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26 January 2025

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pmid10018265 Search for anomalous couplings at e gamma colliders
pmid10018266 Timelike form factors at high energy
pmid10018267 G2 manifestation for longitudinally polarized particles
pmid10018268 Quark fragmentation functions in a diquark model for proton and Lambda hyperon production
pmid10018269 Polarized parton distributions
pmid10018270 Order alpha s2 contributions to the Drell-Yan cross section at fixed target energies
pmid10018271 Dual parton model at cosmic ray energies
pmid10018272 Leading and nonleading D+/- production in the valon model
pmid10018273 Hadron collider limits on anomalous WW gamma couplings
pmid10018274 Analysis of transverse muon polarization in K+--> pi 0 micro+ nu and K+--> micro+ nu gamma decays with tensor interactions
pmid10018275 Unitarity, chiral perturbation theory, and Kl4 decays
pmid10018276 Radiative leptonic decays of heavy mesons
pmid10018277 Heavy meson decays into light resonances
pmid10018278 Branching ratios for eta l3 in the standard model
pmid10018279 The decays eta --> pi microe
pmid10018280 Decays eta c--> gamma gamma and eta b--> gamma gamma : A test for potential models
pmid10018281 New constraints on supergravity models from b-->s gamma
pmid10018282 NN,N Delta couplings and the quark model
pmid10018283 Quantum-chromodynamic potential model for light-heavy quarkonia and the heavy quark effective theory
pmid10018284 Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with the homogeneous background gluon field
pmid10018285 Quantum phenomenology for the disoriented chiral condensate
pmid10018286 Quark-lepton flavor democracy and the nonexistence of the fourth generation
pmid10018287 Implications of a heavy top quark for the two Higgs doublet model
pmid10018288 QCD corrections to Higgs boson self-energies and fermionic decay widths
pmid10018289 Predictions for the proton lifetime in minimal nonsupersymmetric SO(10) models: An update
pmid10018290 Left-right symmetry and supersymmetric unification
pmid10018291 Electroweak chiral Lagrangian and CP-violating effects in technicolor theories
pmid10018292 Low energy properties of the heavy vector fermions and electroweak symmetry breaking
pmid10018293 Naturally light leptoquarks
pmid10018294 New gauge for computing effective potentials in spontaneously broken gauge theories
pmid10018295 Reliability of the estimation of CP asymmetries for nonleptonic decays of B0 and B-bar0 into non-CP eigenstates
pmid10018296 Remark on "Phenomenology of a nonstandard Higgs boson in WLWL scattering"
pmid10018297 Phenomenology of the two Higgs doublet sector of a quark-lepton symmetric model
pmid10018298 Minimal family unification
pmid10018484 Null gravitational redshift experiment with nonidentical atomic clocks
pmid10018485 Time delays of supernova neutrinos from new long-range interactions
pmid10018486 Neutrinos from particle decay in the Sun and Earth
pmid10018487 Implications for supersymmetric dark matter detection from radiative b decays
pmid10018488 Neutrino magnetic moment and neutron star cooling
pmid10018489 Excitation of Schwarzschild black-hole quasinormal modes
pmid10018490 Large-scale polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation
pmid10018491 Matter accretion by cosmic string loops and wakes
pmid10018492 Electroweak baryogenesis and standard model CP violation
pmid10018493 Induced gravity inflation in the SU(5) GUT
pmid10018494 Effects of electroweak phase transition dynamics on baryogenesis and primordial nucleosynthesis
pmid10018495 Stationarity of inflation and predictions of quantum cosmology
pmid10018496 Andante regime of scalar field dynamics in the chaotic inflationary Universe
pmid10018497 Minimal closed set of observables in the theory of cosmological perturbations
pmid10018498 Gravity-driven acceleration of the cosmic expansion
pmid10018499 Relaxation of local energy conditions due to asymptotic flatness
pmid10018500 Massless fields in scalar-tensor cosmologies
pmid10018501 Quantization of the gravitational constant in odd dimensions
pmid10018502 Quantum geometrodynamics: Quantum-driven many-fingered time
pmid10018503 Extended loop representation of quantum gravity
pmid10018504 Hypersurface-invariant approach to cosmological perturbations
pmid10018505 Hypertime formalism for spherically symmetric black holes and wormholes
pmid10018506 Applications of a new proposal for solving the "problem of time" to some simple quantum cosmological models
pmid10018507 Phase transition in conformally induced gravity with torsion
pmid10018508 Evolution of a hyperspatial tube due to the Casimir effect
pmid10018509 Conformal transformation of renormalized effective action in curved spacetimes
pmid10018510 Chern-Simons functional and the no-boundary proposal in Bianchi type IX quantum cosmology
pmid10018511 Higher derivative gravity in two dimensions
pmid10018512 Exact solution of two-dimensional Poincaré gravity coupled to fermion matter
pmid10018513 Conical singularity and quantum corrections to the entropy of a black hole
pmid10018514 "Nongeometric" contribution to the entropy of a black hole due to quantum corrections
pmid10018515 Aspects of black hole quantum mechanics and thermodynamics in 2+1 dimensions
pmid10018516 Statistical mechanics of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole
pmid10018517 Instabilities of magnetically charged black holes
pmid10018518 Calculating the rest tension for a polymer of string bits
pmid10018519 Hot string soup: Thermodynamics of strings near the Hagedorn transition
pmid10018520 Finite deformations of conformal field theory and spacetime geometry
pmid10018521 Electromagnetic energy production in the formation of a superconducting cosmic string
pmid10018522 Domain defects in strings and walls
pmid10018523 Discrete phase transitions associated with topological lattice field theories in D >= 2 dimensions
pmid10018524 Quantum tunneling for the sine-Gordon potential: Energy band structure and Bogomolny-Fateyev relation
pmid10018525 Spontaneous symmetry breaking of (1+1)-dimensional phi4 theory in light-front field theory. III
pmid10018526 Can disoriented chiral condensates form? A dynamical perspective
pmid10018527 Quantum and thermal fluctuations in field theory
pmid10018528 Casimir effect of strongly interacting scalar fields
pmid10018529 Thermal beta function in Yang-Mills theory
pmid10018530 Dirac versus reduced quantization of the Poincaré symmetry in scalar electrodynamics
pmid10018531 SL(2,R)-duality covariance of Killing spinors in axion-dilaton black holes
pmid10018532 One-loop corrections to the instanton transition in the two-dimensional Abelian Higgs model
pmid10018533 Scattering from electroweak strings
pmid10018534 Fermion determinants in static, inhomogeneous magnetic fields
pmid10018535 Is Compton scattering in magnetic fields really infrared divergent?
pmid10018536 Spectral sum rules and finite volume partition function in gauge theories with real and pseudoreal fermions
pmid10018537 Symmetry properties of the effective action for high-energy scattering in QCD
pmid10018538 Connection between the pinch technique and the background field method
pmid10018539 Damping rate of a hard photon in a relativistic plasma
pmid10018540 Two-Higgs-doublet potential at finite temperature
pmid10018541 Self-energy effect on the rotation symmetry in the light-cone-quantized scalar field scattering
pmid10018542 Phase averaging and generalized eikonal representations
pmid10018543 Special variant of the Fradkin representation
pmid10018544 Scaling of Aharonov-Bohm couplings and the dynamical vacuum in gauge theories
pmid10018545 Classification of inflationary Einstein-scalar-field models via catastrophe theory
pmid10018546 Isotropization of scalar field Bianchi models with an exponential potential
pmid10018547 Can we measure the R phi2 coupling parameter at tree-level scattering?
pmid10018548 Dyonic black holes in effective string theory
pmid10018549 Subleading divergences for scalar field theory in three dimensions
pmid10018550 Anyonic partition functions and windings of planar Brownian motion
pmid10018551 Scattering of weakly interacting massive particles from 73Ge
pmid10018552 Heavy tau neutrino as the late decaying particle in the cold dark matter scenario
pmid10018553 Electroweak strings produce baryons
pmid10018554 Evidence for the stability of extremal black p-branes
pmid10018555 Class of Einstein-Maxwell dilatons
pmid10018556 New look at the critical behavior near the threshold of black hole formation in the Russo-Susskind-Thorlacius model
pmid10057684 Monte Carlo algorithms with absorbing Markov chains: Fast local algorithms for slow dynamics
pmid10057685 Generation and prediction of time series by a neural network
pmid10057686 Self-consistent microscopic theory of fluctuation-induced transport
pmid10057687 A case for a baryonic dark halo
pmid10057688 First-order phase transition in three-dimensional QED with Chern-Simons term
pmid10057689 Manifestation of sea quark effects in the strong coupling constant in lattice QCD
pmid10057690 Isospin structure of penguin diagrams and their consequences in B meson physics
pmid10057691 Parallel momentum distributions as a probe of halo wave functions
pmid10057692 Equation of state for cold nuclear matter from refractive 16O+16O elastic scattering
pmid10057693 Fragment flow and the multifragmentation phase space
pmid10057694 Density of state effects in Ag L3M4,5M4,5 threshold Auger spectra
pmid10057695 Laser-induced degeneracies involving autoionizing states in complex atoms
pmid10057696 High-resolution, low-energy dissociative recombination spectrum of H3eH+
pmid10057697 Observation of interference between dielectronic recombination and radiative recombination in highly charged uranium ions
pmid10057698 Integer quantization of the pseudorotational motion in Na3 B
pmid10057699 Gaussian orthogonal ensemble statistics in a microwave stadium billiard with chaotic dynamics: Porter-Thomas distribution and algebraic decay of time correlations
pmid10057700 Complexity in dynamical systems with noise
pmid10057701 Symplectic calculation of Lyapunov exponents
pmid10057702 Marginal stability and chaos in coupled faults modeled by nonlinear circuits
pmid10057703 Spatiotemporal chaos in the regime of the conserved Zakharov equations
pmid10057704 Universal and nonuniversal first-passage properties of planar multipole flows
pmid10057705 Anomalous Schottky signals from a laser-cooled ion beam
pmid10057706 Modes of a pure ion plasma at the Brillouin limit
pmid10057707 Plasma-maser instability of electromagnetic radiation in the presence of lower hybrid turbulence
pmid10057708 Electromagnetic implosion of spherical liner
pmid10057709 Atomic resolution in photon emission induced by a scanning tunneling microscope
pmid10057710 Ordered superstructure of InSb-IV
pmid10057711 Importance of implantation sequence in the formation of nanometer size colloid particles embedded in amorphous SiO2: Formation of composite colloids with Cu core and a Cu2O shell by coimplantation of Cu and F
pmid10057712 Glassy roughness of a crystalline surface upon a disordered substrate
pmid10057713 Self-organized criticality and synchronization in a lattice model of integrate-and-fire oscillators
pmid10057714 Solid-fluid coexistence for inverse-power potentials
pmid10057715 String phase in phase-separating fluids under shear flow
pmid10057716 Structures of steps and appearances of {311} facets on Si(100) surfaces
pmid10057717 New instability in molecular beam epitaxy
pmid10057718 Commensurate and incommensurate ordering tendencies in the ternary fcc Cu-Ni-Zn system
pmid10057719 Simple model for the phase coexistence and electrical conductivity of alkali fluids
pmid10057720 Real space imaging of ballistic carrier propagation in Bi single crystals
pmid10057721 Universal prefactor of activated conductivity in the quantum Hall effect
pmid10057722 Universal relation between longitudinal and transverse conductivities in quantum Hall effect
pmid10057723 Phase and amplitude modes in a superconductor with interlayer pair tunneling
pmid10057724 Localization effects on the critical current of a superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor junction
pmid10057725 Mesoscopic fluctuations of the critical current in a superconductor-normal-conductor-superconductor
pmid10057726 Long range magnetic interaction between Josephson junctions
pmid10057727 Kink propagation in a highly discrete system: Observation of phase locking to linear waves
pmid10057728 Spin stiffness of mesoscopic quantum antiferromagnets
pmid10057729 Phase Separation in the Extended Hubbard Model at Weak Coupling
pmid10057730 Magnetic phase diagram of the Hubbard model
pmid10057731 Oscillatory paramagnetic magneto-optical Kerr effect in Ru wedges on Co
pmid10057732 Raman fine structure in crystalline C60: The effects of merohedral disorder, isotopic substitution, and crystal field
pmid10057733 Dynamic critical phenomena in aqueous protein solutions
pmid10057734 Comment on "Chain formation in low density dipolar hard spheres: A Monte Carlo study"
pmid10058329 Decoherent histories and quantum state diffusion
pmid10058330 Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a one dimensional driven diffusive system
pmid10058331 Multibondic cluster algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of first-order phase transitions
pmid10058332 Constraints on the dwarf star content of dark matter
pmid10058333 CP violation in B+/---> gamma pi +/- pi + pi -
pmid10058334 Core-excited states of Lambda 12C hypernuclei formed in the ( pi +,K+) reaction
pmid10058335 Low-energy theorem for scalar and vector interactions of a composite spin-1/2 system
pmid10058336 Toward a consistent description of parity nonconservation in A=18-21 nuclei
pmid10058337 Kaon flow as a probe of the kaon potential in nuclear medium
pmid10058338 State-to-state behavior in the neutral dissociation of O2 far beyond the ionization threshold
pmid10058339 Spin-orbit interaction of the continuum electrons in relativistic (e,2e) measurements
pmid10058340 Dimensional loss in nonequilibrium quantum systems
pmid10058341 Uniform semiclassical wave-packet propagation and eigenstate extraction in a smooth chaotic system
pmid10058342 Deterministic chaos in failure dynamics: Dynamics of peeling of adhesive tape
pmid10058343 Two-dimensional crystals and quasicrystals in nonlinear optics
pmid10058344 Quantized energy cascade and log-Poisson statistics in fully developed turbulence
pmid10058345 Nonlinear saturation of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes via ion compton scattering
pmid10058346 Observation of the smectic-C-smectic-I critical point
pmid10058347 Theoretical predictions for a two-dimensional rhombohedral phase of solid C60
pmid10058348 Polymerized fullerite structures
pmid10058349 Structure factor scaling during irreversible cluster-cluster aggregation
pmid10058350 Heat capacity of helium confined to 8- microm cylinders near the lambda point
pmid10058351 Faraday instability of crystallization waves at the 4He solid-liquid interface
pmid10058352 Long jumps in surface diffusion: One-dimensional migration of isolated adatoms
pmid10058353 Character of the phase transition in thin ising films with competing walls
pmid10058354 Size dependence of Kondo scattering in point contacts
pmid10058355 Probing spatial correlations with nanoscale two-contact tunneling
pmid10058356 Antiferromagnetic and van Hove scenarios for the cuprates: Taking the best of both worlds
pmid10058357 Oscillatory superconducting transition temperature in Nb/Gd multilayers
pmid10058358 Time-dependent collective diffusion of colloidal particles
pmid10058359 Intense electron beam modulation by inductively loaded wide gaps for relativistic klystron amplifiers
pmid10058360 Dynamic pattern formation leads to 1/f noise in neural populations
pmid10058361 "Gliding assays" for motor proteins: A theoretical analysis
pmid10058362 Comment on "Cluster approach to quasicrystals"
pmid10058733 Resonant spectra and the time evolution of the survival and nonescape probabilities
pmid10058734 Direct measurement of the W boson width
pmid10058735 Precision measurement of the proton spin structure function gp1
pmid10058736 Measurement of atomic motion in a standing light field by homodyne detection
pmid10058737 Half-cycle microwave excitation of rubidium Rydberg atoms
pmid10058738 Angular distributions of 1s sigma photoelectrons from fixed-in-spaceN2 molecules
pmid10058739 Triple transition Q1(j1)+Q1(j2)+Q1(j3) near 12 466 cm-1 in compressed hydrogen
pmid10058740 Observation of the new triple transitions Q1(J1)+Q1(J2)+Q1(J3) in molecular hydrogen in its second overtone region
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