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26 January 2025

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1512.0082 Exploring Historical and Emerging Phishing Techniques and Mitigating the Associated Security Risks
1512.0083 New Conjectures for Union-Closed Families
1512.0084 Some new refined Hardy type integral inequalities
1512.0085 Complete Network Security Protection for SME's within Limited Resources
1512.0086 The Evolution of the Intergalactic Medium
1512.0087 Solidification and loss of hydrostaticity in liquid media used for pressure measurements
1512.0088 Local gap threshold for frustration-free spin systems
1512.0089 Groups, Information Theory and Einstein's Likelihood Principle
1512.0090 The formation and dynamical evolution of young star clusters
1512.0091 Implicational Propositional Calculus: Tableaux and Completeness
1512.0092 Coupling and stacking order of ReS2 atomic layers revealed by ultralow-frequency Raman spectroscopy
1512.0093 Cocycle superrigidity for coinduced actions
1512.0094 Levitating atmospheres of Eddington-luminosity neutron stars
1512.0095 Mixing properties for toral extensions of slowly mixing dynamical systems with finite and infinite measure
1512.0096 Entanglement Thermodynamics of the Generalized Charged BTZ Black Hole
1512.0097 Basic finite 'etale equivalence relations
1512.0098 Aspects of QCD Current Algebra on a Null Plane
1512.0099 Crystalline conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples
1512.0100 Imitation-Induced Criticality: Network Reciprocity and Psycho-logical Reward
1512.0101 Dynamic Parallel and Distributed Graph Cuts
1512.0102 Secure Distributed Membership Tests via Secret Sharing: How to Hide Your Hostile Hosts Harnessing Shamir Secret Sharing
1512.0103 Multilingual Language Processing From Bytes
1512.0104 Incompatibility and Error Relations for Qubit Observables
1512.0105 Minimal hypersurfaces with small first eigenvalue in manifolds of positive Ricci curvature
1512.0106 An application of hypergeometric shift operators to the chi-spherical Fourier transform
1512.0107 Stratification of the Monster/Semple Tower under diffeomorphisms of three-space
1512.0108 Dense Axion Stars
1512.0109 Scaling Properties of Superoscillations and the Extension to Periodic Signals
1512.0110 The $ct$ transform on line bundles over compact Hermitian symmetric spaces
1512.0111 Floquet Weyl Phases in a Three Dimensional Network Model
1512.0112 Inferring Interpersonal Relations in Narrative Summaries
1512.0113 Should One Use the Ray-by-Ray Approximation in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations?
1512.0114 Wave Propagation in Undulated Structural Lattices
1512.0115 Unlabeled Sensing with Random Linear Measurements
1512.0116 Character formulae for queer Lie superalgebras and canonical bases of type $C$
1512.0117 Transition from compact to porous films in deposition with temperature activated diffusion
1512.0118 Inverse spectral analysis for a class of infinite band symmetric matrices
1512.0119 Mean field limit for bias voter model on regular trees
1512.0120 Exact bounds on the inverse Mills ratio and its derivatives
1512.0121 IRTF/SPEX Observations of the Unusual Kepler Lightcurve System KIC8462852
1512.0122 Accurate Force Field Parameters and pH Resolved Surface Models for Hydroxyapatite to Understand Structure, Mechanics, Hydration, and Biological Interfaces
1512.0123 Structure of the $Lambda(1405)$ and the $K^-d ightarrowpiSigma n$ reaction
1512.0124 An accretion disk-outflow model for hysteretic state transition in X-ray binaries
1512.0125 Robustness of quantum critical pairing against disorder
1512.0126 GrantMed: a new, international system for tracking grants and funding trends in the life sciences
1512.0127 The cost of reading research. A study of Computer Science publication venues
1512.0128 Age-aggregation bias in mortality trends
1512.0129 Pretzel Knots and q-Series
1512.0130 Implicit Sparse Code Hashing
1512.0131 The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category for a differentiable stack
1512.0132 Electron capture and beta-decay rates for sd-shell nuclei in stellar environments relevant to high density O-Ne-Mg cores
1512.0133 Vanilla Lasso for sparse classification under single index models
1512.0134 The First Cold Neptune Analog Exoplanet: MOA-2013-BLG-605Lb
1512.0135 Entropies of weighted sums and applications to polar codes
1512.0136 A Universal Closed Form For Square Matrix Powers
1512.0137 SVC-based Multi-user Streamloading for Wireless Networks
1512.0138 Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics model for mesoscopic multiphase flows in the presence of thermal fluctuations
1512.0139 Quantum Controlled Error-Correction Teleportation (QCECT) Scheme for Satellite Control and Communication
1512.0140 Lattice QCD study of the lowest mass negative parity excitation of the nucleon
1512.0141 First Online Mass Measurements of Isobar Chains via Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrograph Coupled with GARIS-II
1512.0142 On the Spectral Efficiency of Massive MIMO Systems with Low-Resolution ADCs
1512.0143 Alternative Approach to Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics on a Curved Space
1512.0144 Effective Theory of Higgs Sector Vacuum States
1512.0145 Dynamical net charge fluctuations at RHIC energies in STAR
1512.0146 The variable V381 Lac and its possible connection with the R CrB phenomenon
1512.0147 Revisitation of superconductivity in K$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$ based on the six-band model
1512.0148 Field Emission properties of nanocomposites of conducting polymers
1512.0149 Variance of $mathcal{B}$-free integers in short intervals
1512.0150 Optimal Estimation and Completion of Matrices with Biclustering Structures
1512.0151 A Characteristic Transmission Spectrum dominated by H$_{2}$O applies to the majority of HST/WFC3 exoplanet observations
1512.0152 Non-local interactions in a BEC: Perturbative energy functional and the dispersion relation
1512.0153 Online Budgeted Repeated Matching
1512.0154 Exact two-body solutions and Quantum defect theory of two dimensional dipolar quantum gas
1512.0155 Parametric Instability of Classical Yang-Mills Fields in an Expanding Geometry
1512.0156 Covariance-domain Dictionary Learning for Overcomplete EEG Source Identification
1512.0157 Effect of Mg substitution in Sr2SiO4:Eu2+ nanophosphors for blue and white emission at near UV excitation
1512.0158 Quantum method for computations of flows around a body with Data analysis
1512.0159 Scintillation noise power spectrum and its impact on high redshift 21-cm observations
1512.0160 Quench dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate under synthetic spin-orbit coupling
1512.0161 Baryons, monopoles and dualities in Chern-Simons-matter theories
1512.0162 Measurements of $pi^{0}pi^{0}$ production and form factors for $f_{0}(980)$ and $f_{2}(1270)$ in single-tag two-photon process
1512.0163 The probability of improvement in Fisher's geometric model: a probabilistic approach
1512.0164 Investigation of quantum entanglement simulation by random variables theories augmented by either classical communication or nonlocal effects
1512.0165 Learning Using 1-Local Membership Queries
1512.0166 Two-gluon rapidity correlations of strong colour field in $pp$, $pA$ and $AA$ collisions
1512.0167 Identification of z~>2 Herschel 500 micron sources using color-deconfusion
1512.0168 Consistency in Non-Transactional Distributed Storage Systems
1512.0169 Open EFTs, IR Effects and Late-Time Resummations: Systematic Corrections in Stochastic Inflation
1512.0170 Augmenting Phrase Table by Employing Lexicons for Pivot-based SMT
1512.0171 Exploring the parent population of beamed NLS1s: from the black hole to the jet
1512.0172 Analyzing Classifiers: Fisher Vectors and Deep Neural Networks
1512.0173 Non-interacting single-impurity Anderson model: solution without using the equation-of-motion method
1512.0174 The Partial Visibility Representation Extension Problem
1512.0175 Limiting motion for the parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation with infinite energy data
1512.0176 Accurate molecular dynamics and nuclear quantum effects at low cost by multiple steps in real and imaginary time: using density functional theory to accelerate wavefunction methods
1512.0177 LSTM Neural Reordering Feature for Statistical Machine Translation
1512.0178 Contact measures in isotropic spaces
1512.0179 The distance-dependent two-point function of quadrangulations: a new derivation by direct recursion
1512.0180 Interactive Visualization of 2-D Persistence Modules
1512.0181 Trusted frequency region of convergence for the enclosure method in an inverse heat equation
1512.0182 Percolation properties in a traffic model
1512.0183 Koszul Calculus
1512.0184 On the diameter of hyperbolic random graphs
1512.0185 A semiclassical hybrid approach to linear response functions for infrared spectroscopy
1512.0186 Fluid leakage near the percolation threshold
1512.0187 On the number of Steiner triple systems S(2^m-1,3,2) of rank 2^m - m + 2 over GF(2)
1512.0188 A new view of the nonlinear dielectric response of glass formers
1512.0189 KOI-2939b: the largest and longest-period Kepler transiting circumbinary planet
1512.0190 The Diboson Excesses in an Anomaly Free Leptophobic Left-Right Model
1512.0191 Dipole response in 208Pb within a self-consistent multiphonon approach
1512.0192 Multiwavelength survey of a sample of flat-spectrum radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
1512.0193 Expected impact from weak reactions with light nuclei in core-collapse supernova simulations
1512.0194 Marginal and Irrelevant Disorder in Einstein-Maxwell backgrounds
1512.0195 Unitary Easy Quantum Groups: the free case and the group case
1512.0196 SQL Queries for Declarative Process Mining on Event Logs of Relational Databases
1512.0197 Measurement of the dependence of transverse energy production at large pseudorapidity on the hard-scattering kinematics of proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 2.76$ TeV with ATLAS
1512.0198 Efficient filtering of adult content using textual information
1512.0199 Magnetization reversal of an individual exchange biased permalloy nanotube
1512.0200 Critical analysis of fragment-orbital DFT schemes for the calculation of electronic coupling values
1512.0201 Security and Privacy Policy Languages: A Survey, Categorization and Gap Identification
1512.0202 Floquet topological semimetal phases of an extended kicked Harper model
1512.0203 A hard gamma-ray flare from 3C 279 in 2013 December
1512.0204 Evaluation of expected solar flare neutrino events in the IceCube observatory
1512.0205 Divide and conquer in ABC: Expectation-Progagation algorithms for likelihood-free inference
1512.0206 Nemato-elastic crawlers
1512.0207 Generalized geometry and non-symmetric gravity
1512.0208 Lax pairs for deformed Minkowski spacetimes
1512.0209 Equivalence Classes of Staged Trees
1512.0210 Quantized Message Passing for LDPC Codes
1512.0211 The role of fullerene shell upon stuffed atom polarization potential
1512.0212 The extremal Secant Conjecture for curves of arbitrary gonality
1512.0213 A Multi-Service Oriented Multiple-Access Scheme For Next-Generation Mobile Networks
1512.0214 Finite temperature vortices in a rotating Fermi gas
1512.0215 On the Energy Efficiency Prospects of Network Function Virtualization
1512.0216 Optimal control of Markov jump processes : Asymptotic analysis, algorithms, and application to modelling of chemical reaction systems
1512.0217 Placement and Scheduling of Functions in Network Function Virtualization
1512.0218 Minimax theory for a class of non-linear statistical inverse problems
1512.0219 Placement and Assignment of Servers in Virtualized Radio Access Networks
1512.0220 Production of electroweak bosons at hadron colliders: theoretical aspects
1512.0221 On the relation between reduced quantisation and quantum reduction for spherical symmetry in loop quantum gravity
1512.0222 No-Go Theorem for Gauss-Bonnet Inflation without Inflaton Potential
1512.0223 Random and free observables saturate the Tsirelson bound for CHSH inequality
1512.0224 Maximizing Neumann eigenvalues on rectangles
1512.0225 Automorphisms of generalised Kummer fourfolds
1512.0226 More on a trace inequality in quantum information theory
1512.0227 A Framework for Analyzing Stochastic Jumps in Finance based on Belief and Knowledge
1512.0228 MOCICE-BCubed F$_1$: A New Evaluation Measure for Biclustering Algorithms
1512.0229 G2HDM : Gauged Two Higgs Doublet Model
1512.0230 Search for the eta-mesic Helium bound state with the WASA-at-COSY facility
1512.0231 Valuations on the space of quasi-concave functions
1512.0232 Decay law and time dilatation
1512.0233 Nonequilibrium low temperature phase in pyrochlore iridate Y$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$: Possibility of glass-like dynamics
1512.0234 Real zeros of Hurwitz-Lerch zeta functions in the interval $(-1,0)$
1512.0235 Finite-Temperature Properties of Three-Dimensional Classical Chiral Helimagnets
1512.0236 Excellence of function fields of conics
1512.0237 Fast and High Quality Highlight Removal from A Single Image
1512.0238 Scaling of the $gamma p opi^0 p$ process from the Regge pole exchange with nucleon resonances
1512.0239 On Color Preserving Automorphisms of Cayley Graphs of Odd Square-free Order
1512.0240 A THz-Vibration to THz-Radiation Converter Based on Gold Nanoobjects: a Feasibility Study
1512.0241 The precision of parameter estimation for dephasing model under squeezed reservoir
1512.0242 Towards Dropout Training for Convolutional Neural Networks
1512.0243 A new algorithm for mixed equilibrium problem and Bregman strongly nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
1512.0244 CHANTI: a Fast and Efficient Charged Particle Veto Detector for the NA62 Experiment at CERN
1512.0245 Extended Conditional Independence and Applications in Causal Inference
1512.0246 Deep MUSE observations in the HDFS. Morpho-kinematics of distant star-forming galaxies down to $10^8$M$_odot$
1512.0247 Homological dimension of certain pro-p-Iwahori--Hecke modules
1512.0248 Engineering Long-Lived Collective Dark States in Spin Ensembles
1512.0249 Large N behavior of mass deformed ABJM theory
1512.0250 Evaluating Morphological Computation in Muscle and DC-motor Driven Models of Human Hopping
1512.0251 Automatic Homeomorphicity of Locally Moving Clones
1512.0252 Measurement induced nonclassical states from coherent state heralded by Knill-Laflamme-Milburn-type SU(3) interference
1512.0253 Evidence for the rapid formation of low mass early-type galaxies in dense environments
1512.0254 On one inverse problem
1512.0255 Energetics and carrier transport in doped Si/SiO2 quantum dots
1512.0256 On compact manifolds with harmonic curvature and positive scalar curvature
1512.0257 Noise and disorder: phase transitions and universality in a model of opinion formation
1512.0258 Percolation, sliding, localization and relaxation in topologically closed circuits
1512.0259 NetCodCCN: a Network Coding approach for Content-Centric Networks
1512.0260 Representation-free description of light-pulse atom interferometry including non-inertial effects
1512.0261 Hidden structure in the excitation spectra of strongly correlated electrons
1512.0262 Algorithmic construction of local hidden variable models for entangled quantum states
1512.0263 New noise-induced statistically steady state in the spatially extended competition model
1512.0264 Synthesis of Large-Area WS2 monolayers with Exceptional Photoluminescence
1512.0265 Multi-class oscillating systems of interacting neurons
1512.0266 The motivic t-structure for relative 1-motives
1512.0267 Elementary vectors and conformal sums in polyhedral geometry and applications in metabolic pathway analysis
1512.0268 Chromatin assortativity: integrating epigenomic data and 3D genomic structure
1512.0269 Entangled microwaves as a resource for entangling spatially separate solid-state qubits: superconducting qubits, NV centers and magnetic molecules
1512.0270 70 years of Sunspot Observations at Kanzelh"ohe Observatory: systematic study of parameters affecting the derivation of the relative sunspot number
1512.0271 Symmetric colorings of polypolyhedra
1512.0273 Higher Chern classes in Iwasawa theory
1512.0274 On Constructing Secure and Hardware-Efficient Invertible Mappings
1512.0275 Doping-driven orbital-selective Mott transition in multi-band Hubbard models with crystal field splitting
1512.0276 K-theory of cluster C*-algebras
1512.0277 General method for constructing local-hidden-state (and -variable) models for multiqubit entangled states
1512.0278 Eccentricity distribution of wide binaries
1512.0279 Particle production in high-energy collisions beyond the shockwave limit
1512.0280 Spiral Structures in the Rotor-Router Walk
1512.0281 Unified limiting form of graviton radiation at extreme energies
1512.0282 The Rho Resonance from $N_f=2+1+1$ Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
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