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03 January 2025 |
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Measurement processes in quantum physics: a new theory of measurements in terms of statistical ensembles | W. A. Hofer
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3 Apr 1997 | Subject: | quant-ph | Affiliation: | TU Wien | Abstract: | Considering the recently established arbitrariness the Schroedinger equation has to be interpreted as an equation of motion for a statistical ensemble of particles. The statistical qualities of individual particles derive from the unknown intrinsic energy components, they depend on the physical environment by way of external potentials. Due to these statistical qualities and wave function normalization, non-locality is inherent to the fundamental relations of Planck, de Broglie and Schroedinger. A local formulation of these statements is introduced and briefly assessed, the modified and local Schroedinger equation is non-linear. Quantum measurements are analyzed in detail, the exact interplay between causal and statistical reasons in a measurement process can be accounted for. Examples of individual measurement effects in quantum theory are given, the treatment of diffraction experiments, neutron interferences, quantum erasers, the quantum Zeno effect, and interaction-free measurements can be described consistent with the suggested framework. The paper additionally provides a strictly local and deterministic calculation of interactions in a magnetic field. The results suggest that quantum theory is a statistical formalism which derives its validity in measurements from considering every possible measurement of a given system. It can equally be established, that the framework of quantum physics is theoretically incomplete, because a justification of ensemble qualities is not provided. | Source: | arXiv, quant-ph/9704006 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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