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26 January 2025

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1610.9366 The Non-Existent Complex 6-Sphere
1610.9385 Improved Dynamical Constraints on the Mass of the central Black Hole in NGC 404
1610.9412 A Survey for New Members of the Taurus Star-Forming Region with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
1610.9435 On the Power of Weaker Pairwise Interaction: Fault-Tolerant Simulation of Population Protocols
1610.9457 Background Study on Supernova Relic Neutrinos Search in SuperK-Gd
1610.9479 Semiconductor quantum wells with BenDaniel - Duke boundary conditions: approximate analytical results
1610.9559 Rawlsian Fairness for Machine Learning
1610.9567 Thermoelectric Studies of Nanoporous Thin Films with Adjusted Pore-Edge Charges
1610.9592 The $f_2(1810)$ as a triangle singularity
1610.9706 Breuil-Kisin Modules via crystalline cohomology
1610.9736 A deep convolutional neural network using directional wavelets for low-dose X-ray CT reconstruction
1610.9751 Brownian Motion with Drift on Spaces with Varying Dimension
1610.9758 An SYK-Like Model Without Disorder
1610.9935 Knowledge Questions from Knowledge Graphs
1610.9942 Orbit equivalence of graphs and isomorphism of graph groupoids
1610.9952 Remarks on the Taub-NUT solution in Chern-Simons modified gravity
1610.9972 An extrapolative approach to integration over hypersurfaces in the level set framework
1611.0139 Gravitational instability of filamentary molecular clouds, including ambipolar diffusion
1611.0158 Stability of the d-wave pairing with respect to the Coulomb repulsion in cuprate superconductors
1611.0167 The structure of dust aggregates in hierarchical coagulation
1611.0174 Attractor metadynamics in a recurrent neural network: adiabatic vs. symmetry protected flow
1611.0179 Dual Learning for Machine Translation
1611.0194 Exact correlations in the Lieb-Liniger model and detailed balance out-of-equilibrium
1611.0201 Towards Lifelong Self-Supervision: A Deep Learning Direction for Robotics
1611.0209 Phase Transitions of Chiral Spin Textures via Dipolar Coupling in Multilayered Films with Interfacial DMI
1611.0216 Jacobi-Trudi determinants over finite fields
1611.0217 Sources of Change for Modern Knowledge Organization Systems
1611.0220 Should T2K run in dominant neutrino mode to detect CP violation ?
1611.0222 A box full of chocolates: The rich structure of the nearby stellar halo revealed by Gaia and RAVE
1611.0225 Quantum fluctuations and vortex-antivortex unbinding in the 2D BCS-BEC crossover
1611.0229 Existence of conformal metrics with constant scalar curvature and constant boundary mean curvature on compact manifolds
1611.0235 Nonlinear Frequency-Division Multiplexing in the Focusing Regime
1611.0236 Revisiting SU(N) integrals
1611.0239 Experimental evidence for the importance of Hund's exchange interaction for the incoherence of the charge carriers in iron-based superconductors
1611.0240 An introduction to the colloidal glass transition
1611.0245 Low Codimension Strata of the Singular Locus of Moduli of Level Curves
1611.0258 Dual-Pivot Quicksort: Optimality, Analysis and Zeros of Associated Lattice Paths
1611.0260 Surrogate-Assisted Partial Order-based Evolutionary Optimisation
1611.0261 Causal Compression
1611.0262 Electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional InSe from a DFT-parameterized tight-binding mode
1611.0263 An Experimental Comparison of Coded Modulation Strategies for 100 Gbit/s Transceivers
1611.0264 Uniform rectifiability in terms of Carleson measure estimates and $varepsilon$-approximability of bounded harmonic functions
1611.0265 Decomposition complexity with respect to coarse properties
1611.0272 Weak Measurement and Two-State-Vector Formalism: Deficit of Momentum Transfer in Scattering Processes
1611.0273 Crystallography of deformation twinning in hexagonal close-packed metals. Revisiting the case of the (56 deg, a) contraction twins in magnesium
1611.0274 Detecting Affordances by Visuomotor Simulation
1611.0278 Rank conjecture revisited
1611.0282 A study of the radiative transition $pi pi o pi gamma^{*}$ with lattice QCD
1611.0284 Dictionary Integration using 3D Morphable Face Models for Pose-invariant Collaborative-representation-based Classification
1611.0289 Petroleum Refinery Multi-Antenna Propagation Measurements
1611.0293 Open charm-bottom scalar tetraquarks and their strong decays
1611.0295 On Slow-roll Glueball Inflation from Holography
1611.0297 Generalized Entropy Concentration for Counts
1611.0299 The Radiation Field in the New Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) at CERN
1611.0300 Fluctuating hydrodynamics approximation of the stochastic Cowan-Wilson model
1611.0302 Two statements on path systems related to quantum minors
1611.0304 Regularity results for transmission problems with sign-changing coefficients: a modal approach
1611.0306 StegHash: New Method for Information Hiding in Open Social Networks
1611.0316 Essentially high-order compact schemes with application to stochastic volatility models on non-uniform grids
1611.0318 Fermi-surface topologies and low-temperature phases of the filled Skutterudite compounds CeOs$_4$Sb$_{12}$ and NdOs$_4$Sb$_{12}$
1611.0321 Energy Efficiency Optimization with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in MIMO Broadcast Channels
1611.0324 Definitive ideal-gas thermochemical functions of the H$_2$$^{16}$O molecule
1611.0327 Turbulent compressible fluid: renormalization group analysis, scaling regimes, and anomalous scaling of advected scalar fields
1611.0330 On commensurability classes of non-arithmetic complex hyperbolic lattices
1611.0332 Hierarchical data-driven approach to fitting numerical relativity data for non-precessing binary black holes, with an application to final spin and radiated energy
1611.0333 On uniqueness of dissipative solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation
1611.0338 A search for new phenomena in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV in final states with missing transverse momentum and at least one jet using the alphaT variable
1611.0342 Holographic Corrections to Meson Scattering Amplitudes
1611.0344 Axial-Current Matrix Elements in Light Nuclei from Lattice QCD
1611.0346 A JVLA survey of the high frequency radio emission of the massive magnetic B- and O-type stars
1611.0347 Surpassing Gradient Descent Provably: A Cyclic Incremental Method with Linear Convergence Rate
1611.0349 Collective Transport for Active Matter Run and Tumble Disk Systems on a Traveling Wave Substrate
1611.0351 Intrinsic isoperimetry of the giant component of supercritical bond percolation in dimension two
1611.0352 Device-independent randomness generation from several Bell estimators
1611.0354 Faster decoding for subword level Phrase-based SMT between related languages
1611.0355 Reply to Comment on "Anomalous Edge State in a Non-Hermitian Lattice"
1611.0356 Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify State Secrets
1611.0517 Dissipative phases across the superconductor-to-insulator transition
1611.0518 A Dynamic Multi Agent based scheduling for flexible flow line manufacturing system accompanied by dynamic customer demand
1611.0520 Bending stiff charged polymers: the electrostatic persistence length
1611.0523 Atomic displacements and lattice distortion in the magnetic-field-induced charge ordered state of SmRu$_{4}$P$_{12}$
1611.0526 Circumbinary planets II - when transits come and go
1611.0528 SDSS-IV MaNGA: Properties of galaxies with kinematically decoupled stellar and gaseous components
1611.0534 Single-molecule enhanced spin-flip detection
1611.0540 Rapidly rotating red giants
1611.0543 Investigations of the $D$-multi-$ ho$ interactions
1611.0547 Limitations and Alternatives for the Evaluation of Large-scale Link Prediction
1611.0549 Inferring Coupling of Distributed Dynamical Systems via Transfer Entropy
1611.0551 Spectroscopy of two dimensional N=2 Super Yang Mills theory
1611.0554 Unveiling multiple AGN activity in galaxy mergers
1611.0558 Online bagging for recommendation with incremental matrix factorization
1611.0563 $L^p$ Hardy inequality on $C^{1,gamma}$ domains
1611.0566 End-to-End Architecture Modularisation and Slicing for Next Generation Networks
1611.0573 Hubbard-to-Heisenberg crossover (and efficient computation) of Drude weights at low temperatures
1611.0575 On the Number of Periodic Points of Quadratic Dynamical Systems Modulo a Prime
1611.0578 Benchmarking Web-testing - Selenium versus Watir and the Choice of Programming Language and Browser
1611.0584 Anomalous Hall effect and magnetic orderings in nano-thick V$_5$S$_8$
1611.0586 Distributed MPC: Guaranteeing Global Stabilizability from Locally Designed Tubes
1611.0587 Rectification and non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media
1611.0588 Skew symmetric logarithms and geodesics on $O_n(RR)$
1611.0593 Covariant holographic entanglement negativity
1611.0597 Uncertainty propagation within the UNEDF models
1611.0598 A bioinformatics system for searching Co-Occurrence based on Co-Operational Formation with Advanced Method (COCOFAM)
1611.0601 Ordinal Common-sense Inference
1611.0609 SDSS-IV MaNGA: Bulge-Disc Decomposition of IFU Datacubes (BUDDI)
1611.0611 Shadow of a Charged Rotating Non-Commutative Black Hole
1611.0614 Surface effects on ferromagnetic resonance in magnetic nanocubes
1611.0616 Dual Quaternion Variational Integrator for Rigid Body Dynamic Simulation
1611.0617 A novel 2D non-stationary wideband massive MIMO channel model
1611.0618 Symbols and exact regularity of symmetric pseudo-splines of any arity
1611.0619 The Quantum Trihedron
1611.0620 Discussion of the loop formula for the fermionic determinant
1611.0621 Properties of invariant measures in dynamical systems with the shadowing property
1611.0622 Factorization in $SL^infty$
1611.0623 Ultrafast outflows in ultraluminous X-ray sources
1611.0626 Trap effects and continuum limit of the Hubbard model in the presence of an harmonic potential
1611.0627 Bistability vs. Metastability in Driven Dissipative Rydberg Gases
1611.0632 The impact of the revised $^{17}$O$(p,alpha)^{14}$N reaction rate on $^{17}$O stellar abundances and yields
1611.0634 Field Induced Oscillation of Two Majorana Modes for a finite Quantum Wire
1611.0636 Dynamic mode locking in a driven colloidal system: experiments and theory
1611.0641 Linear polarization study of microwave-radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations: Comparison of power dependence to theory
1611.0646 Spin-Orbit Dimers and Non-Collinear Phases in $d^1$ Cubic Double Perovskites
1611.0656 Distance Dependent Offsets between Parallaxes for Nearby Stars and Gaia DR1 Parallaxes
1611.0659 Spin and topological order in a periodically driven spin chain
1611.0661 Ab Initio Excited States from the In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group
1611.0663 Timescale for adiabaticity breakdown in driven many-body systems and orthogonality catastrophe
1611.0667 Dynamical symmetries in Brans-Dicke cosmology
1611.0668 Students' network integration as a predictor of persistence in introductory physics courses
1611.0669 Gaussian intrinsic entanglement: An entanglement quantifier based on secret correlations
1611.0675 emgr - The Empirical Gramian Framework
1611.0676 Knowledge-infused and Consistent Complex Event Processing over Real-time and Persistent Streams
1611.0678 Characterizations and Properties of Graphs of Baire Functions
1611.0679 Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of WBANs Using Predictable Channel Hopping
1611.0685 A Framework for Searching for General Artificial Intelligence
1611.0686 A trivial tail homology for non $A$-adequate links
1611.0688 Mitigating Inter-network Interference in LoRa Networks
1611.0693 Signatures of protein structure in the cooperative gating of mechanosensitive ion channels
1611.0694 New Dualities and Misleading Anomaly Matchings from Outer-automorphism Twists
1611.0696 Self-adjoint indefinite Laplacians
1611.0698 An extension of Bakhvalov's theorem for systems of conservation laws with damping
1611.0699 Successive Injection of Opposite Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Region NOAA 11928
1611.0700 Quarkonium production at collider energies in Small-$x$ formalism
1611.0702 Complex Langevin Dynamics in 1+1d QCD at Non-Zero Densities
1611.0704 Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of Coexisting WBANs Using Latin Rectangles
1611.0707 Extension Complexity Lower Bounds for Mixed-Integer Extended Formulations
1611.0709 A Novel Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm with Unified Analog Beamforming by Subspace Construction Based on Partial CSI for Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems
1611.0714 Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning over Networks using Nonsmooth Convex Optimization
1611.0715 Inverting operations in operads
1611.0717 A Pareto scale-inflated outlier model and its Bayesian analysis
1611.0720 On restriction estimates for discrete quadratic surfaces
1611.0721 Approximating Cycles in Directed Graphs: Fast Algorithms for Girth and Roundtrip Spanners
1611.0722 Beau bounds for multicritical circle maps
1611.0728 MILC staggered conjugate gradient performance on Intel KNL
1611.0731 Partition of unity finite element method for quantum mechanical materials calculations
1611.0732 Reproduction Number And Asymptotic Stability For The Dynamics of a Honey Bee Colony with Continuous Age Structure
1611.0734 On the constants for some fractional Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Sobolev inequalities
1611.0735 On the mean Euler characteristic of Gorenstein toric contact manifolds
1611.0737 Granular Impact: A Grain-scale Approach
1611.0738 Inverse Symmetric Inflationary Attractors
1611.0739 Enerji .Izleme Yaz{i}l{i}mlar{i} ic{c}in Merkezi ve Genel bir Mimari (A Centralized and Generic Architecture for Energy Monitoring Software)
1611.0742 Chaotic Memory Randomization for Securing Embedded Systems
1611.0743 Euler-type equations and commutators in singular and hyperbolic limits of kinetic Cucker-Smale models
1611.0744 Experimental Studies of Artificial Spin Ice
1611.0745 Optimal Heavy-Traffic Queue Length Scaling in an Incompletely Saturated Switch
1611.0747 Microstructural rearrangements and their rheological implications in a model Thixotropic Elasto-Visco-Plastic (TEVP) fluid
1611.0748 Interacting spinning fermions with quasi-random disorder
1611.0750 Rydberg-interaction-based quantum gates free from blockade error
1611.0753 Random spin distributions and the diffusion equation
1611.0754 On torsion pairs, (well generated) weight structures, adjacent $t$-structures, and related (co)homological functors
1611.0756 Accelerated Methods for Non-Convex Optimization
1611.0757 Constraints on Primordial Magnetic Fields from Planck combined with the South Pole Telescope CMB B-mode polarization measurements
1611.0758 Measurement of the circular polarization in radio emission from extensive air showers confirms emission mechanisms
1611.0759 Tracing the first stars and galaxies of the Milky Way
1611.0896 Cold gas stripping in satellite galaxies: from pairs to clusters
1611.0906 Slope of the lateral density function of extensive air showers around the knee region as an indicator of shower age
1611.0930 Parallaxes of 6.7-GHz Methanol Masers towards the G305.2 High-Mass Star Formation Region
1611.0934 Online Exploration of Rectangular Grids
1611.0935 Green Function Approach for Calculation of the Local Density of States in the Graphitic Nanocone
1611.0950 Highly responsive UV-photodetectors based on single electrospun TiO2 nanofibres
1611.0967 Quantum ferromagnet in the proximity of the tricritical point
1611.0969 Structural and electrical properties of electrodeposited single junction of cuprous (I) oxide copper
1611.0973 Electronic Origin of Linearly Polarized Emission in CdSe/CdS Dot-in-Rod Heterostructures
1611.0985 Dynamic coherent backscattering of ultrasound in three-dimensional strongly-scattering media
1611.0990 Geometrical Convergence Rate for Distributed Optimization with Time-Varying Directed Graphs and Uncoordinated Step-Sizes
1611.0995 An empirical study for Vietnamese dependency parsing
1611.0999 In Defense of an Accelerating Universe: Model Insensitivity of the Hubble Diagram
1611.1001 Trans-cis molecular photoswitching in interstellar Space
1611.1008 Helical Kink Instability in the confined Solar Eruption on 2002 May 27
1611.1009 Phase Shift Keying on the Hypersphere: Power-Efficient MIMO Communications
1611.1010 Even and odd plane labelled bipartite trees
1611.1012 Chemotaxis and auto-chemotaxis of self-propelling artificial droplet swimmers
1611.1015 The Einstein@Home Gamma-ray Pulsar Survey I: Search Methods, Sensitivity and Discovery of New Young Gamma-ray Pulsars
1611.1022 Dualization of non-abelian lattice gauge theory with Abelian Color Cycles (ACC)
1611.1029 On the Sum of Linear Coefficients of a Boolean Valued Function
1611.1030 Sparse Support Recovery with Non-smooth Loss Functions
1611.1034 DDalphaAMG for Twisted Mass Fermions
1611.1036 Autonomous Learning by Dynamical Systems with Inertial or Delayed Feedbacks
1611.1042 Multi-Way Massive MIMO with Maximum-Ratio Processing and Imperfect CSI
1611.1043 Uniformly valid confidence intervals post-model-selection
1611.1044 P'eriodes $p$-adiques de la courbe modulaire $X(Gamma_0(p) cap Gamma(2))$
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