics
astro-ph/0403080 The host of GRB 030323 at z=3.372: a very high column density DLA system with a low metallicity
astro-ph/0403081 The EUV Emission in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies and the Underlying Source of this Radiation
astro-ph/0403082 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves on a Rectangular Lattice of Polarizable Points
astro-ph/0403083 The Internal Structural Adjustment due to Tidal Heating of Short-Period Inflated Giant Planets
astro-ph/0403084 Wide-Area Mapping of 155 Micron Continuum Emission from the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
astro-ph/0403085 Chandra X-ray Observatory High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Stars: Modeling and Interpretation
astro-ph/0403086 Multicolor Photometric Observations of Optical Candidates to Faint ROSAT X-ray Sources in a 1 deg$^2$ field of the BATC Survey
astro-ph/0403087 A molecular gas phase in the Cold Neutral Medium?
astro-ph/0403088 Young Massive Clusters in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0403089 Comments on the Redshift Distribution of 44,200 SDSS Quasars: Evidence for Predicted Preferred Redshifts?
astro-ph/0403090 Detached white dwarf main-sequence star binaries
astro-ph/0403091 The Gamma-ray bright BL Lac object RX J1211+2242
astro-ph/0403092 The CI lines as tracers of molecular gas, and their prospects at high redshifts
astro-ph/0403093 Stochastic excitation of gravity waves by overshooting convection in solar-type stars
astro-ph/0403094 On the properties of young multiple stars
astro-ph/0403095 Diffusive propagation of UHECR and the propagation theorem
astro-ph/0403096 HAWC: A Next Generation All-Sky VHE Gamma-Ray Telescope
astro-ph/0403097 TeV Gamma-Ray Survey of the Northern Hemisphere Sky Using the Milagro Observatory
astro-ph/0403098 On Foreground Removal from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Data by an Internal Linear Combination Method: Limitations and Implications
astro-ph/0403099 KH 15D: A Spectroscopic Binary
astro-ph/0403099 KH 15D: A Spectroscopic Binary
astro-ph/0403101 A new powerful method for probing the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets
astro-ph/0403102 Are Halos of Collisionless Cold Dark Matter Collisionless?
astro-ph/0403103 VLA HI Observations of Gas Stripping in the Virgo Cluster Spiral NGC 4522
astro-ph/0403104 Modeling the Counts of Faint Radio Loud Quasars: Constraints on the Supermassive Black Hole Population and Predictions for High Redshift
astro-ph/0403105 XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 507: Super-solar Metal Abundances in the Hot ISM
astro-ph/0403106 A sample of radio galaxies spanning three decades in radio luminosity - I. The host-galaxy properties and black-hole masses
astro-ph/0403107 Application of fast CCD drift scanning to speckle imaging of binary stars
astro-ph/0403108 S4N: A Spectroscopic Survey of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood
astro-ph/0403109 Simulation of Vortex--Dominated Flows Using the FLASH Code
astro-ph/0403110 Consequences of Observational Uncertainties on the Detection of Cosmic Topology
astro-ph/0403111 Problems with studying topology of the universe via circles from cosmic microwave background data
astro-ph/0403112 Omega Centauri: The Population Puzzle Goes Deeper
astro-ph/0403113 SiO Maser Survey of the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0403114 High-Energy Gamma-Ray Observations of W Comae with STACEE
astro-ph/0403115 Radiative Shocks in Rotating Accretion Flows around Black Holes
astro-ph/0403116 Detection of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies by Matching RASS Photons and SDSS Galaxies within GAVO
astro-ph/0403117 The crust cooling curve of the neutron star in MXB 1659-29
astro-ph/0403118 Stellar polarimetry with ESPaDOnS
astro-ph/0403119 Radio spectra of a sample of X-ray selected BL Lacs
astro-ph/0403120 BeppoSAX-WFC monitoring of the Galactic Center region
astro-ph/0403121 The Absorption Signatures of Dwarf Galaxies: The z=1.04 Multicloud Weak MgII Absorber toward PG 1634+706
astro-ph/0403122 Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of in situ shock formation in the coronal streamer belt
astro-ph/0403123 A Dense-Cloud Model for Gamma-Ray Bursts to Explain Bimodality
astro-ph/0403124 Adaptive mesh refinement for conservative systems: multi-dimensional efficiency evaluation
astro-ph/0403125 The two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: compressibility and large-scale coalescence effects
astro-ph/0403126 Time-dependent ejection velocity model for the outflow of Hen 3--1475
astro-ph/0403127 HI absorption at the center of NGC2146
astro-ph/0403128 Mechanical heating by active galaxies
astro-ph/0403129 Spiral Galaxy - ICM Interactions in the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/0403130 Another possible interpretation of SN 1a data - without kinematics: Comments on the paper astro-ph/0402512 by A. Riess et al
astro-ph/0403131 A Sub-Millimeter Search of Nearby Young Stars for Cold Dust: Discovery of Debris Disks around Two Low-Mass Stars
astro-ph/0403132 Discovery of a large dust disk around the nearby star AU Microscopium
astro-ph/0403133 Nuclear Stellar Populations in the Infrared Space Observatory Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0403134 The Lifetimes of Molecular Cloud Cores: What is the Role of the Magnetic Field?
astro-ph/0403135 Phase-Space Structure of Dark-Matter Haloes: Scale-Invariant PDF Driven by Substructure
astro-ph/0403136 The Globular Cluster System of the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy
astro-ph/0403137 CMB Observations with a Compact Heterogeneous 150 GHz Interferometer in Chile
astro-ph/0403138 Gamma-ray Spectra due to Cosmic-ray Interactions with Dense Gas Clouds
astro-ph/0403139 Deep near-infrared observations of W3 Main star forming region
astro-ph/0403140 Dynamics of Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Star Clusters
astro-ph/0403141 Relativistic Version of Landau Theory of Fermi Liquid in Presence of Strong Quantizing Magnetic Field- An Exact Formalism
astro-ph/0403142 High-amplitude, long-term X-ray variability in the solar-type star HD 81809: the beginning of an X-ray activity cycle?
astro-ph/0403143 The magnetic field along the jets of NGC 4258 as deduced from high frequency radio observations
astro-ph/0403144 The chaotic behavior of the black hole system GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0403145 Molecular Gas around the Double Nucleus in M83
astro-ph/0403146 Properties of Isolated Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/0403147 Life and Death of Young Dense Star Clusters near the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0403148 Stars of extragalactic origin in the solar neighborhood
astro-ph/0403149 Absorption in Gamma Ray Burst afterglows
astro-ph/0403150 Modelling Faraday Screens in the Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0403151 A Single Circumstellar Disk in the SVS 13 Close Binary System
astro-ph/0403152 Stability of Terrestrial Planets in the Habitable Zone of Gl 777 A, HD 72659, Gl 614, 47 Uma and HD 4208
astro-ph/0403153 Spectroscopy and 3D imaging of the Crab nebula
astro-ph/0403154 The cored distribution of dark matter in spiral galaxies
astro-ph/0403155 Large-scale wind structures in OB supergiants: a search for rotationally modulated Halpha variability
astro-ph/0403156 Infrared spectroscopy of a brown dwarf companion candidate near the young star GSC 08047-00232 in Horologium
astro-ph/0403157 Phantom k-essence cosmologies
astro-ph/0403158 Close stars and accretion in Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0403159 X-ray Properties of Pre--Main-Sequence Stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster with Known Rotation Periods
astro-ph/0403160 Metal-Poor Globular Clusters and Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0403161 A Luminous Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxy at Redshift z=6.535: Discovery and Spectroscopic Confirmation
astro-ph/0403162 Time-resolved X-ray spectral modeling of an intermediate burst from SGR1900+14 observed by HETE-2/FREGATE and WXM
astro-ph/0403163 UV/Optical Emission Accompanying Gamma-ray Burst
astro-ph/0403164 WMAP Constraints on Decaying Cold Dark Matter
astro-ph/0403165 Jet emission in NGC1052 at radio, optical, and X-ray frequencies
astro-ph/0403166 Observational tests of the evolution of spheroidal galaxies and predictions for SIRTF/Spitzer cosmological surveys
astro-ph/0403167 Star Formation at z~6: The UDF-Parallel ACS Fields
astro-ph/0403168 Prompt Ultraviolet-to-Soft-X-Ray Emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Application to GRB 031203?
astro-ph/0403169 Phase-Space Structure & Substructure of Dark Halos
astro-ph/0403170 Cooling of Neutron Stars. Hadronic Model
astro-ph/0403171 Cooling of neutron stars with color superconducting quark cores
astro-ph/0403172 Stability of rigidly rotating relativistic stars with soft equations of state against gravitational collapse
astro-ph/0403173 Burial of the polar magnetic field of an accreting neutron star. I. Self-consistent analytic and numerical equilibria
astro-ph/0403174 Different Velocity Dependences of Physical Conditions of High- and Low-Ionization Lines in Broad-Line Regions
astro-ph/0403175 Polarization experiments
astro-ph/0403176 Quiet Sun X-rays as Signature for New Particles
astro-ph/0403177 The metallicity dependence of the Cepheid PL-relation
astro-ph/0403178 XMM-Newton observations of the dwarf nova YZ Cnc in quiescence
astro-ph/0403179 On the Jet Activity in 3C 273
astro-ph/0403180 Design studies for a European Gamma-ray Observatory
astro-ph/0403181 A new calculation of the mass fraction of primordial black holes
astro-ph/0403182 Massive star formation and tidal structures in HCG 31
astro-ph/0403183 Submillimeter Galaxies as Tracers of Mass Assembly at Large M
astro-ph/0403184 The A&A Experience With Impact Factors
astro-ph/0403185 The locality of transport in self-gravitating accretion discs
astro-ph/0403186 Searching for periods in X-ray observations using Kuiper’s test. Application to the ROSAT PSPC archive
astro-ph/0403187 Absolute Timing of the Crab Pulsar with RXTE
astro-ph/0403188 Gravitational Waves from Stellar Collapse: Correlations to Explosion Asymmetries
astro-ph/0403189 Molecular Hydrogen in the Ionized Region of Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0403190 The Complex Neutral Gas Dynamics Of The Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625
astro-ph/0403191 Extended Tidal Structure In Two Lyman Alpha-Emitting Starburst Galaxies
astro-ph/0403192 Multiply-imaged submm galaxy in a z~2.5 group
astro-ph/0403193 Was the Universe Reionized at Redshift 10?
astro-ph/0403194 A Study of CO Emission in High Redshift QSOs Using the Owens Valley Millimeter Array
astro-ph/0403195 The Evolution of Supernovae in the Winds of Massive Stars
astro-ph/0403196 Age of the Universe in the Cardassian Model
astro-ph/0403197 Timing and Spectroscopy of Accreting X-ray Pulsars: the State of Cyclotron Line Studies
astro-ph/0403198 Correlations of Power-law Spectral and QPO Features In Black Hole Candidate Sources
astro-ph/0403199 Polarization observations of nine southern millisecond pulsars
astro-ph/0403200 Nucleation of quark matter in neutron stars cores
astro-ph/0403201 A Jet Model of the Galactic Center Nonthermal Radio Filaments
astro-ph/0403202 On the time variation of c, G, and h and the dynamics of the cosmic expansion
astro-ph/0403203 Gamma-ray Emission Properties from Mature Pulsars in the Galaxy and in the Gould Belt
astro-ph/0403204 On the Stability of a Planetary System Embedded in the Beta Pictoris Debris Disk
astro-ph/0403205 A comprehensive CCD photometric study of the open cluster NGC 2421
astro-ph/0403206 Cores of Dark Matter Halos Correlate with Disk Scale Lengths
astro-ph/0403207 Search for low energy neutrinos in correlation with the 8 events observed by the EXPLORER and NAUTILUS detectors in 2001
astro-ph/0403208 Curious Variables Experiment (CURVE). IX Draconis - a Clue for Understanding Evolution of Cataclysmic Variable Stars
astro-ph/0403209 The cosmic infrared background (CIRB) and the role of the "local environment of galaxies" in the origin of present-day stars
astro-ph/0403210 The Universality of Initial Conditions for Globular Cluster Formation
astro-ph/0403211 The nature of the mid-infrared population from optical identifications of the ELAIS-S1 sample
astro-ph/0403212 Can microlensing fold caustics reveal a second stellar limb-darkening coefficient?
astro-ph/0403213 Curvaton scenario with low scale inflation revisited
astro-ph/0403214 BeppoSAX observations of the quasar Markarian 205
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