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14 October 2024

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astro-ph/9306025 Nonlinear Instabilities in Shock-Bounded Slabs
astro-ph/9306030 Extended Inflation with a Curvature-Coupled Inflaton
astro-ph/9307001 Clustering in the 1.2 Jy IRAS Galaxy Redshift Survey I: The Redshift and Real Space Correlation Functions
astro-ph/9307002 Hybrid Inflation
astro-ph/9307003 Linear Potentials and Galactic Rotation Curves - Representative Fitting
astro-ph/9307004 Linear Potentials and Galactic Rotation Curves - Formalism
astro-ph/9307005 The Environment of Lyman a Absorbers in the Sightline toward 3C273
astro-ph/9307006 The Local Galaxy Density and the Arm Class of Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9307007 CBS - a Program for Close Binary System Light Curve Analysis
astro-ph/9307008 Neutral Hydrogen Absorption and Emission in the Quasar/Galaxy Pair 3C275.1/NGC4651
astro-ph/9307009 Hi Spin Temperatures and Heating Requirements in Outer Regions of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9307009 Hi Spin Temperatures and Heating Requirements in Outer Regions of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9307010 Sharp Hi Edges in the Outskirts of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9307011 Exteremely High Velocity Outflows
astro-ph/9307012 Geometry of the HST Planetary Camera Field
astro-ph/9307013 Solar Neutrino Experiments: New Physics?
astro-ph/9307014 Evidence for the Galactic Origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9307015 Evidence That Gamma-Ray Burst Sources Repeat
astro-ph/9307016 Classical and Quantum Theory of Perturbations in Inflationary Universe Models
astro-ph/9307017 On the inevitability of reionization: implications for cosmic microwave background fluctuations
astro-ph/9307018 Did the universe recombine? New spectral constraints on reheating
astro-ph/9307019 The radio background: radio-loud galaxies at high and low redshifts
astro-ph/9307020 The Inflationary Energy Scale
astro-ph/9307021 The Infrared Tully-Fisher Relation in the Ursa-Major Cluster
astro-ph/9307022 An imaging K-band survey - I: The catalogue, star and galaxy counts
astro-ph/9307023 Masses of Multiquark Droplets
astro-ph/9307024 Radio Transients from Gamma-Ray Bursters
astro-ph/9307025 Effect of Finite Nucleon Mass on Primordial Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9307026 NGC 6397: A case study in the resolution of post-collapse globular cluster cores
astro-ph/9307027 Constraints on Neutrino Oscillations from Big Bang Nucleosynethesis
astro-ph/9307028 Hubble Space Telescope Images of the Subarcsecond Jet in DG Tau
astro-ph/9307029 Counter-Evolution of Faint Field Galaxies
astro-ph/9307030 Sequential Star Formation in Taurus Molecular Cloud 1
astro-ph/9307031 The Quark-Hadron Phase Transition, QCD Lattice Calculations and Inhomogeneous Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9307032 Equilibrium, Stability and Orbital Evolution of Close Binary Systems
astro-ph/9307033 Gravitational Instability of Cold Matter
astro-ph/9307034 Dynamics of Conductive/Cooling Fronts: Cloud Implosion and Thermal Solitons
astro-ph/9307035 Recovering the Inflationary Potential
astro-ph/9307036 Peculiar Velocity, Cosmic Perturbation Theory and the CMB Anisotropy
astro-ph/9307037 On the Distance Determination and Ionization of the High Velocity Clouds
astro-ph/9307038 Evidence for Gaussian Initial Fluctuations from the 1.2 Jy IRAS Survey
astro-ph/9307039 The Expected Dipole in the Distribution of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9307040 Small Scale Microwave Background Fluctuations from Cosmic Strings
cond-mat/9307001 Evidence of aging in mean-field spin glass models
cond-mat/9307002 Buckling Instabilities of a Confined Colloid Crystal Layer
cond-mat/9307003 Flory theory revisited
cond-mat/9307004 Non-Gaussian Distributions in Extended Dynamical Systems
cond-mat/9307005 Bosonization of Fermi liquids
cond-mat/9307006 Flux flow dissipation in superconductors with short coherence length
cond-mat/9307007 Nonlinear Optical Response of C60 Molecules
cond-mat/9307008 Grain Boundary Buckling and Spin Glass Models of Disorder in Membranes
cond-mat/9307009 Renormalization Group Approach to Interacting Fermions
cond-mat/9307009 Renormalization Group Approach to Interacting Fermions
cond-mat/9307010 Feedback Effects in Superconductors
cond-mat/9307011 Phase diagram of the bose Hubbard model
cond-mat/9307012 Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of a Domain Wall in a Ferromagnetic Metal
cond-mat/9307013 Effective Theory of a Chiral Superfluid
cond-mat/9307014 Quantum Disordered Regime and Spin Gap in the Cuprate Superconductors
cond-mat/9307015 Eutectic point in a simple lattice gas model
cond-mat/9307016 On adiabatic turn-on and the asymptotic limit in linear response theory for open systems
cond-mat/9307017 Lattice Boltzmann Models for Complex Fluids
cond-mat/9307018 Chiral exponents of the square-lattice frustrated XY model: a Monte Carlo transfer-matrix calculation
cond-mat/9307019 Spectrum of Low-Lying Excitations in a Supersymmetric Extended Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9307020 Dissipation of the 3^He A-B Transition
cond-mat/9307021 Critical Exponents for the SC-Model in the Zero Sector
cond-mat/9307022 Rossby Waves in the Quantum Hall effect
cond-mat/9307023 Mean Field Renormalization Group for the Boundary Magnetization of Strip Clusters
cond-mat/9307024 Theory of Adsorption and Surfactant Effect of Sb on Ag (111)
cond-mat/9307025 Atomic and Molecular Impurities in $^4$He Clusters
cond-mat/9307026 Dynamics of Toom interface in three dimensions
cond-mat/9307027 On U_q(SU(2))-symmetric Driven Diffusion
cond-mat/9307028 Matrix-product-groundstates for one-dimensional spin-1 quantum antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9307029 Confirmation of the Modified Bean Model from Simulations of Superconducting Vortices
cond-mat/9307030 Growth Kinetics in Systems with Local Symmetry
cond-mat/9307031 The Shape of Bucky Onions
cond-mat/9307032 Gutzwiller wavefunction in the three-band Hubbard model: A variational Monte Carlo study
cond-mat/9307033 Ultraviolet and soft X--ray photon--photon elastic scattering in an electron gas
cond-mat/9307034 Path Integral Monte Carlo Study of a Model 2D Quantum Paraelectric
cond-mat/9307035 A Vectorized Algorithm for Molecular Dynamics of Short Range Interacting Particles
cond-mat/9307036 Comparison of Variational Approaches for the Exactly Solvable 1/r-Hubbard Chain
cond-mat/9307037 Formula for the widths of quantum-Hall-effect plateaus
cond-mat/9307038 Density of states and magnetic susceptibilities on the octagonal tiling
cond-mat/9307039 Disordered Bosons: Condensate and Excitations
cond-mat/9307040 Evolution of Magnetic Properties of Lightly Doped Copper Oxides
cond-mat/9307041 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, Cranked Harmonic Oscillator, and Classical Periodic Orbits
cond-mat/9307042 Thouless number and spin diffusion in quantum Heisenberg ferromagnets
cond-mat/9307043 Adsorption of Line Segments on a Square Lattice
cond-mat/9307044 A Gaussian Theory of Superfluid--Bose-Glass Phase Transition
cond-mat/9307045 Dynamics of Interfaces in Superconductors
cond-mat/9307046 Quantum Critical Scaling in a Moderately Doped Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9307047 What Does The Korringa Ratio Measure?
cond-mat/9307048 Finite-Wavevector Electromagnetic Response of Fractional Quantized Hall States
cond-mat/9307049 Local Density of States and Level Width for Wannier-Stark Ladders
cond-mat/9307050 Locally Disordered Lattices in Strong ac Electric Fields
cond-mat/9307051 Resonant Tunneling and the Pauli Principle
cond-mat/9307052 Extended states in 1D lattices: application to quasiperiodic copper-mean chain
cond-mat/9307053 Generalizations of the KPZ equation (minor changes to enable easy latexing)
cond-mat/9307054 Density Waves in Granular Flow: A Kinetic Wave Approach
cond-mat/9307055 Holons in Chiral Spin-Liquids: Statistics and Pairing
cond-mat/9307056 Phase Transitions and Vortex Line Entanglement in a Model High Temperature Superconductor
cond-mat/9307057 A comparison of FQHE quasi-electron trial wave functions on the disk
cond-mat/9307058 Elastic anomaly of heavy fermion systems in a crystalline field II
cond-mat/9307059 Renormalization and Hyperscaling for Self-Avoiding Manifold Models
cond-mat/9307060 Metallic Non-Fermi Liquid Phases of an Extended Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions
cond-mat/9307061 Quantum Chemistry, Anomalous Dimensions, and the Breakdown of Fermi Liquid Theory in Strongly Correlated Systems
cond-mat/9307062 Spin Dynamics in the Normal State of High T_c Superconductors
cond-mat/9307063 Decoupling in the 1D frustrated quantum XY model and Josephson junction ladders: Ising critical behavior
cond-mat/9307064 Deterministic Models for Traffic Jams
cond-mat/9307065 Chaos in short-range spin glasses
cond-mat/9307066 There are No Unfilled Shells in Hartree-Fock Theory
cond-mat/9309005 Crossover Behavior on Restricted Surface Depositions
gr-qc/9307001 Recovery of information from black hole radiation by considering stimulated emission
gr-qc/9307002 Conformal Invariance of Black Hole Temperature
gr-qc/9307003 Models of Particle Detection in Regions of Spacetime
gr-qc/9307004 A Phase Space for Gravitational Radiation
gr-qc/9307005 Twistors and the BMS Group
gr-qc/9307006 The Phase Space of 2+1 Dimensional Gravity in the Ashtekar Formulation
gr-qc/9307007 2D dilaton-gravity from 5D Einstein equations
gr-qc/9307008 Gravitational Effects on Domain Walls with Curvature Correction
gr-qc/9307009 Late-Time Behavior of Stellar Collapse and Explosions: I. Linearized Perturbations
gr-qc/9307009 Late-Time Behavior of Stellar Collapse and Explosions: I. Linearized Perturbations
gr-qc/9307010 Late-Time Behavior of Stellar Collapse and Explosions: II. Nonlinear Evolution
gr-qc/9307011 On Singularity Free Spacetimes--II : mid Geodesic Completeness
gr-qc/9307012 Singularity Free Spacetimes -- I :Metric and Fluid Models
gr-qc/9307013 Quantum-Mechanical Histories and the Uncertainty Principle. II. Fluctuations About Classical Predictability
gr-qc/9307014 Testing Cosmic Censorship with Black Hole Collisions
gr-qc/9307015 Generalized Sums over Histories for Quantum Gravity I. Smooth Conifolds
gr-qc/9307016 The origin of spacetime topology and generalizations of quantum field theory
gr-qc/9307017 Algebraic approach to quantum field theory on non-globally-hyperbolic spacetimes
gr-qc/9307018 Superspace Dynamics and Perturbations Around "Emptiness"
gr-qc/9307019 Generalized Sums over Histories for Quantum Gravity II. Simplicial Conifolds
gr-qc/9307020 Collapse of a Circular Loop of Cosmic String
gr-qc/9307021 On Singularity Free Cosmological Models
gr-qc/9307022 Energy, Temperature, and Entropy of Black Holes Dressed with Quantum Fields
gr-qc/9307023 How to Estimate Energy Lost to Gravitational Waves (revised)
gr-qc/9307024 Quantum Squeezing and Cosmological Entropy Production
gr-qc/9307025 The Geometry and Topology of 3-Manifolds and Gravity
gr-qc/9307026 Canonical variables and quasilocal energy in general relativity
gr-qc/9307027 Semiclassical Equations for Weakly Inhomogeneous Cosmologies
gr-qc/9307028 Classical Models of Subatomic Particles
gr-qc/9307029 Solution to 2+1 Gravity in DreiBein formalism
gr-qc/9307030 A Noncommutative Extension of Gravity
gr-qc/9307031 Loop Variables in Topological Gravity
gr-qc/9307032 Numerical Investigation of Cosmological Singularities
gr-qc/9307033 Dimensionally Continued Black Holes
gr-qc/9307034 Extended Gravity Theories and the Einstein-Hilbert Action
gr-qc/9307035 Entropy Bounds and Black Hole Remnants
gr-qc/9307036 Can the Gravitational Wave Background from Inflation be Detected Locally?
gr-qc/9307037 Effective Potential of a Black Hole in Thermal Equilibrium with Quantum Fields
gr-qc/9307038 Black Hole Entropy is Noether Charge
hep-lat/9307001 A Lattice Study of the Gluon Propagator in Momentum Space
hep-lat/9307002 On the absence of chiral fermions in interacting lattice theories
hep-lat/9307003 Finite-Size Scaling in the $O(N)$ $phi^4_4$ Model
hep-lat/9307004 Scaling Study of Pure Gauge Lattice QCD by Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Method
hep-lat/9307005 A Lattice Calculation of the Isgur-Wise Function
hep-lat/9307006 Chiral Determinant as an Overlap of Two Vacua
hep-lat/9307007 The Kramers equation simulation algorithm I. Operator analysis
hep-lat/9307008 The Kramers equation simulation algorithm II. An application to the Gross-Neveu model
hep-lat/9307009 Quenched Light Hadron Mass Spectrum and Decay Constants: the effects of $O(a)$-Improvement at $eta=6.2$
hep-lat/9307009 Quenched Light Hadron Mass Spectrum and Decay Constants: the effects of $O(a)$-Improvement at $eta=6.2$
hep-lat/9307010 Dirac sheets and gauge fixing in $U(1)$ lattice gauge theory
hep-lat/9307011 Fermionic Field Theory and Gauge Interactions on Random Lattices
hep-lat/9307012 Adjoint Wilson Line in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9307013 Semi-Analytical Solution of the $phi^4$ Theory on an $F_4$ Lattice
hep-lat/9307014 Two dimensional SU(N) x SU(N) chiral models on the lattice
hep-lat/9307015 Finite size scaling analysis of intermittency moments in the two dimensional Ising model
hep-lat/9307016 On Spin and Matrix Models in the Complex Plane
hep-lat/9307017 A Determination of Interface Free Energies
hep-lat/9307018 "The Ising model on spherical lattices: dimer versus Monte Carlo approach"
hep-lat/9307019 Towards an Abelian Formulation of Lattice QCD Confinement
hep-lat/9307020 Some Comments on Multigrid Methods for Computing Propagators
hep-lat/9307021 A General Limitation on Monte Carlo Algorithms of Metropolis Type
hep-lat/9307022 New Universality Classes for Two-Dimensional $sigma$-Models
hep-th/9206056 Is Purity Eternal?
hep-th/9306063 A Matrix Model Black Hole
hep-th/9306111 Antibrackets and Supersymmetric Mechanics
hep-th/9306112 Integrable extensions of the rational and trigonometric $A_N$ Calogero Moser potentials
hep-th/9306113 The St"uckelberg formalism is a field-enlarging transformation
hep-th/9306130 Moduli Space of Topological 2-form Gravity
hep-th/9306143 Graph IRF Models and Fusion Rings
hep-th/9306151 Gauging of T-Duality Invariant Worldsheet String Actions
hep-th/9306157 Elliptic Genera and the Landau-Ginzburg Approach to N=2 Orbifolds
hep-th/9306162 Fusion rules in conformal field theory
hep-th/9306164 Affine Algebras, $N{=}2$ Superconformal Algebras, and Gauged WZNW Models
hep-th/9307001 String-Based Methods in Perturbative Gravity
hep-th/9307002 Review of free-fermionic 4d string models
hep-th/9307003 Massive Vector Chern-Simons Gravity
hep-th/9307004 Self-Dual Spin-3 And 4 Theories
hep-th/9307005 A Note on Effective String Theory
hep-th/9307006 Bosonization of $QED_3$ with an induced Chern - Simons term
hep-th/9307007 Quantum Affine Algebras and Universal $R$-Matrix with Spectral Parameter
hep-th/9307008 Quantum affine algebras and universal R-matrix with spectral parameter, II
hep-th/9307009 Flat structure for the simple elliptic singularity of type $widetilde {f E_6}$ and Jacobi form
hep-th/9307009 Flat structure for the simple elliptic singularity of type $widetilde {f E_6}$ and Jacobi form
hep-th/9307011 Quantum mechanics and quantum Hall effect on Riemann surfaces
hep-th/9307012 Some Elements of Connes’ Non-Commutative Geometry, And Space-Time Geometry
hep-th/9307013 Potentials for (p,0) and (1,1) supersymmetric sigma models with torsion
hep-th/9307014 Covariant Pauli-Villars Regularization of Quantum Gravity at the One Loop Order
hep-th/9307015 Deformation Theory of Holomorphic Vector Bundles, Extended Conformal Symmetry and Extensions of 2D Gravity
hep-th/9307016 String Equations for the Unitary Matrix Model and the Periodic Flag Manifold
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