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26 April 2024

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Results 1 to 200 of 222.   [ 1 2 ]   Next next

pmid1078598 In vitro absorption and molecular weight of specific T-cell suppressor factor
pmid1078599 Action potentials induced in slow muscle fibres by partial denervation
pmid1078600 Birefringence experiments on isolated skeletal muscle fibres suggest a possible signal from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
pmid1078601 The reversal of methotrexate toxicity by thymidine with maintenance of antitumour effects
pmid1078602 Conductance of channels opened by acetylcholine-like drugs in muscle end-plate
pmid1078603 Two biological activities regulating cell proliferation found in cultures of peritoneal exudate cells
pmid1078604 Interdigitated repeated sequences in bovine satellite DNA
pmid1088926 Genetic regulation: the Lac control region
pmid1089200 Size and DNA content of purfied E. coli nucleoids observed by fluorencence microscopy
pmid1089201 Recovery of haemolytic plaque-forming cells after freeze drying
pmid1089202 Evidence against interconversion of microtubules and filaments
pmid1089203 Template activity of fl RFI cleaved with endonucleases R-Hind, R EcoP1 or R EcoB
pmid1089204 Factor which affects the mode of genetic recombination in E. Coli
pmid1089205 Chromosome imprinting and the mammalian X chromosome
pmid1089206 A cis-dominant regulatory mutation affecting enzyme induction in the eukaryote Aspergillus nidulans
pmid1089207 Role of premeiotic replication in gene conversion
pmid1089208 Unclocklike behaviour of biological clocks
pmid1089309 Vesicular binesis: glucose effect on insulin secretory vesicles
pmid1089310 F factor promotes turnover of stable RNA in escherichia coli
pmid1089311 Functional adaptation to high altitude hypoxia
pmid1089896 Reduced maximal levels of derepression of the isoleucine-valine and leucine enzymes in hisT mutants of Salmonella typhimurium
pmid1109226 Spontaneous regression of friend virus induced leukemia: coinfection with regressing and conventional strains of virus
pmid1109227 Halogenated hydrocarbons in New Orleans drinking water and blood plasma
pmid1109228 Retrograde amnesia: temporal gradient in very long term memory following electroconvulsive therapy
pmid1109229 Morpholine as olfactory stimulus in fish
pmid1110745 Structure and assembly of filamentous bacterial viruses
pmid1110746 Extraretinal control of vertical migration in fish larvae
pmid1110747 Effect of absence of cochlear outer hair cells on behavioural auditory threshold
pmid1110748 Enrichment of fungal mutants by selective cell-wall lysis
pmid1110749 Activity of vitamin A analogues in cell cultures of mouse epidermis and organ cultures of hamster trachea
pmid1110750 Thyroid hormone conformation from NMR studies of triiodothropropionic acid
pmid1110751 Dissociation of Factor VIII-related antigen into subunits
pmid1110752 Modulation excitation spectro-photometry of purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium
pmid1110753 Polyamines stabilise DNA folds
pmid1110754 Primary structure and sidechain interactions of PFL filamentous bacterial virus coat protein
pmid1110755 The corneal cones of Limulus as optimised light concentrators
pmid1110756 British anti-Lewisite and organomercury poisoning
pmid1110757 Effect of unsaturated fatty acids on the lipid composition of bacteriophage PM2
pmid1110758 The double helix of tropomyosin
pmid1110759 Reaction of ribonucleosides and deoxynucleosides with copper(II) acetate
pmid1110760 Statistical significance of DNA sequence symmetries
pmid1110761 Single-stranded regions in DNA of old mice
pmid1110762 Is mRNA transcribed from the strand complementary to it in a DNA duplex?
pmid1110763 Induction of dominant lethal mutation in male mice by ethyl alcohol
pmid1110764 Evidence for postmeiotic effect of T factors causing segregation distortion in mouse
pmid1110765 Delayed tumour appearance and absence of regression in nude mice infected with murine sarcoma virus
pmid1110766 Earliest record of man’s presence in Britain
pmid1110767 Total human body protein synthesis in relation to protein requirements at various ages
pmid1110768 Mechanisms of cell fusion
pmid1110769 Microsomal enzyme induction by methadone and its implications on tolerance to methodone lethality
pmid1110770 Increased neonatal mortality in offspring of male rats treated with methadone or morphine before mating
pmid1110771 Physiology of visual cells in mouse superior colliculus and correlation with somatosensory and auditory input
pmid1110772 Non-constant evolution rates in amino acid sequences of guinea pig, chinchilla and coypu pancreatic ribonucleases
pmid1110773 Increased sensitivity of lymphocyte delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase to inhibition by proline with transformation
pmid1110774 Nucleic acid-mutagen interactions: crystal structure of adenylyl-3’,5’-uridine plus 9-aminoacridine
pmid1110775 Lead levels in blood of residents near the M6-A38(7) interchange, Birmingham
pmid1110776 Interactive effects of unpleasant light and unpleasant sound
pmid1110777 Insect hormones as tsetse abortifacients
pmid1110778 Behavioural role of individual components of a multichemical attractant system in the Oriental fruit moth
pmid1110779 An attempt to separate fractions rich in human Y sperm
pmid1110780 Sex and age differences in human platelet aggregation
pmid1110781 Marijuana, absinthe and the central nervous system
pmid1110782 Super dense carotenoid spectra resolved in single cone oil droplets
pmid1110783 Age limitation of perceptual span
pmid1110784 Letter: Simplification of palindromic telomere theory
pmid1110785 Letter: Hepatocyte sialoglycoprotein
pmid1111094 Troponin and parvalbumin calcium binding regions predicted in myosin light chain and T4 lysozyme
pmid1111095 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid is not a methyl donor for biogenic amines: enzymatic formation of formaldehyde
pmid1111096 Chromatin fragments resembling v bodies
pmid1111097 When left-handed mice live in right-handed worlds
pmid1111098 DNA modification mechanisms and gene activity during development
pmid1111099 Cyclopentyl ketones: identification and function in Azteca ants
pmid1111100 2,3-diphosphoglycerate: a physiological inhibitor of platelet aggregation
pmid1111101 Heavy cosmic-ray exposure of Apollo astronauts
pmid1111102 Self-produced locomotion restores visual capacity after striate lesions
pmid1111103 Auditory discrimination and recall in monkeys
pmid1111104 Dynamic random-dot stereograms reveal up-down anisotropy and left-right isotropy between cortical hemifields
pmid1111105 Contradiction of auditory and visual information by brain stimulation
pmid1111106 Letter: Photon activation analysis of toxic elements
pmid1111107 Letter: Infant hue discrimination?
pmid1111108 Sex pheromone of the oak leaf roller: a complex chemical messenger system identified by mass fragmentography
pmid1111109 Low frequency electric field induced changes in the shape and motility of amoebas
pmid1111110 Synaptonemal complex complement of man in spreads of spermatocytes, with details of the sex chromosome pair
pmid1111111 Evaporative water loss in box turtles: effects of rostral brainstem and other temperatures
pmid1111112 Dopamine beta-hydroxylase activity in brains of chronic schizophrenic patients
pmid1113839 Radium removal from drinking water
pmid1113840 Methylation of lead in the environment
pmid1113841 A study of age group track and field records to relate age and running speed
pmid1113842 The capacity for joint visual attention in the infant
pmid1113843 Role of juvenile hormone esterases and carrier proteins in insect development
pmid1113844 A neuroendocrine feedback mechanism in the insect moulting cycle
pmid1113845 Is potassium conductance of cardiac Purkinje fibres controlled by (Ca2+)?
pmid1113846 Novel 4-hydroxycoumarin anticoagulants active against resistant rats
pmid1113847 Multiple conformations of ribosomal precursor RNA
pmid1113848 Crystal structure of proflavine, a DNA binding agent
pmid11643257 Amber light for genetic manipulation
pmid11643258 Fetal research: the case history of a Massachusetts law
pmid11643259 Harvard XYY study
pmid11643260 Abortion and manslaughter: a Boston doctor goes on trial
pmid1167318 Polarizing fucoid eggs drive a calcium current through themselves
pmid1167399 New pathway for metabolism of dopa
pmid1167400 Position of regularly spaced single-stranded regions relative to 5-bromodeoxyuridine-sensitive sites in sea urchin morula DNA
pmid1167401 Infection of differentiating muscle cells with influenza and Newcastle disease viruses
pmid1167402 Endometrial cell calcium and oestrogen action
pmid1167403 Chromosomal variation and the establishment of somatic cell lines in vitro
pmid1167404 Regulation of RNA polymerase II activity in a mutant rat myoblast cell line resistant to alpha-amanitin
pmid1167425 Daily rhythm in human urinary melatonin
pmid1167426 Growth, behavior, and brain catecholamines in lead-exposed neonatal rats: a reappraisal
pmid1167427 Secretion of a nerve growth factor by primary chick fibroblast cultures
pmid1167623 The subunit structure of the eukaryotic chromosome
pmid1167624 Chromosome-21-dosage effect on inducibility of anti-viral gene(s)
pmid123039 Role of growth hormone in glycosaminoglycan synthesis by articular cartilage
pmid163006 Inhibition of adenyl cyclase by an exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis
pmid163007 Deficiency of the Y base in a hepatoma phenylalanine tRNA
pmid163008 Morphine antagonises action of prostaglandin in neuroblastoma and neuroblastoma times glioma hybrid cells
pmid163009 Host range of murine xenotropic virus: replication in avian cells
pmid163010 Decrease in 17beta-oestradiol receptor in brain of ageing rats
pmid163011 A blocked structure at the 5’ terminus of mRNA from cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus
pmid163036 Adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate analogs promote a circular morphology of cultured Schwannoma cells
pmid163037 Reduced incidence of spontaneous mammary tumors in C3H/He mice after treatment with polyadenylate-polyuridylate
pmid163038 Collagenase production by lymphokine-activated macrophages
pmid163440 Purification of human uterine progesterone receptor
pmid163441 Role of foetal adrenocorticotrophin during parturition in sheep
pmid17736520 Man’s Best Friend
pmid17736521 Nerve Growth Factor
pmid17736522 Computer Use
pmid17736523 Lottery Admissions System in the Netherlands
pmid17736524 Letters to the Editor
pmid17736525 Science Advice for the Executive Branch
pmid17736526 Electron Microscopy of Irradiation Effects in Space
pmid17736527 Prehistoric Agriculture in Tropical Highlands
pmid17736528 National Institutes of Health: The Politics of Taste and Smell
pmid17736529 Fusion Advocates Tell Off Teller
pmid17736530 NIH: Help Wanted
pmid17736531 RFF Gets a Big Financial Boost
pmid17736532 House Committees Endorse Controlled Energy Growth
pmid17736533 Impact of Protocol Passage Diluted by Senate Compromise
pmid17736534 Robert W. Long: The Banker Who Heads Agricultural Research
pmid17736535 FPC’s Gloomy Outlook on Gas
pmid17736536 Health Planning: New Program Gives Consumers, Uncle Sam a Voice
pmid17736537 Hemoglobin: Model Systems Shed Light on Oxygen Binding
pmid17736538 Sociobiology (II): The Evolution of Social Systems
pmid17736539 The Quality of Science
pmid17736540 Heat Flow and Convection Experiments aboard Apollo 17
pmid17736541 Coevolutionary Race Continues: Butterfly Larval Adaptation to Plant Trichomes
pmid17814251 Computer-Assisted Education
pmid17814252 Protein Production
pmid17814253 Letters to the Editor
pmid17814254 Biochemistry Registry
pmid17814255 Letters to the Editor
pmid17814256 Preclinical Medical Education
pmid17814257 Women, Men, and the Doctorate
pmid17814258 Photochemical Reactions as a Tool in Organic Syntheses
pmid17814259 Beginnings of Fruit Growing in the Old World
pmid17814260 Strategic Arms Limitation (I): The Decades of Frustration
pmid17814261 White House Presses New Energy Strategy
pmid17814262 Nuclear Advocates 34, Opponents 8
pmid17814263 Karl Hess: Technology with a Human Face
pmid17814264 Leukemia: A Second Human Tumor Virus
pmid17814265 Multiple Minicomputers: Inexpensive and Reliable Computing
pmid17814266 A Large-Scale Hole in the Ionosphere Caused by the Launch of Skylab
pmid17814267 Seasonal Change of Antarctic Sea Ice Cover
pmid17814268 Mercury Monitor for Ambient Air
pmid17814269 Polypeptide Composition of Fraction 1 Protein from Parasexual Hybrid Plants in the Genus Nicotiana
pmid17838769 Letters to the Editor
pmid17838770 The Future of Fusion
pmid17838771 Letters to the Editor
pmid17838772 Letters to the Editor
pmid17838773 Thioctic Acid and Mushroom Poisoning
pmid17838774 The World’s Disparate Food Supplies
pmid17838775 Chan Chan: Andean Alternative of the Preindustrial City
pmid17838776 AGRIS
pmid17838777 Robert A. Goldwin: Bridge Between Thinkers and Doers
pmid17838778 Greetings from Holifield National Laboratory
pmid17838779 Air Force R & D Policy: More for Basic Research, Universities
pmid17838780 Congress Strengthens Freedom of Information Act
pmid17838781 Exploring the Solar System (V): Atmospheres and Climates
pmid17838782 The Uniqueness of the Earth’s Climate
pmid17838783 Fossils of Uncertain Affinity from the Upper Devonian of Iowa
pmid17838784 Origin of Martian Channels: Clathrates and Water
pmid17838785 Polynesian Voyaging
pmid17838786 PRODUCTS and MATERIALS
pmid17844192 Agricultural Aid to Indochina
pmid17844193 Letters to the Editor
pmid17844194 Energy Production and Climate
pmid17844195 The Big Horn Medicine Wheel
pmid17844196 Marine Faunal Areas
pmid17844197 Letters to the Editor
pmid17844198 Delays in Tapping Energy Sources
pmid17844199 Reactions of Organ Crystals with Gases
pmid17844200 Science Advice in the White House? Continuation of a Debate
pmid17844201 In Energy Impasse, Conservation Keeps Popping Up
pmid17844202 Rocky Eyes Science Advice
pmid17844203 The Environment, a "Mature%" Cause in Need of a Lift
pmid17844204 FAS Attacks Politicization of NIH
pmid17844205 Congress Gets on with Reform, Seeks to Reassert Itself
pmid17844206 Sociobiology (I): Models of Social Behavior
pmid17844207 Office of Science and Society Programs
pmid17844208 Soapstone Artifacts: Tracing Prehistoric Trade Patterns in Virgimna
pmid17844209 Atmospheric Trace Metals at Remote Northern and Southern Hemisphere Sites: Pollution or Natural?
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