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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2011
12, 5.2011
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1105.0123 Spectral Variability of LBV star V532 (Romano’s star)
1105.0124 Mode coupling induced dissipative and thermal effects at long times after a quantum quench
1105.0125 Amplitude Analysis of B0-->K+ pi- pi0 and Evidence of Direct CP Violation in B--> K* pi decays
1105.0126 The surface accessibility of {alpha}-bungarotoxin monitored by a novel paramagnetic probe
1105.0128 Turbulence Mitigation in Phase-Conjugated Two-Photon Imaging
1105.0129 Sheaves on Graphs and a Proof of the Hanna Neumann Conjecture
1105.0130 Magnetic fields in cosmic particle acceleration sources
1105.0131 Cosmic rays in galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields
1105.0132 Spin polarized STM spectra of Dirac Fermions on the surface of a topological insulator
1105.0133 An experimental test of all theories with predictive power beyond quantum theory
1105.0135 An Invariance Principle of G-Brownian Motion for the Law of the Iterated Logarithm under G-expectation
1105.0136 Cotunneling current noise spectrum through noninteracting systems: An exact $n$-resolved master equation approach
1105.0137 Evidence for Helical Edge Modes in Inverted InAs/GaSb Quantum Wells
1105.0138 Mechanical Properties of Graphene Papers
1105.0139 Viscous damping of nanobeam resonators: humidity, thermal noise and the paddling effect
1105.0140 Sofic mean dimension
1105.0141 Access Control Mechanisms for Semantic Web services-A Discussion on Requirements & Future Directions
1105.0142 Integer-valued polynomials, $t$-closure, and associated primes
1105.0143 Coherent control of ultracold 85Rb trap-loss collisions with nonlinearly frequency-chirped light
1105.0144 Ultrabright Backward-wave Biphoton Source
1105.0145 Possible magnetic states in buckybowl molecules
1105.0146 Compensated Half-metallicity in the Trigonally Distorted Perovskite-type NiCrO$_3$
1105.0147 High-energy scalarons in R^{2} gravity as a model for Dark Matter in galaxies
1105.0148 Non-collinear Magnetic Order in the Double Perovskites: Double Exchange on a Geometrically Frustrated Lattice
1105.0149 Decision Support Tools for Cloud Migration in the Enterprise
1105.0150 Mott Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems
1105.0151 Cohomological symmetry in triangulated categories
1105.0152 Quantizing Knots and Beyond
1105.0153 The Development of Electronic Payment System for Universities in Indonesia: On Resolving Key Success Factors
1105.0154 Effects of a low electron distribution cutoff on multiwavelength spectra and light curves of GRB afterglows
1105.0156 Angular Momentum Transfer in Vela-like Pulsar Glitches
1105.0157 A new Planetary Nebula in the outer reaches of the Galaxy
1105.0158 Detecting emergent processes in cellular automata with excess information
1105.0161 A dynamical theory of homogeneous nucleation for colloids and macromolecules
1105.0162 Dressing cosets revisited
1105.0163 Partial Transmutation of Singularities in Optical Instruments
1105.0165 Quantum counter automata
1105.0166 Quantum extended crystal PDE’s
1105.0167 SERAPH: Semi-supervised Metric Learning Paradigm with Hyper Sparsity
1105.0168 New energy inequalities for tensorial wave equations on one-sided bounded spacetimes
1105.0169 Coloring half-planes and bottomless rectangles
1105.0170 Generic Approximation of functions by their pad’{e} approximants, II
1105.0171 Symmetry and Nonstoichiometry as Possible Origin of Ferromagnetism in Nanoscale oxides
1105.0172 Universal spectrum for atmospheric aerosol size distribution: comparison with pcasp-b observations of vocals 2008
1105.0173 Spin Relaxation in Silicon Nanowires
1105.0175 Quantifying defects in graphene via Raman spectroscopy at different excitation energies
1105.0176 Electric and magnetic Landau-gauge gluon propagators in finite-temperature SU(2) gauge theory
1105.0177 Observation of $X(3872) o J/psi gamma$ and search for $X(3872) opsi’gamma$ in B decays
1105.0178 The Abel-Zeilberger Algorithm
1105.0179 Unitarity triangle angles from penguin-dominated B meson decays
1105.0180 Applicability of a Representation for the Martin’s Real-Part Formula in a Model-Independent Analyses
1105.0181 Computer Modeling of Radiationally and Thermally Stimulated Processes in a Crystal
1105.0182 Robust method to determine the resolution of a superlens by analyzing the near-field image of a two-slit object
1105.0183 Shape Dynamics. An Introduction
1105.0187 An Improved Move-To-Front(IMTF) Off-line Algorithm for the List Accessing Problem
1105.0188 The Hawking-Page crossover in noncommutative anti-deSitter space
1105.0189 Bredon cohomological finiteness conditions for generalisations of Thompson’s groups
1105.0190 Non-Convex Utility Maximization in Gaussian MISO Broadcast and Interference Channels
1105.0192 Top quark mass measurement using the template method at CDF
1105.0193 A Large-Scale FPGA-Based Trigger and Dead-Time Free DAQ System for the Kaos Spectrometer at MAMI
1105.0194 From Quantum Gravity to Quantum Field Theory via Noncommutative Geometry
1105.0195 A Tracking Fiber Detector based on Silicon Photomultipliers for the Kaos Spectrometer
1105.0196 Nonlinear dispersion of stationary waves in collisionless plasmas
1105.0197 Limb darkening in spherical stellar atmospheres
1105.0198 Lattice normal modes and electronic properties of the correlated metal LaNiO$_3$
1105.0200 Comparative analysis of the accuracy of the distance to the observed object for geometric methods
1105.0201 On Singular Semi-Riemannian Manifolds
1105.0202 The behaviour of Fenchel-Nielsen distance under a change of pants decomposition
1105.0203 Two-way multi-lane traffic model for pedestrians in corridors
1105.0204 Consistency of functional learning methods based on derivatives
1105.0205 Nonparametric test for detecting change in distribution with panel data
1105.0207 Seeking String Theory in the Cosmos
1105.0208 Algorithmic entropy, thermodynamics, and game interpretation
1105.0210 Rigging dark halos: why is hierarchical galaxy formation consistent with the inside-out build-up of thin discs?
1105.0212 Harmonic balls and two-phase Schwarz function
1105.0213 A comprehensive proof of localization for continuous Anderson models with singular random potentials
1105.0214 Comparing the Topological and Electrical Structure of the North American Electric Power Infrastructure
1105.0215 Cross-Layer Modeling of Randomly Spread CDMA Using Stochastic Network Calculus
1105.0216 Regge gravity from spinfoams
1105.0217 Non-equilibrium Pattern Modes Extracted from Experimental Data
1105.0218 Exact Large $R$-charge Correlators in ABJM Theory
1105.0219 Constructing and Characterising Seismic Models for Numerical Helioseismology
1105.0220 A Brief Introduction to Band Structure in Three Dimensions
1105.0221 On the asymptotic expansion of Tian-Yau-Zelditch
1105.0222 Hydrophobic interactions with coarse-grained model for water
1105.0223 Delta Doping of Ferromagnetism in Antiferromagnetic Manganite Superlattices
1105.0224 On the relation between transformation dynamics and quantum statistics in weak measurements
1105.0225 Extracting the photoproduction cross section off the neutron gn-->pi-p from deuteron data with FSI effects
1105.0226 Divergence of the multilevel Monte Carlo method
1105.0227 Linear Systems on Edge-Weighted Graphs
1105.0228 Elliptic equations with singular BMO coefficients in Reifenberg domains
1105.0229 Proximity effect at superconducting Sn-Bi2Se3 interface
1105.0230 Pairwise wave interactions in ideal polytropic gases
1105.0231 Formation of singularity and smooth wave propagation for the non-isentropic compressible Euler equations
1105.0232 Online Assignment Algorithms for Dynamic Bipartite Graphs
1105.0233 Derandomization of Online Assignment Algorithms for Dynamic Graphs
1105.0234 Optimized Performance Evaluation of LTE Hard Handover Algorithm with Average RSRP Constraint
1105.0235 Coexistence of Magnetic Order and Two-dimensional Superconductivity at LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ Interfaces
1105.0236 Ultra-low threshold, electrically pumped quantum dot photonic crystal nanocavity laser
1105.0237 THz response and colossal magneto-electric effect in the topological insulator Bi$_2$Se$_3$
1105.0238 Default Swap Games Driven by Spectrally Negative Levy Processes
1105.0240 Optimal Function Computation in Directed and Undirected Graphs
1105.0241 5D MSSM on Randall-Sundrum Background
1105.0242 Deciphering the measured ratios of Iodine-131 to Cesium-137 at the Fukushima reactors
1105.0243 Secular dynamics of planetesimals in tight binary systems: Application to Gamma-Cephei
1105.0244 Making predictions in the multiverse
1105.0245 About polynomials related to a quadratic equation
1105.0246 Nonlinear superhorizon perturbations in Horava-Lifshitz gravity
1105.0247 Liquidation in Limit Order Books with Controlled Intensity
1105.0248 Electronic structure of solid coronene: differences and commonalities to picene
1105.0249 Non-equilibrium electric double layers at the interface between two electrolytes
1105.0251 Improve performance of tcp new reno over mobile ad-hoc network using abra
1105.0252 Higgsstrahlung and pair production in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collision in the noncommutative standard model
1105.0253 Normalizers of Parabolic Subgroups of Coxeter Groups
1105.0254 Warm and dense stellar matter under strong magnetic fields
1105.0255 Photopolarimetric Monitoring of Blazars in the Optical and Near-Infrared Bands with the Kanata Telescope: I. Correlations between Flux, Color, and Polarization
1105.0256 Easy-to-compute parameterizations of all wavelet filters: input-output and state-space
1105.0257 The map equation for link community
1105.0258 Symbolic powers of ideals of generic points in P^3
1105.0259 On the provable security of BEAR and LION schemes
1105.0260 An index theorem for end-periodic operators
1105.0261 The vector-valued tent spaces T^1 and T^infty
1105.0262 Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory with Locally Finite Degrees of Freedom
1105.0263 Tunability of Excited-State Energy Levels of Four-Josephson-Junction Circuit in Crossover from Double-Well to Single-Well Potential
1105.0264 Theoretical spectroscopy techniques applied to graphene EELS and optics
1105.0265 Structure and Mass Absorption of Hypothetical Terrestrial Black Holes
1105.0266 Spontaneous symmetry breaking in Schr"{o}dinger lattices with two nonlinear sites
1105.0267 Transport through a strongly coupled graphene quantum dot in perpendicular magnetic field
1105.0268 Cool DZ white dwarfs in the SDSS
1105.0269 Deviance Information Criteria for Model Selection in Approximate Bayesian Computation
1105.0270 Stability of a Markov-modulated Markov Chain, with application to a wireless network governed by two protocols
1105.0271 Interspecies singlet pairing in a mixture of two spin-1 Bose condensates
1105.0272 Zircon to monazite phase transition in CeVO4
1105.0273 On isoperimetric and Fej’er-Riesz inequality for harmonic surfaces
1105.0274 Time-resolved charge detection in graphene quantum dots
1105.0275 Robustness of Complex Networks against Attacks Guided by Damage
1105.0276 Proximal methods for minimizing the sum of a convex function and a composite function
1105.0277 The Prediction and Evidence for a New Particle - antiparticle Force and Intermediary Particle
1105.0278 Recent news and results in the computation of NLO processes with new techniques
1105.0279 Relativistic three-body recombination with the QED vacuum
1105.0280 Magnetization Oscillation of a Spinor Condensate Induced by Magnetic Field Gradient
1105.0281 Atom-mirror cooling and entanglement using cavity Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
1105.0282 Timing analysis techniques at large core distances for multi-TeV gamma ray astronomy
1105.0283 Net Neutrality and Quality of Service
1105.0284 Exercise Boundary of the American Put Near Maturity in an Exponential L’evy Model
1105.0286 Dynamic Interference Mitigation for Generalized Partially Connected Quasi-static MIMO Interference Channel
1105.0287 Time evolution of high-energy emissions of low-mass stars:I. Age determination using stellar chronology with white dwarfs in wide binaries
1105.0288 Splitting and Updating Hybrid Knowledge Bases (Extended Version)
1105.0289 Metal-Quantum Dot-Topological Superconductor Junction: Kondo correlations and Majorana Bound States
1105.0290 Topological T-duality for general circle bundles
1105.0291 Constraints on composite Dirac neutrinos from observations of galaxy clusters
1105.0292 Inequalities for multiplicative arithmetic functions
1105.0293 Tonks-Girardeau gas, super-Tonks-Girardeau gas, and bound states of one-dimensional bosons in a hard-wall trap
1105.0294 On bi-unitary harmonic numbers
1105.0295 Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves
1105.0296 A Formal Model of Anonymous Systems
1105.0299 Robustness of Fractional Quantum Hall States with Dipolar Atoms in Artificial Gauge Fields
1105.0300 Dependence of elliptic flow on transverse momentum in 200 GeV Au-Au and 2.76 TeV Pb-Pb collisions
1105.0301 Analytical study of an exclusive genetic switch
1105.0302 Cosmic Ray Electron and Positron Excesses from a Fourth Generation Heavy Majorana Neutrino
1105.0303 Collisions of massive and massless particles around rotating black holes: general analysis
1105.0304 Effective mass overshoot in single degree of freedom mechanical systems with a particle damper
1105.0305 Diffractively coupled Fabry-Perot resonator with power-recycling
1105.0306 An infinite family of adsorption models and restricted Lukasiewicz paths
1105.0307 Non-three-colorable common graphs exist
1105.0308 Heavy Neutrinos and Lepton Number Violation in lp Colliders
1105.0309 AdS Solutions in Gauge Supergravities and the Global Anomaly for the Product of Complex Two-Cycles
1105.0310 Birational properties of some moduli spaces related to tetragonal curves of genus 7
1105.0311 Hydrodynamics and the fluctuation theorem
1105.0313 Classical mechanics in reparametrization-invariant formulation and the Schr"odinger equation
1105.0314 In-Medium Properties of Vector Mesons in a Transport Approach
1105.0315 Top-transmon: hybrid superconducting qubit for parity-protected quantum computation
1105.0316 An achromatic polarization retarder realized with slowly varying linear and circular birefringence
1105.0317 Spatial fluctuations in transient creep deformation
1105.0318 PACCE: Perl Algorithm to Compute Continuum and Equivalent Widths
1105.0319 The Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access Channel with Conferencing Encoders
1105.0320 Precise measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel at D0
1105.0321 A note on the Turing machine theory of computation
1105.0322 A Multi-way Constraint Computational Model with Purple Constraint Solver for Direct Execution of the Specification
1105.0323 Modeling Scattering Polarization for Probing Solar Magnetism
1105.0324 Community detection based on "clumpiness" matrix in complex networks
1105.0325 Tachyon Reconstruction of Interacting Ghost Dark Energy
1105.0327 Vanishing of geodesic distance for right invariant Sobolev metrics $H^s$ on diffeomorphism groups for $0le s< frac12$
1105.0329 Evolution of the Dust Coma in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Before 2009 Perihelion
1105.0330 All-optical switching and strong coupling using tunable whispering-gallery-mode microresonators
1105.0331 Relativistic Electron Vortex Beams: Angular Momentum and Spin-Orbit Interaction
1105.0332 Recalling of Images using Hopfield Neural Network Model
1105.0333 Decoherence times of universal two-qubit gates due to structured noise
1105.0334 Relations of loop partial amplitudes in gauge theory by Unitarity cut method
1105.0335 Sharp Hardy inequalities in the half space with trace remainder term
1105.0336 A multiwavelength study of Cygnus X-1: the first mid-infrared spectroscopic detection of compact jets
1105.0337 Design scheme of new multifunctional Heusler compounds for spin-transfer torque applications
1105.0338 Generalized coordinate Bethe ansatz for non diagonal boundaries
1105.0339 Detecting quark matter in the early universe by gravitational waves
1105.0340 Longitudinal correlation of the triangular flow event plane in a hybrid approach with hadron and parton cascade initial conditions
1105.0341 Projected wave function study of Z2 spin liquids on the kagome lattice for spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet
1105.0342 Remote atomic clock synchronization via satellites and optical fibers
1105.0343 A Functional Version of the ARCH Model
1105.0344 Submillimeter continuum observations of Sagittarius B2 at subarcsecond spatial resolution
1105.0345 A simple toy model for a unified picture of dark energy, dark matter, and inflation
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