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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2004
12, 12.2004
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astro-ph/0412001 The Evolution and Structure of Early-type Field Galaxies: A Combined Statistical Analysis of Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/0412005 Estimating Photometric Redshifts Using Support Vector Machines
astro-ph/0412006 X-ray and Radio Monitoring of GX 339-4 and Cyg X-1
astro-ph/0412007 Light Scalars and the Generation of Density Perturbations During Preheating or Inflaton Decay
astro-ph/0412008 Inclusion of Binaries in Evolutionary Population Synthesis
astro-ph/0412009 Magnetized Turbulence
astro-ph/0412009 Magnetized Turbulence
astro-ph/0412011 Gamma-Ray Bursts: Polarization of Afterglows from Two-Component Jets
astro-ph/0412012 GRB 040403: a faint X-ray rich Gamma-ray Burst discovered by INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0412013 Galaxy transmutations: The double ringed galaxy ESO 474-G26
astro-ph/0412014 Finding Faint Intermediate-mass Black Holes in the Radio Band
astro-ph/0412015 Spallation dominated propagation of Heavy Cosmic Rays and the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM)
astro-ph/0412016 Metallicities on the Double Main Sequence of omega Centauri Imply Large Helium Enhancement
astro-ph/0412017 The Seyfert-LINER Galaxy NGC 7213: An XMM-Newton Observation
astro-ph/0412018 The Galaxy Dark Matter Connection
astro-ph/0412019 Probing the nature of Possible Open Cluster Remnants with the Southern Proper Motion Program
astro-ph/0412020 The density of very massive evolved galaxies to z~1.7
astro-ph/0412021 XMM-Newton X-ray spectroscopy of the high-mass X-ray binary 4U1700-37 at low flux
astro-ph/0412022 Initial power spectrum shape
astro-ph/0412023 SED models of AGN
astro-ph/0412024 Binary Merger Progenitors for Gamma-Ray Bursts and Hypernovae
astro-ph/0412025 Lagrangian perturbation theory in Newtonian cosmology
astro-ph/0412026 On the X-ray emission of z~2 radio galaxies: IC scattering of the CMB & no evidence for fully-formed potential wells
astro-ph/0412027 Two-dimensional structure of thin transonic discs: theory and observational manifestations
astro-ph/0412028 The Use of Transit Timing to Detect Extrasolar Planets with Masses as Small as Earth
astro-ph/0412029 Supernovae and Their Massive Star Progenitors
astro-ph/0412030 Stellar encounters as the origin of distant solar system objects in highly eccentric orbits
astro-ph/0412031 Millimeter Wavelength Brightness Fluctuations of the Atmosphere Above the South Pole
astro-ph/0412032 On detecting terrestrial planets with timing of giant planet transits
astro-ph/0412033 8--13 um spectroscopy of YSOs: Evolution of the silicate feature
astro-ph/0412034 Measuring Supermassive Black Holes in Distant Galaxies with Central Lensed Images
astro-ph/0412035 High-Resolution Measurements of the Halos of Four Dark Matter-Dominated Galaxies: Deviations from a Universal Density Profile
astro-ph/0412036 An S-shaped outflow from IRAS 03256+3055 in NGC 1333
astro-ph/0412037 Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation for Detection of Extended Sources with an Interferometer
astro-ph/0412038 RXJ0152.7-1357: Stellar populations in an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.83
astro-ph/0412039 Chandra X-Ray Imaging of the Interacting Starburst Galaxy System NGC 7714/5: Tidal ULXs, Emergent Wind, and Resolved HII Regions
astro-ph/0412040 The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST. V. New WFPC2 Photometry
astro-ph/0412041 The mass-metallicity relation at z~0.7
astro-ph/0412042 Forbidden Line Emission in the Eccentric Spectroscopic Binaries DQ Tauri and UZ Tauri E Monitored over an Orbital Period
astro-ph/0412043 A Single Intrinsic Luminosity Function for Both Type-I and Type-II Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0412044 The B-Band Luminosity Function of Red and Blue Galaxies up to z=3.5
astro-ph/0412045 Pupil Mapping in 2-D for High-Contrast Imaging
astro-ph/0412046 Adaptive Filters Revisited - RFI Mitigation in pulsar observations
astro-ph/0412047 Development of an advanced Compton camera with gaseous TPC and scintillator
astro-ph/0412048 QSSC re-examined for the newly discovered SNe Ia
astro-ph/0412049 Where are the stars?
astro-ph/0412050 The Rest-frame Optical Spectra of SCUBA Galaxies
astro-ph/0412051 Evidence for extended, obscured starbursts in submm galaxies
astro-ph/0412052 Structure formation constraints on the Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory
astro-ph/0412053 High-mass star formation in the Southern Hemisphere sky
astro-ph/0412054 The Nature of Dark Energy from deep Cluster Abundance
astro-ph/0412055 A Study of Edge-On Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. I. Initial Results
astro-ph/0412056 VLBA imaging of a periodic 12.2 GHz methanol maser flare in G9.62+0.20E
astro-ph/0412057 AGNs and microquasars as high energy gamma-ray sources
astro-ph/0412058 Helium line formation and abundance in a solar active region
astro-ph/0412059 Dark Matter on Galactic Scales (or the Lack Thereof)
astro-ph/0412060 The constraints on power spectrum of relic gravitational waves from current observations of large-scale structure of the Universe
astro-ph/0412061 Sensitivity of the EDELWEISS WIMP search to spin-dependent interactions
astro-ph/0412062 Particle-In-Cell simulations of circularly polarised Alfvén wave phase mixing: a new mechanism for electron acceleration in collisionless plasmas
astro-ph/0412063 Bending Instability of Stellar Disks: The Stabilizing Effect of a Compact Bulge
astro-ph/0412064 The Evolution of [OII] Emission from Cluster Galaxies
astro-ph/0412065 ’Sculptor’-ing the Galaxy? The Chemical Compositions of Red Giants in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0412066 Indication for Primordial Anisotropies in the Neutrino Background from WMAP and SDSS
astro-ph/0412067 Abundances as Tracers of the Formation and Evolution of (Dwarf) Galaxies
astro-ph/0412068 The Helium-Rich Cataclysmic Variable ES Ceti
astro-ph/0412069 The Fundamental Building Blocks of Galaxies
astro-ph/0412070 A Catalog of Northern Stars With Annual Proper Motions Larger Than 0.15 Seconds of Arc (LSPM catalog - North)
astro-ph/0412071 Nonlinear behavior of a non-helical dynamo
astro-ph/0412072 Structure and evolution of low-mass W UMa type systems -- II. with angular momentum loss
astro-ph/0412073 Collisions among Clouds inside Dusty Torus in Active Galactic Nuclei: Observational Consequences
astro-ph/0412074 The Connection Between Jets, Accretion Disks, and Black Hole Mass in Blazars
astro-ph/0412075 Narrow Iron K$alpha$ Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei: Evolving Populations?
astro-ph/0412076 Discovery of a Large-scale Wall in the Direction of Abell 22
astro-ph/0412077 Dynamical Evolution and Galaxy Populations in the Cluster ABCG 209 at z=0.2
astro-ph/0412078 Dusty plasmas on galactic scales
astro-ph/0412079 Discovering Interacting Binaries with Halpha Surveys
astro-ph/0412080 LOFAR as a Probe of the Sources of Cosmological Reionisation
astro-ph/0412081 Extracting stellar parameters from observed spectra: the role of cross-correlation and minimum distance methods
astro-ph/0412082 Exploiting the neutronization burst of a galactic supernova
astro-ph/0412083 The Transformation of Cluster Galaxies at Intermeidate Redshift
astro-ph/0412084 A robust sample of submillimetre galaxies: constraints on the prevalence of dusty, high-redshift starbursts
astro-ph/0412085 Coronal Seismology and the Propagation of Acoustic Waves Along Coronal Loops
astro-ph/0412086 Binary formation within globular clusters : X-ray clues
astro-ph/0412087 New Physics In Clusters of Galaxy: A New Dark Matter Component ?
astro-ph/0412088 GMOS Integral Field Spectroscopy of a Merging System with Enhanced Balmer Absorption
astro-ph/0412089 Where Does The Dark Matter Begin?
astro-ph/0412090 Light and Motion in the Local Volume
astro-ph/0412091 Nuclear Input for Core-collapse Models
astro-ph/0412092 No cold dust within the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0412093 Confirmation of Errors in Hipparcos Parallaxes from HST/FGS Astrometry of the Pleiades
astro-ph/0412094 A tensor formalism for transfer and Compton scattering of polarized light
astro-ph/0412095 Kinetic theory of polarization in the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
astro-ph/0412096 How do Uncertainties in the Surface Chemical Abundances of the Sun Affect the Predicted Solar Neutrino Fluxes?
astro-ph/0412097 Stars in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
astro-ph/0412098 UVES observations of the Canis Major overdensity
astro-ph/0412099 Recombination Line vs. Forbidden Line Abundances in Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0412099 Recombination Line vs. Forbidden Line Abundances in Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0412101 Black Hole Paradoxes
astro-ph/0412102 The Ages of Elliptical Galaxies from Mid-Infrared Emission
astro-ph/0412103 Direct and Indirect Searches for Dark Matter in the Form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs)
astro-ph/0412104 Stellar Evolution with Enriched Surface Convection Zones I. General Effects of Planet Consumption
astro-ph/0412105 Early optical afterglow lightcurves of neutron-fed Gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0412106 Pulse Profile Change Possibly Associated with a Glitch in an Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61
astro-ph/0412107 The Shapes of Atomic Lines from the Surfaces of Weakly Magnetic Rotating Neutron Stars and Their Implications
astro-ph/0412108 On gravito-magnetic time delay by extended lenses
astro-ph/0412109 Photodisintegration of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays revisited
astro-ph/0412110 Metal-poor Field Blue Stragglers: More Evidence for Mass Transfer
astro-ph/0412111 A Survey of Proper Motion Stars. XVII. A Deficiency of Binary Stars on Retrograde Galactic Orbits and the Possibility that omega Centauri is Related to the Effect
astro-ph/0412112 Simulations of Dust in Interacting Galaxies
astro-ph/0412113 Patchy He II reionization and the physical state of the IGM
astro-ph/0412114 IMF variations and their implications for Supernovae numbers
astro-ph/0412115 Optical spectroscopy of (candidate) ultra-compact X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0412116 Discovery of a bright X-ray transient in the Galactic Center with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0412117 Dust coagulation in protoplanetary disks: a rapid depletion of small grains
astro-ph/0412118 ADAS analysis of the differential emission measure structure of the inner solar corona. II. A study of the `quiet Sun’ inhomogeneities from SOHO CDS-NIS spectra
astro-ph/0412119 The starburst phenomenon from the optical/near-IR perspective
astro-ph/0412120 Weak lensing in scalar-tensor theories of gravity
astro-ph/0412121 Disk galaxy evolution up to redshift z=1
astro-ph/0412122 Beyond the sphericity assumption in dynamical HI models
astro-ph/0412123 Dynamical models linking BH masses and DM content
astro-ph/0412124 The Galaxy Luminosity Function from M_R = -25 to M_R = -9
astro-ph/0412125 Star formation in RCW 108: triggered or spontaneous?
astro-ph/0412126 Transmission of light in deep sea water at the site of the Antares neutrino telescope
astro-ph/0412127 Southern Infrared Proper Motion Survey I: Discovery of New High Proper Motion Stars From First Full Hemisphere Scan
astro-ph/0412128 Accelerator Measurements of the Askaryan effect in Rock Salt: A Roadmap Toward Teraton Underground Neutrino Detectors
astro-ph/0412129 Gamma-Ray Bursts and Afterglow Polarisation
astro-ph/0412130 The properties of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies and their possible origin
astro-ph/0412131 Faint radio-loud quasars: clues to their evolution
astro-ph/0412132 alpha-, r-, and s-process element trends in the Galactic thin and thick disks
astro-ph/0412133 Searching for the Missing Baryons in the Warm-hot Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0412134 Upper limits on the size of a primordial black hole
astro-ph/0412135 Growth of primordial black holes in a universe containing a massless scalar field
astro-ph/0412136 Wavelet analysis of millisecond variability of Cygnus X-1 during its failed state transition
astro-ph/0412137 Three Additional Quiescent Low-Mass X-ray Binary Candidates in 47 Tucanae
astro-ph/0412138 Image-Processing Techniques for the Creation of Presentation-Quality Astronomical Images
astro-ph/0412139 The galaxy-dark matter bias in the Garching-Bonn Deep Survey
astro-ph/0412140 Sgr A* in context: daily flares as a probe of the fundamental X-ray emission process in accreting black holes
astro-ph/0412141 Exploring the Jet/Accretion Flow Relationship in Low Disk Luminosity Sources
astro-ph/0412142 Calibrating the Nonlinear Matter Power Spectrum: Requirements for Future Weak Lensing Surveys
astro-ph/0412143 Adaptive Optics Imaging of the AU Microscopii Circumstellar Disk: Evidence for Dynamical Evolution
astro-ph/0412144 The Neutrino Bubble Instability: A Mechanism for Generating Pulsar Kicks
astro-ph/0412145 An Off-Axis Model for GRB 031203
astro-ph/0412146 Extended emission associated with young HII regions
astro-ph/0412147 A Robust Measure of Tidal Circularization in Coeval Binary Populations: The solar-type spectroscopic Binary Population in The Open Cluster M35
astro-ph/0412148 350 micron Galactic Center Dust Observations with SHARC II
astro-ph/0412149 Short-term optical variability of high-redshift QSO’s
astro-ph/0412150 A Revised Geometry for the Magnetic Wind of theta^1 Orionis C
astro-ph/0412151 PSR J1022+1001: Profile Stability & Precision Timing
astro-ph/0412152 Geodetic Precession in PSR J1141-6545
astro-ph/0412153 Pulsars and Gravitational Wave Detection
astro-ph/0412154 Torque bistability in the interaction between a neutron star magnetosphere and a thin accretion disc
astro-ph/0412155 Thermonuclear supernova models, and observations of Type Ia supernovae
astro-ph/0412156 Tip of the Red Giant Branch distances to galaxies with composite stellar populations
astro-ph/0412157 Fe VII lines in the spectrum of RR Telescopii
astro-ph/0412158 Search for massive protostellar candidates in the southern hemisphere: I. Association with dense gas
astro-ph/0412159 On the pulse-width statistics in radio pulsars
astro-ph/0412160 On the Binarity of Carbon-Enhanced, Metal-Poor Stars
astro-ph/0412161 The Ultimate Halo Mass in a LCDM Universe
astro-ph/0412162 Fueling and morphology of central starbursts
astro-ph/0412163 Modeling Dynamics in the Central Regions of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/0412164 Time Domain Explorations With Digital Sky Surveys
astro-ph/0412165 The prospects for finding brown dwarfs in eclipsing binary systems and measuring brown dwarf properties
astro-ph/0412166 Chandra Observations of WZ Sge in Superoutburst
astro-ph/0412167 The stellar mass function of galaxies to z ~ 5 in the Fors Deep and GOODS-S fields
astro-ph/0412168 STIS ultraviolet/optical spectroscopy of `warm’ ultraluminous infrared galaxies
astro-ph/0412169 Formation and Evolution of the Self-Interacting Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/0412170 Dark Matter Candidates
astro-ph/0412171 On the Relationship between the Continuum Enhancement and Hard X-ray Emission in a White-Light Flare
astro-ph/0412172 Correlations among Multi-Wavelength Luminosities of Star-Forming Galaxies
astro-ph/0412173 Safety in numbers: Gravitational Lensing Degradation of the Luminosity Distance-Redshift Relation
astro-ph/0412174 Optical polarization from aligned atoms as a new diagnostic of Astrophysical magnetic fields
astro-ph/0412175 A Circular Planetary Nebula around the OH/IR Star OH 354.88-0.54 (V1018 Sco)
astro-ph/0412176 Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae: Observational Challenges & Future Prospects
astro-ph/0412177 Proposed nomenclature for Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0412178 Age and Metallicity Estimation of Globular Clusters from Stromgren Photometry
astro-ph/0412179 Exoplanets imaging with a Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization Coronagraph - I. Principle
astro-ph/0412180 Far-ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/0412181 Cosmic crystallography using short-lived objects - active galactic nuclei
astro-ph/0412182 Spin Correlation in Binary Systems
astro-ph/0412183 On the progenitor of V838 Monocerotis
astro-ph/0412184 Spectral energy distributions and luminosities of galaxies and AGN in the SPITZER SWIRE Legacy Survey
astro-ph/0412185 Evolutionary Memory in Binary Systems?
astro-ph/0412186 Dynamical modelling of stars and gas in NGC2974: determination of mass-to-light ratio, inclination and orbital structure by Schwarzschild’s method
astro-ph/0412187 Anisotropies in the Neutrino Fluxes and Heating Profiles in Two-dimensional, Time-dependent, Multi-group Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Rotating Core-Collapse Supernovae
astro-ph/0412188 Identification of a complete sample of northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-ray sources. VIII. The late-type stellar component
astro-ph/0412189 CCD uvby-beta photometry of the young open cluster NGC 663
astro-ph/0412190 The Disk Atmospheres of Three Herbig Ae/Be Stars
astro-ph/0412191 Non-parametric mass reconstruction of A1689 from strong lensing data with SLAP
astro-ph/0412192 The Surprisingly Steep Mass Profile of Abell 1689, from a Lensing Analysis of Subaru Images
astro-ph/0412193 Bypass to Turbulence in Hydrodynamic Accretion Disks: An Eigenvalue Approach
astro-ph/0412194 Bypass to Turbulence in Hydrodynamic Accretion: Lagrangian Analysis of Energy Growth
astro-ph/0412195 Gravitational Theory, Galaxy Rotation Curves and Cosmology without Dark Matter
astro-ph/0412196 A Wide-Field Survey of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0412197 Reconstructing Sunyaev-Zeldovich clusters in future CMB experiments
astro-ph/0412198 Light Elements in Main Sequence Stars: Li, Be, B, C, O
astro-ph/0412199 Dating COINS: Kinematic Ages for Compact Symmetric Objects
astro-ph/0412200 Star Formation Efficiencies and Star Cluster Formation
astro-ph/0412201 Close-coupling calculations of low-energy inelastic and elastic processes in $^4$He collisions with H$_2$: A comparative study of two potential energy surfaces
astro-ph/0412202 Molecular Hydrogen Formation on Ice Under Interstellar Conditions
astro-ph/0412203 Non-axisymmetric Structure of Accretion Disks in Be/X-ray Binaries
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