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26 January 2025

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1501.7698 On the mod $p$ Lannes-Zarati homomorphism
1501.7730 Polarization in lines - a new method for measuring black hole masses in active galaxies
1501.7777 Mean-field solution of the Blume-Capel model under a random crystal field
1502.0176 Bases and Structure Constants of Generalized Splines with Integer Coefficients on Cycles
1502.0178 On topological properties of the weak topology of a Banach space
1502.0180 Lagrangian product tori in tame symplectic manifolds
1502.0181 Warping and tearing of misaligned circumbinary disks around eccentric SMBH binaries
1502.0184 Adaptive Bayesian estimation in indirect Gaussian sequence space models
1502.0185 Splitting, parallel gradient and Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature
1502.0186 Advanced Mean Field Theory of Restricted Boltzmann Machine
1502.0187 Predicting the Voltage Dependence of Interfacial Electrochemical Processes at Lithium-Intercalated Graphite Edge Planes
1502.0188 Center of gravity and a characterization of parabolas
1502.0189 Rewriting Flash Memories by Message Passing
1502.0190 Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm for Inconsistent Linear Systems: An Exact MSE Analysis
1502.0191 Lifshitz metal-insulator transition induced by the all-in/all-out magnetic order in the pyrochlore oxide Cd2Os2O7
1502.0192 Pose and Shape Estimation with Discriminatively Learned Parts
1502.0193 Evolutionary Artificial Neural Network Based on Chemical Reaction Optimization
1502.0194 Real-Coded Chemical Reaction Optimization with Different Perturbation Functions
1502.0195 Sensor Deployment for Air Pollution Monitoring Using Public Transportation System
1502.0196 Optimal V2G Scheduling of Electric Vehicles and Unit Commitment using Chemical Reaction Optimization
1502.0197 An Inter-molecular Adaptive Collision Scheme for Chemical Reaction Optimization
1502.0198 Invariant Adjoint Tensors of the Classical Groups
1502.0199 Chemical Reaction Optimization for the Set Covering Problem
1502.0200 Base Station Switching Problem for Green Cellular Networks with Social Spider Algorithm
1502.0201 Cultural and Demic Diffusion of First Farmers, Herders, and their Innovations Across Eurasia
1502.0203 Equations for the fifth secant variety of Segre products of projective spaces
1502.0204 Minimal Length Effects on Entanglement Entropy of Spherically Symmetric Black Holes in Brick Wall Model
1502.0205 Interplay of relativistic and nonrelativistic transport in atomically precise segmented graphene nanoribbons
1502.0206 Cross-Layer Multi-Cloud Real-Time Application QoS Monitoring and Benchmarking As-a-Service Framework
1502.0208 Doubling construction of Calabi-Yau fourfolds from toric Fano fourfolds
1502.0210 A New Parameter Estimation Algorithm Based on Sub-band Dual Frequency Conjugate LVT
1502.0211 Stability of Superposition of Viscous Contact Wave and Rarefaction Waves for Compressible Navier-Stokes System
1502.0212 Multi-User MIMO Receivers With Partial State Information
1502.0213 Localized heat kernel upper bounds for diffusions via a multiple Dynkin-Hunt formula
1502.0214 Information loss and entropy production during dissipative processes in a macroscopic system kicked out of the equilibrium
1502.0215 A Study on the Impact of Wind Generation on the Stability of Electromechanical Oscillations
1502.0216 Structure, composition, and location of organic matter in the enstatite chondrite Sahara 97096 (EH3)
1502.0217 The nonlinear steepest descent method: Asymptotics for initial-boundary value problems
1502.0219 Effects of changes sol concentration on the structural and optical properties of SnO2 nanoparticle by the sol-gel technique
1502.0220 Magnetoelectric-field helicities and reactive power flows
1502.0221 Hydrodynamic Interactions between Two Forced Objects of Arbitrary Shape: I Effect on Alignment
1502.0222 Low-energy proton capture reactions in the mass region 55-60
1502.0223 Numerical Analysis of Galactic Rotation Curves
1502.0225 Power-law correlations in finance-related Google searches, and their cross-correlations with volatility and traded volume: Evidence from the Dow Jones Industrial components
1502.0226 The origin of magnetic fields in hot stars
1502.0227 New spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the A0 supergiant HD92207
1502.0228 Field Theory on Newton-Cartan Backgrounds and Symmetries of the Lifshitz Vacuum
1502.0229 Can "Hot Spots" in the Sciences Be Mapped Using the Dynamics of Aggregated Journal-Journal Citation Relations?
1502.0230 Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$=0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV
1502.0231 Feature Selection with Redundancy-complementariness Dispersion
1502.0232 Models of Late-Type Disk Galaxies: 1-D Versus 2-D
1502.0233 Reconstruction theorem for complex polynomials
1502.0234 Hurst exponent of very long birth time series in XX century Romania. Social and religious aspects
1502.0235 Exact, Uniform Sampling of Latin Squares and Sudoku Matrices
1502.0236 Fractional Topological Insulators: from sliding Luttinger Liquids to Chern-Simons theory
1502.0237 Ensuring a Secure and Resilient Smart Grid: Cyber-Attacks and Countermeasures
1502.0238 On instruction sets for Boolean registers in program algebra
1502.0239 Optimal Wavelets for Electrogastrography
1502.0240 A Comprehensive Study of Broad Absorption Line Quasars: I. Prevalence of HeI* Absorption Line Multiplets in Low-Ionization Objects
1502.0241 Normal forms of triangles and quadrilaterals up to similarity
1502.0242 Stokesian swimmers and active particles
1502.0243 Air-compatible Broadband Angular Selective Material Systems
1502.0244 Multiple Tipping Points and Optimal Repairing in Interacting Networks
1502.0245 Injury risk prediction for traffic accidents in Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil
1502.0246 Strong Solution to the Density-dependent Incompressible Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows
1502.0247 Two-Component Theory of Classical Proca Fields in Curved Spacetimes with Torsionless Affinities
1502.0248 Route to chaos in generalized logistic map
1502.0249 Relaxation dynamics in a transient network fluid with competing gel and glass phases
1502.0250 Driver distraction detection and recognition using RGB-D sensor
1502.0251 Tantalum Monoarsenide: an Exotic Compensated Semimetal
1502.0252 Test Sets for Nonnegativity of Polynomials Invariant under a Finite Reflection Group
1502.0253 Scattering theory without large-distance asymptotics: scattering boundary condition
1502.0254 Freehand Sketch Recognition Using Deep Features
1502.0255 Gamma-rays from Type Ia supernova SN2014J
1502.0256 Human Re-identification by Matching Compositional Template with Cluster Sampling
1502.0257 QED Corrections to Hadronic Processes in Lattice QCD
1502.0258 Learning Latent Spatio-Temporal Compositional Model for Human Action Recognition
1502.0259 Optimal energy-preserving conversions of quantum coherence
1502.0260 Novel Nanoscroll Structures from Carbon Nitride Layers
1502.0261 Phase structures of the black D$p$-D$(p+4)$-brane system in various ensembles
1502.0262 Higgs and Dark Matter Physics in the Type-II Two-Higgs-Doublet Model inspired by E_6 GUT
1502.0263 $K ightarrow pipi$ $Delta I=3/2$ decay amplitude in the continuum limit
1502.0264 Superbackscattering Nanoparticle Dimers
1502.0265 The intrinsic shape of galaxy bulges
1502.0266 Evaluation of Stopping Powers of Superheavy Ions with $it{Z}$ up to 124 in Al and U
1502.0267 Origin of masses in the Early Universe
1502.0268 Nonlocal Damping of Helimagnets in One-Dimensional Interacting Electron Systems
1502.0269 Ribbon graph minors and low-genus partial duals
1502.0271 Explicit representations for multiscale L'evy processes, and asymptotics of multifractal conservation laws
1502.0272 Interplay of charge and vorticity quantization in superconducting Coulomb blockaded island
1502.0273 A note on affine links
1502.0274 A Gradient Descent Approach to Optimal Coherent Quantum LQG Controller Design
1502.0275 On minimal rational elliptic surfaces
1502.0277 Fast Finite Field Hartley Transforms Based on Hadamard Decomposition
1502.0278 Compact phase space, cosmological constant, discrete time
1502.0280 All-Optical Production of quantum degeneracy and molecular BEC of $^6$Li
1502.0281 Handling Mobility in Dense Networks
1502.0282 Finite-Temperature Fluid-Insulator Transition of Strongly Interacting 1D Disordered Bosons
1502.0283 Opening angles and shapes of parsec-scale AGN jets
1502.0286 Analysis of single particle trajectories: when things go wrong
1502.0287 The Penrose singularity theorem in regularity $C^{1,1}$
1502.0289 Radiation damage effects on detectors and eletronic devices in harsh radiation environment
1502.0290 Survey on Awareness of Privacy Issues in Ubiquitous Environment
1502.0293 Global weak solutions for Kolmogorov-Vicsek type equations with orientational interaction
1502.0294 Conservation laws and laser cooling of atoms
1502.0295 On fibrils and field lines: The nature of H$alpha$ fibrils in the solar chromosphere
1502.0296 Fragile Watermarking Using Finite Field Trigonometrical Transforms
1502.0297 Growth and Optical Properties Investigation of UN-Doped and Al-doped SnO2 Nanostructures by Sol-Gel Method
1502.0298 About the semiample cone of the symmetric product of a curve
1502.0299 A tropical approach to the strongly positive Hodge conjecture
1502.0300 Search for supersymmetry using razor variables in events with b-tagged jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV
1502.0301 Ensemble Kalman Filter Implementations Based on Covariance Matrix Estimation
1502.0303 Dynamic texture and scene classification by transferring deep image features
1502.0305 Cosmic rays: the spectrum and chemical composition from $10^{10}$ to $10^{20}$ eV
1502.0306 Due 'paradossi meccanici' della Collezione Storica degli Strumenti di Fisica dell'Universit’a di Palermo
1502.0307 Quantum Light Storage in Solid State Atomic Ensembles
1502.0308 The Massive Star Population in M101. III. Spectra and Photometry of the Luminous and Variable Stars
1502.0309 Effect of edge dislocations on structural and electric properties of 4H-SiC
1502.0310 Partially-ordered vortex lattices in the high-field, low-temperature mixed state of quasi two-dimensional organic superconductors
1502.0311 Curves intersecting exactly once and their dual cube complexes
1502.0312 Warkworth 12m VLBI Station: WARK12M - 2014
1502.0313 The Mass-Concentration Relation and the Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio in the CFHT Stripe 82 Survey
1502.0314 A class of quasicontractive semigroups acting on Hardy and Dirichlet space
1502.0315 Energy Partitions and Evolution in a Purely Thermal Solar Flare
1502.0316 Parallel clustering of high-dimensional social media data streams
1502.0317 An Exploration of Cursor tracking Data
1502.0319 Efficient refinement of GPS-based localization in urban areas using visual information and sensor parameter
1502.0320 A law of the iterated logarithm for Grenander's estimator
1502.0321 Green's functions technique for calculating the emission spectrum in a quantum dot-cavity system
1502.0323 Theory of ice-skating
1502.0324 Modified Fast Fractal Image Compression Algorithm in spatial domain
1502.0326 Adaptive Estimation of Shannon Entropy
1502.0327 Does Dirichlet Prior Smoothing Solve the Shannon Entropy Estimation Problem?
1502.0328 Siegel's theorem on integral points and the Jacobian conjecture over the rational field
1502.0329 Matricial bridges for "Matrix algebras converge to the sphere"
1502.0330 Radio--Far infrared correlation in "blue cloud" galaxies with 0<z<1.2
1502.0332 Slowing the probe field in the second window of double-double electromagnetically induced transparency
1502.0333 Detecting Beyond-Einstein Polarizations of Continuous Gravitational Waves
1502.0334 Pfaffian of Lauricella's hypergeometric system $F_A$
1502.0336 Second order estimates for Hessian equations of parabolic type on Riemannian manifolds
1502.0337 Electrical and magnetic properties of La$_{0.5}$Rh$_4$Sb$_{12}$ filled skutterudite synthesized at high pressure
1502.0338 Feedback stabilization for the mass balance equations of a food extrusion process
1502.0339 Quantifying properties of hot and dense QCD matter through systematic model-to-data comparison
1502.0340 Lattices in potentially semi-stable representations and weak $(varphi,hat{G})$-modules
1502.0341 Discriminatively Trained And-Or Graph Models for Object Shape Detection
1502.0342 Finite sampling inequalities: an application to two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics
1502.0343 Protein viscoelastic dynamics: a model system
1502.0344 Complex Background Subtraction by Pursuing Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Models
1502.0345 Equation of state and contact of a strongly interacting Bose gas in the normal state
1502.0346 Equivalence of Fluid Models for $G_t/GI/N+GI$ Queues
1502.0347 Thermal vector potential theory of transport induced by temperature gradient
1502.0348 A Novel Statistical Channel Model for Turbulence-Induced Fading in Free-Space Optical Systems
1502.0349 The geometry of a Randers rotational surface
1502.0350 Resonant magneto-tunneling between normal and ferromagnetic electrodes in relation to the three-terminal spin transport
1502.0353 Complex networks vulnerability to module-based attacks
1502.0354 A Web-based Interactive Visual Graph Analytics Platform
1502.0355 On the Accelerating of Two-dimensional Smart Laplacian Smoothing on the GPU
1502.0356 Criticality of relevant descriptions in the under-sampling domain
1502.0359 Extrema of graph eigenvalues
1502.0360 On an Inequality of Dimension-like Invariants for Finite Groups
1502.0361 Computing cutoff times of birth and death chains
1502.0362 Designing Networks: A Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization Approach
1502.0364 On the Performance of Single- and Multi-carrier Modulation Schemes for Indoor Visible Light Communication Systems
1502.0365 On the Performance of MIMO FSO Communications over Double Generalized Gamma Fading Channels
1502.0367 A Solution to Yamakami's Problem on Advised Context-free Languages
1502.0368 Crystallization of polyethylene by modified weighted density approximation(MWDA)
1502.0369 Order almost DUNFORD-PETTIS Operators on Banach lattices
1502.0370 Interplay of vector-like top partner multiplets in a realistic mixing set-up
1502.0371 Pinning networks of coupled dynamical systems with Markovian switching couplings and event-triggered diffusions
1502.0372 Electron-phonon correlations on spin texture of gapped helical Dirac Fermions
1502.0373 Isolating the pre-main sequence in Collinder34, NGC3293, NGC3766 and NG6231
1502.0374 Adaptive Scene Category Discovery with Generative Learning and Compositional Sampling
1502.0375 Giant Phononic Anisotropy and Unusual Anharmonicity of Phosphorene: Interlayer Coupling and Strain Engineering
1502.0376 Accelerating an Water Maser Face-on Jet from a High Mass Young Stellar Object
1502.0377 Integrating Graph Partitioning and Matching for Trajectory Analysis in Video Surveillance
1502.0378 Enabling Minimal Dominating Set in Highly Dynamic Distributed Systems
1502.0379 Is the second harmonic method applicable for thin films mechanical properties characterization by nanoindentation? Is the second harmonic method applicable for thin films mechanical properties characterization by nanoindentation?
1502.0380 On a three-layer Hele-Shaw model of enhanced oil recovery with a linear viscous profile
1502.0381 Search for the decay $B^+ ightarrowoverline{K}{}^{*0}K^{*+}$ at Belle
1502.0382 Moore-Penrose inverses of Gram matrices Leaving a Cone Invariant in an Indefinite Inner Product Space
1502.0384 Regularized LRT for Large Scale Covariance Matrices: One Sample Problem
1502.0386 Insight into Microscopic Structure of AdS Black Hole from Thermodynamic Phase Transition
1502.0387 Mock theta double sums
1502.0388 Cold condensation of dust in the ISM
1502.0389 Privacy-preserving Network Functionality Outsourcing
1502.0390 Top quark induced effective potential in a composite Higgs model
1502.0391 The accretion history of dark matter halos III: A physical model for the concentration-mass relation
1502.0392 Effects of awareness diffusion and self-initiated awareness behavior on epidemic spreading - an approach based on multiplex networks
1502.0393 Self-similar formation of an inverse cascade in vibrating elastic plates
1502.0394 Probing the dark matter radial profile in lens galaxies and the size of X-ray emitting region in quasars with microlensing
1502.0395 Threshold Functions in Random s-Intersection Graphs
1502.0396 Cluster Luttinger liquids and emergent supersymmetric conformal critical points in the one-dimensional soft-shoulder Hubbard model
1502.0397 Revolution of S-stars and oscillation of solar and terrestrial observables: nonrandom coincidence of periods
1502.0398 Absence of shocks for 1D EULER-POISSON system
1502.0400 k-Connectivity of Random Key Graphs
1502.0401 Topology of unitary groups and the prime orders of binomial coefficients
1502.0402 Induced interactions in a superfluid Bose-Fermi mixture
1502.0403 Classification of quantum groups and Belavin--Drinfeld cohomologies for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras
1502.0404 A curious gap in one-dimensional geometric random graphs between connectivity and the absence of isolated node
1502.0405 Monotone Increasing Properties and Their Phase Transitions in Uniform Random Intersection Graphs
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