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09 February 2025
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2025, 1997
12, 8.1997
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astro-ph/9512142 Implications of the Background Radiation for Cosmic Structure Formation
astro-ph/9708001 A High Deuterium Abundance at z=0.7
astro-ph/9708002 Simple Photoelectric Absorption during Dipping in the ASCA Observation of XB1916-053
astro-ph/9708003 An improved technique of image analysis for IACTs and IACT Systems
astro-ph/9708004 Magnetic Fields from Phase Transitions
astro-ph/9708005 Spiral structure in the accretion disc of the binary IP Pegasi
astro-ph/9708006 The HIPPARCOS Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of S stars: Probing nucleosynthesis and dredge-up
astro-ph/9708007 Implications of a constant observed braking index for young pulsar’s spindown
astro-ph/9708008 Experimental Search for Solar Axions via Coherent Primakoff Conversion in a Germanium Spectrometer
astro-ph/9708009 Tidal Tales Two: The Effect of Dark Matter Halos on Tidal Tail Morphology and Kinematics
astro-ph/9708009 Tidal Tales Two: The Effect of Dark Matter Halos on Tidal Tail Morphology and Kinematics
astro-ph/9708011 AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/9708012 A New Look At Carbon Abundances In Planetary Nebulae. III. DDDM1, IC 3568, IC4593, NGC 6210, NGC 6720, NGC 6826, & NGC 7009
astro-ph/9708013 Discovery of Interstellar Hydrogen Fluoride
astro-ph/9708014 Implications of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies for Large Scale Variations in Hubble’s Constant
astro-ph/9708015 Skewness in the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy from Inflationary Gravity Wave Background
astro-ph/9708016 Non-Nucleosynthetic Constraints on the Baryon Density and Other Cosmological Parameters
astro-ph/9708017 The MACHO Project: Microlensing and Variable Stars
astro-ph/9708018 Recovery of the Power Spectrum of Mass Fluctuations from Observations of the Lyman-alpha Forest
astro-ph/9708019 A Vorticity-Magnetic Field Dynamo Instability
astro-ph/9708020 Measuring the galaxy power spectrum with future redshift surveys
astro-ph/9708021 Analyzing redshift surveys to measure the power spectrum on large scales
astro-ph/9708022 E 0336-248 : A New BL Lac Object Found by an Old Einstein
astro-ph/9708023 Oxygen-rich Mira variables: near-infrared luminosity calibrations. Populations and period-luminosity relations
astro-ph/9708024 The Persistence of Warps in Spiral Galaxies with Massive Halos
astro-ph/9708025 HST Imaging of the Globular Clusters in the Fornax Cluster: NGC 1399 and NGC 1404
astro-ph/9708026 Violent Relaxation, Phase Mixing, and Gravitational Landau Damping
astro-ph/9708027 Nuclear stellar discs in early-type galaxies -- I. HST and WHT observations
astro-ph/9708028 Dynamical stability and evolution of the discs of Sc galaxies
astro-ph/9708029 NGC 488: Has its massive bulge been build up by minor mergers?
astro-ph/9708030 On the dependence of the iron K-line profiles with luminosity in Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9708031 Eulerian bias and the galaxy density field
astro-ph/9708032 The Mass Distribution of Stellar Black Holes
astro-ph/9708033 Neutrino Annihilation in Stellar Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9708034 Evidence for Absorption due to Highly-Ionized Gas in the Radio-quiet Quasar PG 1114+445
astro-ph/9708035 Decelerating Plasmoid Model for Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
astro-ph/9708036 A New Method for Determining Cumulative Gravitational Lensing Effects in Inhomogeneous Universes
astro-ph/9708037 The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters
astro-ph/9708038 The Asymmetric Wind in M82
astro-ph/9708039 The MACHO Project LMC Variable Star Inventory: The Discovery of RV Tauri stars and New Type II Cepheids in the LMC
astro-ph/9708040 Particle acceleration at shocks in relativistic jets
astro-ph/9708041 Anomalous transport of cosmic ray electrons
astro-ph/9708042 Cometary Knots and High Energy Photons And Neutrinos From Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9708043 Anatomy of a Merger: A Numerical Model of A754
astro-ph/9708044 On the nature of the compact X-ray source inside RCW 103
astro-ph/9708045 The Problem of Vacuum Energy and Cosmology (A lecture presented at the 4th Colloque Cosmologie, Paris, June, 1997; to be published in the Proceedings)
astro-ph/9708046 ASCA Observations of Seyfert 1 galaxies: III. The Evidence for Absorption & Emission due to Photoionized Gas
astro-ph/9708047 Evolution of peaks in weakly nonlinear density field and dark halo profiles
astro-ph/9708048 X-ray Observations of Distant Optically Selected Cluster
astro-ph/9708049 X-ray Spectral Survey of WGACAT Quasars, I: Spectral Evolution & Low Energy Cut-offs
astro-ph/9708050 X-ray Spectral Survey of WGACAT Quasars, II: Optical and Radio Properties of Quasars with Low Energy X-ray Cut-offs
astro-ph/9708051 Molecular absorption lines at high redshift: PKS1413+135 (z=0.247)
astro-ph/9708052 Barium and Tc-poor S stars: Binary masqueraders among carbon stars
astro-ph/9708053 RX J0719.2+6557: A new eclipsing polar
astro-ph/9708054 A Differential Volume-Redshift Test
astro-ph/9708055 Stellar models for very low mass main sequence stars: the role of model atmospheres
astro-ph/9708056 Dust and Recent Star Formation in the Core of NGC5253
astro-ph/9708057 Cosmic Strings in an Open Universe: Quantitative Evolution and Observational Consequences
astro-ph/9708058 Morphological Evolution of Galaxies
astro-ph/9708059 Gravitational Magnification of the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/9708060 Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Black Hole MACHO Binaries
astro-ph/9708061 Hipparcos absolute magnitudes for metal rich K giants and the calibration of DDO photometry
astro-ph/9708062 A direct image of the obscuring disk surrounding an active galactic nucleus
astro-ph/9708063 What causes the Ly-alpha forest, clouds or large-scale velocity fields ?
astro-ph/9708064 How accurately can the deuterium abundance be determined ?
astro-ph/9708065 Are Q-stars a serious threat for stellar-mass black hole candidates?
astro-ph/9708066 A Parallel P^3M Code for Very Large Scale Cosmological Simulations
astro-ph/9708067 The bias field of dark matter haloes
astro-ph/9708068 On the Nature of the EGRET Source at the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9708069 Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State
astro-ph/9708070 The Evolution of X-ray Clusters in Low Density Universes
astro-ph/9708071 The Pulsar Kick Velocity Distribution
astro-ph/9708072 The Demography of Massive Dark Objects in Galaxy Centres
astro-ph/9708073 X-ray spectrum of the high polarization quasar PKS 1510-089
astro-ph/9708074 A ~ 14 Days Star with Two Phase-Locked Modes of Pulsation in the Eros Database
astro-ph/9708075 HDF: Introduction and Motivation
astro-ph/9708076 The size of the accretion region in intermediate polars: eclipses of XY Arietis observed with RXTE
astro-ph/9708077 An outburst of the magnetic cataclysmic variable XY Arietis observed with RXTE
astro-ph/9708078 Distorsion of the CMBR spectrum: a tentative explanation
astro-ph/9708079 15 GHz Monitoring of the Gravitational Lens MG 0414+0534
astro-ph/9708080 Galactocentric Distance With the OGLE and Hipparcos Red Clump Stars
astro-ph/9708081 No stellar age gradient inside supergiant shell LMC 4
astro-ph/9708082 A depression before a bump in the highest energy cosmic ray spectrum
astro-ph/9708083 Measuring the Topology of the Universe
astro-ph/9708084 A Principal Component Analysis of the 3B Gamma-Ray Burst Data
astro-ph/9708085 K-band polarimetry of seven high-redshift radio galaxies
astro-ph/9708086 On the Minimum Metallicity and Mass of the Population II Stars
astro-ph/9708087 ROSAT and ASCA observations of the Crab-Like Supernova Remnant N157B in the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/9708088 Cosmological Implications of Number Counts of Clusters of Galaxies: logN-logS in X-Ray and Submm Bands
astro-ph/9708089 Hydrodynamical Accretion Onto Sgr A* From Distributed Point Sources
astro-ph/9708090 The Observability of Metal Lines Associated with the Lyman-alpha Forest
astro-ph/9708091 Dynamics, Structure, and Emission of Electron-Positron Jets
astro-ph/9708092 Are strange stars distinguishable from neutron stars by their cooling behaviour?
astro-ph/9708093 Dynamos with different formulations of a dynamic alpha-effect
astro-ph/9708094 Robustness of truncated alpha-Omega dynamos with a dynamic alpha
astro-ph/9708095 The Collapse of Neutron Stars in High-Mass Binaries as the Energy Source for the Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9708096 Bimodality and Gaps on Globular Cluster Horizontal Branches. II. The Cases of NGC 6229, NGC 1851 and NGC 2808
astro-ph/9708097 A Near Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of LINER Galaxies
astro-ph/9708098 Chromatic and spectroscopic signatures of microlensing events as a tool for the gravitational imaging of stars
astro-ph/9708099 Proton-Capture Nucleosynthesis in Globular Cluster Red Giant Stars
astro-ph/9708099 Proton-Capture Nucleosynthesis in Globular Cluster Red Giant Stars
astro-ph/9708101 Soft X-rays from polar caps of the millisecond pulsar J0437--4715
astro-ph/9708102 Linear Redshift Distortions: A Review
astro-ph/9708103 Adaptive Optics Spectroscopy: Preliminary Theoretical Results
astro-ph/9708104 Spectroscopy of PKS 0528-260: New Limits on CO Absorption and Emission
astro-ph/9708105 Fast Variations of Gamma-Ray Emission in Blazars
astro-ph/9708106 Comparison of H II region luminosities with observed stellar ionizing sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/9708107 Bifurcation, efficiency, and the role of injection in shock acceleration with the Bohm diffusion
astro-ph/9708108 Crisis-induced intermittency in truncated mean field dynamos
astro-ph/9708109 On the Cosmic Rotation Axis
astro-ph/9708110 Gravitational lensing and the angular-diameter distance relation
astro-ph/9708111 Properties of Point Mass Lenses On A Regular Polygon and The Problem of Maximum Number of Images
astro-ph/9708112 Evidence for Relativistic Outflows in Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
astro-ph/9708113 A unified model for the spectral variability in GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9708114 An Update on Cosmological Anisotropy in Electromagnetic Propagation
astro-ph/9708115 On the Dynamical and Physical State of the `Diffuse Ionized Medium’ in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9708116 Statistics of AGN in Rich Clusters Revisited
astro-ph/9708117 The Discovery of Primeval Galaxies and the Epoch of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9708118 Minimum Entropy Production of Neutrino Radiation in the Steady State
astro-ph/9708119 Constraining ${Omega_{0}}$ from X-ray properties of Clusters of Galaxies at high redshift
astro-ph/9708120 Gravitational lensing of type Ia supernovae by galaxy clusters
astro-ph/9708121 Light-cone effect on higher-order clustering in redshift surveys
astro-ph/9708122 The influence of Galactic wind upon the star formation histories of Local Group galaxies
astro-ph/9708123 A new scenario of galaxy evolution under a universal IMF
astro-ph/9708124 Relativistically smeared X-ray reprocessed components in the GINGA spectra of GS 2023+338
astro-ph/9708125 A Large Structure of Galaxies At Redshift z~3 and its Cosmological Implications
astro-ph/9708126 Relativistic Jets in Radio-Weak Quasars and LINER Galaxies
astro-ph/9708127 AXJ1749+684: a narrow emission-line galaxy with a flat X-ray spectrum
astro-ph/9708128 A built-in scale in the initial spectrum of density perturbations: evidence from cluster and CMB data
astro-ph/9708129 Light Propagation in Inhomogeneous Universes I: Methodology and Preliminary Results
astro-ph/9708130 New Constraints on Simultaneous Optical Emission From GRBs Measured by the LOTIS Experiment
astro-ph/9708131 The Galactic Shock Pump: A Source of Supersonic Internal Motions in the Cool Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/9708132 The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies: I. Spectroscopic Survey and Results
astro-ph/9708133 X-ray absorption in the strong FeII narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 507
astro-ph/9708134 Constraints on the Existence of Strange Quark Stars
astro-ph/9708135 A Deep Sub-millimeter Survey of Lensing Clusters: A New Window on Galaxy Formation and Evolution
astro-ph/9708136 The Cluster Distribution as a Test of Dark Matter Models. IV: Topology and Geometry
astro-ph/9708137 First Results from ISOCAM Images of Circumnuclear Starbursts in Barred Galaxies
astro-ph/9708138 A Deep Multicolor Survey. III. Additional Spectroscopy and Implications for the Number Counts of Faint Quasars
astro-ph/9708139 The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies: II. X-ray and Optical Comparisons
astro-ph/9708140 The Complex Core of Abell 2199: The X-ray and Radio Interaction
astro-ph/9708141 IRAS versus POTENT Density Fields on Large Scales: Biasing and Omega
astro-ph/9708142 Instability of toroidal magnetic field in jets and plerions
astro-ph/9708143 A new measure for cosmic shear
astro-ph/9708144 Investigation of the Pleiades cluster. IV. The radial structure
astro-ph/9708145 The Southern SHARC Survey: the z = 0.3 - 0.7 Cluster XLF
astro-ph/9708146 Pathlength distribution of atmospheric neutrinos
astro-ph/9708147 Radiation induced warping of protostellar accretion disks
astro-ph/9708148 Does Turbulent Pressure Behave as a Logatrope?
astro-ph/9708149 Black Hole Event Horizons and X-ray Nova Luminosities: Update
astro-ph/9708150 The Cluster of Galaxies Surrounding Cygnus A
astro-ph/9708151 The Interstellar Environment of Filled-Center Supernova Remnants: II. G63.7+1.1
astro-ph/9708152 Ring-Like Structure in the Radio Lobe of MG0248+0641
astro-ph/9708153 The Norris Survey of the Corona Borealis Supercluster: III. Structure and Mass of the Supercluster
astro-ph/9708154 Beyond Zel’dovich-Type Approximations in Gravitational Instability Theory --- Padé Prescription in Spheroidal Collapse ---
astro-ph/9708155 Gravitational Microlensing with the Space Interferometry Mission
astro-ph/9708156 GRANAT/WATCH catalogue of cosmic gamma-ray bursts: December 1989 to September 1994
astro-ph/9708157 HST Observations of Black Hole X-Ray Transients
astro-ph/9708158 The 1996 Outburst of GRO J1655-40
astro-ph/9708159 Microlensing of $gamma$-Ray Burst Afterglows
astro-ph/9708160 Cometary Knots and Broad Emission Lines, Gamma Rays And Neutrinos From AGN
astro-ph/9708161 The Optical Properties of Gravitational Lens Galaxies as a Probe of Galaxy Structure and Evolution
astro-ph/9708162 Constraints on the Extragalactic Infrared Background from Gamma Ray Observations of Mrk 501
astro-ph/9708163 The Case For Substantial Dust Extinction At z ~ 3
astro-ph/9708164 Helium Mixing in Globular Cluster Stars
astro-ph/9708165 Low Surface Brightness Radio Structure in the Field of Gravitational Lens 0957+561
astro-ph/9708166 Optical-IR Spectral Energy Distributions of z>2 Galaxies
astro-ph/9708167 The variable X/gamma-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7172
astro-ph/9708168 In-flight performances of the BeppoSAX Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor
astro-ph/9708169 The X-ray luminosity of rotation-powered neutron stars
astro-ph/9708170 Weighing a galaxy bar in the lens Q2237+0305
astro-ph/9708171 The variable radio emission from GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9708172 Using Astrometry to Deblend Microlensing Events
astro-ph/9708173 Analytical relations concerning the collapse time in hierarchically clustered cosmological models
astro-ph/9708174 On the Production of Bright RR Lyrae Variables in Metal-Rich Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9708175 Redshifted molecular absorption systems towards PKS1830-211 and B0218+357: submillimeter CO, CI and H2O data
astro-ph/9708176 The Cores of Dark Matter Dominated Galaxies: theory vs. observations
astro-ph/9708177 The fading of young stellar populations and the luminosity functions of dwarf, irregular and starburst galaxies
astro-ph/9708178 Further constraints on white dwarf galactic halos
astro-ph/9708179 Powering Anomalous X-ray Pulsars by Neutron Star Cooling
astro-ph/9708180 Detection of the 2175 angstrom dust feature in Mg II absorption systems
astro-ph/9708181 Neutrino synchrotron emission from dense magnetized electron gas of neutron stars
astro-ph/9708182 Absorption of High Energy Gamma Rays by Interactions with Extragalactic Starlight Photons at High Redshifts
astro-ph/9708183 Gamma-ray bursts from stellar remnants: probing the Universe at high redshift
astro-ph/9708184 Hot subdwarf stars - galactic orbits and distribution perpendicular to the plane
astro-ph/9708185 On the Origin of the UV Upturn in Elliptical Galaxies. II. Test of the HB Hypothesis
astro-ph/9708186 Molecular Lines as Diagnostics of High Redshift Objects
astro-ph/9708187 The galaxy luminosity function in clusters and the field
astro-ph/9708188 CV and LMXB Population Synthesis
astro-ph/9708189 The dwarf galaxy population of the Coma cluster to M_R=-11
astro-ph/9708190 First detection of a gravitational microlensing candidate towards the Small Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/9708191 Galaxies in N-body simulations: overcoming the overmerging problem
astro-ph/9708192 The Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein Effect as a Probe of the Solar Interior
astro-ph/9708193 On the Dramatic Spin-up/Spin-down Torque Reversals in Accreting Pulsars
astro-ph/9708194 The Presence of Accretion Disks in Novae Shortly After their Outbursts
astro-ph/9708195 Nova V1425 Aquilae 1995 - The Early Appearance of Accretion Processes in An Intermediate Polar Candidate
astro-ph/9708196 Gravitational lensing on the Cosmic Microwave Background by gravity waves
astro-ph/9708197 On the Dust Extinction in High-z Galaxies and the Case of Extremely Red Objects
astro-ph/9708198 Formation of Li I lines in photospheric granulation
astro-ph/9708199 Optical and X-ray properties of the RIXOS AGN: II - Emission lines
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