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Correlation properties of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and implications for Dark Energy | C.Hernandez-Monteagudo
; L.Verde
; Raul Jimenez
; D.N.Spergel
; | Date: |
2 Nov 2005 | Abstract: | In the context of a cosmological study of the bulk flows in the Universe, we present a detailed study of the statistical properties of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (kSZ) effect. We first compute analytically the correlation function and the power spectrum of the projected peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters. By taking into account the spatial clustering properties of these sources, we perform a line-of-sight computation of the {em all-sky} kSZ power spectrum and find that at large angular scales ($l<10$), the local bulk flow should leave a visible signature above the Poisson-like fluctuations dominant at smaller scales, while the coupling of density and velocity fluctuations should give much smaller contribution. We conduct an analysis of the prospects of future high resolution CMB experiments (such as ACT and SPT) to detect the kSZ signal and to extract cosmological information and dark energy constraints from it. We present two complementary methods, one suitable for ``deep and narrow’’ surveys such as ACT and one suitable for ``wide and shallow’’ surveys such as SPT. Both methods can constraint the equation of state of dark energy $w$ to about 5-10% when applied to forthcoming and future surveys, and probe $w$ in complementary redshift ranges, which could shed some light on its time evolution. These determinations of $w$ do not rely on the knowledge of cluster masses, although they make minimal assumptions on cluster physics. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0511061 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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