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05 December 2024

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pmid10031006 Fractional statistics of the vortex in two-dimensional superfluids
pmid10031007 Statistical properties of the spectrum of the two-level system
pmid10031008 Classical diffusion on Eden trees
pmid10031009 Energy-level statistics of integrable quantum systems
pmid10031010 Conformal invariance and the Yang-Lee edge singularity in two dimensions
pmid10031011 Meson theory of the dirac impulse approximation
pmid10031012 Measurement of in-band transition probabilities at high spin
pmid10031013 Consistent-Q formalism in odd-A nuclei
pmid10031014 Convection patterns: Time evolution of the wave-vector field
pmid10031015 Time dependence of flow patterns near the convective threshold in a cylindrical container
pmid10031016 Diagnosis of strong beam-plasma turbulence conditions from electromagnetic emission
pmid10031017 Mode-beating model of ac helicity injection
pmid10031018 Electron acceleration in high-frequency longitudinal waves, Doppler-shifted ponderomotive forces, and Landau damping
pmid10031019 Coexistence of different short-range-ordered spin fluctuations in Ce1-x(La,Y)xSb
pmid10031020 Computer generation of structural models of amorphous Si and Ge
pmid10031021 Dynamic scaling in the kinetics of clustering
pmid10031022 Pressure changes and magnetostriction in finite magnetic fields in 3He and other normal fermi liquids
pmid10031023 Relation between shear instability and liquid structure in alkali halides
pmid10031024 Nonlinear transmission of zero sound in superfluid 3He-A: A saturation of the pair-breaking attenuation mechanism
pmid10031025 Continuum percolation of rods
pmid10031026 Limits of the fractal dimension for irreversible kinetic aggregation of gold colloids
pmid10031027 Kinetics of formation and mean shape of branched polymers
pmid10031028 Scaling of the excess energy in thermodynamically unstable solutions
pmid10031029 Observation of structure-induced surface vibrational resonances on metal surfaces
pmid10031030 Chemical-potential measurements and phase diagram of a pseudoternary solid: LixCuyMo6S8
pmid10031031 Giant magnetic interaction (Condon domains) in two dimensions
pmid10031032 Unusual metastable-quenching spectrum of K/Ni(111) and its explanation by a new quenching mechanism
pmid10031033 Observation of f-band hybridization gap in the anomalous rare-earth compound YbAl3
pmid10031034 Direct probing of the spatial distribution of the maximum Josephson current in a superconducting tunnel junction
pmid10031035 Can gamma quanta really be captured by pulsar magnetic fields?
pmid10031036 Classical diffusion of particles in a random potential
pmid10031037 Heinrichs responds
pmid10031038 Comment on "Quantum effects on four-dimensional space-time symmetries"
pmid10031039 Comment on "Statistical scission model of fission-fragment angular distributions"
pmid10031040 Rossner, Huizenga, and Schröder respond:
pmid10031041 Comment on "Solitons in superfluid 3He-A: Bound states on domain walls"
pmid10031042 Ho et al. respond
pmid10031043 Comment on "Experimental study of the elastic properties of a percolating system
pmid10031044 Benguigui responds
pmid10031045 Response to parametric modulation near an instability
pmid10031046 Planar theory made variational
pmid10031047 Search for fractional charges in niobium and tungsten
pmid10031048 Simulations and speculations on gauge theories with many fermions
pmid10031049 Massive gross-neveu model: A rigorous perturbative construction
pmid10031050 Double analog transition 14C( pi +, pi -) 14O at 50 MeV
pmid10031051 Deformation of heated nuclei observed in the statistical decay of the giant dipole resonance
pmid10031052 Atomic inner-shell excitation induced by coherent motion of outer-shell electrons
pmid10031053 Correspondence between electron binding energy and chemisorption reactivity of iron clusters
pmid10031054 Development of viscous fingering patterns
pmid10031055 Three-dimensional reconnection between two colliding magnetized plasmas
pmid10031056 Long-wavelength oscillations in an inhomogeneous one-component plasma
pmid10031057 Dynamical transition in a dense fluid approaching structural arrest
pmid10031058 Origins of thixotropy
pmid10031059 Phenomenological theory of icosahedral incommensurate ("quasiperiodic") order in Mn-Al alloys
pmid10031060 Elasticity and dislocations in pentagonal and icosahedral quasicrystals
pmid10031061 Mean-field theory of quasicrystalline order
pmid10031062 Third sound in 4He adsorbed on Nuclepore
pmid10031063 Observation of microwave transition from an on-center to off-center ionic configuration
pmid10031064 Evidence of a square two-dimensional solid of methane physisorbed on the (100) surface of magnesium oxide
pmid10031065 Phase diagram of selenium adsorbed on the Ni(100) surface: A physical realization of the Ashkin-Teller model
pmid10031066 Atom location by axial-electron-channeling analysis
pmid10031067 Chemisorption of H on magnetic Ni(001)
pmid10031068 Adsorption site, adsorption energy and normal vibration frequency of H on Ni(100) via total-energy calculations
pmid10031069 Observation of surface-enhanced magnetic order and magnetic surface reconstruction on Gd(0001)
pmid10031070 Localization of the surface plasmon polariton caused by random roughness and its role in surface-enhanced optical phenomena
pmid10031071 Optical-phonon emission in ballistic transport through microchannels of InGaAs
pmid10031072 Existence of a Lifshitz point in incommensurate RbH3(SeO3)2
pmid10031073 Hot-electron spectroscopy of GaAs
pmid10031074 Long-range quasielastic scattering of low-energy electrons by conduction-band surface plasmons on Si(111)7 x 7
pmid10031075 Origin of the peaked structure in the conductance of one-dimensional silicon accumulation layers
pmid10031076 Theory of spin-polarized photoemission from nonmagnetic metals: Platinum
pmid10031077 Weakly localized behavior in quasi-one-dimensional Li films
pmid10031078 Some rigorous results for the Anderson model
pmid10031079 N-color Ashkin-Teller model in the large-N limit
pmid10031080 Comment on "Einstein equations in vacuum as integrability conditions"
pmid10031081 Chinea responds
pmid10031082 Comment on "Statistical scission model of fission-fragment angular distributions"
pmid10031083 Rossner, Huizenga, and Schröder respond:
pmid10031084 Repeated contractive-state position measurements and the standard quantum limit
pmid10031085 Levinson’s theorem and the nodes of zero-energy wave functions for potentials with repulsive Coulomb tails
pmid10031086 Quantum tunneling rates for asymmetric double-well systems with Ohmic dissipation
pmid10031087 Dissipative quantum tunneling in a biased double-well system at finite temperatures
pmid10031088 Intermittent chaos and low-frequency noise in the driven damped pendulum
pmid10031089 Transition from regular to irregular spectra in quantum billiards
pmid10031090 Electroweak effects in e+e---> tau + tau - at 29 GeV
pmid10031091 Measurement of tau lifetime and branching ratios
pmid10031092 Measurement of the CP-nonconservation parameter epsilon ’/ epsilon
pmid10031093 Measurement of epsilon ’/ epsilon in the neutral Kaon system
pmid10031094 High-spin evolution of quasicontinuum gamma radiation in 156Er
pmid10031095 Deuteron photodisintegration differential cross section between 100 and 220 MeV
pmid10031096 Transverse form factors for 13C(e,e) 13C g.s. and 13C(e,e’) 13C(15.11 MeV)
pmid10031097 Higher-order correlations in spectra of complex systems
pmid10031098 Electron-pair creation on the uranium nucleus
pmid10031099 Charged particle exclusive analysis of relativistic U
pmid10031100 Absorption physics at 351 nm in spherical geometry
pmid10031101 Laser scattering from dense cesium plasmas
pmid10031102 Statistical theory of cubic langmuir turbulence
pmid10031103 Decay time and instability measurements of plasmas generated by intense relativistic electron beams
pmid10031104 Observations of toroidal coupling for low-n Alfvén modes in the TCA tokamak
pmid10031105 Cooperative transport effects in electron-irradiated glasses
pmid10031106 New molecular-dynamics method for metallic systems
pmid10031107 Diffusivity of hydrogen in tantalum between 15 and 30 K
pmid10031108 First observation of the undulation mode in birefringent microemulsions by quasielastic light scattering
pmid10031109 Effects of thermal fluctuations on systems with small surface tension
pmid10031110 X-ray scattering study of the smectic-A1 to smectic-A2 transition
pmid10031111 Two-dimensional electron-positron momentum measurement at a copper single-crystal surface
pmid10031112 Positron on positroniumlike surface state on Al(100)?
pmid10031113 Observation of bulk and edge magnetoplasmons in a two-dimensional electron fluid
pmid10031114 Dynamical Hall effect in a two-dimensional classical plasma
pmid10031115 Evidence for an incommensurate high-field phase in the spin-Peierls system tetrathiafulvalene-AuS4C4(CF3) 4
pmid10031116 Flicker (1/f) noise in percolation networks: A new hierarchy of exponents
pmid10031117 Molecular diffusion in a microemulsion
pmid10031118 Spatial self organization of surface structure during an oscillating catalytic reaction
pmid10031119 Saturation of continuum-continuum transitions in multiphoton absorption
pmid10031120 Comment on "Quasicrystals: A new class of ordered structures"
pmid10031121 Comment on "Dislocation-loop theory of the nematic-smectic A-smectic C multicritical point"
pmid10031122 Grinstein and Toner respond
pmid10031123 Fractals with local bridges
pmid10031124 Comment on "Fractons and the fractal structure of proteins"
pmid10031125 Helman et al. respond
pmid10031127 Destruction of invariant tori as an eigenvalue problem
pmid10031128 Symplectically invariant WKB wave functions
pmid10031129 Resonance widths and positions by an algebraic approach
pmid10031130 Measurement of the strong-coupling constant alpha s to second order for 22 <= sqrt s <= 46.78 GeV
pmid10031131 Soft hard scattering in the teraelectronvolt range
pmid10031132 Number of neutrinos in the standard model and its extensions to supersymmetry
pmid10031133 Anomalous positron peaks from supercritical collision systems
pmid10031134 SU(2) beta function with and without dynamical fermions
pmid10031135 K0 (K-bar 0)-->2 gamma decays: Phenomenology and CP nonconservation
pmid10031136 Microcanonical determination of effective-spin models for finite-temperature QCD
pmid10031137 Observation of tau -lepton decay to five charged particles
pmid10031138 Nucleus-nucleus potential inside the strong-absorption radius from 16O
pmid10031139 alpha decay of neutron-deficient odd-Bi nuclei: Shell-model intruder states in Tl and Bi isotopes
pmid10031140 Experimental determination of the ground-state inversion splitting in H3O+
pmid10031141 Polarization correlation of the two photons emitted by metastable atomic deuterium: A test of Bell’s inequality
pmid10031142 3P1-orientation velocity-changing collision kernels studied by isolated multipole echoes
pmid10031143 Observation of bistable reflectivity of phase conjugated signal through intracavity nearly degenerate four-wave mixing
pmid10031144 Squeezing pattern in resonance fluorescence from a regular N-atom system
pmid10031145 Frustrated optical instability: Self-induced periodic and chaotic spatial distribution of polarization in nonlinear optical media
pmid10031146 Parametric self-enhancement of the spontaneous decay of sound in superfluid helium
pmid10031147 Nonuniversal nu from a van der Waals theory of the wetting transition
pmid10031148 New type of cholesteric liquid crystal
pmid10031149 Specific heat of two-dimensional electrons in GaAs-GaAlAs multilayers
pmid10031150 Effect of criticality on wetting layers
pmid10031151 Theory of ballistic aggregation
pmid10031152 Symmetry criterion for the lack of a stable fixed point in the renormalization-group recursion relations
pmid10031153 Donor states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon and germanium
pmid10031154 Specular boundary scattering and electrical transport in single-crystal thin films of CoSi2
pmid10031155 Method for direct determination of the effective correlation energy of defects in semiconductors: Optical modulation spectroscopy of dangling bonds
pmid10031156 Evidence for resonant tunneling of electrons via sodium ions in silicon dioxide
pmid10031157 Theory of magnetic and structural ordering in iron
pmid10031158 New look at the mechanism for alkali-metal promotion
pmid10031159 Electron localization in alkali-halide clusters
pmid10031160 Density of low-energy vibrational states in a protein solution
pmid10031161 Evolution of cosmic strings
pmid10031162 Simulations of high-Mach-number collisionless perpendicular shocks in astrophysical plasmas
pmid10031163 Evidence for a high-energy cosmic-ray spectrum cutoff
pmid10031165 Statistical behavior in deterministic quantum systems with few degrees of freedom
pmid10031166 New approach to the statistical properties of energy levels
pmid10031167 Search for right-handed currents by means of muon-spin rotation
pmid10031168 Evidence of heavy-neutrino emission in beta decay
pmid10031169 Inclusive decay of B mesons into charged D
pmid10031170 Reaction Mo+Mo between 12 and 18.8 MeV/u: Approaching the limits of the deep-inelastic process
pmid10031171 Nuclear effect from quark clustering and constituent-quark Fermi motion and mass
pmid10031172 Theoretical proof that most nuclei must have positive electric quadrupole moments
pmid10031173 Multiple ionization of a Hartree atom by intense laser pulses
pmid10031174 Continuous-wave two-photon spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition in hydrogen
pmid10031175 Experimental evidence for subradiance
pmid10031176 Spin-rotation interaction of noble-gas alkali-metal atom pairs
pmid10031177 Optical guiding in a free-electron laser
pmid10031178 Pressure dissociation of solid nitrogen under 1 Mbar
pmid10031179 Adsorbate-induced soft-phonon reconstruction of the Ni(100) surface
pmid10031180 Landau theory of surface segregation and phase transitions in binary alloys with fcc crystal structure
pmid10031181 Beyond the rigid-ion approximation with spherically symmetric ions
pmid10031182 Pattern formation resulting from faceted growth in zone-melted thin films
pmid10031183 Concentration profile of polymer solutions near a solid wall
pmid10031184 Production of enhanced liquid 3He magnetization by dynamic nuclear polarization
pmid10031185 Anisotropies in the above-bandgap optical spectra of cubic semiconductors
pmid10031186 Observation of a C-1s core exciton in diamond
pmid10031187 Comment on "Role of electronic processes in epitaxial re- crystallization of amorphous semiconductors"
pmid11653680 Handicapped infants: physicians win the day
pmid11658566 Powell bites dust: the British government needs to think hard about surrogacy
pmid11658567 IVF: Australian export service
pmid11658568 UK embryo research: government stops Powell bill
pmid17746865 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions
pmid17746866 High-Technology Agriculture
pmid17746867 Nitropyrenes
pmid17746868 Infrastructure
pmid17746869 The Computer Issue
pmid17746870 An Approach to Complexity: Numerical Computations
pmid17746871 New Approaches in Economic Analysis
pmid17746872 Computers in Production Agriculture
pmid17746873 Computer Applications in the Humanities
pmid17746874 Personal Computers on Campus
pmid17746875 Intelligent Tutoring Systems
pmid17746876 Multis: A New Class of Multiprocessor Computers
pmid17746877 Workstations in Science
pmid17746878 Security Problems Plague Scientific Meeting: Twenty percent of the papers were blocked by the Defense Department from open presentation; many were shifted to restricted sessions
pmid17746879 Europe Tries Cooperation on Military R&D: Economic and technical incentives, coupled with pressure from the United States, are forcing European governments to explore new links
pmid17746880 Deficit Woes Spur Drive to Kill Synfuels
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