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26 January 2025

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1602.0339 Distributed Multi-Relay Selection in Accumulate-then-Forward Energy Harvesting Relay Networks
1602.0341 Reduced drift-kinetics with thermal velocity distribution across magnetic field
1602.0343 Weakly mixing sets and polynomial equations
1602.0344 Sparse solutions of linear Diophantine equations
1602.0345 Hadoop on HPC: Integrating Hadoop and Pilot-based Dynamic Resource Management
1602.0346 Efficient moment calculations for variance components in large unbalanced crossed random effects models
1602.0347 The asymptotic behavior of the correspondence chromatic number
1602.0348 Fuel treatment planning maintaining habitat availability and connectivity for endangered species conservation
1602.0349 Interval Linear Algebra and Computational Complexity
1602.0350 Universal formula for Hilbert series of minimal nilpotent orbits
1602.0351 Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online AUC Maximization
1602.0353 Symmetries in tropical algebra
1602.0355 A Spectral Series Approach to High-Dimensional Nonparametric Regression
1602.0356 Some results on an algebro-geometric condition on graphs
1602.0357 DeepCare: A Deep Dynamic Memory Model for Predictive Medicine
1602.0358 Trading Strategy with Stochastic Volatility in a Limit Order Book Market
1602.0359 Confidence intervals for means under constrained dependence
1602.0360 Semi-supervised K-means++
1602.0362 Equisingularity and EIDS
1602.0363 INSQ: An Influential Neighbor Set Based Moving kNN Query Processing System
1602.0365 Operational extreme points of unital completely positive maps
1602.0366 Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Networks with Optimized Access Control and Load Balancing
1602.0367 Efficient Character-level Document Classification by Combining Convolution and Recurrent Layers
1602.0369 Rigidity of entire self-shrinking solutions to K"ahler-Ricci flow with strictly real convex potential
1602.0371 Screening fifth forces in generalized Proca theories
1602.0372 Dynamic Scheduling for Charging Electric Vehicles: A Priority Rule
1602.0373 Distribution of the transfer matrix in disordered wires
1602.0374 ConfidentCare: A Clinical Decision Support System for Personalized Breast Cancer Screening
1602.0375 On the p-pseudoharmonic map heat flow
1602.0376 Beyond Countable Alphabets: An Extension of the Information-Spectrum Approach
1602.0377 Cellular Underwater Wireless Optical CDMA Network: Potentials and Challenges
1602.0379 IR-improved Soft-wall AdS/QCD Model for Baryons
1602.0380 Reduction of the effective thermal conductivity by circulation of the quasi-ballistic heat-flux
1602.0381 An electrical probe of the phonon mean-free path spectrum
1602.0383 Topological full groups of etale groupoids
1602.0384 On (conditional) positive semidefiniteness in a matrix-valued context
1602.0386 Scene Invariant Crowd Segmentation and Counting Using Scale-Normalized Histogram of Moving Gradients (HoMG)
1602.0388 Infinitesimal cranking for triaxial angular-momentum-projected configuration-mixing calculation and its application to the gamma vibrational band
1602.0392 Underdamped stochastic heat engine at maximum efficiency
1602.0393 Collusive Attacks to "Circle-Type" Multi-party Quantum Key Agreement Protocols
1602.0394 A Third-order Compact Gas-kinetic Scheme on Unstructured Meshes for Compressible Navier-Stokes Solutions
1602.0395 On optimal performance of nonlinear energy sinks in multiple degree-of-freedom systems
1602.0396 Rogue events in spatio-temporal numerical simulations of unidirectional waves in basins of different depth
1602.0397 Anti-sites disordering suppression of the possible phase transition in Mn2CrGa
1602.0398 A Short Note on Improved Logic Circuits in a Hexagonal Minesweeper
1602.0399 The Price of Order
1602.0400 Sum-product phenomena: p-adic case
1602.0401 Quantum Capacities for Entanglement Networks
1602.0403 Super-approximation, I: p-adic semisimple case
1602.0404 Equations of motion of test particles for solving the spin-dependent Boltzmann-Vlasov equation
1602.0405 New conditionally exactly solvable potentials of exponential type
1602.0407 Localizing subcategories in the bootstrap category of filtered C*-algebras
1602.0408 Elastic $alpha$-$^{12}$C scattering at low energies in cluster effective field theory
1602.0410 Efficiency of Cathodoluminescence Emission by Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Centers in Nanodiamond
1602.0412 Efficient Frequent Directions Algorithm for Sparse Matrices
1602.0414 A primal-dual fixed point algorithm for multi-block convex minimization
1602.0415 Superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime
1602.0416 Ultrastrong coupling of a single artificial atom to an electromagnetic continuum
1602.0417 Obtaining Better Image Representations by Combining Complementary Activation Features of Multiple ConvNet Layers for Transfer Learning
1602.0419 Is collaboration among scientists related to the citation impact of papers because their quality increases with collaboration? An analysis based on data from F1000Prime and normalized citation scores
1602.0420 Brownian emitters
1602.0422 Packed Compact Tries: A Fast and Efficient Data Structure for Online String Processing
1602.0423 Attractive Coulomb interaction of 2D Rydberg excitons
1602.0424 Reduction-Based Creative Telescoping for Algebraic Functions
1602.0426 An Iterative Deep Learning Framework for Unsupervised Discovery of Speech Features and Linguistic Units with Applications on Spoken Term Detection
1602.0427 Excitation spectra and wave functions of quasiparticle bound states in bilayer Rashba superconductors
1602.0428 Top-quark mass measurements at the LHC: alternative methods
1602.0429 Cohomological support and the geometric join
1602.0431 Solving rank-constrained semidefinite programs in exact arithmetic
1602.0433 Efficient thermal energy harvesting using nanoscale magnetoelectric heterostructures
1602.0434 Probing the role of mobility in the collective motion of non-equilibrium systems
1602.0435 Efficiently Correcting Matrix Products
1602.0436 On the Wilker and Huygens-type inequalities
1602.0437 An unusual superconducting Isotope Effect in the presence of a Quantum Criticality
1602.0438 Orbital velocity
1602.0439 Hubbard models with nearly flat bands: Ground-state ferromagnetism driven by kinetic energy
1602.0440 Contextuality without nonlocality in a superconducting quantum system
1602.0441 Stark Echo Modulation for Quantum Memories
1602.0442 Calibration scheme for large Kinetic Inductance Detector Arrays based on Readout Frequency Response
1602.0443 Theory Summary
1602.0445 Studies of Charmonium at BESIII
1602.0446 A Graph Representation for Two-Dimensional Finite Type Constrained Systems
1602.0448 Network planning tool based on network classification and load prediction
1602.0449 Characterizations of the hydrodynamic limit of the Dyson model
1602.0451 Dissipation-induced enhancement and squeezing of quantum fluctuations
1602.0452 Construction of separately continuous functions of $n$ variables with given restriction
1602.0453 Power Allocation and Scheduling for SWIPT Systems with Non-linear Energy Harvesting Model
1602.0454 Holonomic Tools for Basic Hypergeometric Functions
1602.0455 Hadron phenomenology from first-principle QCD studies
1602.0456 The Ideal Tensile Strength and Phonon Instability of Borophene
1602.0457 Precision tests via radiative $mu$ and $ au$ leptonic decays
1602.0458 Counting Constraints in Flat Array Fragments
1602.0459 Second-order convergence of monotone schemes for conservation laws
1602.0460 Molecular clouds and star formation toward the Galactic plane within 216.25$^{ m o}le$ l $le$218.75$^{ m o}$ and $-$0.75$^{ m o} le$ b $le$1.25$^{ m o}$
1602.0461 Weak law of large numbers for linear processes
1602.0462 Distributed control and navigation system for quadrotor UAVs in GPS-denied environments
1602.0463 INTEGRAL/IBIS deep extragalactic survey: M81, LMC and 3C 273/Coma fields
1602.0465 Where are the low mass Pop III stars ?
1602.0466 The good, the bad and the user in soft matter simulations
1602.0467 Differential network analysis and graph classification: a glocal approach
1602.0468 Hamiltonian constraint formulation of classical field theories
1602.0469 Optimal protocol for a collective flashing ratchet
1602.0470 Understanding Stokes-Einstein Relation in Supercooled Liquids using Random Pinning
1602.0471 Cyclopermutohedron: geometry and topology
1602.0472 Hot carrier and hot phonon coupling during ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited electrons in graphene
1602.0473 Gauge integrals and selections of weakly compact valued multifunctions
1602.0474 Finite size bath in qubit thermodynamics
1602.0475 750 GeV Composite Axion as the LHC Diphoton Resonance
1602.0476 Simulation Problems Over One-Counter Nets
1602.0477 Reachability in Two-Dimensional Unary Vector Addition Systems with States is NL-Complete
1602.0478 On the stochastic evolution of finite populations
1602.0479 A Multi-User Perspective for Personalized Email Communities
1602.0480 Sublinear signal production in a two-dimensional Keller-Segel-Stokes system
1602.0481 Symbolic Optimal Reachability in Weighted Timed Automata
1602.0482 Memory-Based Data-Driven MRAC Architecture Ensuring Parameter Convergence
1602.0483 Fate of Electroweak Vacuum during Preheating
1602.0485 The fate of Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black Holes in $f(R)$ gravity
1602.0486 On the current time correlations for one-dimensional exclusion processes
1602.0487 Towards a Cognitive Routing Engine for Software Defined Networks
1602.0489 Real Time Video Quality Representation Classification of Encrypted HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming - the Case of Safari
1602.0490 I Know What You Saw Last Minute - Encrypted HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming Title Classification
1602.0491 Dual-rail optical gradient echo memory
1602.0492 Dark Forces Searches at KLOE-2
1602.0494 Resolvent representations for functions of sectorial operators
1602.0495 Riesz bases, Meyer's quasicrystals, and bounded remainder sets
1602.0496 Tests of Lorentz and CPT symmetry with hadrons and nuclei
1602.0497 $pi$ Spin Berry Phase in a Quantum-Spin-Hall-Insulator based Interferometer: A Smoking Gun Evidence for the Helical Spin Texture of its Edge States
1602.0499 Scaling limits for infinite-server systems in a random environment
1602.0501 gSeaGen: a GENIE-based code for neutrino telescopes
1602.0502 Tau-decay hadronic spectral functions: probing quark-hadron duality
1602.0503 GRAD: On Graph Database Modeling
1602.0504 Moment of inertia -- compactness universal relations in scalar-tensor theories and $mathcal{R}^2$ gravity
1602.0505 X-rays associated with the jet-cloud interacting radio galaxy 3C 277.3 (Coma A): implications for energy deposition
1602.0506 The GTC exoplanet transit spectroscopy survey. IV.: No asymmetries in the transit of Corot-29b
1602.0507 Numerical Modelling of Disordered Magnetic Systems: La2-xSrxCoO4
1602.0508 A Bayesian view of Single-Qubit Clocks, and an Energy versus Accuracy tradeoff
1602.0509 Spatial cytoskeleton organization is optimized for targeted intracellular cargo transport
1602.0510 Universal Zero-One $k$--Law
1602.0511 Confocal Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions
1602.0513 Stability estimate for the aligned magnetic field in a periodic quantum waveguide from dirichlet-to-neumann map
1602.0514 The Oseen-Frank limit of Onsager's molecular theory for liquid crystals
1602.0515 Marvin: Semantic annotation using multiple knowledge sources
1602.0516 Large Extra Dimensions at LHC Run 2
1602.0517 Sulphur molecules in the circumstellar envelopes of M-type AGB stars
1602.0519 Performance test of RM CLEAN and its evaluation with chi-square value
1602.0520 Large Noise in Variational Regularization
1602.0521 The Real-rootedness of Generalized Narayana Polynomials
1602.0522 PAC-Bayesian Online Clustering
1602.0523 Algebraic Geometry methods associated to the one-dimensional Hubbard model
1602.0524 Two-nucleon excitation from $p$ to $sd$ shell in $^{12,14}$C
1602.0525 On the effects of a common-pool resource on cooperation among firms with linear technologies
1602.0526 Transition in fluctuation behaviour of normal liquids under high pressures
1602.0527 Early-type dwarf galaxies with multicomponent stellar structure: Are they remnants of disc galaxies strongly transformed by their environment?
1602.0528 Quantum mechanics of a constrained particle and the problem of prescribed geometric potential
1602.0529 Constructing bounded remainder sets and cut-and-project sets which are bounded distance to lattices, II
1602.0531 Adaptive non-parametric estimation in the presence of dependence
1602.0532 Finite dimensional Hopf actions on deformation quantizations
1602.0533 Spatial gradients of GCR protons in the inner heliosphere derived from Ulysses COSPIN/KET and PAMELA measurements
1602.0534 Gradient Ricci solitons with vanishing conditions on Weyl
1602.0535 LES of the Sandia Flame D Using an FPV Combustion Model
1602.0537 On-chip, self-detected THz dual-comb spectrometer
1602.0538 Mantle formation, coagulation and the origin of cloud/core shine: I. Modelling dust scattering and absorption in the infra-red
1602.0540 Quantitative flatness results and $BV$-estimates for stable nonlocal minimal surfaces
1602.0541 Mantle formation, coagulation and the origin of cloud/core-shine: II. Comparison with observations
1602.0542 Cluster-Seeking James-Stein Estimators
1602.0545 Fast computation of the $N$th term of an algebraic series in positive characteristic
1602.0547 A New Contraction-Based NMPC Formulation Without Stability-Related terminal Constraints
1602.0548 Multilevel Monte Carlo for L'evy-driven SDEs: Central limit theorems for adaptive Euler schemes
1602.0549 Weighted $L^p$ bounds for the Marcinkiewicz integral
1602.0550 Compositional waves and variations in the atmospheric abundances of magnetic stars
1602.0551 Torque-Induced Rotational Dynamics in Polymers: Torsional Blobs and Thinning
1602.0552 Reconstructing semi-invisible events in resonant tau pair production from Higgs
1602.0553 Topological magnetoplasmon
1602.0554 Graph-based Predictable Feature Analysis
1602.0555 Characterizations of interpretability in bounded arithmetic
1602.0556 A simple model of momentum relaxation in Lifshitz holography
1602.0557 A SHM method for detecting damage with incomplete observations based on VARX modelling and Granger causality
1602.0559 Machine Learning Barycenter Approach to Identifying LPV State-Space Models
1602.0562 Effect of plasticity and dimensionality on crumpling of a thin sheet
1602.0563 Functional Dependencies Unleashed for Scalable Data Exchange
1602.0565 Elliptic boundary value problem on non-compact $G$-manifolds
1602.0566 Information-Centric Connectivity
1602.0567 Cohomology of effect algebras
1602.0568 Search for a sterile neutrino with the STEREO detector at ILL
1602.0569 Improving PIE's performance over high-delay paths
1602.0570 Portfolio optimization under dynamic risk constraints
1602.0571 Higher Maslov Indices
1602.0572 Social Networks Under Stress
1602.0573 Derivation of anisotropic dissipative fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation
1602.0574 Arithmetic properties of Delannoy numbers and Schr"oder numbers
1602.0575 Multi-object Classification via Crowdsourcing with a Reject Option
1602.0576 Symmetric waves are traveling waves for a shallow water equation for surface waves of moderate amplitude
1602.0577 A Deep Learning Based Fast Image Saliency Detection Algorithm
1602.0578 Concise configuration interaction expansions for three fermions in six orbitals
1602.0579 Retrieving a context tree from EEG data
1602.0580 Extremal Black Holes in Strong Magnetic Fields: Near-Horizon Geometries and Meissner Effect
1602.0582 Fusing defect for the N=2 super sinh-Gordon model
1602.0583 3-Loop Corrections to the Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
1602.0584 Dynamical screening in correlated electron systems - from lattice models to realistic materials
1602.0585 Improving Vertebra Segmentation through Joint Vertebra-Rib Atlases
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