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1609.9134 Independent sets near the lower bound in bounded degree graphs
1609.9205 Robust Optimal Investment in Discrete Time for Unbounded Utility Function
1609.9209 Structural and Optical Properties of Ag2O, Grown in PLD System
1609.9349 An analysis of the LIGO discovery based on Introductory Physics
1609.9367 Dephasing enhanced spin transport in the ergodic phase of a many-body localizable system
1609.9392 Polynomial-time algorithms for the curve graph
1609.9543 Energy gap of neutral excitations implies vanishing charge susceptibility
1609.9567 High Efficiency Gamma-Ray Flash Generation via Multiple Compton Scattering
1609.9611 Relaxation decoupling in metallic glassy state
1609.9620 Integrated four-channel all-fiber up-conversion single-photon-detector with adjustable efficiency and dark count
1609.9626 Saturn's Polar Atmosphere
1609.9773 An Overview of Sustainable Green 5G Networks
1609.9807 Proceedings of the Data For Good Exchange 2016
1609.9824 Complexity of Triangular Representations of Algebraic Sets
1610.0658 The Detection of Diffuse Extended Structure in 3C~273: Implications for Jet Power
1610.0670 Quench dynamics of spin-imbalanced Fermi-Hubbard model in one dimension
1610.0695 Ground State of the Two Orbital Hubbard Model on the Pyrochlore Lattice with Competing Double Exchange and Superexchange Interactions
1610.0696 Deep Visual Foresight for Planning Robot Motion
1610.0699 Antideuterons in cosmic rays: sources and discovery potential
1610.0700 Footstep and Motion Planning in Semi-unstructured Environments Using Possibility Graphs
1610.0701 Traversing Environments Using Possibility Graphs with Multiple Action Types
1610.0702 A note on a characterization theorem for a certain class of domains
1610.0704 A thermodynamic approach to nonlinear ultrasonics for material state awareness and prognosis
1610.0707 Heterotic sigma models on $T^8$ and the Borcherds automorphic form $Phi_{12}$
1610.0708 An observer's guide to the (Local Group) dwarf galaxies: predictions for their own dwarf satellite populations
1610.0709 Semi-synthetic zigzag optical lattice for ultracold bosons
1610.0710 Covariant diagrams for one-loop matching
1610.0712 GALEX-SDSS-WISE Legacy Catalog (GSWLC): Star Formation Rates, Stellar Masses and Dust Attenuations of 700,000 Low-redshift Galaxies
1610.0713 The candidate cluster and protocluster catalog (CCPC) II: Spectroscopically identified structures spanning 2 < z < 6.6
1610.0715 The Coupled Physical Structure of Gas and Dust in the IM Lup Protoplanetary Disk
1610.0716 Molecular Gas Along a Bright H-alpha Filament in 2A 0335+096 Revealed by ALMA
1610.0718 From 6D SCFTs to Dynamic GLSMs
1610.0719 Supernovae vs. AGN: Clues to the origin of Fermi Bubbles from OVIII/OVII line ratio
1610.0722 Linear spectropolarimetry of polarimetric standard stars with VLT/FORS2
1610.0723 Roughness tolerances for Cherenkov telescope mirrors
1610.0724 The Two-Parameter Brane Sigma-Model: M*, M' solutions and M-theory solutions dependent on exotic coordinates
1610.0726 Generation and protection of Maximally Entangled State between many modes in an optical network with dissipation
1610.0727 Modifications to Holographic entanglement entropy in Warped CFT
1610.0728 Complexity of Left-Ideal, Suffix-Closed and Suffix-Free Regular Languages
1610.0729 Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics
1610.0730 Scale-invariant freezing of entanglement
1610.0732 Sequential Low-Rank Change Detection
1610.0733 Capitulation, unit groups, and the cohomology of $S$-id’{e}le classes
1610.0734 Electronic transport in disordered MoS$_2$ nanoribbons
1610.0735 MatLM: a Matrix Formulation for Probabilistic Language Models
1610.0736 Symmetry operators and decoupled equations for linear fields on black hole spacetimes
1610.0737 Shock formation in solutions to the $2D$ compressible Euler equations in the presence of non-zero vorticity
1610.0738 Understanding Systematics in ZZ Ceti Model Fitting to Enable Differential Seismology
1610.0740 A one-dimensional theory for Higgs branch operators
1610.0742 Computing motivic zeta functions on log smooth models
1610.0743 The hidden null structure of the compressible Euler equations and a prelude to applications
1610.0744 Renormalisation Group Flow and Kaon Condensation
1610.0745 Resonant tidal excitation of superfluid neutron stars in coalescing binaries
1610.0746 Magnetic microscopy and simulation of strain-mediated control of magnetization in Ni/PMN-PT nanostructures
1610.0751 An overview about Networks-on-Chip with multicast suppor
1610.0754 Some remarks on regular foliations with numerically trivial canonical class
1610.0755 Impact of Grain Boundaries on Efficiency and Stability of Organic-Inorganic Trihalide Perovskites
1610.0758 Multifractal states in self-consistent theory of localization: analytical solution
1610.0759 Prediction of Manipulation Actions
1610.0761 Spatial dependence of entanglement renormalization in $XY$ model
1610.0762 Linear dynamics of classical spin as M"obius transformation
1610.0763 Patterns of Selection of Human Movements II: Movement Limits, Mechanical Energy, and Very Slow Walking Gaits
1610.0764 Causal evolution of wave packets
1610.0765 Grounding the Lexical Sets of Causative-Inchoative Verbs with Word Embedding
1610.0766 Modelling autophagy selectivity by receptor clustering on peroxisomes
1610.0767 Dispersive readout of a silicon quantum dot with accumulation-mode gate sensor
1610.0769 Observations and 3D Hydrodynamical models of planetary nebulae with Wolf Rayet type central stars
1610.0770 On Representation of Integers from Thin Subgroups of SL(2,Z) with Parabolics
1610.0771 Test for a large amount of entanglement, using few measurements
1610.0772 Protostellar Feedback in Turbulent Fragmentation: Consequences for Stellar Clustering and Multiplicity
1610.0774 A remark on a result of Ding-Jost-Li-Wang
1610.0775 Comparative study of semilocal density functionals on solids and surfaces
1610.0776 Generalised Witt algebras and idealizers
1610.0778 Long-Term Factorization of Affine Pricing Kernels
1610.0779 Probing the diffractive production of gauge bosons at forward rapidities
1610.0781 Tuning of MCMC with Langevin, Hamiltonian, and other stochastic autoregressive proposals
1610.0782 Network Structure Inference, A Survey: Motivations, Methods, and Applications
1610.0783 Multiferroic magnetic spirals induced by random magnetic exchanges
1610.0785 Single-Field Inflation and the Local Ansatz: Distinguishability and Consistency
1610.0789 LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$: a tale of two magnetisms
1610.0790 Adaptive Neuron Apoptosis for Accelerating Deep Learning on Large Scale Systems
1610.0791 The Software Atom
1610.0793 A possible quantum fluid-dynamical approach to vortex motion in nuclei
1610.0795 A hybrid approach to assess systemic risk in financial networks
1610.0797 Broken symmetry states in bilayer graphene in electric and in-plane magnetic fields
1610.0799 Higher critical points in a free boundary problem
1610.0800 Continuum approach for long-wavelength acoustic phonons in quasi-2D structures
1610.0803 Measurement of the topological surface state optical conductance in bulk-insulating Sn-doped Bi$_{1.1}$Sb$_{0.9}$Te$_2$S single crystals
1610.0804 A framework for simulation and inversion in electromagnetics
1610.0807 Periodic points of quadratic polynomials in Galois extensions
1610.0808 The additive completion of the biset category
1610.0811 Localization and chaos in a spin glass model with random fields: Mapping to the localization problem in a Bethe lattice with a correlated disorder
1610.0812 Rigidity of Bott-Samelson-Demazure-Hansen variety for $PSp(2n, mathbb C)$
1610.0814 Second Minimal Orbits, Sharkovski Ordering and Universality in Chaos
1610.0815 Tur'an number and decomposition number of intersecting odd cycles
1610.0816 Functorial relationship between multirings and the various abstract theories of quadratic forms
1610.0817 Poisson deformations of ruled surfaces over an elliptic curve
1610.0819 Fluctuation signatures of rotation reversals and non-local transport events in KSTAR L-mode plasmas
1610.0820 Noise Filtering and Prediction in Biological Signaling Networks
1610.0821 Finite-time degeneration of hyperbolicity without blowup for quasilinear wave equations
1610.0823 An adaptive fast multipole accelerated Poisson solver for complex geometries
1610.0824 Real Time Fine-Grained Categorization with Accuracy and Interpretability
1610.0826 The spherical transform of a Schwartz function on the free two step nilpotent lie group
1610.0828 Techniques of constructions of variations of mixed Hodge structures
1610.0831 Notes on Pure Dataflow Matrix Machines: Programming with Self-referential Matrix Transformations
1610.0832 Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds
1610.0835 A fast algorithm for radiative transport in isotropic media
1610.0838 Image Aesthetic Assessment: An Experimental Survey
1610.0841 Parameters Differentiating the Characteristics and Security of Military Information Systems
1610.0842 Chinese Event Extraction Using DeepNeural Network with Word Embedding
1610.0843 The Search Problem in Mixture Models
1610.0845 Isometrically Self-dual Cyclic Codes
1610.0846 Economical Energy Efficiency E3: An Advanced Performance Metric for 5G Systems
1610.0847 Transverse K"ahler structures on central foliations of complex manifolds
1610.0849 Effects of Pb doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Tl8.67PbxSb1.33-xTe6 Materials
1610.0852 Ensemble Maximum Entropy Classification and Linear Regression for Author Age Prediction
1610.0854 Cosmology with gamma-ray bursts: I. The Hubble diagram through the calibrated $E_{ m p,i}$ - $E_{ m iso}$ correlation
1610.0855 Hamiltonicity in Split Graphs- a dichotomy
1610.0856 Spin Injection and Inverse Edelstein Effect in the Surface States of Topological Kondo Insulator SmB6
1610.0857 Multiuser Rate-Diverse Network-Coded Multiple Access
1610.0858 No finite axiomatizations for posets embeddable into distributive lattices
1610.0860 Operator theory and representation of distinguished varieties in the symmetrized tridisc
1610.0862 Scaling Study and Thermodynamic Properties of the cubic Helimagnet FeGe
1610.0865 Molecular Shocks and the Gamma-ray Clouds of the W28 Supernova Remnant
1610.0866 Finite coupling effects in double quantum dots near equilibrium
1610.0867 Broadcast Function Computation with Complementary Side Information
1610.0868 Thermographic image reconstruction using ultrasound reconstruction from virtual waves
1610.0869 Interlayer coupling in commensurate and incommensurate bilayer structures of transition metal dichalcogenides
1610.0874 Peculiarities of the Accretion Flow in the System HL CMa
1610.0875 On the Asymptotic Superlinear Convergence of the Augmented Lagrangian Method for Semidefinite Programming with Multiple Solutions
1610.0876 Subdivisions in digraphs of large out-degree or large dichromatic number
1610.0877 Constraints on Comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami
1610.0879 A Computational Approach to Automatic Prediction of Drunk Texting
1610.0881 Heavy-tailed random walks on complexes of half-lines
1610.0882 Coherent control of a strongly driven silicon vacancy optical transition in diamond
1610.0883 Are Word Embedding-based Features Useful for Sarcasm Detection?
1610.0885 Revisiting the Hahn-Banach Theorem and Nonlinear Infinite Programming
1610.0888 A theorem of the alternative with an arbitrary number of inequalities and quadratic programming
1610.0890 The Embedded Homology of Hypergraphs and Applications
1610.0891 Rigid representations of the multiplicative coalescent with linear deletion
1610.0892 Hydrodynamics of Lock-exchange Turbidity Currents down a Slope Based on Direct Numerical Simulation
1610.0893 Compressed Sensing and Adaptive Graph Total Variation for Tomographic Reconstructions
1610.0894 Performance of SAF racetrack memory: domain walls vs skyrmions
1610.0895 Electroluminescence from indirect band gap semiconductor ReS$_2$
1610.0896 An investigation of the low-DeltaV near-Earth asteroids (341843) 2008 EV5 and (52381) 1993 HA. Two suitable targets for the ARM and MarcoPolo-M5 space missions
1610.0897 Aharonov-Anandan phase in nonunitary cyclic dynamics
1610.0898 An Elementary Approach on Left-Orderability, Cables of Torus Knots and Dehn Surgery
1610.0899 Localization of massive and massless fermion on two field brane
1610.0900 Self-Dual Codes over $mathbb{Z}_2 imes (mathbb{Z}_2+umathbb{Z}_2)$
1610.0901 Coverage, Matching, and Beyond: New Results on Budgeted Mechanism Design
1610.0902 Rare semileptonic $B o K(pi)l_i^- l_j^+$ decay in vector leptoquark model
1610.0905 Some exact sequences associated with adjunctions in bicategories. Applications
1610.0906 Next-to-leading order corrections to capacity for nondispersive nonlinear optical fiber channel in intermediate power region
1610.0908 Radial decoupling of small and large dust grains in the transitional disk RX J1615.3-3255
1610.0909 Tuning Synthetic Semiflexible Networks by Bending Stiffness
1610.0911 Approaching nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems through first order dynamical systems with hidden acceleration and Hessian driven damping terms
1610.0912 Decentralized Motion Planning with Collision Avoidance for a Team of UAVs under High Level Goals
1610.0913 Distributed Cooperative Manipulation under High Level Goals
1610.0917 Kibble-Zurek mechanism in the self-organization of a cold atomic cloud
1610.0918 The properties of the Malin 1 galaxy giant disk: A panchromatic view from the NGVS and GUViCS surveys
1610.0920 Gender Systematics in Telescope Time Allocation at ESO
1610.0921 A refinement of P'olya's method to construct Voronoi diagrams for rational functions
1610.0922 Generalised spheroidal spacetimes in 5-D Einstein--Maxwell--Gauss--Bonnet gravity
1610.0923 A quantum subgroup depth
1610.0924 Efficient creation of dipolar coupled nitrogen-vacancy spin qubits in diamond
1610.0927 The case of a generalised linear discrete time system with infinite many solutions
1610.0934 Critical behaviour of reduced QED$_{4,3}$ and dynamical fermion gap generation in graphene
1610.0935 Symmetric and asymmetric Ramsey properties in random hypergraphs
1610.0937 Sharpe portfolio using a cross-efficiency evaluation
1610.0940 First-principles calculation method and its applications for two-dimensional materials
1610.0941 Bosonic Analogs of Fractional Quantum Hall State in the Vicinity of Mott States
1610.0943 Chains of topological oscillators with instantons and calculable topological observables in topological quantum mechanics
1610.0944 The Nature and Origin of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Particles
1610.0945 Corrector estimates for a thermo-diffusion model with weak thermal coupling
1610.0947 Gysin exact sequences for quantum weighted lens spaces
1610.0949 Scalar field with the source in the form of the stress-energy tensor trace as a dark energy model
1610.0950 Calculating the Tate local pairing for any odd prime number
1610.0951 Hybrid Regularisation of Functional Linear Models
1610.0953 Fast and Reliable Primary Frequency Reserves From Refrigerators with Decentralized Stochastic Control
1610.0955 Inventory growth cycles with debt-financed investment
1610.0958 Microresonator Kerr frequency combs with high conversion efficiency
1610.0959 Yet another p-adic hyperbolic disc
1610.0962 Application of beam deconvolution technique to power spectrum estimation for CMB measurements
1610.0966 Multiuser Detection in Multibeam Satellite Systems: Theoretical Analysis and Practical Schemes
1610.0967 Device for measurement of thermal emissivity at cryogenic temperatures
1610.0968 String field representation of the Virasoro algebra
1610.0969 Extracting band structure characteristics of GaSb/InAs core-shell nanowires from thermoelectric properties
1610.0970 Stochastic Optimization with Variance Reduction for Infinite Datasets with Finite-Sum Structure
1610.0972 Investigation of Galactic open cluster remnants: the case of NGC 7193
1610.0973 A global existence result for the anisotropic magnetohydrodynamical systems
1610.0974 A New Approach for Helper Selection and Performance Analysis in Poisson CoopMAC Networks
1610.0977 Preserving torsion orders when embedding into groups with ’small' finite presentations
1610.0981 Multifractal phenomena and packing dimension
1610.0982 Energy-Aware Wireless Relay Selection in Load-Coupled OFDMA Cellular Networks
1610.0983 Stochastic dynamics for adaptation and evolution of microorganisms
1610.0985 Key attributes of a modern statistical computing tool
1610.0988 Changing optical band structure with single photons
1610.0989 The Integrated Cluster Finder for the ARCHES project
1610.0990 The solar-stellar connection: Magnetic activity of seismic solar analogs
1610.0993 Consistency relations for large scale structures with primordial non-Gaussianities
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